5,772 research outputs found

    Aspectos gerais da fotossensibilizacao hepatogena em bovinos.

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    A sensibilização da pele a luz devido, geralmente, a ação de certas doenças, plantas ou outras substancias, e denominada fotossensibilizacao (Stedman's Medical 1972). O primeiro registro sobre a ocorrência de fotossensibilizacao hepatogena em bovinos mantidos em pastagens de Brachiaria decumbens, na América do Sul, foi feito na Venezuela (Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical 1975), onde a doença ocasionou a morte de doze garrotes nos primeiros dias de pastejo. No Brasil, Hutton (s.d.lL) fez observações sobre casos desta doença no gado Nelore, em pastagens de B. decumbens, em Rio Verde de Goiás. O surto acometeu, principalmente, bezerros antes e depois da desmama. Alem desta primeira constatação, vários outros autores descreveram esta doença em bovinos em pastagem de B. decumbens.bitstream/item/138531/1/COT-19.pdfCNPG

    Collision-free inverse kinematics of a 7 link cucumber picking robot

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    The paper presents results of research on inverse kinematics algorithms to be used in a functional model of a cucumber harvesting robot consisting of a redundant manipulator with one prismatic and six rotational joints (P6R). Within a first generic approach, the inverse kinematics problem was reformulated as a non-linear programming problem and solved with a generic algorithm. Solutions were easily obtained, but the considerable calculation time needed to solve the problem prevented on line implementation. To circumvent this problem, a second, less generic approach was developed consisting of a mixed numerical-analytic solution of the inverse kinematics problem exploiting the particular structure of the P6R manipulator. This approach facilitated rapid and robust calculation of the inverse kinematics of the cucumber harvester. During the early stages of the cucumber harvesting project, this inverse kinematics algorithm was used to off-line evaluate the ability of the robot to harvest cucumbers using 3D-information of a cucumber crop obtained in a real greenhouse. Thereafter, the algorithm was employed successfully in a functional model of the cucumber harvester to determine if cucumbers were hanging within the reachable workspace of the robot and to determine a collision-free harvest posture to be used for motion control of the manipulator during harvesting

    Problemas com cavalos em pastagens de humidicola.

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    Triton's surface age and impactor population revisited in light of Kuiper Belt fluxes: Evidence for small Kuiper Belt objects and recent geological activity

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    Neptune's largest satellite, Triton, is one of the most fascinating and enigmatic bodies in the solar system. Among its numerous interesting traits, Triton appears to have far fewer craters than would be expected if its surface was primordial. Here we combine the best available crater count data for Triton with improved estimates of impact rates by including the Kuiper Belt as a source of impactors. We find that the population of impactors creating the smallest observed craters on Triton must be sub-km in scale, and that this small-impactor population can be best fit by a differential power-law size index near -3. Such results provide interesting, indirect probes of the unseen small body population of the Kuiper Belt. Based on the modern, Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud impactor flux estimates, we also recalculate estimated ages for several regions of Triton's surface imaged by Voyager 2, and find that Triton was probably active on a time scale no greater than 0.1-0.3 Gyr ago (indicating Triton was still active after some 90% to 98% of the age of the solar system), and perhaps even more recently. The time-averaged volumetric resurfacing rate on Triton implied by these results, 0.01 km3^3 yr−1^{-1} or more, is likely second only to Io and Europa in the outer solar system, and is within an order of magnitude of estimates for Venus and for the Earth's intraplate zones. This finding indicates that Triton likely remains a highly geologically active world at present, some 4.5 Gyr after its formation. We briefly speculate on how such a situation might obtain.Comment: 14 pages (TeX), plus 2 postscript figures Stern & McKinnon, 2000, AJ, in pres

