149 research outputs found

    Toda a vida: desenvolvimento de design de identidade visual corporativa mutante poética

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    No crescente mercado da indústria de alimentos orgânicos, muitas empresas ainda estão criando identidades visuais convencionais para representar seus produtos. Uma estratégia que pode, muitas vezes, ficar distante de uma fiel tradução da essência natural. A natureza é viva, livre e fluida. O objetivo deste estudo é criar uma identidade visual corporativa (IVC), com o papel de traduzir a essência de uma marca de produtos orgânicos. Para a realização do presente estudo, foi escolhido a metodologia qualitativa descritiva (GIL, 2006), e os instrumentos foram: pesquisa bibliográfica (STUMPF, 2006); de internet (YAMAOKA, 2006); análise de discurso (MANHÃES, 2006); análise semiótica (PENN, 2002); estudo de caso (DUARTE, 2006). Já para a construção da identidade visual da marca foi utilizada a metodologia de construção de Marcas Mutantes (KREUTZ, 2012). Este estudo se justifica na medida em que as Marcas Mutantes (KREUTZ, 2001) são uma prática contemporânea, cada vez mais presente nas estratégias de branding, para diferenciar-se dos seus concorrentes e promover a interação da marca com seus públicos. Além disso, uma marca de produtos ligados à natureza pode justificar ainda mais o uso dessa estratégia, relacionando as mutações da marca gráfica, com as mutações da natureza, que é viva. Como resultado, o estudo apresenta todas as fases de construção de uma Identidade Visual Mutante que traduz a essência de sua marca e poderá servir para orientar profissionais, acadêmicos e empresários nas escolhas estratégicas das marcas pelas quais são responsáveis.In the growing market for the organic food industry, many companies are still creating conventional visual identities to represent their products. A strategy that can often be far from a faithful translation of the natural essence. Nature is alive, free and fluid. The purpose of this study is to create a corporate visual identity (CVI), with the role of translating the essence of a brand of organic products. To carry out this study, the descriptive qualitative methodology was chosen (GIL, 2006), and the instruments were: bibliographic research (STUMPF, 2006); of internet (YAMAOKA, 2006); discourse analysis (MANHÃES, 2006); semiotic analysis (PENN, 2002); case study (DUARTE, 2006). For the construction of the visual identity of the brand, the methodology of construction of Mutant Brands was used (KREUTZ, 2012). This study is justified insofar as the Mutant Brands (KREUTZ, 2001) are a contemporary practice, increasingly present in branding strategies, to differentiate themselves from their competitors and promote the interaction of the brand with its audiences. In addition, a brand of products linked to nature can further justify the use of this strategy, relating the mutations of the graphic brand to the mutations of nature, which is alive. As a result, the study presents all the phases of building a Mutant Visual Identity that reflects the essence of your brand and can serve to guide professionals, academics and entrepreneurs in the strategic choices of the brands for which they are responsible

    Spatiotemporal correlation of epileptiform activity and gene expression – an in vitro study in rodent brain slices

