144 research outputs found

    The multigraded Nijenhuis-Richardson Algebra, its universal property and application

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    We define two (n+1)(n+1) graded Lie brackets on spaces of multilinear mappings. The first one is able to recognize nn-graded associative algebras and their modules and gives immediately the correct differential for Hochschild cohomology. The second one recognizes nn-graded Lie algebra structures and their modules and gives rise to the notion of Chevalley cohomology

    An index for assessing activity friendliness for children in urban environments of Berlin

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    The physical environment strongly influences physical activity in urban settings. While walkability is frequently assessed for adults, an approach for mapping the friendliness of urban environments focusing on children’s activities is not available. The aim of the presented approach was to identify supporting and limiting factors of activity friendliness in urban environments and incorporate them into a children’s physical activity index (CAI). We conducted qualitative guided interviews with nine- to ten-year-old children and parents of primary school children in Berlin to identify the factors and their importance for describing activity friendliness. Access to activity and recreational destinations, land use, traffic and road safety, and the social environment were the most prominent factors identified for the activity friendliness for children. The newly developed CAI enables a differentiation in the activity friendliness of urban neighborhoods for children

    Domestic Violence from the Standpoint of the Policeman

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    katedra: KSS; přílohy: 1 x CD; rozsah: 64 s. (102 396)The bachelor work ?Domestic Violence from the Standpoint of the Policeman? identifies the problem of domestic violence as a socially pathological phenomenon, which is presently attracting increasing attention.The thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The former comprises four chapters, in which the issue is described in the wider theoretical framework and the key expressions such as domestic violence, the victim of domestic violence, the violent person/personality and the legal definition of domestic violence are given.The practical part is based on a research performed at the level of the police stations in the Czech Republic. The aim of the inquiry was to ascertain the foreknowledge and the attitude of the policemen towards the phenomenon called the domestic violence.Bakalářská práce ?Domácí násilí z pohledu policisty? pojednává o problematice domácího násilí jako sociálně patologickém jevu, který v současné době budí stále více pozornosti.Práce je rozdělena na dvě části, teoretickou a praktickou. Část teoretická je rozdělena do čtyř kapitol. Zde je problematika zasazena do širšího teoretického rámce. Vymezené klíčové pojmy jsou např. domácí násilí, oběť domácího násilí, násilná osoba a právní vymezení problematiky domácího násilí.Praktická část práce se opírá o průzkumné šetření, které je prováděno technikou dotazníkového šetření na základních útvarech Policie České republiky. Cílem dotazníkového šetření bylo zjistit informovanost a postoje policistů k fenoménu zvaný domácí násilí

    Habitatbindung und Erhaltungszustand des Heldbocks im RoĂźlauer Oberluch : Ergebnisse einer Habitatmodellierung

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    Der Heldbock, Cerambyx cerdo Linnaeus 1758, ist ein Baum bewohnender Bockkäfer, der sich vorwiegend an Stieleichen und selten an Traubeneichen entwickelt und mit 30-56 mm Länge zu den größten heimischen Käferarten gehört. Die Art avancierte im Zuge ihrer Unterschutzstellung 1992 zu einer sog. „Flaggschiffart“ des Naturschutzes. Es wird vermutet, dass der Heldbock durch seine Fraßtätigkeit in den Eichen Nischen für viele andere holzbewohnende Tierarten schafft, also als eine Art „Ökosystemgestalter“ zu bezeichnen ist. Cerambyx cerdo gilt europaweit als gefährdet und in Deutschland sowie Sachsen-Anhalt als vom Aussterben bedroht. In Europa ist die Art weit verbreitet, wobei sie in großen Teilen Mitteleuropas nur noch sehr lokal in reliktären Alteichenbeständen vorkommt. In Deutschland stellen die Auenwaldgebiete im Biosphärenreservat Mittelelbe einen Verbreitungsschwerpunkt dar

    Separating atrial near fields and atrial far fields in simulated intra-Atrial electrograms

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    The detailed characterization of complex forms of atrial flutter relies on the correct interpretation of intra-atrial electrograms. For this, the near fieldcomponents, which represent the local electrical activity, are decisive. However, far field components arising from distant electrical sources in the atria can obscure the diagnosis.We developed a method to separate and characterize atrial near field and atrial far field components from bipolar intra-atrial electrograms. First, a set of bipolar electrograms was created by simulating different propagation scenarios representing common clinical depolarizationpatterns. Second, near and far fields were detected as active segments usinga non-linear energy operator-based approach. Third, the maximum slope and the spectralpower were extracted as features for all active segments. Active segments were grouped accounting for both the timing and the location of their occurrence. In a last step, the active segments were classified in near and far fields by comparing their feature values to a threshold.All active segments were detected correctly. On average, near fields showed 15.1x larger maximum slopes and 40.4x larger spectral powers above 100 Hz than far fields. For 135 active segments detected in 72 bipolar electrograms, 5.2% and 6.7% were misclassified using the maximum slope and the spectral power, respectively. All active segments were classified correctly if only one near field segment was assumed to occur per electrogram.The separation of atrial near andatrial far fields was successfully developed and applied to in silico electrograms.Theseinvestigations providea promising basis fora future clinical study to ultimatelyfacilitatethe precise clinical diagnosis of atrial flutter