    The Face that Launched a Thousand Slips

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    Helene, (approximately 17.6 kilometers mean radius) is an L4 Trojan co-orbital of Saturn's moon Dione. Its hemisphere features an unusual morphology consisting of broad depressions and a generally smooth surface patterned with streaks and grooves. The streaks appear to be oriented down-gradient, as are the grooves. This pattern suggests intensive mass-wasting as a dominant process on the leading hemisphere. Kilometer-scale impact craters are very sparse on the leading hemisphere other than the degraded kilometer-scale basins defining the overall satellite shape, and many small craters have a diffuse appearance suggesting ongoing mass wasting. Thus mass wasting must dominate surface-modifying processes at present. In fact, the mass wasting appears to have been sufficient in magnitude to narrow the divides between adjacent basins to narrow septa, similar, but in lower relief, to the honeycomb pattern of Hyperion. The prominent groves occur primarily near topographic divides and appear have cut into a broad, slightly lower albedo surface largely conforming to the present topography but elevated a few meters above the smooth surfaces undergoing mass wasting flow. Low ridges and albedo markings on the surface suggest surface flow of materials traveling up to several kilometers. Diffusive mass wasting produces smooth surfaces - such a pattern characterizes most of the low-lying surfaces. The grooves, however, imply that the transport process is advective at those locations where they occur, that is, erosion tends to concentrate along linear pathways separated by divides. In fact, in many places grooves have a fairly regular spacing of 125-160 meters, defining a characteristic erosional scale. Several questions are prompted by the unusual morphology of Helene: 1) What is the nature of the surface materials? 2) Are the transport processes gradual or catastrophic motion from one or a few events? 3) What mechanisms drive mass wasting and groove development? 4) Have the formative processes been active in the recent past? 5) Finally, is the surface accreting or eroding? The smooth character of the leading edge hemisphere of Helene and the dominance of mass wasting suggest that the surface is composed of fine-grained debris, probably dominated by dust-size to small gravel particles. The Lagrangian points of saturnian satellites are locations where planetesimals might have accreted to form co-orbital satellites such as and they may capture ejecta from their master moon. Published models suggest that Helene is a site of net accretion, but we find no extant explanation for the dominance of fine grain sizes for the surface (and probable subsurface) composition of Helene and the other Lagrangian satellites. Observation of the mass wasting tracks on Helene suggests the presence of well-defined streams of debris with low bordering levees that may be depositional features or remnants of the dissected higher surface. Some flows in grazing illumination appear to have a convex cross-section. This mass-flow morphology might be consistent with the occurrence of large-scale flow events, but which might have occurred through rapid emplacement or slow glacier-like creep. On the other hand, small craters appear to have been "softened" by creep-like processes, indicating ongoing mass wasting

    Landform Evolution Modeling of Specific Fluvially Eroded Physiographic Units on Titan

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    Several recent studies have proposed certain terrain types (i.e., physiographic units) on Titan thought to be formed by fluvial processes acting on local uplands of bedrock or in some cases sediment. We have earlier used our landform evolution models to make general comparisons between Titan and other ice world landscapes (principally those of the Galilean satellites) that we have modeled the action of fluvial processes. Here we give examples of specific landscapes that, subsequent to modeled fluvial work acting on the surfaces, produce landscapes which resemble mapped terrain types on Titan

    Electrostatic extraction of cold molecules from a cryogenic reservoir

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    We present a method which delivers a continuous, high-density beam of slow and internally cold polar molecules. In our source, warm molecules are first cooled by collisions with a cryogenic helium buffer gas. Cold molecules are then extracted by means of an electrostatic quadrupole guide. For ND3_3 the source produces fluxes up to (7±47)×1010(7 \pm ^{7}_{4}) \times 10^{10} molecules/s with peak densities up to (1.0±0.61.0)×109(1.0 \pm ^{1.0}_{0.6}) \times 10^9 molecules/cm3^3. For H2_2CO the population of rovibrational states is monitored by depletion spectroscopy, resulting in single-state populations up to (82±10)(82 \pm 10)%.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, changes to the text, updated figures and reference

    Seleção de genes endógenos para análise de qRT-PCR em sementes de café.

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    A técnica quantitativa de PCR em tempo real, qRT-PCR, permite analisar a expressão de genes alvo em diferentes condições experimentais. No entanto, a análise precisa dos resultados gerados pela qRT-PCR está diretamente relacionada ao gene normalizador utilizado, o qual deve apresentar expressão constitutiva semelhante para as diferentes amostras/tratamentos avaliados no experimento. Os genes normalizadores escolhidos para as análises em sementes podem diferir daqueles utilizados para as raízes e folhas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo a avaliação de genes normalizadores úteis ao estudo de expressão gênica em sementes. O experimento englobou sementes mantidas nos frutos, sementes desmuciladas mecanicamente ou por meio da fermentação. Essas sementes e frutos foram em seguida, secados à sombra ou em secador até atingirem os teores de água de 12% ou 35%, foram acondicionados em embalagens herméticas e mantidos em câmara fria (10ºC/ 40%UR) por um período de até 12 meses. Foram avaliados 11 genes candidatos a normalizadores, os quais foram escolhidos, previamente, em um estudo de microarranjos. As expressões e estabilidade destes genes foram avaliadas por meio dos softwares geNorm, NormFinder, Delta Ct e BestKeeper. Pela análise conjunta dos resultados obtidos a partir destes softwares, observou-se que a estabilidade de um gene normalizador é variável em função do fator experimental considerado. O gene da actina é indicado como normalizador nas análises de expressão gênica em sementes de café quando forem considerados todos os três fatores avaliados neste estudo, ou seja, processamento, secagem e armazenamento
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