607 research outputs found

    The impact of test loads on the accuracy of 1RM prediction using the load-velocity relationship

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    Numerous methods have been proposed that use submaximal loads to predict one repetition maximum (1RM). One common method applies standard linear regression equations to load and average vertical lifting velocity (V; mean; ) data developed during squat jumps or three bench press throw (BP-T). The main aim of this project was to determine which combination of three submaximal loads during BP-T result in the most accurate prediction of 1RM Smith Machine bench press strength in healthy individuals.; In this study combinations of three BP-T loads were used to predict 1RM Smith Machine bench press strength. Additionally, we examined whether regression models developed using peak vertical bar velocity (V; peak; ), rather than V; mean; , provide the most accurate prediction of Smith Machine bench press 1RM. 1RM Smith Machine bench press strength was measured directly in 12 healthy regular weight trainers (body mass=80.8±5.7 kg). Two to three days later a linear position transducer attached to the collars on a Smith Machine was used to record V; mean; and V; peak; during BP-T between 30 and 70% of 1RM (10% increments).; Repeated measures analysis of variance testing showed that the mean values for slope and ordinate intercept for the regression models at each of the load ranges differed significantly depending on whether V; mean; or V; peak; were used in the prediction models (; P;  < 0.001). Conversely, the abscissa intercept did not differ significantly between either measure of vertical bar velocity at each load range. The key finding in this study was that 1RM Smith Machine bench press strength can be determined with high relative accuracy by examining V; mean; and V; peak; during BP-T over three loads, with the most precise models using V; peak; during loads representing 30, 40 and 50% of 1RM (; R; 2;  = 0.96,; SSE;  = 4.2 kg).; These preliminary findings indicate that exercise programmers working with normal healthy populations can accurately predict Smith Machine 1RM bench press strength using relatively light load Smith Machine BP-T testing, avoiding the need to expose their clients to potentially injurious loads

    miCROPe 2019 – emerging research priorities towards microbe-assisted crop production

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    The miCROPe 2019 symposium, which took place from 2 to 5 December 2019 in Vienna, Austria, has unified researchers and industry from around the world to discuss opportunities, challenges and needs of microbe-assisted crop production. There is broad consensus that microorganisms—with their abilities to alleviate biotic and abiotic stresses and to improve plant nutrition—offer countless opportunities to enhance plant productivity and to ameliorate agricultural sustainability. However, microbe-assisted cultivation approaches face challenges that need to be addressed before a breakthrough of such technologies can be expected. Following up on the miCROPe symposium and a linked satellite workshop on breeding for beneficial plant–microbe interactions, we carved out research priorities towards successful implementation of microbiome knowledge for modern agriculture. These include (i) to solve context dependency for microbial inoculation approaches and (ii) to identify the genetic determinants to allow breeding for beneficial plant–microbiome interactions. With the combination of emerging third generation sequencing technologies and new causal research approaches, we now stand at the crossroad of utilising microbe-assisted crop production as a reliable and sustainable agronomic practice

    Plant chemistry and food web health.

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    Plants are systemically relevant to our planet not only by constituting a major part of its biomass, but also because they produce a vast diversity of bioactive phytochemicals. These compounds often modulate interactions between plants and the environment, and can have substantial effects on plant consumers and their health. By taking a food web perspective, we highlight the role of bioactive phytochemicals in linking soils, plants, animals and humans and discuss their contributions to systems health. The analysis of connections among food web components revealed an underexplored potential of phytochemicals to optimize food web health and productivity

    Stereotactic posterior midline approach under direct microscopic view for biopsy of medulla oblongata tumors: technical considerations.

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    BACKGROUND Open and stereotactic transfrontal or transcerebellar approaches have been used to biopsy brainstem lesions. METHOD In this report, a stereotactic posterior and midline approach to the distal medulla oblongata under microscopic view is described. The potential advantages and limitations are discussed, especially bilateral damage of the X nerve nuclei. CONCLUSION This approach should be considered for biopsy of distal and posterior lesions. We strongly recommend the use of direct microscopic view to identify the medullary vessels, confirm the midline entry point, and avoid potential shift of the medulla. Further experience is needed to confirm safety and success rate of this approach

    Meeting in the Middle: Towards Successful Multidisciplinary Bioimage Analysis Collaboration

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    With an increase in subject knowledge expertise required to solve specific biological questions, experts from different fields need to collaborate to address increasingly complex issues. To successfully collaborate, everyone involved in the collaboration must take steps to "meet in the middle". We thus present a guide on truly cross-disciplinary work using bioimage analysis as a showcase, where it is required that the expertise of biologists, microscopists, data analysts, clinicians, engineers, and physicists meet. We discuss considerations and best practices from the perspective of both users and technology developers, while offering suggestions for working together productively and how this can be supported by institutes and funders. Although this guide uses bioimage analysis as an example, the guiding principles of these perspectives are widely applicable to other cross-disciplinary work

