87 research outputs found

    Tell me, what are you most afraid of? Exploring the Effects of Agent Representation on Information Disclosure in Human-Chatbot Interaction

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    Self-disclosure counts as a key factor influencing successful health treatment, particularly when it comes to building a functioning patient-therapist-connection. To this end, the use of chatbots may be considered a promising puzzle piece that helps foster respective information provision. Several studies have shown that people disclose more information when they are interacting with a chatbot than when they are interacting with another human being. If and how the chatbot is embodied, however, seems to play an important role influencing the extent to which information is disclosed. Here, research shows that people disclose less if the chatbot is embodied with a human avatar in comparison to a chatbot without embodiment. Still, there is only little information available as to whether it is the embodiment with a human face that inhibits disclosure, or whether any type of face will reduce the amount of shared information. The study presented in this paper thus aims to investigate how the type of chatbot embodiment influences self-disclosure in human-chatbot-interaction. We conducted a quasi-experimental study in which n=178n=178 participants were asked to interact with one of three settings of a chatbot app. In each setting, the humanness of the chatbot embodiment was different (i.e., human vs. robot vs. disembodied). A subsequent discourse analysis explored difference in the breadth and depth of self-disclosure. Results show that non-human embodiment seems to have little effect on self-disclosure. Yet, our data also shows, that, contradicting to previous work, human embodiment may have a positive effect on the breadth and depth of self-disclosure.Comment: 13 page

    Digital divides in the social construction of history: Editor representation in Wikipedia articles on African independence processes

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    Ziel des vorliegenden Beitrages ist es, verschiedene Formen digitaler Ungleichheit im Rahmen von Kollaborationsprozessen online zu untersuchen. Konkret analysieren wir digitale Ungleichheiten hinsichtlich der geografischen Herkunft von Editor*innen der Wikipedia. Der aktuelle Forschungsstand zeigt, dass Teilnehmer*innen aus Industrieländern hier besonders stark vertreten sind, während in anderen Regionen (insbesondere in sogenannten Entwicklungsländern) kaum Menschen teilnehmen. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht, wie sich die Autor*innengeographie in der Bearbeitung (Partizipation, Einfluss und Erfolg) von Artikeln zu den Unabhängigkeitsprozessen ehemaliger Kolonien in Afrika widerspiegelt. Die Analyse basiert auf insgesamt 354 Wikipedia-Artikeln. Anhand der Geolokalisierung von 75% der beteiligten Editor*innen (N = 23.408) zeigen wir, dass die meisten Bearbeitungen von Editor*innen aus Frankreich vorgenommen werden. Dieses Ungleichgewicht zeigt sich auch gemessen am gesamten Textanteil im Laufe der Zeit. Auf der Ebene der einzelnen Nutzer*innen lässt sich jedoch feststellen, dass Editor*innen aus Frankreich nur geringfügig erfolgreicher sind als jene aus den afrikanischen Nachfolgestaaten, wenn es um die längerfristige Sichtbarkeit ihrer Beiträge geht.The aim of the present paper is to examine different forms of digital divides that may occur during online collaboration. Specifically, we analyse digital inequalities regarding the geographical origin of editors active on Wikipedia. Existing evidence suggests a strong geographic bias among Wikipedia editors, as industrialized countries are strongly represented while others (especially developing countries) are virtually absent. The present study examines how editor geography is reflected in the editing of articles (participation, impact and success) about the independence of former French colonies in Africa. The analysis is based on 354 Wikipedia articles; by geolocating 75% of the editors (N = 23,408), we show that the majority of edits are made by users located in France. This imbalance is also reflected in the overall share of text they contribute over time. However, when looking at the individual user level, we find that editors from France are only slightly more successful in maintaining their contributions visible to the reader, than editors from African successor states

    Twitter-Öffentlichkeiten: Identifikation und Interpretation der Strukturen von Follower-Netzwerken

