23 research outputs found

    Verbetering van de helderheid van de opgiet bij doperwten

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    Het doel van het onderzoek was om achter de factoren te komen die het optreden van troebelheid beinvloeden bij verwerking tot conservendoperwten in glas en welke verwerkingsmethode optimaal is om de troebelheid te beperke

    Kwaliteitseigenschappen van champignons: een enquete bij het thuispanel

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    Dit onderzoek is opgezet om na te gaan welke eigenschappen van champignons door de respondenten van het Thuispanel belangrijk worden ge vonden. Deze eigenschappen kunnen dan als uitgangspunt dienen voor het onderzoek naar het instrumenteel meten van 'kwaliteit'. Aan het Thuispanel zijn de volgende rassen aangeboden: gewone champignons, bruine champignons en Fr anse grotchampignons. Het laatste ras is met en zonder informatie over type en herkomst aangeboden. Door deze twee verschillende manieren van aanbieden van de Franse grotchampignon wilden we de invloed van de informatie 'Franse grotchampignon' nagaan

    Capsaicin burn increases thickness discrimination thresholds independently of chronic chili intake

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    The trigeminal nerve transduces both chemical irritation and textural sensations suggesting that perception in one may influence perception in the other. Little is known about how the oral burn of capsaicin may affect texture sensitivity. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of burning sensations on thickness discrimination thresholds in liquid foods assessed by consumers who vary in habitual spicy food intake. Forty-seven Caucasian participants (31 females and 16 males; mean age: 25.0 ± 5.7 yrs; mean BMI: 21.5 ± 2.6 kg/m2) were recruited in the Netherlands. Chili pepper intake frequency and preference for chili peppers and spicy foods were assessed using questionnaires. Perceived burn and disliking/liking of bouillon soups thickened with xanthan gum (concentrations ranging from 0.06 to 0.21 g/mL; viscosity at 50 s−1 (η50s-1) ranging from 11 to 48 mPas) containing varying amounts of capsaicin (0, 1, or 10 ppm) were determined using generalized scales (gLMS and gDOL). Estimates of thickness discrimination thresholds were determined using the 2-Alternative Forced Choice ascending staircase method. Capsaicin was applied in two ways: (i) capsaicin was added directly to the soups or (ii) a pre-rinse of a capsaicin solution was held in mouth before evaluating soups without capsaicin. As expected, frequent chili pepper consumers reported significantly lower burn intensity and higher hedonic ratings compared to infrequent consumers. Thickness discrimination thresholds (i.e., BET expressed as Δη50s-1) increased significantly from 11.3 mPas at 0 ppm to 16.1 mPas at 1 ppm (42% increase) to 21.4 mPas at 10 ppm capsaicin (89% increase) on average across all participants. Similar modification of thickness discrimination thresholds were observed regardless of whether capsaicin was added to the soup or was applied as a pre-rinse. No significant differences in thickness discrimination thresholds were observed between infrequent and frequent chili consumers. We conclude that oral burn caused by capsaicin affects thickness discrimination independently of reported chili pepper intake. Also, we suggest the ability of capsaicin to alter thickness discrimination may be due to increased neural noise, attentional effects or cross-modal interactions

    Kwaliteitseigenschappen van champignons: een enquete bij het thuispanel

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    Dit onderzoek is opgezet om na te gaan welke eigenschappen van champignons door de respondenten van het Thuispanel belangrijk worden ge vonden. Deze eigenschappen kunnen dan als uitgangspunt dienen voor het onderzoek naar het instrumenteel meten van 'kwaliteit'. Aan het Thuispanel zijn de volgende rassen aangeboden: gewone champignons, bruine champignons en Fr anse grotchampignons. Het laatste ras is met en zonder informatie over type en herkomst aangeboden. Door deze twee verschillende manieren van aanbieden van de Franse grotchampignon wilden we de invloed van de informatie 'Franse grotchampignon' nagaan

    Blood flow and metabolic control at the onset of heavy exercise

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    The rate of increase in oxygen uptake (VO2) at the onset of a bout of heavy exercise is faster if it is preceded by a similar bout of heavy exercise. We tested the hypothesis during heavy leg exercise that leg blood flow (LBF) and VO2 would both be elevated during the adaptive phase. On three separate days, six healthy young men completed two bouts of 6-minutes of knee extension / flexion exercise at about 85% VO2peak separated by 5-minutes 0-watt exercise on an electrically braked ergometer. LBF was determined by Doppler ultrasound. In the second exercise bout, LBF and VO2 were significantly elevated in the baseline before exercise and throughout the exercise. Both the mean response time (time to 63% of difference between baseline and calculated end value) and the difference in VO2 between minutes 3 and 6 of exercise indicated significantly faster attainment of the end exercise value in the second heavy exercise bout. These data showing the elevated LBF in the second bout of heavy exercise support the link between O2 delivery and the adaptation of oxidative metabolism at the onset of heavy exercise