32 research outputs found

    The formation of the Corporate structures Development strategy based on the quality management methods

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    Ā© 2015 Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. The purpose of this article is to improve the management efficiency of the large industrial associations with high concentration of the capitals (corporations) under conditions of the highly turbulent Russian economy. The article submitted defines the content of the corporate structures development strategy on the basis of the quality management methods. The fundamental of the submitted work is the methodological approach considering the agent conflict and the dynamics of the agent expenses in corporate structures. The article provides practical recommendations for developing an effective corporate management system within the enterprises of the Russian economy real sector. The article is intended for the chiefs of the enterprises, top managers, the researchers dealing with the issues of corporate structures strategic planning


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    Results of correction of femur deformations by Ilizarov method and with apparatus Orto-SuV working on the basis of computerĀ navigation are analyzed. For elimination of difficult deformations in order to avoid multiple external fixator remounting withĀ stage-by-stage radiological control it is expedient to use apparatus Orto-SUV. In order to elimination of moderate and simpleĀ deformations (except torsion) as hexapods and traditional techniques can be a choice method. The use Ā«Orto-SUVĀ» apparatusĀ allows to reduce time necessary for deformation correction and osteosynthesis term in 1,4ā€“2,4 times (for average and severeĀ deformations)

    Organizational and pedagogical conditions of academic mobility development of students at school of higher professional education

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    Ā© 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. The relevance of the stated problem is caused by the fact that the development of academic mobility of students and carrying out the program of mutual exchange and training of students and teachers in other higher educational institutions of Russia and the whole world, are one of the indicators of educational autonomy of the university. In this regard, this article reveals the conditions of formation, expansion, improvement of academic mobility of students, the conditions for a stable regulatory framework and the development of academic mobility conditions to prevent the brain drain. Proceedings of the article are of value to the heads of international departments and teachers of higher educational institutions of professional education, as well as valuable in the development of recommendations on the policy-making in the field of international education and the integration of the Russian professional schools into The Common Education Space

    Structure and content of higher professional school lecturer education competence

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    Ā© 2015, Review of European Studies. All right reserved. Article aims to develop the structure and content of higher professional school lecturer education competence as a lecturer professionalism should be evaluated not only on the quality of the studies, but also for his participation in education activities in higher school. It is needed to rely on a stating that education competence is an integral feature of professional and educational activities aimed at the effectiveness of the educational process in higher professional school in developing its structure and content. In the structure of the lecturer education competence there are four components: humanologic, socio-pedagogical, organizational and methodical, professional personal. Their content is disclosed in knowledge, skills, abilities and personal qualities as necessary for the implementation of the education activities in higher professional school. The presented structure of high school lecturer education competence facilitates the efficient evaluation of the competences, the identification of the gaps in the competencies development levels and their correction with additional measures and means aimed to their effective formation

    Improving strategic management of the business entities

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    Ā© 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. The purpose of this article is aimed at improving the conditions for the development of the business entities strategic management in respect to the agency conflicts. The submitted article specifies a method to protect the principalā€™s interests in decision-making under current management. The basis of the submitted work serves the application of the quality management tools in the system of strategic management, as it allows to keep a long-term orientation and considers the formation of the customer value as the basic object of management that conforms the management paradigm from the point of the principal. The article presents possible scenarios of large business entities development using the methods and mechanisms of the strategic management of a business entity with the use of the quality management tools. This article is intended for managers, executives, researchers engaged in strategic planning and development of the enterprise structures

    The educational institution teachers and professional community representativesā€™ readiness formation for the joint pupilsā€™ career guidance implementation

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    Ā© 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. The aim of this article is to develop and implement scientific and methodological retraining and professional development of school teachers, teachers of vocational colleges and representatives of the production to the joint implementation of pupilsā€™ career guidance. The integrative approach is the basic approach of this problem studying. It involves the integration of education and production joint actions in optimizing pupilsā€™ career guidance which can help them to choose their future profession consciously. The paper presents the components, criteria, indicators and levels of subjectsā€™ integrated system of ā€œeducation-productionā€ readiness for the joint implementation of pupilsā€™ career guidance. The dynamics as a result of scientific and methodological support is shown here as well. This paper presents a practical value for educational institutions to plan and organize career guidance