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    Hintergrund: Einer Epilepsie liegt eine komplexe und oft polygene Pathophysiologie zugrunde, die durch eine Dysregulation biologischer Netzwerke und Zellfunktionen verursacht wird. Genexpressionsanalysen in Abhängigkeit von epilepsietypischer Aktivität können das Verständnis beteiligter zellulärer Signalkaskaden verbessern. Bisher wurden dafür überwiegend Tiermodelle eingesetzt, die die humanen Bedingungen nur eingeschränkt rekapitulieren können. Durch Verwendung eines in vitro Anfallsmodells eröffnen sich Perspektiven, anfallsassoziierte Veränderungen der Genexpression auch in humanem Gewebe ex vivo zu studieren. Als Voraussetzung für einen translationalen Forschungsansatz haben wir die grundsätzliche Eignung eines etablierten in vitro Modells zur Untersuchung der Modulation von Genexpression infolge epilepsietypischer Aktivität evaluiert. Dafür haben wir das 4-Aminopyridin-Modell (4-AP-Modell) verwendet. In Rattenhirnschnitten wurde das Ausbreitungsmuster anfallsartiger Ereignisse (AE) mit den mRNA-Spiegeln der untersuchten Gene c-Fos (FOS-Proto-Onkogen), Icer (engl. inducible cAMP early repressor) und mTor (engl. mechanistic target of rapamycin) korreliert. Methoden: Von naiven Ratten (Wistar Han) wurden kombinierte entorhinal-hippocampale Hirnschnitte (400 μm) angefertigt und AE in vitro durch 4-AP induziert. Die AE wurden durch Messung extrazellulärer Feldpotentiale und intrinsischer optischer Signale erfasst. Die Interventionsdauer variierte zwischen 1 und 4 Stunden. Anschließend erfolgte eine relative Quantifizierung der mRNA-Spiegel durch Reverse-Transkriptase-Polymerase-Kettenreaktion (RT-PCR) unter Verwendung von Ywhaz als Referenzgen. Ergebnisse: In den akuten Rattenhirnschnitten konnten durch 4-AP regelmäßig auftretende AE in anhaltend stabiler Frequenz induziert werden. Die meisten AE hatten ihren Ursprung im temporalen Kortex, breiteten sich zum entorhinalen Kortex aus und zeigten nur selten eine Einbeziehung der Hippocampusformation. Infolge der Präparation und Lagerung der Hirnschnitte wurde bereits in den Kontrollschnitten eine Zunahme der c-Fos und Icer mRNA beobachtet. Die epilepsietypische Aktivität in vitro resultierte in einer zusätzlichen zeitabhängigen Induktion der Genexpression von c-Fos und Icer. In Übereinstimmung mit dem regionalen Ausbreitungsmuster der AE war der mRNA Anstieg beider Gene im temporalen Kortex am stärksten. Für mTor ließ sich keine Änderung der Genexpression infolge epilepsietypischer Aktivität nachweisen. Schlussfolgerung: Bei positivem Nachweis einer regionalen und zeitlichen Korrelation zwischen elektrophysiologisch-optischen und molekularbiologischen Parametern epilepsietypischer Aktivität schlussfolgern wir, dass das akute Hirnschnittmodell mit 4-AP induzierten AE für Genexpressionsstudien geeignet ist. Daher können Transkriptomanalysen in humanen Hirnschnitten perspektivisch Einblicke in die molekularen Grundlagen der Pathophysiologie von Epilepsien geben.Background: Epilepsy is considered as a complex and often polygenic disorder caused by dysregulation of biological networks and cellular functions. Analysis of gene expression changes due to epileptiform activity may enhance the understanding of involved molecular signaling cascades. Until now, animal models have been predominantly used for this purpose, but they can only recapitulate the humane conditions to a limited extent. In vitro seizure models provide perspectives to determine seizure-associated changes in gene expression also in human tissue ex vivo. As requirement for a translational approach, we evaluated the suitability of an established in vitro model to examine modulation of gene expression caused by epileptiform activity. For this, we used the 4-aminopyridine model (4-AP model). In rat brain slices, the propagation pattern of epileptiform activity was correlated with gene expression of the candidate genes c-Fos (FOS-Proto-Oncogene), Icer (inducible cAMP early repressor) and mTor (mechanistic target of rapamycin). Methods: In combined entorhinal-hippocampal brain slices (400 μm) prepared from naive Wistar Han rats, epileptiform events in vitro were induced by 4-AP and monitored using recordings of extracellular field potentials and intrinsic optical signals. The duration of the intervention ranged from 1 to 4 hours. The mRNA levels were relatively quantified by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) using Ywhaz as reference gene. Results: In acute rat brain slices, 4-AP was effective in inducing recurrent epileptiform activity at a persistently stable frequency. The majority of epileptiform events had their origin in the temporal cortex, propagated to the entorhinal cortex and rarely showed any hippocampal involvement. As a result of the preparation and storage of slices, an increase of c-Fos and Icer mRNA was already apparent in control slices. The epileptiform activity in vitro resulted in an additional time-dependent induction of c-Fos and Icer gene expression. Correlating with the regional propagation, the induction of both genes was strongest in the temporal cortex. The mTor gene expression did not show any changes following epileptiform activity. Conclusion: Demonstrating a positive spatiotemporal correlation between electrophysiological-optical and molecular parameters of epileptiform activity, we conclude that the acute brain slice model with 4-AP induced epileptiform events is suitable for gene expression studies. Perspectively, transcriptome analyses in human brain tissue may enhance our knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of the pathophysiology of epilepsies

