3,414 research outputs found

    Infalling Faint [OII] Emitters in Abell 851. I. Spectroscopic Confirmation of Narrowband-Selected Objects

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    We report on a spectroscopic confirmation of narrowband-selected [OII] emitters in Abell 851 catalogued by Martin et al. (2000). The optical spectra obtained from the Keck I Low Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (LRIS) and Keck II Deep Imaging Multi-Object Spectrograph (DEIMOS) have confirmed [OII]3727 emission in narrowband-selected cluster [OII] candidates at a 85% success rate for faint (i <~ 25) blue (g-i < 1) galaxies. The rate for the successful detection of [OII] emission is a strong function of galaxy color, generally proving the efficacy of narrowband [OII] search supplemented with broadband colors in selecting faint cluster galaxies with recent star formation. Balmer decrement-derived reddening measurements show a high degree of reddening [E(B-V) >~ 0.5] in a significant fraction of this population. Even after correcting for dust extinction, the [OII]/Ha line flux ratio for the high-E(B-V) galaxies remains generally lower by a factor of ~2 than the mean [OII]/Ha ratios reported by the studies of nearby galaxies. The strength of [OII] equivalent width shows a negative trend with galaxy luminosity while the Ha equivalent width does not appear to depend as strongly on luminosity. This in part is due to the high amount of reddening observed in luminous galaxies. Furthermore, emission line ratio diagnostics show that AGN-like galaxies are abundant in the high luminosity end of the cluster [OII]-emitting sample, with only moderately strong [OII] equivalent widths, consistent with a scenario of galaxy evolution connecting AGNs and suppression of star-forming activity in massive galaxies.Comment: 11 pages (LaTeX emulateapj), 8 figures, to appear in ApJ. A version with high resolution figures available from the lead autho

    How is modern bedside teaching structured? A video analysis of learning content, social and spatial structures

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    BACKGROUND: Bedside teaching (BST) is an essential and traditional clinical teaching format. It has been subject to various impediments and has transformed over time. Besides a decrease in bedside time, there has also been a didactic diversification. In order to use time at the bedside effectively and understand the current design of BST, we here offer an evidence-based insight into how BST is practiced. This may serve as a basis for a refinement of its didactic design. METHODS: In the current study, we investigate the interrelationships between learning content and the social as well as spatial structures of BST. To this end, we have empirically analysed almost 80 hours of video material from a total of 36 BST sessions with good interrater reliability. RESULTS: BST lasted on average 125 min, most of which was spent in plenary and less than a third of the time at the patient’s bedside. History taking was primarily practiced at the bedside while case presentations, clinical reasoning and theoretical knowledge were largely taught away from the patient. Clinical examination took place to a similar extent in the patient’s room and in the theory room. CONCLUSIONS: Even though the filmed BSTs are not purely “bedside”, the teaching format investigated here is a typical example of undergraduate medical education. In order to maximize the teaching time available, a suitable learning space should be provided in addition to the bedside. Moreover, the clinical examination should be revised in its general sequence prior to the BST, and conscious decisions should be made regarding the social structure so as to optimize the potential of small groups and plenary sessions

    Iterative Phase Optimization of Elementary Quantum Error Correcting Codes

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    Performing experiments on small-scale quantum computers is certainly a challenging endeavor. Many parameters need to be optimized to achieve high-fidelity operations. This can be done efficiently for operations acting on single qubits, as errors can be fully characterized. For multiqubit operations, though, this is no longer the case, as in the most general case, analyzing the effect of the operation on the system requires a full state tomography for which resources scale exponentially with the system size. Furthermore, in recent experiments, additional electronic levels beyond the two-level system encoding the qubit have been used to enhance the capabilities of quantum-information processors, which additionally increases the number of parameters that need to be controlled. For the optimization of the experimental system for a given task (e.g., a quantum algorithm), one has to find a satisfactory error model and also efficient observables to estimate the parameters of the model. In this manuscript, we demonstrate a method to optimize the encoding procedure for a small quantum error correction code in the presence of unknown but constant phase shifts. The method, which we implement here on a small-scale linear ion-trap quantum computer, is readily applicable to other AMO platforms for quantum-information processing

    Quantum computations on a topologically encoded qubit

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    The construction of a quantum computer remains a fundamental scientific and technological challenge, in particular due to unavoidable noise. Quantum states and operations can be protected from errors using protocols for fault-tolerant quantum computing (FTQC). Here we present a step towards this by implementing a quantum error correcting code, encoding one qubit in entangled states distributed over 7 trapped-ion qubits. We demonstrate the capability of the code to detect one bit flip, phase flip or a combined error of both, regardless on which of the qubits they occur. Furthermore, we apply combinations of the entire set of logical single-qubit Clifford gates on the encoded qubit to explore its computational capabilities. The implemented 7-qubit code is the first realization of a complete Calderbank-Shor-Steane (CSS) code and constitutes a central building block for FTQC schemes based on concatenated elementary quantum codes. It also represents the smallest fully functional instance of the color code, opening a route towards topological FTQC