    Local Electrical Impedance Mapping of the Atria: Conclusions on Substrate Properties and Confounding Factors

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    The treatment of atrial fibrillation and other cardiac arrhythmias as a major cause of cardiovascular hospitalization has remained a challenge predominantly for patients with severely remodeled substrate. Individualized ablation strategies are extremely important both for pulmonary vein isolation and subsequent ablations. Current approaches to identifying arrhythmogenic regions rely on electrogram-based features such as activation time and voltage. Novel technologies now enable clinical assessment of the local impedance as tissue property. Previous studies demonstrated its use for ablation monitoring and indicated its potential to differentiate healthy substrate, scar, and pathological tissue. This study investigates the potential of local electrical impedance-based substrate mapping of the atria for human in-vivo data. The presented pipeline for impedance mapping particularly contains options for dealing with undesirable effects originating from cardiac motion, catheter motion, or proximity to other intracardiac devices. Bloodpool impedance was automatically determined as a patient-specific reference. Full-chamber, left atrial impedance maps were drawn up from interpolating the measured impedances to the atrial endocardium. Finally, the origin and magnitude of oscillations of the raw impedance recording were probed into. The most dominant reason for exclusion of impedance samples was the loss of endocardial contact. With median elevations above the bloodpool impedance between 29 and 46 Ω, the impedance within the pulmonary veins significantly exceeded the remaining atrial walls presenting median elevations above the bloodpool impedance between 16 and 20 Ω. Previous ablation lesions were distinguished from their surroundings by a significant drop in local impedance while the corresponding regions did not differ for the control group. The raw impedance was found to oscillate with median amplitudes between 6 and 17 Ω depending on the patient. Oscillations were traced back to an interplay of atrial, ventricular, and respiratory motion. In summary, local impedance measurements demonstrated their capability to distinguish pathological atrial tissue from physiological substrate. Methods to limit the influence of confounding factors that still hinder impedance mapping were presented. Measurements at different frequencies or the combination of multiple electrodes could lead to further improvement. The presented examples indicate that electrogram- and impedance-based substrate mapping have the potential to complement each other toward better patient outcomes in future

    GrĂĽnlandenergie: Praxishinweise fĂĽr die Entwicklung von Gras und Schilf basierten Nutzungskonzepten zur Energiegewinnung

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    Eine der großen Herausforderungen, die es in diesem Jahrhundert zu meistern gilt, ist die gezielte Bereitstellung von nachhaltig erzeugter Energie. Die Bundesregierung verfolgt das Ziel, bis zum Jahr 2020 den Anteil erneuerbarer Energieträger an der Wärmeerzeugung auf 14 % und an der Stromerzeugung auf 35 % zu steigern. Dabei soll die Energieerzeugung auf ökonomische, soziale, und ökologische Weise nachhaltig erfolgen. Dieses gilt in besonderem Maße für die Bioenergienutzung. Vor diesem Hintergrund hat das Bundesumweltministerium das Programm über die „Förderung von Forschung und Entwicklung zur klimaeffizienten Optimierung der energetischen Biomassenutzung“ aufgelegt, durch das die Entwicklung innovativer Bioenergiekonzepte unterstützt wird. In diesem Programm wurde das Forschungsprojekt „Grünlandenergie Havelland“ (FKZ: 03KB035) gefördert. Untersucht wurde die Eignung von Gras und anderem Halmgut aus der Landschaftspflege zur Wärme- und Stromerzeugung. Die Stärken der Biomassenutzung zeigen sich in diesem Projekt besonders klar: Die Energieerzeugung ist in einen regionalen Kontext eingebettet. Strom und Wärme können bedarfsgerecht bereitgestellt werden. Durch die Verwertung von Landschaftspflegematerial wird die Nutzungskonkurrenz zur Nahrungsmittelerzeugung vermieden. Mit der Nutzung der hier untersuchten Reststoffe sehe ich eine vielversprechende Möglichkeit unter gegebenen Nachhaltigkeitsanforderungen zu einer alternativen Energieerzeugung beizutragen. Sie basiert auf heimischen, nachwachsenden Ressourcen und erzeugt darüber hinaus Synergien zwischen Klimaschutz- und Naturschutzzielen

    Managing spatial sustainability trade-offs: The case of wind power

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    The deployment of onshore wind power involves spatial sustainability trade-offs, e.g., between the minimization of energy system costs, the mitigation of impacts on humans and biodiversity, and equity concerns. We analyze challenges arising for decision-making if wind power generation capacity has to be allocated spatially in the presence of such trade-offs. The analysis is based on a game developed for and played by stakeholders in Germany. The results of the game illustrate that there is no unanimously agreed ranking of sustainability criteria among the participating stakeholders. They disagreed not only on the weights of different criteria but also their definition and measurement. Group discussions further revealed that equity concerns mattered for spatial allocation. Yet, stakeholders used quite different concepts of equity. The results support the importance of transparent, multi-level and participatory approaches to take decisions on the spatial allocation of wind power generation capacity
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