58 research outputs found

    Effect of wall corrugations on the lower hybrid wave spectrum of a waveguide array

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    Ways of increasing efficiency of antibacterial therapy at the festering-inflammatory diseases at children

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    Introduction. One of the reasons of unfavorable results of treatment is low efficiency of antibacterial therapy. One of the new perspective therapeutic strategies is the application of extracorporeal antibacterial therapy (EABT) providing the directed transport of drug in the hearts of inflammation. Aim. Improving the results of treatment of patients with a heavy festering infection. Materials and methods. From 2005 to 2017 101 operations of EABT were conducted at 35 chldren with heavy infections: peritonitis, osteomyelitis, destructive pneumonias, urology pathology, sepsis. Auto leucocytes and red corpuscles were used as the vectors of the directed transport AB. Children were given a preliminary infusion in a volume of 10-15 ml/kg with balanced crystalloid solutions. After taking away blood in amount of a 10% from VCB, it was centrifuged. Then the day’s dose of the chosen antibiotic (in accordance with the sensitiveness of microorganisms) was added to cellular mass. The cellular mass was diluted by physiologic solution and poured to the patient. Remote plasma after conducting of session of discrete plazmaferes was returned to the patient. (stat. patent No. 38834). Extracorporeal antibacterial therapy was conducted in one day for 1-3 sessions with subsequent transition on descalation antibacterial therapy. Results. Duration of stay in intensive therapy and general duration of stay in the permanent establishment are lower in a basic group compared to a control group. The normalization of leucocytes formula of blood and quicker (on the average on 2-3 days) normalization of temperature of body at patients were established. Conclusion. EABT, being one of the variants of the directed transport of medications is the effective method of treatment of heavy festering infection at children

    Study of a confined Hydrogen-like atom by the Asymptotic Iteration Method

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    The asymptotic iteration method (AIM) is used to obtain both special exact solutions and general approximate solutions for a Hydrogen-like atom confined in a spherical box of arbitrary radius R. Critical box radii, at which states are no longer bound, are also calculated. The results are compared with those in the literature.Comment: 10 page

    Spectral characteristics for a spherically confined -1/r + br^2 potential

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    We consider the analytical properties of the eigenspectrum generated by a class of central potentials given by V(r) = -a/r + br^2, b>0. In particular, scaling, monotonicity, and energy bounds are discussed. The potential V(r)V(r) is considered both in all space, and under the condition of spherical confinement inside an impenetrable spherical boundary of radius R. With the aid of the asymptotic iteration method, several exact analytic results are obtained which exhibit the parametric dependence of energy on a, b, and R, under certain constraints. More general spectral characteristics are identified by use of a combination of analytical properties and accurate numerical calculations of the energies, obtained by both the generalized pseudo-spectral method, and the asymptotic iteration method. The experimental significance of the results for both the free and confined potential V(r) cases are discussed.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    lmportance of tidal mixing process at Kuril Strait for iron supply to Western Subarctic Pacific, Oyashio region

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    Vertical iron distributions were investigated on the cruise around the Kuril Straits in 2006 summer, (kh06-cruise). Detailed profiles from Kuril Strait suggests that the iron-rich Okhotsk Sea intermediate waters (OSIW) influence the surface layer around the Kuril Straits and the iron was re-distributed to the wide range of density in the water column, probably due to the strong diapicnal mixing affects the chemical properties of the OSIW. This process raises the surface iron concentrations with macro-nutrients concentrations, and the water will be subsequently transported to the Oyashio region. The significantly higher ratios of iron to nitrate in mixed layer in the Kuril Strait than eastern subarctic Pacific (ESP) were observed in this study. A greater supply of macro-nutrients and substantially higher seasonal nutrient utilization in the Oyashio region, compared with ESP, might partially be explained by a larger upward iron flux in the Kuril Strait. The consideration of mixing process with re-distribution of macro- and micro-nutrient at the Kuril Strait is essential in our understanding of the biological production and biogeochemical cycles in the Oyashio region of the western subarctic Pacific (WSP)

    Monitoring of bioproductivity of oilseed spring rape on the basis of remote probing of crops in Bavlinsky municipal district of the republic of Tatarstan