    Comparação entre avaliações funcionais de membros inferiores pré e pós-período de preparação em atletas de voleibol feminino de base

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    O voleibol de rendimento evoluiu em diversos aspectos, e, um deles, é a exigência física, que chegou a um patamar que não envolve somente o desejo de jogar bem, mas sim, a soma de diversos requisitos associados às técnicas de treinamento. Em uma partida de voleibol acontecem de 250 a 300 atos motores, representados nos saltos, corridas e quedas. Esta gama variada de exigências, associada à deficiências físicas e/ou posturais, pode levar o atleta a desenvolver algum tipo de lesão. O objetivo do presente estudo é comparar as avaliações funcionais realizadas no pré e pós período de preparação em uma equipe de voleibol de base feminina. A metodologia empregada caracteriza- se como quantitativa, descritiva e transversal, utilizando informações do banco de dados de uma equipe de voleibol feminino, que aplicou o Y Balance Test (YBT) em 12 atletas da categoria infanto juvenil. Os resultados foram tabulados em uma planilha Excel, na qual foi calculado o score composto, descritos por meio de média e desvio padrão, e comparados a partir do Teste T de Student pareado. A equipe obteve como média no período pré preparação o score composto para a perna direita 96,37 (dp 5,26) e para esquerda 97,62 (dp 6,25). Dentre as atletas avaliadas, apenas uma (8,33%) apresentou risco de lesão nas duas avaliações realizadas (pré-temporada e pós-preparação), três vezes e meia maior que suas colegas de equipe, com valores de 87,81 para direita e 85,10 para esquerda. Conclui-se que, o risco de lesões da equipe avaliada é baixo, e que as avaliações funcionais de pré e pós-preparação são fundamentais no auxílio à prevenção de lesões de membros inferiores no voleibol.Summary: The performance volleyball evolved in many ways, and one of them is the physical requirement, that reached a plateau that does not evolve just the wish of playing well, but, the sum of a lot of associated questions to the training techniques. In a volleyball match, happens 250 to 300 engine acts, represented in the jumps, races and falls. This range varied of requirements associated with physical and/or postural deficiencies can take the athlete to develop some kinds of injuries. The purpose of the present study is to compare the functional evaluations made in the pre and post preparation period in female volleyball athlete base team. The methodology used is characterized as quantitative, descriptive and transversal, using database information from a female volleyball team that applied the Y Balance Test (YBT) on 12 athletes from the youth category. The results were tabulated in an Excel worksheet, calculated the compound score, described by means of average and standard deviation and compared from the T test of Student paired. The team obtained as average in the compound score to the right leg 96,37 (dp. 5,26) and to the left leg 97,62 (dp.6,25). Among the evaluated athletes, just one (8,33%) showed injury risk on both evaluations made (pre-season and post-preparation), three times and a half more than her team partners, with values of 87,81 to the right and 85,10 to the left. It is concluded that the risks of injury from the evaluated team is low and that the functional evaluations of pre and post-preparation are fundamental for the prevention of inferior members injuries help on volleyball

    Tracking Performance of Higher Education Institutions: A proposal for integrated assessment

