560 research outputs found

    Racial Profiling bei der Polizei in Deutschland. Bildungsbedarf? Beratungsresistenz?

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    Welche Relevanz hat Racial Profiling oder Ethnic Profiling innerhalb der deutschen Polizei, gemeint ist damit die auf zugeschriebene Kriterien wie etwa ethnische Zugehörigkeit, Religion oder Herkunft einer Person, statt auf ihr Verhalten und objektive Beweise als Verdachtsmomente gründende Strafverfolgungs- und Ermittlungstätigkeit? Der Autor diskutiert nicht nur die Dimensionen des Ethnic Profiling in der Polizeiarbeit in Deutschland, sondern auch deren Auswirkungen sowie sinnvolle (Bildungs-)Strategien zur Reduzierung und Prävention. (DIPF/Orig.)What is the relevance of racial or ethnic profiling in the German police forces? Which techniques lead to a focus on ascribed criteria like e.g. ethnic origin, provenience or religion instead of using objective evidence or behavior for effective policing? The author is discussing both, dimensions and consequences of ethnic/racial profiling in Germany as well as meaningful strategies for education and prevention. (DIPF/Orig.

    Bewerbung um den Landeslehrpreis 2005 für das Seminar "Erstellung psychologischer Lehrfilme"

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    In dieser Bewerbung um den Landeslehrpreis 2005 wird die didaktische Konzeption eines Seminars zur "Erstellung psychologischer Lehrfilme" dargestellt. In diesem projektorientierten Seminar zur Vermittlung psychologischer und mediengestalterischer Kompetenzen wird der "Perspektivenwechsel" als zentrales Element eingesetzt. Die Studierenden und ihre Dozenten setzen sich wissenschaftlich, filmend, schauspielernd und medienproduzierend mit ihren Fragestellungen auseinander. Diese didaktische Konzeption ist nicht nur im Bereich Psychologie umsetzbar, sondern ebenso in anderen Lehrgebieten

    Menschenrechtsbildung für die Polizei

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    Die Studie beschreibt, welche Verpflichtungen zur Menschenrechtsbildung sich für die Polizei aus den internationalen Menschenrechtsverträgen ergeben und stellt diese der polizeilichen Aus- und Fortbildung in Deutschland gegenüber. Aufbauend auf der Analyse von Lehrplänen und Seminarprogrammen gibt die Studie einen Ausblick auf Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten

    Ground-water Investigation at Peoria, Illinois: Central Well-field Area

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    published or submitted for publicationis peer reviewedOpe

    Ground-water development in East St. Louis area, Illinois

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    Bibliography: p. 69-70.Enumeration continues through succeeding title

    Development in deep sandstone aquifer along the Illinois River in La Salle County

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    Bibliography: p. 23.Enumeration continues through succeeding title.Large supplies of groundwater are developed from the Cambrian-Ordovician aquifer in La Salle County for municipal and industrial use. Yields of wells normally exceed 500 gpm. Pumpage was 11.2 mgd in 1963. Municipal wells at Peru and Oglesby are among the deepest in the state producing potable water, over 2800 feet. As a result of heavy pumping the original slope of the piezometric surface has steepened, and water levels have declined more than 100 feet in pumping centers. Recharge from vertical leakage based on flow-net analysis was estimated to be 14,000 and 7200 gallons per day per square mile in the northern and southern parts of the area, respectively. Hydraulic properties of the aquifer and its confining bed were estimated from available data. Estimates of future nonpumping water-level declines in the aquifer were made from a model aquifer and mathematical model. Estimated declines by the year 2000 are 195 feet at Ottawa and 98 feet at Peru. Sufficient drawdown is available for further development. This study provides data for planning and development of groundwater resources for the area

    Ground-water levels and pumpage in East St. Louis area, Illinois, 1890-1961

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    Bibliography: p. 25.Enumeration continues through succeeding title

    Estimating Groundwater Recharge in the Semiarid Al-Khazir Gomal Basin, North Iraq

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    The mean annual recharge of Al-Khazir Gomal Basin was estimated as a basis for decision makers regarding the renewability and sustainability of groundwater. For this purpose, two approaches were used: hydrograph analysis and water table fluctuation (WTF). The long-term mean daily stream-flow records of Al-Khazir River (1969–1981) were used to estimate groundwater discharge by base-flow hydrograph separation and displacement recession curve methods. Four base-flow separation methods were used; one is the graphical separation method, and three are automated separation methods included in the web-based Hydrograph Analysis Tool. The annual recharge estimated by WTF was 111.6 mm/y, and the average annual recharge estimated by the four base-flow separation methods was 125.8 mm/y. Estimating recharge by the water table fluctuation method does not incorporate spatial variability contained in the whole watershed, because the specific yield did not represent the entire basin. However, the hydrograph analysis method can give a comprehensive estimation of the net integrated recharge for the entire watershed, which includes different recharge mechanisms. The displacement recession curve method deviates a lot (>30 mm/y) from the other methods, which indicates that this method may not be suitable to apply in such large watersheds

    Groundwater levels and pumpage in the Peoria-Pekin area, Illinois, 1890-1966

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    Bibliography: p. 27.Enumeration continues through succeeding title

    Hydrologic budgets for three small watersheds in Illinois

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    Bibliography: p. 40.Enumeration continues through succeeding title