5 research outputs found

    Targeting of immunosuppressive myeloid cells from glioblastoma patients by modulation of size and surface charge of lipid nanocapsules

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    Background: Myeloid derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) and tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) are two of the major players involved in the inhibition of anti-tumor immune response in cancer patients, leading to poor prognosis. Selective targeting of myeloid cells has therefore become an attractive therapeutic strategy to relieve immunosuppression and, in this frame, we previously demonstrated that lipid nanocapsules (LNCs) loaded with lauroyl-modified gemcitabine efficiently target monocytic MDSCs in melanoma patients. In this study, we investigated the impact of the physico-chemical characteristics of LNCs, namely size and surface potential, towards immunosuppressive cell targeting. We exploited myeloid cells isolated from glioblastoma patients, which play a relevant role in the immunosuppression, to demonstrate that tailored nanosystems can target not only tumor cells but also tumor-promoting cells, thus constituting an efficient system that could be used to inhibit their function. Results: The incorporation of different LNC formulations with a size of 100 nm, carrying overall positive, neutral or negative charge, was evaluated on leukocytes and tumor-infiltrating cells freshly isolated from glioblastoma patients. We observed that the maximum LNC uptake was obtained in monocytes with neutral 100 nm LNCs, while positively charged 100 nm LNCs were more effective on macrophages and tumor cells, maintaining at low level the incorporation by T cells. The mechanism of uptake was elucidated, demonstrating that LNCs are incorporated mainly by caveolae-mediated endocytosis. Conclusions: We demonstrated that LNCs can be directed towards immunosuppressive cells by simply modulating their size and charge thus providing a novel approach to exploit nanosystems for anticancer treatment in the frame of immunotherapy.[Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Partialization losses of ON/OFF operation of waterto- water refrigeration/heat-pump units

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    [EN] This paper presents the results of an experimental campaign for the characterization of the dynamic behavior of a water-to-water refrigeration/heat-pump unit under ON/OFF operation. The unit was previously tested at different water inlet temperatures under steady state conditions, and a very good agreement was found between the instantaneous dynamic performance of the heat pump and the corresponding quasi-steady state operation. In parallel, a series of tests were carried out to quantify the coefficient of performance (COP) degradation as a function of the load ratio, and a simple formula for the Part Load Factor is presented. Results lead to the conclusion that the only non-negligible factor in the COP degradation is the stand-by electrical consumption during the OFF period, especially at low load ratios. Finally, it is concluded that the minimization of the stand-by consumption is a key point for the future improvement of the seasonal performance of water-to-water systems.This research has been partially funded by the European FP7 framework project "Advanced ground source heat pump systems for heating and cooling in Mediterranean climate" (GROUND-MED) and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) through the project "Estudio de evaporadores y condensadores basados en tecnologia de minicanales para su aplicaciOn en equipos de aire acondicionado, refrigeraciOn y bomba de calor estacionarios" with reference DPI2011-26771-C02-01. The authors gratefully acknowledge their financial support.Corberán, JM.; D.Donadello; Martínez Galván, IO.; Montagud, C. (2013). Partialization losses of ON/OFF operation of waterto- water refrigeration/heat-pump units. International Journal of Refrigeration. 36(8):2251-2261. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2013.07.002S2251226136

    Influence of charge control strategies on electricity import/export in battery-supported photovoltaic systems

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    This paper deals with the behaviour of battery-supported residential photovoltaic (PV) systems connected to smart grids, with a special focus on the interface with electricity distributors. In particular, this paper is aimed at the assessment of the benefits resulting from two predictive control strategies managing the charge of the electrochemical storage unit, in comparison with the conventional control strategy and applied to various combinations of photovoltaic system and battery pack sizes in a parametric analysis. The proposed control strategies dispatch electricity to the battery pack or national grid depending on the state of charge and differ in the shape of the profile of exported electricity, hence adapting to different interface profiles required at the electricity distributor's side. In particular, the research shows that, by the proposed control strategies, the frequencies of occurrence of high values of exported electricity may be decreased by almost 100%, whereas medium-high values of exported electricity by 50%. Moreover, both of the control strategies are shown to be able to lower the yearly quadratic effective imbalance coefficient by around 15% in case of PV systems sized for Zero Energy Buildings (ZEBs), thus showing opportunities in the mitigation of electricity grid stresses from PV systems

    Representações do corpo em uma revista de negócios Body representations in a popular business magazine

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    O presente artigo resulta de uma pesquisa exploratória que procurou analisar como uma revista de negócios representa o corpo através do que veicula em suas reportagens. As representações encontradas foram categorizadas em dois grupos - gênero e estilo - analisados de acordo com referenciais teóricos sobre o trabalho e o corpo na contemporaneidade. Foi possível identificar que a representação dos corpos na revista passa por uma homogeneização dos estilos de vida no meio executivo. Verificaram-se ainda elementos relativos às prescrições quanto à normalização e adaptação dos corpos a um dado modelo de sucesso profissional que ultrapassa as maneiras de trabalhar e invade a subjetividade dos indivíduos. Além disso, a análise permitiu um olhar sobre o corpo construído e significado de acordo com as exigências da atual sociedade de consumo.<br>This article results from an exploratory study that aimed to analyze how a business magazine represents the body in its reporting. The body representations found were categorized into two groups - gender and style - analyzed in accordance with theoretical references about work and body in the contemporary. Considering the results, it was possible to identify that the body representations in the journal goes through a homogenization of executive's lifestyles. There was also information regarding requirements for standardization and adaptation of the bodies to a particular model of professional success that goes beyond the ways of working and invades the individual's subjectivity. Furthermore, the analysis allowed a glimpse into the body as being built and signified according to the demands of today's consumer society