    Efficiency of treatment of laryngopharyngeal reflux with proton pump inhibitors depending on the <i>CYP2C19</i> polymorphism

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    Introduction. A treatment for LFR for many years, the superiority of PPIs over placebos is still controversial. Of particular clinical importance is the metabolic rate of PPIs in hepatocytes using the cytochrome P450 system with the participation of the isoenzyme CYP2C19 and partially CYP3A4Šim. We set a goal to study the efficacy of omeprazole 20 mg in the treatment of LFR symptoms without esophageal syndrome in patients with gastroesophageal reflux (GERD), depending on the polymorphism of the CYP2C19 genotype.Šœaterials and Š¼ethods. After the exclusion criteria, 100 people took part in the study, 94 people completed the study.Results. According to the results, 26.6% of patients in the study group (residents of the Moscow region) with LFR symptoms without esophageal syndrome belong to fast metabolizers of CYP2C19, 4.2% to ultrafast metabolizers, 52.1% to normal metabolizers, 16% to intermediate metabolizers and 1.1% to slow CYP2C19.Conclusions. In patients with a rapid metabolism, within 1 month after discontinuation of omeprazole, it is necessary to increase the amount of omeprazole 20 mg intake up to 2 times a day in the morning and in the evening and reduce the duration of treatment to 6 weeks

    Trophic Relationships and Food Supply of Heterotrophic Animals in the Pelagic Ecosystem of the Black Sea

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    During recent decades, the Black Sea has been affected by many negative factors that strongly changed the condition of its ecosystem. Especially trophic relationships in the Black Sea pelagic system became very vulnerable influencing the food supply, productivity and abundance of many species and populations of this marine basin. Food is one of most important link between biota and its environment. In this monograph, the role and variability of trophodynamic processes that effect the well-being (health) of main heterotrophic components of ecosystem were analysed in detail for a few key species as indicators for estimation of ecosystem condition in whole. These are most significant mass species of the Black Sea pelagic ecosystem. Among copepods this is Calanus euxinus that dominates the mesozooplankton which makes up the fodder base of planktivorous fishes. Among gelatinous these are medusa Aurelia aurita and the alien ctenophores Mnemiopsis leidyi and Beroe ovata which affected strongly mesozooplankton composition. Lastly among fishes the anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus ponticus and sprat Sprattus sprattus phalericus that dominate small pelagic fishery. We considered in this monograph: ā€¢ Diel feeding behaviour, in situ feeding rate of Calanus euxinus and impact of mesozooplankton on primary production and phytoplankton biomass. ā€¢ The effect of vertical migrations on energy budget and its components in C. euxinus; metabolic substrates used in catabolic processes under both aerobic and hypoxic conditions, the role of reserve lipids and effect of abiotic factors on individual growth and population structure of this species. ā€¢ The intensity and efficiency of ingestion and energy transformation in three gelatinous species ( jellyfish Aurelia aurita, ctenophores Mnemiopsis leidyi and Beroe ovata) and their predatory impact on zooplankton community. ā€¢ Nutritional condition and food supply of anchovy and sprat in the close interaction with natural biotic and abiotic and anthropogenic factors. ā€¢ Tendencies in this interaction during long time space: since 1960 s till present years. ā€¢ Estimation of population condition of these species and its long-term change. This monograph is the collective work of Ukrainian and Turkish scientists studying complex hydrobiological problems of the Black Sea. Its aim is to reveal the significance of nutritional factors on the ecology of Black Sea biota, including changes which have already occurred, as well as offering some insight into changes that may happen in the future. Our joint investigations started in the first half of the 1990s, when conditions for the close cooperation of researchers from the two countries were suitable after the collapse of the Soviet era. This spirit continues to the present day. Professor Ɯmit Unluata, Director of Erdemli Institute of Marine Sciences (Middle East Technical University, Ankara) was of paramount importance in organising and fostering the work undertaken. We would like to devote this monograph to the memory of him, who died so prematurely. We are also grateful to Academician Professor V. N. Eremeev, Director of the Sevastopol Institute of Biology of the Southern Sea (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine), and to the directors of Erdemli Institute of Marine Sciences (Professor Ilkay Salihoglu, Professor Sukru Besiktepe and Professor Ferit Bingel) who also made significant contributions to the Ukrainianā€“Turkish collaboration. We are grateful to Dr Bill Parr from the Black Sea Ecosystem Recovery Project for his valuable efforts in improving earlier drafts. All these investigations were carried out within the framework of the following five NATO linkage-grants: ā€¢ Pelagic animal food supply in the unstable Black Sea environment, ā€¢ Will the new alien ctenophore Beroe ovata control the plankton community in the Black Sea? ā€¢ Grazing, growth and production of Calanus euxinus in the Black Sea, ā€¢ Bioindicators for assessment of Black Sea ecosystem recovery, ā€¢ Adaptability and vulnerability of marine species in changing environments. And four TUBITAK - NASU joint projects: ā€¢ Quantification of the recent ctenophore invader Beroe ovata impact in the Black Sea ā€¢ Monitoring of the Black Sea anchovy and sprat, ā€¢ Salinity tolerance as a key factor of invasion success of the copepods of Calanus genus into the Sea of Marmara, ā€¢ Salinity tolerance as a key factor of invasion success of the mesozooplankton species into the Sea of Marmara. We hope that this publication will make a substantial contribution to future studies of the Black Sea ecosystem and offers further understanding of those features regulating biological processes in this unique marine basin