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    Tradicionalmente, ferramentas de administração, tais como o Planejamento Estratégico e seu acompanhamento através de Balanced Scorecard e instrumentos de Programas de Qualidade, são utilizadas para monitoramento de desempenho das organizações. Porém, para Instituições de Ensino Superior, as Diretrizes do Sistema Nacional de Avaliação da Educação Superior têm destaque nesta tarefa. Como estes instrumentos divergem em seus objetivos e formas de abordagem, o presente trabalho discute a elaboração de um aparato único que contemple as necessidades de avaliação das Instituições de Ensino Superior brasileiras.Traditionally management tools such as Strategic Planning, Balanced Scorecard and instruments of Quality Programs are used for monitoring the performance of organizations. However, for higher education institutions the Guidelines of the National Assessment of Higher Education - SINAES is highlighted in this task. As these instruments differ in their goals and ways of approach, this paper discusses the development of a unique apparatus that fulfills the needs of assessment of higher education institutions in Brazil

    Melhorias em serviços de suporte de uma empresa de tecnologia da informação a partir da priorização de atributos de qualidade percebida: percepções de funcionários e gestores

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    Within the context of service management, customer support proves to be fundamental in customer value and retention. This brings the need to seek understanding the processes of a support service, as well as the elements that, if present with quality, bring satisfaction to the customer. This article aimed to identify perceived quality attributes by mapping the support services process in an information technology company. Two methodologies were used together, the Service Blueprint and the Kano Model, to map the elements of the support service process of the company and, with that, raise relevant quality attributes. Among the main results, the different perceptions between managers and frontline employees in relation to quality attributes stand out. Through the analysis carried out, it was possible to indicate points of improvement in the process seeking to improve customer service.Dentro do contexto da gestão de serviços, o suporte ao cliente prova-se fundamental na geração de valor para o consumidor e na retenção do mesmo. Essa importância carrega consigo a necessidade de buscar o entendimento dos processos, bem como os elementos de qualidade que trazem maior satisfação ao cliente. Este artigo teve como objetivo identificar atributos de qualidade percebida através do mapeamento do processo de serviços de suporte em uma empresa de tecnologia de informação. Utilizou-se, em conjunto, duas metodologias, o Service Blueprint e o Modelo Kano, para mapear os elementos do processo do serviço de suporte e levantar atributos de qualidade pertinentes. Dentre os principais resultados destacam-se as diferentes percepções entre os gestores e funcionários de linha de frente em relação aos atributos de qualidade. Através da análise realizada, foi possível indicar pontos de melhoria no processo buscando aperfeiçoar o atendimento ao cliente

    Melhorias em serviços de suporte de uma empresa de tecnologia da informação a partir da priorização de atributos de qualidade percebida : percepções de funcionários e gestores

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    Dentro do contexto da gestão de serviços, o suporte ao cliente prova-se fundamental na geração de valor para o consumidor e na retenção do mesmo. Essa importância carrega consigo a necessidade de buscar o entendimento dos processos, bem como os elementos de qualidade que trazem maior satisfação ao cliente. Este artigo teve como objetivo identificar atributos de qualidade percebida através do mapeamento do processo de serviços de suporte em uma empresa de tecnologia de informação. Utilizou-se, em conjunto, duas metodologias, o Service Blueprint e o Modelo Kano, para mapear os elementos do processo do serviço de suporte e levantar atributos de qualidade pertinentes. Dentre os principais resultados destacam-se as diferentes percepções entre os gestores e funcionários de linha de frente em relação aos atributos de qualidade. Através da análise realizada, foi possível indicar pontos de melhoria no processo buscando aperfeiçoar o atendimento ao cliente.Within the context of service management, customer support proves to be fundamental in customer value and retention. This brings the need to seek understandingthe processes of a support service, as well as the elements that, if present with quality, bringsatisfaction to the customer. This article aimed to identify perceived quality attributes by mapping the support services process in an information technology company.Two methodologies were used together,the Service Blueprint and the Kano Model, tomap the elements of the support service process of the company and, with that, raise relevant quality attributes. Among the main results, the different perceptions between managers and frontline employees in relation to quality attributes stand out. Through the analysis carried out, it was possible to indicate points of improvement in the process seeking to improve customer service