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    Der Beitrag nimmt die Struktur der Follower-Verknüpfungen zwischen TwitternutzerInnen in den Blick, die sich an bestimmten Themen und Diskursen beteiligen. Verdichtungen in diesen Netzwerken verstehen die Autoren als (Teil-)öffentlichkeiten, deren Analyse Einblicke in die Partizipationsstrukturen in öffentlichen Kommunikationsprozessen ermöglicht. Anhand zweier Beispiele aus dem Feld der politischen Kommunikation wird die Vorgehensweise bei der Datensammlung, -aufbereitung und -analyse dargelegt und vor dem Hintergrund des methodologischen Konzepts diskutiert. Die Ergebnisse der beiden Fallstudien werden anschließend verglichen und daraus Faktoren für die Beschreibung von Twitter-Communities in politischen Kontexten abgeleitet. Der Beitrag schließt mit einem Ausblick auf weiterführende Analysen und Anwendungsfelder von Clusteranalysen in Twitter-Follower-Netzwerken.The paper focuses on the follower networks of Twitter users that participate in specific discourses. Clusters within these networks are understood by the authors as publics. They argue that analyzing those publics provides insight into the structures of participation within public debates. After introducing their research framework and two case studies, the authors present each phase of their approach – from data gathering and processing to cluster analyses and interpretation. The results of the case studies are compared and used to distill the features that seem to define Twitter publics. The paper concludes with an overview of how these publics could provide the basis for additional analyses and a discussion of the method’s potential applications

    The multilingual Twitter-discourse on vaccination in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    There is evidence that specific segments of the population were hit particularly hard by the Covid-19 pandemic (e.g., people with a migration background). In this context, the impact and role played by online platforms in facilitating the integration or fragmentation of public debates and social groups is a recurring topic of discussion. This is where our study ties in, we ask: How is the topic of vaccination discussed and evaluated in different language communities in Germany on Twitter during the Covid-19 pandemic? We collected all tweets in German, Russian, Turkish, and Polish (i.e., the largest migrant groups in Germany) in March 2021 that included the most important keywords related to Covid-19 vaccination. All users were automatically geocoded. The data was limited to tweets from Germany. Our results show that the multilingual debate on Covid-19 vaccination in Germany does not have many structural connections. However, in terms of actors, arguments, and positions towards Covid-19 vaccination, the discussion in the different language communities is similar. This indicates that there is a parallelism of the debates but no social-discursive integration

    CUI@IUI: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges in Intelligent Conversational User Interface Interactions

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    This workshop aims to bring together the Intelligent User Inter- face (IUI) and Conversational User Interface (CUI) communities to understand the theoretical and methodological challenges in designing, deploying and evaluating CUIs. CUIs have continued to prosper with the increased use and technological developments in both text-based chatbots and speech-based systems. However, challenges remain in creating established theoretical and method- ological approaches for CUIs, and how these can be used with recent engineering advances. These include assessing the impact of inter- face design on user behaviours and perceptions, developing design guidelines, understanding the role of personalisation and issues of ethics and privacy. Our half-day multidisciplinary workshop brings together researchers and practitioners from the IUI and CUI communities in academia and industry. We aim to (1) identify and map out key focus areas and research challenges to address these critical theoretical and methodological gaps and (2) foster strong relationships between disciplines within and related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)

    Review of the BCI Competition IV

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    The BCI competition IV stands in the tradition of prior BCI competitions that aim to provide high quality neuroscientific data for open access to the scientific community. As experienced already in prior competitions not only scientists from the narrow field of BCI compete, but scholars with a broad variety of backgrounds and nationalities. They include high specialists as well as students. The goals of all BCI competitions have always been to challenge with respect to novel paradigms and complex data. We report on the following challenges: (1) asynchronous data, (2) synthetic, (3) multi-class continuous data, (4) session-to-session transfer, (5) directionally modulated MEG, (6) finger movements recorded by ECoG. As after past competitions, our hope is that winning entries may enhance the analysis methods of future BCIs.BMBF, 01IB001A, LOKI - Lernen zur Organisation komplexer Systeme der Informationsverarbeitung - Lernen im Kontext der SzenenanalyseBMBF, 01GQ0850, Bernstein Fokus Neurotechnologie - Nichtinvasive Neurotechnologie für Mensch-Maschine InteraktionEC/FP7/224631/EU/Tools for Brain-Computer Interaction/TOBIEC/FP7/216886/EU/Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning 2/PASCAL2BMBF, 01GQ0420, Verbundprojekt: Bernstein-Zentrum für Neural Dynamics, Freiburg - CNDFBMBF, 01GQ0761, Bewegungsassoziierte Aktivierung - Dekodierung bewegungsassoziierter GehirnsignaleBMBF, 01GQ0762, Bewegungsassoziierte Aktivierung - Gehirn- und Maschinenlerne

