5,974 research outputs found

    The F-12 series aircraft approach to design for control system reliability

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    The F-12 series aircraft control system design philosophy is reviewed as it pertains to functional reliability. The basic control system, i.e., cables, mixer, feel system, trim devices, and hydraulic systems are described and discussed. In addition, the implementation of the redundant stability augmentation system in the F-12 aircraft is described. Finally, the functional reliability record that has been achieved is presented

    Archaeological dating of colluvial and lacustrine deposits in a GIS environment investigating the multi-period site Gortz 1 on Oberer Beetzsee, Brandenburg

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    From the mid-14th century CE onwards, extensive soil erosion, caused by intensive agricultural practices, has led to the destruction of landscape structures in Central Europe. In 2016, the University of Applied Sciences in Berlin investigated the colluvial deposits at the site of Gortz in western Brandenburg (Germany), which had accumulated on the lower slopes and were caused by the processes just mentioned. The mapping of each individual archaeological find made it possible to project all finds onto one profile running along the slope. Transformation of the finds' coordinates from profile view to plan view enabled the visualization in a Geographical Information System (GIS). The combination of adjacent strata into larger units using a pedological and sedimentological approach enabled an improved dating of colluvial deposits. In addition, the method facilitated the dating of historical water levels in the Beetzsee chain of lakes, which are part of the Havel river system. As a result, it could be demonstrated that substantial anthropogenic activity, such as clay quarrying and bank straightening, took place during the Late Slavic Period. An interlocking horizon of colluvial and lacustrine deposits indicates that the water level of the lake Oberer Beetzsee rose from a value under 29.4 m above sea level (a.s.l.) in the 11th/12th century CE to approximately 29.8 m a.s.l. in the 13th century CE. However, isolated flooding events during the 13th century CE can be recorded up to a height of 30.5 m a.s.l. A modern colluvial deposit of 1 m in thickness indicates an acute endangerment of the archaeological site by modern agriculture.Flächenhafte Bodenerosion, ausgelöst durch intensive landwirtschaftliche Nutzung, führte ab Mitte des 14. Jahrhunderts u.Z. zur Zerstörung von Landschaftsstrukturen und in Mitteleuropa. Kolluvien, welche durch diese Prozesse entstanden und am Unterhang akkumulierten, wurden auf dem Fundplatz Gortz (westliches Brandenburg, Deutschland) durch die Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin im Jahr 2016 untersucht. Konsequente Einzelfundeinmessung ermöglichte die Projizierung aller Funde auf eines der längs zum Hang verlaufenden Profile. Koordinatentransformation der Funde von der Profilansicht in die Draufsicht, ermöglichte die Visualisierung in einem GIS. Die Zusammenfassung benachbarter Schichten auf Basis der bodenkundlich-sedimentologischen Ansprache ermöglichte eine verbesserte Datierung der Kolluvien. Zusätzlich ermöglichte diese Methode die Datierung historischer Pegelstände der Beetzseekette, eines Teils des Flusssystems der Havel. Im Ergebnis ließen sich für die spätslawische Zeit starke anthropogene Aktivitäten wie Mergelabbau und eine Uferbegradigung nachweisen. Über einen Verzahnungshorizont limnischer und kolluvialer Sedimente. ließ sich ein Pegelanstieg des Oberen Beetzsees von einem Wert unterhalb von 29.4 m Normalhöhennull (NHN) im 11./12. Jahrhundert u.Z. auf etwa 29.8 m NHN im 13. Jahrhundert u.Z. feststellen. Es lassen sich für das 13. Jahrhundert u.Z. jedoch auch vereinzelte Überschwemmungsereignisse bis in eine Höhe von 30.5 m NHN fassen. Ein modernes Kolluvium von einem Meter Mächtigkeit zeigt die akute Gefährdung des Bodendenkmals durch die moderne Landwirtschaft

    Study of Hg vacancies in (Hg,Cd)Te after THM growth and post-growth annealing by positron annihilation

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    Positron lifetime measurements have been performed to study vacancy defects in Hg0.78Cd0.22Te. Post-growth annealing under various Hg vapour pressure conditions have been used to create a well-defined number of Hg vacancies. The sensitivity range of the positron annihilation method was found to be 1015 < cHgvac<1018 cm-3. The obtained experience has been used to investigate THM-grown single crystals. The measured longitudinal and radial dependence of the vacancy concentration can be explained by the temperature profile in the grown (Hg,Cd)Te ingots

    Quantitative analyses of empirical fitness landscapes

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    The concept of a fitness landscape is a powerful metaphor that offers insight into various aspects of evolutionary processes and guidance for the study of evolution. Until recently, empirical evidence on the ruggedness of these landscapes was lacking, but since it became feasible to construct all possible genotypes containing combinations of a limited set of mutations, the number of studies has grown to a point where a classification of landscapes becomes possible. The aim of this review is to identify measures of epistasis that allow a meaningful comparison of fitness landscapes and then apply them to the empirical landscapes to discern factors that affect ruggedness. The various measures of epistasis that have been proposed in the literature appear to be equivalent. Our comparison shows that the ruggedness of the empirical landscape is affected by whether the included mutations are beneficial or deleterious and by whether intra- or intergenic epistasis is involved. Finally, the empirical landscapes are compared to landscapes generated with the Rough Mt.\ Fuji model. Despite the simplicity of this model, it captures the features of the experimental landscapes remarkably well.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures; to appear in Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experimen

    'Parasitic invasions' or sources of good governance: constraining foreign competition in Hong Kong banking, 1956-81

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    This paper investigates the operation and impact of the moratorium on new banking licences imposed in Hong Kong in 1965 and the claims that foreign banks destabilised the banking system and drained resources from the colony. First it examines foreign banks' attempts to circumvent the moratorium through claims of special circumstances and buying interests in local banks, and secondly it examines the efforts of incumbents to extend barriers to non-bank financial institutions and to branches of foreign banks. The general conclusions are that while the moratorium was aimed at increasing the stability of the banking system, it had the effect of decreasing the regulatory breadth of the government, and reducing incentives for mergers and acquisitions that might have improved governance

    Trying to define Free Will : a cognitive and fonctional model proposal

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    The debate about Free Will has been in the human mind for centuries, but has become even more intense with the recent scientific findings adding new lights on the problem. This interdisciplinary explosion of interest for the topic has brought many insightful knowledge, but also a great deal of epistemological problems. We think that those epistemological problems are deeply related to the very definition of Free Will and how this definition interacts with the interpretations of experimental results. We will thus outline a few of these problems and then propose a definition of Free Will which takes into account those epistemological pitfalls