    Qualidade de Vida e Atitudes dos Idosos Face à Velhice

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    A problemática do envelhecimento tem assumido, nos últimos anos, uma crescente importância na consciência coletiva da população, tornando-se cada vez mais importante compreender a população idosa e a sua realidade. Posto isto, foi realizado um estudo quantitativo e correlacional, que teve como objectivo avaliar a qualidade de vida e atitudes face à velhice de idosos, bem como a relação entre estas e as variáveis sociodemográficas e familiares. Foram inquiridos 100 idosos, com mais de 65 anos e sem deficit cognitivo . Para a recolha de dados utilizou-se uma entrevista estruturada, constituída dados sóciodemográficos do idoso, WHOQOL-AGE (Caballero, Miret, Power, Chatterji, Tobiasz-Adamczyk, Koskinen, Leonardi, Olaya, Haro &Ayuso-Mateos, 2013) e o AAQ ( Laidlaw, Power, Schmidt and the WHOQOL-OLD Group, 2007). Dos resultados destacamos os seguintes: A amostra é constituída por 52% de idosos do sexo masculino tendo uma média de idades de 74,7 (DP=6,8). È no fator Perdas Psicossociais e no Desenvolvimento Psicológico que os idosos têm uma melhor atitude face ao envelhecimento. É no item “Tem dinheiro suficiente para satisfazer as suas necessidades?” que os idosos apresentam uma menor qualidade de vida. Não ter doença diagnosticada e ser do sexo masculino permitem ter melhores atitudes face ao envelhecimento. A Qualidade de Vida está relacionada com a idade, com o estado de saúde e com a intensidade de preocupação da família. Constatou-se que os idosos que não estão institucionalizados apresentam uma melhor qualidade de vida e uma melhor atitude face à velhice. Quem não precisa de ajudas técnicas para se movimentar apresenta uma melhor qualidade de vida. Diferenças nas atitudes face ao envelhecimento consoante a residência onde habita são significativas nas mudanças físicas e no desenvolvimento psicológico sendo que os idosos que não vivem em lares têm uma atitude mais positiva em ambos os fatores. / Over the past few years the issue of aging has played a growing importance in the population`s collective consciousness becoming increasingly important to understand the elderly population and this reality. Therefore a quantitative correlational study was performed to assess the quality of life of seniors and their attitudes towards old age, and the relationship between these and the socio-demographic and family factors. 100 seniors with more than 65 years and without cognitive deficit were surveyed. For data collection we used a structured interview consisting of sociodemographic data of the elderly, WHOQOL-AGE (Caballero Miret Power Chatterji Tobiasz-Adamczyk Koskinen Leonardi Olaya Ayuso-Mateos & Haro 2013) and AAQ (Laidlaw Power Schmidt and the WHOQOL-OLD Group 2007). We highlight: The sample is composed of 52% of males with a mean age of 74.7 (SD = 6.8). It is in the factor Psychosocial Losses and Psychological Development that elderly people have a better attitude towards aging. It is in the item "Do you have enough money to meet your needs?" that seniors show less quality of life. Not having illness and being male allows having better attitudes towards aging. Quality of Life is related to age, health condition and the intensity of family concerns. It was observed that the elderly who are not institutionalized have a better quality of life and a better attitude towards old age. Who does not need assistive devices to move around has a better quality of life. Differences in attitudes towards aging, according to residency, are significant in physical changes and psychological development, thus verifying that elderly who do not live in nursing homes have a more positive attitude in both factors

    Revisiting Scalar and Pseudoscalar Couplings with Nucleons

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    Certain dark matter interactions with nuclei are mediated possibly by a scalar or pseudoscalar Higgs boson. The estimation of the corresponding cross sections requires a correct evaluation of the couplings between the scalar or pseudoscalar Higgs boson and the nucleons. Progress has been made in two aspects relevant to this study in the past few years. First, recent lattice calculations show that the strange-quark sigma term σs\sigma_s and the strange-quark content in the nucleon are much smaller than what are expected previously. Second, lattice and model analyses imply sizable SU(3) breaking effects in the determination on the axial-vector coupling constant gA8g_A^8 that in turn affect the extraction of the isosinglet coupling gA0g_A^0 and the strange quark spin component Δs\Delta s from polarized deep inelastic scattering experiments. Based on these new developments, we re-evaluate the relevant nucleon matrix elements and compute the scalar and pseudoscalar couplings of the proton and neutron. We also find that the strange quark contribution in both types of couplings is smaller than previously thought.Comment: 17 pages, Sec. II is revised and the pion-nucleon sigma term extracted from the scattering data is discussed. Version to appear in JHE

    Chiral effective theory with a light scalar and lattice QCD

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    We extend the usual chiral perturbation theory framework (χ\chiPT) to allow the inclusion of a light dynamical isosinglet scalar. Using lattice QCD results, and a few phenomenological inputs, we explore the parameter space of the effective theory. We discuss the S-wave pion-pion scattering lengths, extract the average value of the two light quark masses and evaluate the impact of the dynamical singlet field in the low--energy constants lˉ1\bar{l}_1, lˉ3\bar{l}_3 and lˉ4\bar{l}_4 of χ\chiPT. We also show how to extract the mass and width of the sigma resonance from chiral extrapolations of lattice QCD data.Comment: Journal version. Added the study of the scalar two-point function and a discussion of the analytical properties of the sigma pole and its dependence on the quark masses. We clarified the relation of chichiPTS_S with unitarized chichiPT. Figures 6 and 8 have been improved. 28 pages, 2 tables, 8 figure