    Field-angle-dependent specific heat measurements and gap determination of a heavy fermion superconductor URu2Si2

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    To identify the superconducting gap structure in URu2Si2 we perform field-angle-dependent specific heat measurements for the two principal orientations in addition to field rotations, and theoretical analysis based on microscopic calculations. The Sommerfeld coefficient \gamma(H)'s in the mixed state exhibit distinctively different field-dependence. This comes from point nodes and substantial Pauli paramagnetic effect of URu2Si2. These two features combined give rise to a consistent picture of superconducting properties, including a possible first order transition of Hc2 at low temperatures.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Angular Dependence of the High-Magnetic-Field Phase Diagram of URu2Si2

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    We present measurements of the magnetoresistivity RHOxx of URu2Si2 single crystals in high magnetic fields up to 60 T and at temperatures from 1.4 K to 40 K. Different orientations of the magnetic field have been investigated permitting to follow the dependence on Q of all magnetic phase transitions and crossovers, where Q is the angle between the magnetic field and the easy-axis c. We find out that all magnetic transitions and crossovers follow a simple 1/cos(Q) -law, indicating that they are controlled by the projection of the field on the c-axis

    Effects of Uniaxial Stress on Antiferromagnetic Moment in the Heavy Electron Compound URu_2Si_2

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    We have performed the elastic neutron scattering experiments under uniaxial stress \sigma along the tetragonal [100], [110] and [001] directions for URu2Si2. For \sigma // [100] and [110], the antiferromagnetic moment \mu_o is strongly enhanced from 0.02 \mu_B (\sigma=0) to 0.22 \mu_B (\sigma=2.5 kbar) at 1.5 K. The rate of increase d\mu_o/d\sigma is roughly estimated to be ~ 0.1 \mu_B/kbar, which is much larger than that for the hydrostatic pressure (~ 0.025 \mu_B/kbar). Above 2.5 kbar, \mu_o shows a tendency to saturate similar to the behavior in the hydrostatic pressure. For \sigma // [001], on the other hand, \mu_o shows only a slight increase to 0.028 \mu_B (\sigma = 4.6 kbar) with a rate of ~ 0.002 \mu_B/kbar. The observed anisotropy suggests that the competition between the hidden order and the antiferromagnetic state in URu2Si2 is strongly coupled with the tetragonal four-fold symmetry and the c/a ratio, or both.Comment: 3 pages, 3 eps figures, Proceedings of Int. Conf. on Strongly Correlated Electrons with Orbital Degrees of Freedom (Sendai, Japan, September 11-14, 2001

    Induced-Moment Weak Antiferromagnetism and Orbital Order on the Itinerant-Localized Duality Model with Nested Fermi Surface: A Possible Origin of Exotic Magnetism in URu2{}_{2}Si2_{2}

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    The weak antiferromagnetism of URu2{}_{2}Si2{}_{2} is discussed on the basis of a duality model which takes into account salient features of both itinerant fermions and "localized" component of spin degrees of freedom. The problem is analyzed in the framework of induced-moment mechanism by taking a singlet-singlet crystal field scheme together with the nesting property of partial Fermi surface of itinerant fermions . It is shown that the extremely small ordered moment mm of O{\cal O}(10210^{-2}×\timesμB\mu_{B}) can be compatible with the large specific-heat jump at the transition temperature TNT_{N}. Analysis performed in the presence of external magnetic field shows that the field dependence of mm in the limit T\to 0 and T_{N}$ do not scale except very near the critical field B which is consistent with a recent observation by Mentink. It is also shown that the antiferromagnetic magnetic order gives rise to a tiny amount of antiferromagnetic orbital order of f-electrons.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure PS file, accepted J. Phys. Soc. Jp