373 research outputs found

    Overcoming Political Climate-Change Apathy in the Era of #FridaysForFuture

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    The non-result of the 2019 UN Climate Change Conference(COP25) confirmed that consensual political will for implementing the Paris Agreement is still lacking despite strident protests by civil society actors, such as #FridaysForFuture. Breaking this deadlock requires not only reconsidering global climate-governance architectures but also a more pronounced stance of researchers at the science-policy-society interface

    Herniorrafia inguinal bilateral videolaparoscĂłpica

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    Trabalho de ConclusĂŁo de Curso - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Curso de Medicina. Departamento de ClĂ­nica CirĂşrgica

    De-risking investment into concentrated solar power in North Africa: Impacts on the costs of electricity generation

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    A low-carbon energy transition on the basis of renewable energy sources (RES) is of crucial importance to solve the interlinked global challenges of climate change and energy security. However, large-scale deployment of RES requires substantial investments, including the participation of private capital. Scientific evidence shows that the economic feasibility of a RES project hinges on the availability of affordable project financing, which itself depends on risk perceptions by private investors. Since financing costs tend to be particularly high for capital-intensive RES projects and in developing countries, we investigate the impacts of addressing these perceived risks on electricity prices from semi-dispatchable concentrated solar power (CSP) in four North African countries. By employing a levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) model we find that comprehensively de-risking CSP investments leads to a 39% reduction in the mean LCOE from CSP. However, this reduction is still not sufficient to achieve economic competitiveness of CSP with highly subsidized conventional electricity from fossil fuels in North Africa. Hence, our results suggest that de-risking reflects an important strategy to foster the deployment of CSP in North Africa but additional measures to support RES, such as reconsidering fossil fuel subsidies, will be needed

    Applying Recent Insights From Climate Risk Management to Operationalize the Loss and Damage Mechanism

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    With the impacts of climate change already being felt across the globe, it is imperative to manage and avoid further irreversible loss and intolerable damage. Adaptive learning, linked to climate risk management (CRM) and building on principled socio-economic analysis, can help overcome substantial scientific and political challenges, and provide operational support for debate around the Warsaw International Mechanism (WIM) for Loss and Damage (L&D)

    The Carbon Content of Austrian Trade Flows in the European and International Trade Context

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    In this study CO2 emissions embodied in Austrian international trade are quantified employing a 66-region input output model of multidirectional trade. We find that Austria’s final demand CO2 responsibilities on a global scale are 38% higher than conventional statistics report (110 Mt-CO2 versus 79 Mt-CO2 in 2004). For each unit of Austrian final demand, currently two thirds of the thus triggered CO2 emissions occur outside Austrian borders. We then develop a 19-region computable general equilibrium model of Austria and its major trading partners and world regions to find that future Austrian climate policy can achieve the EU 20-20 emission reduction targets, but that its carbon trade balance would worsen considerably. Both unilateral EU and internationally coordinated climate policies affect Austrian international trade stronger than its domestic production.Multi-regional Input-Output Analysis, Multi-regional Computable General Equilibrium, Embodied emissions, Consumption-based principle, Carbon Leakage, Carbon dioxide, Unilateral Climate Policy

    Mainstreaming of climate extreme risk into fiscal and budgetary planning: application of stochastic debt and disaster fund analysis in Austria

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    While ageing-related costs are perceived as the major drivers of fiscal pressure in the EU, concerns over climate-related public expenditures have received comparatively little attention in securing the EU’s long-term fiscal sustainability. Using the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) scenarios as bridging concept for linking the assessment of public cost of demography- and climate-related expenditures, this study proposes a climate risk mainstreaming methodology. We apply a stochastic debt model and assess the potential flood risk in Austria to the public debt and the national disaster fund. Our results indicate that public debt under no fiscal consolidation is estimated to increase from the current level of 84.5% relative to GDP in 2015 to 92.1% in 2030, with macroeconomic variability adding further risk to the country’s baseline public debt trajectory. The study finds that the estimated public contingent liability due to expected flood risk is small relative to the size of economy. The existing earmarked disaster risk reduction (DRR) funding will likely reduce the risk of frequent-and-low impact floods, yet the current budgetary arrangement may be insufficient to deal with rising risk of extreme floods in the future. This prompts the need for further discussions regarding potential reforms of the disaster fund. As many EU member states are in the early stages of designing climate change policy strategies, the proposed method can support the mainstreaming of climate-related concerns into longer-term fiscal and budgetary planning

    A methodological framework to operationalize Climate Risk Management: Managing sovereign climate-related extreme event risk in Austria

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    Despite considerable uncertainties regarding the exact contribution of anthropogenic climate change to disaster risk, rising losses from extreme events have highlighted the need to comprehensively address climate-related risk. This requires linking climate adaptation to disaster risk management (DRM), leading to what has been broadly referred to as climate risk management (CRM). While this concept has received attention in debate, important gaps remain in terms of operationalizing it with applicable methods and tools for specific risks and decision-contexts. By developing and applying a methodological approach to CRM in the decision context of sovereign risk (flooding) in Austria we test the usefulness of CRM, and based on these insights, inform applications in other decision contexts. Our methodological approach builds on multiple lines of evidence and methods. These comprise of a broad stakeholder engagement process, empirical analysis of public budgets, and risk-focused economic modelling. We find that a CRM framework is able to inform instrumental as well as reflexive and participatory debate in practice. Due to the complex interaction of social-ecological systems with climate risks, and taking into account the likelihood of future contingent climate-related fiscal liabilities increasing substantially as a result of socioeconomic developments and climate change, we identify the need for advanced learning processes and iterative updates of CRM management plans. We suggest that strategies comprising a portfolio of policy measures to reduce and manage climate-related risks are particularly effective if they tailor individual instruments to the specific requirements of different risk layers. (authors' abstract

