680 research outputs found

    Challenging Youth: Establishing Supportive Relationships with Youth in South Los Angeles

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    Working with youth is a particular discipline, especially considering humanist ethical or life counseling. In order to support and empower marginalized youth one might ask which factors are important to establish a supportive relationship. How do professionals connect to the lived experiences and world of disadvantaged youth in order to reach, help, and support them? This is the central research question focused on practitioners working with disenfranchised youth in South Los Angeles. The study folds into two parts: 1) a theoretical account of published studies regarding adolescent development, the complex reality youth grow up in and factors that appear to be essential in establishing a relationship with teenagers; and 2) a report of empirical data from interviews with professionals who work with youth in a low-income community in Los Angeles and through experiences from volunteer work at the after-school program where these practitioners work. Both theoretical and practical perspectives illustrate that an integrated viewpoint is crucial to understand the complex reality in which teens construct and negotiate their identities. It is important to take all factors into consideration: from individual psychological aspects of a youth’s character, behavior, drives, etc. to the situational or contextual influences on various levels, including race, ethnicity, culture, gender, social class, the family and situation at home, etc. Thus, psychological theories need to be supplemented with socio-cultural perspectives. Together with pedagogical aspects of professional (inter) actions this forms an integrated paradigm. The integrated perspective provides a framework through which one can understand the developmental challenges youth encounter and connect to their lived experiences

    The interaction of SiC with Fe, Ni and their alloys

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    Response latency and accuracy in visual word recognition.

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    In a single visual word recognition experiment, the effects of (11 eccentricity of presentation, (2)word length, and (3) word frequency were investigated. The stimuli used were Dutch nouns in two frequency classes of about 15 and 150.10-6 ; word length varied from 1 to 10; eccentricity varied from -4 to +4 deg. The response quality and response latency of 11 subjects were measured. For the correct responses, recognition scores decreased and response latencies increased with eccentricity; both showed asymmetrical curves in the visual field. It is argued that word length proper affects neither the probability of correct responses nor latency. A clear word frequency effect was established. The eccentricity of presentation is considered as the determinant of the amount of available information, thus directly influencing accuracy and latency. The linear relationship between accuracy and latency is a major finding. A word recognition scheme is offered which incorporates (1) activation, (2)decision, and (3) speech. The time relations between incoming retinal information and response decision, leading to an extra 400 msec for incorrect as compared with correct responses, are discussed. Word recognition in reading is examined, together with the impact of the present experimental results on information flow in successive eye fixations, eye movement control, and eye-voicespan

    Interacties tussen metaal en keramiek

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    Een beschrijving wordt gegeven van het onderzoeksprogramma metaalkeramiek interacties van het CTK binnen het kader van het IOP-TK. Het gebruik van breukmechanische methoden naast de gebruikelijke sterktemetingen wordt aanbevolen. Enkele eerste resultaten aan SiC-Ni en SiC-Fe laten zien dat er uitsluitend diffusie van Ni en Fe optreedt en niet zoals in de literatuur beschreven wederzijdse diffusie

    Les céréales bio en Belgique : production et importations

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    Le nombre de producteurs bio est en constante augmentation. cependant, 84% des terres converties en bio en Belgique sont des prairies. avec une demande en constante augmentation, ceci laisse supposer un déficit en de nombreux produits agricoles. Les céréales n’échappent pas à la règle et de nombreux produits céréaliers bio doivent être importés. le CRA-W, dans le cadre du projet Biogéocarbo, s’est posé la question de savoir quels étaient les volumes échangés ainsi que les principaux pays fournisseurs de céréales biologiques. En effet, les données sont quasi-inexistantes tant sur les pays d’origine que sur les volumes échangés. le CRA-W a donc procédé à une série d’enquêtes auprès des producteurs, des organismes certificateurs et de certains transformateurs

    Response latency and accuracy in visual word recogniton

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