    Analysis of the interaction between elderly people and a simulated virtual coach

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    The EMPATHIC project develops and validates new interaction paradigms for personalized virtual coaches (VC) to promote healthy and independent aging. To this end, the work presented in this paper is aimed to analyze the interaction between the EMPATHIC-VC and the users. One of the goals of the project is to ensure an end-user driven design, involving senior users from the beginning and during each phase of the project. Thus, the paper focuses on some sessions where the seniors carried out interactions with a Wizard of Oz driven, simulated system. A coaching strategy based on the GROW model was used throughout these sessions so as to guide interactions and engage the elderly with the goals of the project. In this interaction framework, both the human and the system behavior were analyzed. The way the wizard implements the GROW coaching strategy is a key aspect of the system behavior during the interaction. The language used by the virtual agent as well as his or her physical aspect are also important cues that were analyzed. Regarding the user behavior, the vocal communication provides information about the speaker's emotional status, that is closely related to human behavior and which can be extracted from the speech and language analysis. In the same way, the analysis of the facial expression, gazes and gestures can provide information on the non verbal human communication even when the user is not talking. In addition, in order to engage senior users, their preferences and likes had to be considered. To this end, the effect of the VC on the users was gathered by means of direct questionnaires. These analyses have shown a positive and calm behavior of users when interacting with the simulated virtual coach as well as some difficulties of the system to develop the proposed coaching strategy.The research presented in this paper is conducted as part of the project EMPATHIC that has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 769872

    Surface Electron-Hole Rich Species Active in the Electrocatalytic Water Oxidation.

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    Iridium and ruthenium and their oxides/hydroxides are the best candidates for the oxygen evolution reaction under harsh acidic conditions owing to the low overpotentials observed for Ru- and Ir-based anodes and the high corrosion resistance of Ir-oxides. Herein, by means of cutting edge operando surface and bulk sensitive X-ray spectroscopy techniques, specifically designed electrode nanofabrication and ab initio DFT calculations, we were able to reveal the electronic structure of the active IrOx centers (i.e., oxidation state) during electrocatalytic oxidation of water in the surface and bulk of high-performance Ir-based catalysts. We found the oxygen evolution reaction is controlled by the formation of empty Ir 5d states in the surface ascribed to the formation of formally IrV species leading to the appearance of electron-deficient oxygen species bound to single iridium atoms (μ1-O and μ1-OH) that are responsible for water activation and oxidation. Oxygen bound to three iridium centers (μ3-O) remains the dominant species in the bulk but do not participate directly in the electrocatalytic reaction, suggesting bulk oxidation is limited. In addition a high coverage of a μ1-OO (peroxo) species during the OER is excluded. Moreover, we provide the first photoelectron spectroscopic evidence in bulk electrolyte that the higher surface-to-bulk ratio in thinner electrodes enhances the material usage involving the precipitation of a significant part of the electrode surface and near-surface active species

    Pulling Back the Curtain on the Wizards of Oz

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    The Wizard of Oz method is an increasingly common practice in HCI and CSCW studies as part of iterative design processes for interactive systems. Instead of designing a fully-fledged system, the ‘technical work’ of key system components is completed by human operators yet presented to study participants as if computed by a machine. However, little is known about how Wizard of Oz studies are interactionally and collaboratively achieved in situ by researchers and participants. By adopting an ethnomethodological perspective, we analyse our use of the method in studies with a voice-controlled vacuum robot and two researchers present. We present data that reveals how such studies are organised and presented to participants and unpack the coordinated orchestration work that unfolds ‘behind the scenes’ to complete the study. We examine how the researchers attend to participant requests and technical breakdowns, and discuss the performative, collaborative, and methodological nature of their work. We conclude by offering insights from our application of the approach to others in the HCI and CSCW communities for using the method

    Sketching Language: User-Centered Design of a Wizard of Oz Prototyping Framework

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    Part 1: Long and Short PapersInternational audienceResearch AreaWizard of Oz prototyping with modern Language Technology Components;Research TopicThis research aims at understanding the challenges involved in running Wizard of OZ experiments and searches for an optimal software interface supporting the actions of the wizard