    Acupuncture in chemotherapy-induced dysgeusia (AcuDysg): study protocol of a randomised controlled trial

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    Introduction: Dysgeusia is a common side effect of chemotherapy in patients with cancer, but to date, there is no effective treatment. Many patients with cancer request complementary medicine treatment in addition to their cancer treatments, and acupuncture is highly accepted for patients with cancer; however, evidence regarding the effectiveness of acupuncture for dysgeusia is scarce.The study investigates the effectiveness of an additional dysgeusia-specific acupuncture plus self-acupressure intervention compared with supportive acupuncture plus self-acupressure intervention alone for chemotherapy-induced dysgeusia in patients with cancer. Methods and analysis: This is a multicentre, randomised, controlled and two-armed parallel-group, single-blind trial involving 130 patients. Both groups will receive eight sessions of acupuncture treatment over a period of 8 weeks and will be trained to perform self-acupressure (eLearning combined with therapist instruction) at predefined acupressure points once a day during the whole treatment period. Patients in the control group will receive supportive routine care acupuncture and self-acupressure treatment only; in addition to this treatment, the intervention group will receive the dysgeusia-specific acupuncture and acupressure within the same treatment session. The primary outcome is the perceived dysgeusia over 8 weeks, measured weekly after the acupuncture treatment. Secondary outcomes include the indices from the objective taste and smell test, weight loss, perceived dysgeusia, fatigue, distress, nausea and vomiting, odynophagia, xerostomia and polyneuropathy, as well as quality of life at the different time points. Ethics and dissemination: The study has been approved by the Cantonal Ethics Committee (CEC) (Kanton ZĂĽrich Kantonale Ethikkommission) (approval no. KEK-ZH-Nr. 2020-01900). The results will be submitted to a peer-reviewed journal for publication

    Application of Mycorrhiza and Soil from a Permaculture System Improved Phosphorus Acquisition in Naranjilla

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    Naranjilla (Solanum quitoense) is a perennial shrub plant mainly cultivated in Ecuador, Colombia, and Central America where it represents an important cash crop. Current cultivation practices not only cause deforestation and large-scale soil degradation but also make plants highly susceptible to pests and diseases. The use of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can offer a possibility to overcome these problems. AMF can act beneficially in various ways, for example by improving plant nutrition and growth, water relations, soil structure and stability and protection against biotic and abiotic stresses. In this study, the impact of AMF inoculation on growth and nutrition parameters of naranjilla has been assessed. For inoculation three European reference AMF strains (Rhizoglomus irregulare, Claroideoglomus claroideum, and Cetraspora helvetica) and soils originating from three differently managed naranjilla plantations in Ecuador (conventional, organic, and permaculture) have been used. This allowed for a comparison of the performance of exotic AMF strains (reference strains) versus native consortia contained in the three soils used as inocula. To study fungal communities present in the three soils, trap cultures have been established using naranjilla as host plant. The community structures of AMF and other fungi inhabiting the roots of trap cultured naranjilla were assessed using next generation sequencing (NGS) methods. The growth response experiment has shown that two of the three reference AMF strains, a mixture of the three and soil from a permaculture site led to significantly better acquisition of phosphorus (up to 104%) compared to uninoculated controls. These results suggest that the use of AMF strains and local soils as inoculants represent a valid approach to improve nutrient uptake efficiency of naranjilla and consequently to reduce inputs of mineral fertilizers in the cultivation process. Improved phosphorus acquisition after inoculation with permaculture soil might have been caused by a higher abundance of AMF and the presence of Piriformospora indica as revealed by NGS. A higher frequency of AMF and enhanced root colonization rates in the trap cultures supplemented with permaculture soil highlight the importance of diverse agricultural systems for soil quality and crop production

    Renforcer la prise d'une contraception postpartum en améliorant l'adhésion thérapeutique: travail de Bachelor

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    Depuis 2014, de nouvelles recommandations de l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé [OMS] sollicitent les professionnels de la santé, en particulier les sages-femmes, pour œuvrer en faveur de l'espacement des naissances. Cependant, le taux de grossesses rapprochées reste présent et le conseil contraceptif en matière de contraception postpartum se révèle insuffisant. Ce travail est une revue de la littérature scientifique. Cinq articles ont été sélectionnés dans les bases de données suivantes : Medline, CINAHL, PsycINFO et MIDIRS, grâce à certains mots-clés tels que "Counseling contraception", "adherence and compliance" et "postpartum period". Le choix des cinq articles est basé sur certains critères de sélection et sur la pertinence desdits articles. Ils ont été analysés et discutés en regard du concept d'adhésion thérapeutique
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