    Business model innovation in the digital musik industry

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    Durch dramatisch sinkende Verkaufszahlen innerhalb der letzten zehn Jahre kämpft die Musik Industrie mit einem unaufhaltbaren Einbruch der Umsätze. Die Entwicklung des Internets und der damit verbundene technologische Fortschritt haben neue Wege geebnet, Musik zu konsu-mieren. Die Entwicklung mobiler mp3 Player, CD-Brenner, sowie schnellen und kostengüns-tigen Internetverbindungen hat das Verhalten der Konsumenten maßgeblich verändert. Musik kann nun direkt aus dem Internet auf unterschiedliche Medien geladen und an nahezu jedem erdenklichen Ort genutzt werden. Es ist höchste Zeit für die Musikindustrie auf diese Verän-derungen zu reagieren. Die vorliegende Arbeit definiert den Begriff des Geschäftsmodells (Business Model), geht auf die Innovation des Geschäftsmodells (Business Model Innovation) näher ein und stellt die Geschäftsmodelle mittels Taxonomie (Business Model Framework) gegenüber. Etwaige Barrieren und Widerstände werden im Anschluss daran analysiert. Die Musikindustrie stellt den nächsten Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit dar. Mittels geschichtlichem Überblick wird der Werdegang der Musikindustrie von ihrer Entstehung bis heute dargestellt. Dies dient als Basis für die traditionellen Geschäftsmodelle, die teilweise bis heute noch zur Anwendung kommen. Die Analyse von innovativen Geschäftsmodellen und die Anwendung der Taxonomie in der Praxis stellen den Kern dieses Kapitels dar. Abschließend findet auch das Datenschutzgesetz Erwähnung.The falling sales figures and the associated revenue collapse within the music industry call for a major change. Due to the digital revolution and the gaining importance of personal com-puters (PC’s) as well as the Internet new ways to distribute music appeared. The technical development including broadband Internet, facilitated the progression of digital distribution offering music for little or no money. Music can now be downloaded in virtually no time on a legal or illegal basis. Unsurprisingly, the majority of downloads offered for free are cases of copyright infringement. Getting the desired music just in time without any delay or effort for free via illegal downloading is the problem the music industry is facing right now. It is need-less to say, that most of the customers and even some artists welcome this development. The digital age has introduced a new era of how music is being distributed. Downloads, as well as digital communities, are undoubtedly the future of the music industry. This master thesis ex-amines the basic element of each company, the business model. It will define the crucial ele-ments as well as potential improvement. Since the music industry is seeking for changes within their own business model, new ways to distribute music on a legal basis are indispensible. By that all the entrepreneurs involved within the value chain, might benefit. All the alternative distribution strategies will be based on the traditional value chain in order to make them comparable

    Über die Produktion von Tönen

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    Die vielfältigen Formen des Musizierens in der österreichischen Zwischenkriegszeit wurden in Konflikten um legitime und illegitime Musizierpraktiken immer wieder neu verhandelt. Im Zusammenhang zeitgenössischer Kategorien der Neudefinition und Neuorganisation von Arbeit mit technischen Entwicklungen und neuen Musikgenres wurden unterschiedliche Musizierformen höchst unterschiedlich praktiziert und behandelt. Durch eine systematische Analyse der Beziehungen zwischen Musizierformen, die bislang meist nur getrennt untersucht wurden, werden Hierarchien von Musizieren und Musizierenden zwischen (Nicht-)Kunst und (Nicht-)Beruflichkeit klar, die teilweise auch Jahrzehnte danach noch öffentliche Wahrnehmungen und wissenschaftliche Kategorisierungen von Musik beeinflussten

    Modeling for insights not numbers: The long-term low-carbon transformation

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    Limiting global warming to prevent dangerous climate change requires drastically reducing global greenhouse gases emissions and a transformation towards a low-carbon society. Existing energy- and climate-economic modeling approaches that are informing policy and decision makers in shaping the future net-zero emissions society are increasingly seen with skepticism regarding their ability to forecast the long-term evolution of highly complex, nonlinear social-ecological systems. We present a structured review of state-of-the-art modeling approaches, focusing on their ability and limitations to develop and assess pathways towards a low-carbon society. We find that existing methodological approaches have some fundamental deficiencies that limit their potential to understand the subtleties of long-term low-carbon transformation processes. We suggest that a useful methodological framework has to move beyond current state of the art techniques and has to simultaneously fulfill the following requirements: (1) representation of an inherent dynamic analysis, describing and investigating explicitly the path between different states of system variables, (2) specification of details in the energy cascade, in particular the central role of functionalities and services that are provided by the interaction of energy flows and corresponding stock variables, (3) reliance on a clear distinction between structures of the sociotechnical energy system and socioeconomic mechanisms to develop it and (4) ability to evaluate pathways along societal criteria. To that end we propose the development of a versatile multi-purpose integrated modeling framework, building on the specific strengths of the various modeling approaches available while at the same time omitting their weaknesses. This paper identifies respective strengths and weaknesses to guide such development
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