48 research outputs found

    Eine Aufgabe mit SchlĂĽsselfunktion

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    Erfahrungsbericht: Im Rahmen ihres Studiums Master of Science in Nursing an der Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften in Winterthur absolvierte Cornelia Stricker ein Workshadowing im Pflegedienst des Universitätskinderspitals Zürich. Innerhalb von zwei Wochen erhielt sie einen direkten Einblick in die Pflegepraxis der Pflegeexpertinnen APN Kardiologie, APN Onkologie und APN Kontinenz und über ihre Verankerung in der klinischen Praxis. Hier beschreibt sie die vielfältigen Aufgaben pädiatrischer Pflegeexperten APN in der klinischen Praxis und zeigt Möglichkeiten des Umgangs auf

    Assessment of compression forces in a digitally modified short leg cast for pressure injury risk monitoring in healthy children

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    IntroductionCasting is an essential treatment for neuro-orthopedic conditions in children with cognitive, sensory, and communicational disabilities. However, a main side-effect is the development of pressure injuries resulting in additional (wound) therapies and prolongation of the hospital stay. The primary aim of our study was to investigate the potential of objective pressure measurements in casts to assess the risk for pressure injury development.MethodsFive pediatric healthy participants were included in this study. We measured the global and the local compression force at body sites prone to pressure injury development for different body positions and the transfer in-between in a cast equipped with pressure sensors. These conditions resulted in partial or full body weight loading.Results and discussionThe global maximum compression force was affected significantly by body postures with partial and full loading of the cast and during transfer. The local compression force significantly correlated with the global compression force at the heel and instep area. In conclusion, the integration of sensing technologies into casts bears a high potential for early recognition of critical conditions inside the cast and inducing preventive measures in the at-risk population

    Comparison of clinical characteristics and healthcare resource use of pediatric chronic and non-chronic critically ill patients in intensive care units: a retrospective national registry study

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    IntroductionChronic critically ill patients (CCI) in pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) are at risk of negative health outcomes, and account for a considerable amount of ICU resources. This study aimed to (a) describe the prevalence of CCI children, (b) compare their clinical characteristics and ICU resources use with non-CCI children, and (c) identify associated risk factors of CCI.MethodsA retrospective national registry study including 2015–2017 data from the eight Swiss PICUs of five tertiary and three regional hospitals, admitting a broad case-mix of medical and surgical patients, including pre- and full-term infants. CCI patients were identified using an adapted definition: PICU length of stay (LOS) ≥8 days and dependence on ≥1 PICU technology.ResultsOut of the 12,375 PICU admissions, 982 (8%) were CCI children and compared to non-CCI children, they were younger (2.8 vs. 6.7 months), had more cardiac conditions (24% vs. 12%), and higher mortality rate (7% vs. 2%) (p < 0.001). Nursing workload was higher in the CCI compared to the non-CCI group (22 [17–27]; 21 [16–26] respectively p < 0.001). Factors associated with CCI were cardiac (aOR = 2.241) and neurological diagnosis (aOR = 2.062), surgery (aORs between 1.662 and 2.391), ventilation support (aOR = 2.278), high mortality risk (aOR = 1.074) and agitation (aOR = 1.867).Conclusionthe results confirm the clinical vulnerability and the complexity of care of CCI children as they were defined in our study. Early identification and adequate staffing is required to provide appropriate and good quality care

    Pressure ulcers in pediatric patients : a challenge!

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    Pflegerische Konzepte bei der Betreuung und Begleitung schwer thermisch verletzter Säuglinge und ihrer Familien

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    [Decubitus ulcer in children--an often underrated nursing problem]

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    Pflegeberatung: Begleitung fĂĽr Familien und Patienten ĂĽber den Spitalaufenthalt hinaus

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