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    © 2016, International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. All rights reserved.In the Republic of Tatarstan (Russia) the issues of import substitution and providing the population with food are largely resolved. Agri-farms of Tatarstan have a positive dynamics of development and stably take its place among the first four constituents of the Russian Federation. Having cultivated 2.3% of agricultural lands in Russia, Tatarstan provides 4.7% of agricultural production, in the amount of 188.8 billion rubles. Agricultural business becomes profitable, and begins to entice such a great investors as “Krasny Vostok Agro”, “Kulonstroy”, “Zolotoy Kolos”, “Tatfondbank”, “Agrosila Group”, et al., who invest multi billions of dollars. So, just “Krasny Vostok Agro”, taking a responsibility for 56 thousand of peoples, living in 124 settlements of Alekseevsky, Alkeevsky, Verkhneuslonsky, Zelenodolsky, Nurlatsky and Spassky Districts, managed in a short time, radically change the actual position of affairs. During the implementation of the national project, the results of its activities became the following: tripling of the meat production, tenfold increase of milk production, which made it possible to provide all working population with paying job. The Republic is gradually resolved the questions about supporting of young specialists in agriculture. New houses are built for them in accordance with the federal programs. The aim is to bring the level of country people income to the level of industrial workers. Despite the gained progress, the agricultural sector has many unsolved problems. One of them is the production of vegetable oil. According to specialists’ calculations, each year our republic is required 47520 tons of vegetable oil (about 800 wagons with carrying capacity of 60 tons), not including the consumption of mayonnaise, margarine and other products. Taking into account the needs of domestic and foreign markets, it is necessary to increase the cultivated areas of spring rape (main cold-resistant oilseed of Tatarstan) at least up to 200 thousand hectares and to bring gross output of oilseeds to 200-250 thousand tons per year, yielding per every hectare 20-25 quintals of commercial products, instead of 10-12 quintals at this time. One of the reasons of low output of spring rape is the failure in optimal timing of crops treatment against numerous pests (more than 80 species of blasters can occupy this culture, and ruined all the crops during 8-10 days), and chemical weeding due to the lack of timely information. In this regard, the definition of the current situation on the crops of the researched object, the methodology of which is presented in this Article, the assessment and forecasting of its productivity on the basis of space imagery data is the actual problem of modern agro-industrial complex, not only of the Republic of Tatarstan, but the Russian Federation in whole [1, 2]

    High-voltage electrode optimization towards uniform surface treatment by a pulsed volume discharge

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    In this study, the shape and material of the high-voltage electrode of an atmospheric pressure plasma generation system were optimised. The research was performed with the goal of achieving maximum uniformity of plasma treatment of the surface of the low-voltage electrode with a diameter of 100 mm. In order to generate low-temperature plasma with the volume of roughly 1 cubic decimetre, a pulsed volume discharge was used initiated with a corona discharge. The uniformity of the plasma in the region of the low-voltage electrode was assessed using a system for measuring the distribution of discharge current density. The system's low-voltage electrode - collector - was a disc of 100 mm in diameter, the conducting surface of which was divided into 64 radially located segments of equal surface area. The current at each segment was registered by a high-speed measuring system controlled by an ARM™-based 32-bit microcontroller. To facilitate the interpretation of results obtained, a computer program was developed to visualise the results. The program provides a 3D image of the current density distribution on the surface of the low-voltage electrode. Based on the results obtained an optimum shape for a high-voltage electrode was determined. Uniformity of the distribution of discharge current density in relation to distance between electrodes was studied. It was proven that the level of non-uniformity of current density distribution depends on the size of the gap between electrodes. Experiments indicated that it is advantageous to use graphite felt VGN-6 (Russian abbreviation) as the material of the high-voltage electrode's emitting surface

    Surface defect detection by the local measured magnetic noises

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    Continuity defect detection opportunity in ferromagnetic materials was researched by intensity changing of Barkhausen noises locally measured with help of compact transducer. It is shown the scattering fields of surface and internal defects have significantly influence with transducer signal. Obtained results can be used for designing of compact scanning defectoscopes.Исследована возможность обнаружения дефектов сплошности в ферромагнитных объектах по изменению интенсивности магнитных шумов Баркгаузена, локально измеряемых с помощью малогабаритного преобразователя. Показано, что поля рассеяния поверхностных и внутренних дефектов оказывают значительное влияние на сигнал преобразователя. Полученные результаты могут быть использованы для разработки малогабаритных сканирующих дефектоскопов.Работа выполнена по программе “Диагностика” и при поддержке проекта фундаментальных научных исследований УрО РАН № 15-17-2-5