1,551 research outputs found

    Homogenization of an ensemble of interacting resonant scatterers

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    We study theoretically the concept of homogenization in optics using an ensemble of randomly distributed resonant stationary atoms with density ρ\rho. The ensemble is dense enough for the usual condition for homogenization, viz. ρλ31\rho\lambda^3 \gg 1, to be reached. Introducing the coherent and incoherent scattered powers, we define two criteria to define the homogenization regime. We find that when the excitation field is tuned in a broad frequency range around the resonance, none of the criteria for homogenization is fulfilled, meaning that the condition ρλ31\rho\lambda^3\gg 1 is not sufficient to characterize the homogenized regime around the atomic resonance. We interpret these results as a consequence of the light-induced dipole-dipole interactions between the atoms, which implies a description of scattering in terms of collective modes rather than as a sequence of individual scattering events. Finally, we show that, although homogenization can never be reached for a dense ensemble of randomly positioned laser-cooled atoms around resonance, it becomes possible if one introduces spatial correlations in the positions of the atoms or non-radiative losses, such as would be the case for organic molecules or quantum dots coupled to a phonon bath.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures. Corrected mistakes in reference

    Detectie van Lysobacter spp. in de bodem; het dilemma van te veel of te weinig meten

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    Onderzoek van de afgelopen jaren heeft aangetoond dat de aanwezigheid van de antagonistische bacterie Lysobacter correleert met ziektewering in bodems tegen Rhizoctonia solani-aantasting. Het betreft de nauw verwante soorten L. antibioticus, L. capsici en L. gummosus. Voor verder onderzoek naar stimulering van deze antagonistische Lysobacter-soorten in de bodem zijn detectietechnieken nodig, zodat de invloed van teeltmaatregelen op de populatieomvang van Lysobacter bepaald kan worde

    Ziektewering van bodemgebonden pathogenen en functionele diversiteit van de bodemmicroflora

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    Dit onderzoek richt zich op het vinden van micro-organismen of hun eigenschappen die correleren met ziektewering op verschillende bedrijfstypen en grondsoorten

    Bodemweerbaarheidstoets voor Rhizoctonia solani

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    Reeds vele jaren wordt de bodemweerbaarheidstoets die door Pedro Oyarzun werd ontwikkeld met succes toegepast om de ziektewering van verschillende bodems tegen Rhizoctonia solani met elkaar te vergelijken. Deze toets wordt onder gestandaardiseerde condities uitgevoerd in een klimaatcel. Alle gronden worden bij een gelijke vochtspanning (pF 1,7 = -50 mbar) getoets

    Parasites, proteomics and performance: Effects of gregarine gut parasites on dragonfly flight muscle composition and function

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    In previous work, we found that dragonflies infected with gregarine gut parasites have reduced muscle power output, loss of lipid oxidation in their flight muscles, and a suite of symptoms similar to mammalian metabolic syndrome. Here, we test the hypothesis that changes in muscle protein composition underlie the observed changes in contractile performance. We found that gregarine infection was associated with a 10-fold average reduction in abundance of a ~155·kDa fragment of muscle myosin heavy chain (MHC; ~206·kDa intact size). Insect MHC gene sequences contain evolutionarily conserved amino acid motifs predicted for calpain cleavage, and we found that calpain digestion of purified dragonfly MHC produced a peptide of ~155·kDa. Thus, gut parasites in dragonflies are associated with what appears to be a reduction in proteolytic degradation of MHC. MHC155 abundance showed a strong negative relationship to muscle power output in healthy dragonflies but either no relationship or a weakly positive relationship in infected dragonflies. Troponin T (TnT) protein isoform profiles were not significantly different between healthy and infected dragonflies but whereas TnT isoform profile was correlated with power output in healthy dragonflies, there was no such correlation in infected dragonflies. Multivariate analyses of power output based on MHC155 abundance and a principal component of TnT protein isoform abundances explained 98% of the variation in muscle power output in healthy dragonflies but only 29% when data from healthy and infected dragonflies were pooled. These results indicate that important, yet largely unexplored, functional relationships exist between (pathways regulating) myofibrillar protein expression and (post-translational) protein processing. Moreover, infection by protozoan parasites of the midgut is associated with changes in muscle protein composition (i.e. across body compartments) that, either alone or in combination with other unmeasured changes, alter muscle contractile performance

    Metformin as a Therapeutic Target in Endometrial Cancers.

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    Endometrial cancer is the most common gynecologic malignancy in developed countries. Its increasing incidence is thought to be related in part to the rise of metabolic syndrome, which has been shown to be a risk factor for the development of hyperestrogenic and hyperinsulinemic states. This has consequently lead to an increase in other hormone-responsive cancers as well e.g., breast and ovarian cancer. The correlation between obesity, hyperglycemia, and endometrial cancer has highlighted the important role of metabolism in cancer establishment and persistence. Tumor-mediated reprogramming of the microenvironment and macroenvironment can range from induction of cytokines and growth factors to stimulation of surrounding stromal cells to produce energy-rich catabolites, fueling the growth, and survival of cancer cells. Such mechanisms raise the prospect of the metabolic microenvironment itself as a viable target for treatment of malignancies. Metformin is a biguanide drug that is a first-line treatment for type 2 diabetes that has beneficial effects on various markers of the metabolic syndrome. Many studies suggest that metformin shows potential as an adjuvant treatment for uterine and other cancers. Here, we review the evidence for metformin as a treatment for cancers of the endometrium. We discuss the available clinical data and the molecular mechanisms by which it may exert its effects, with a focus on how it may alter the tumor microenvironment. The pleiotropic effects of metformin on cellular energy production and usage as well as intercellular and hormone-based interactions make it a promising candidate for reprogramming of the cancer ecosystem. This, along with other treatments aimed at targeting tumor metabolic pathways, may lead to novel treatment strategies for endometrial cancer

    Influence of bevacizumab on vaginal cuff evisceration eight months after ovarian cancer cytoreduction surgery: A case report.

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    •44 year old woman treated with bevacizumab for metastatic epithelial ovarian cancer•The patient experienced vaginal cuff dehiscence and evisceration at 8 months post-operatively.•Metastasis at the surgical site and chronic inflammation implicated