221 research outputs found

    Initial Condition for QGP Evolution from NEXUS

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    We recently proposed a new approach to high energy nuclear scattering, which treats the initial stage of heavy ion collisions in a sophisticated way. We are able to calculate macroscopic quantities like energy density and velocity flow at the end of this initial stage, after the two nuclei having penetrated each other. In other words, we provide the initial conditions for a macroscopic treatment of the second stage of the collision. We address in particular the question of how to incorporate the soft component properly. We find almost perfect "Bjorken scaling": the rapidity coincides with the space-time rapidity, whereas the transverse flow is practically zero. The distribution of the energy density in the transverse plane shows typically a very "bumpy" structure.Comment: 17 pages, 24 figure

    Naturally split supersymmetry

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    Nonobservation of superparticles till date, new Higgs mass limits from the CMS and ATLAS experiments, WMAP constraints on relic density, various other low energy data, and the naturalness consideration, all considered simultaneously imply a paradigm shift of supersymmetric model building. In this paper we perform, for the first time, a detailed numerical study of brane-world induced supersymmetry breaking for both minimal and next-to-minimal scenarios. We observe that a naturally hierarchical spectrum emerges through an interplay of bulk, brane-localized and quasi-localized fields, which can gain more relevance in the subsequent phases of the LHC run.Comment: 6 pages, 6 eps figures; v2: minor updates, to appear in JHE

    New Sum Rules from Low Energy Compton Scattering on Arbitrary Spin Target

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    We derive two sum rules by studying the low energy Compton scattering on a target of arbitrary (nonzero) spin j. In the first sum rule, we consider the possibility that the intermediate state in the scattering can have spin |j \pm 1| and the same mass as the target. The second sum rule applies if the theory at hand possesses intermediate narrow resonances with masses different from the mass of the scatterer. These sum rules are generalizations of the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn-Weinberg sum rule. Along with the requirement of tree level unitarity, they relate different low energy couplings in the theory. Using these sum rules, we show that in certain cases the gyromagnetic ratio can differ from the "natural" value g=2, even at tree level, without spoiling perturbative unitarity. These sum rules can be used as constraints applicable to all supergravity and higher-spin theories that contain particles charged under some U(1) gauge field. In particular, applied to four dimensional N=8 supergravity in a spontaneously broken phase, these sum rules suggest that for the theory to have a good ultraviolet behavior, additional massive states need to be present, such as those coming from the embedding of the N=8 supergravity in type II superstring theory. We also discuss the possible implications of the sum rules for QCD in the large-N_c limit.Comment: 18 pages, v2: discussion on black hole contribution is included, references added; v3: extended discussion in introduction, version to appear in JHE

    Factorization and polarization in linearized gravity

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    We investigate all the four-body graviton interaction processes: gXγXgX\rightarrow \gamma X, gXgXgX\rightarrow gX, and gggggg\rightarrow gg with XX as an elementary particle of spin less than two in the context of linearized gravity except the spin-3/2 case. We show explicitly that gravitational gauge invariance and Lorentz invariance cause every four-body graviton scattering amplitude to be factorized. We explore the implications of this factorization property by investigating polarization effects through the covariant density matrix formalism in each four-body graviton scattering process.Comment: 45 pages, figures are included (uses pictex), RevTe

    Non-Riemannian Gravity and the Einstein-Proca System

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    We argue that all Einstein-Maxwell or Einstein-Proca solutions to general relativity may be used to construct a large class of solutions (involving torsion and non-metricity) to theories of non-Riemannian gravitation that have been recently discussed in the literature.Comment: 9 pages Plain Tex (No Figures), Letter to Editor Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Black Holes with Weyl Charge and Non-Riemannian Waves

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    A simple modification to Einstein's theory of gravity in terms of a non-Riemannian connection is examined. A new tensor-variational approach yields field equations that possess a covariance similar to the gauge covariance of electromagnetism. These equations are shown to possess solutions analogous to those found in the Einstein-Maxwell system. In particular one finds gravi-electric and gravi-magnetic charges contributing to a spherically symmetric static Reissner-Nordstr\"om metric. Such Weyl ``charges'' provide a source for the non-Riemannian torsion and metric gradient fields instead of the electromagnetic field. The theory suggests that matter may be endowed with gravitational charges that couple to gravity in a manner analogous to electromagnetic couplings in an electromagnetic field. The nature of gravitational coupling to spinor matter in this theory is also investigated and a solution exhibiting a plane-symmetric gravitational metric wave coupled via non-Riemannian waves to a propagating spinor field is presented.Comment: 18 pages Plain Tex (No Figures), Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Seesaw Neutrino Signals at the Large Hadron Collider

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    We discuss the scenario with gauge singlet fermions (right-handed neutrinos) accessible at the energy of the Large Hadron Collider. The singlet fermions generate tiny neutrino masses via the seesaw mechanism and also have sizable couplings to the standard-model particles. We demonstrate that these two facts, which are naively not satisfied simultaneously, are reconciled in the five-dimensional framework in various fashions, which make the seesaw mechanism observable. The collider signal of tri-lepton final states with transverse missing energy is investigated for two explicit examples of the observable seesaw, taking account of three types of neutrino mass spectrum and the constraint from lepton flavor violation. We find by showing the significance of signal discovery that the collider experiment has a potential to find signals of extra dimensions and the origin of small neutrino masses.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figure

    Transmission of Supersymmetry Breaking from a 4-Dimensional Boundary

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    In the strong-coupling limit of the heterotic string theory constructed by Horava and Witten, an 11-dimensional supergravity theory is coupled to matter multiplets confined to 10-dimensional mirror planes. This structure suggests that realistic unification models are obtained, after compactification of 6 dimensions, as theories of 5-dimensional supergravity in an interval, coupling to matter fields on 4-dimensional walls. Supersymmetry breaking may be communicated from one boundary to another by the 5-dimensional fields. In this paper, we study a toy model of this communication in which 5-dimensional super-Yang-Mills theory in the bulk couples to chiral multiplets on the walls. Using the auxiliary fields of the Yang-Mills multiplet, we find a simple algorithm for coupling the bulk and boundary fields. We demonstrate two different mechanisms for generating soft supersymmetry breaking terms in the boundary theory. We also compute the Casimir energy generated by supersymmetry breaking.Comment: 26 pages, latex + 7 eps figures, final correction

    2013 AAFP Feline Vaccination Advisory Panel Report

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    Rationale: This Report was developed by the Feline Vaccination Advisory Panel of the American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) to provide practical recommendations to help clinicians select appropriate vaccination schedules for their feline patients based on risk assessment. The recommendations rely on published data as much as possible, as well as consensus of a multidisciplinary panel of experts in immunology, infectious disease, internal medicine and clinical practice