    Pedagogical and psychological conditions implementation of students personal formation in university social and cultural environment

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    Ā© 2017 Serials Publications.In modern social cultural conditions of the transition period in the development of society in pedagogics of the higher school the paradigm of personality-oriented education is implemented, the main value of which students' personal formation is recognized. One of the ways to solve this problem is the formation and development of University environment, its pedagogization with practical realization of the pedagogical conditions which optimize the mechanism of personal formation of the student under the influence of the sociocultural environment of the University. The article is aimed at the development and experimental testing of pedagogical conditions' efficiency of students' personal development in socio-cultural environment of the University. During research the following methods were used: Diagnostic; observational; experimental; generalization of pedagogical experience; methods of calculating of the selected integrity; methods of mathematical and statistical processing of experimental data. The base of the study is Amur State University. The diagnostic stage of the experiment study included 1014 students of 1-5 courses of nine faculties. The formative stage of the experiment included 156 students of the Faculty of Social Sciences. It is proved that the process of students' personal formation is optimized while respecting the complex of following pedagogical conditions: Social and educational, providing updating and personalization of the social and cultural environment of high school as a space for students' personal formation; organizational and pedagogical involving development of sociocultural environment of high school by students at various levels; psychological-pedagogical, aimed at enhancing students' desire for self-development, self-improvement

    Pedagogical and psychological conditions implementation of students personal formation in university social and cultural environment

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    Ā© 2017 Serials Publications.In modern social cultural conditions of the transition period in the development of society in pedagogics of the higher school the paradigm of personality-oriented education is implemented, the main value of which students' personal formation is recognized. One of the ways to solve this problem is the formation and development of University environment, its pedagogization with practical realization of the pedagogical conditions which optimize the mechanism of personal formation of the student under the influence of the sociocultural environment of the University. The article is aimed at the development and experimental testing of pedagogical conditions' efficiency of students' personal development in socio-cultural environment of the University. During research the following methods were used: Diagnostic; observational; experimental; generalization of pedagogical experience; methods of calculating of the selected integrity; methods of mathematical and statistical processing of experimental data. The base of the study is Amur State University. The diagnostic stage of the experiment study included 1014 students of 1-5 courses of nine faculties. The formative stage of the experiment included 156 students of the Faculty of Social Sciences. It is proved that the process of students' personal formation is optimized while respecting the complex of following pedagogical conditions: Social and educational, providing updating and personalization of the social and cultural environment of high school as a space for students' personal formation; organizational and pedagogical involving development of sociocultural environment of high school by students at various levels; psychological-pedagogical, aimed at enhancing students' desire for self-development, self-improvement