47 research outputs found
The distribution of oxygen at the Ni81Fe19/Ta interface
The knowledge of how oxygen atoms are distributed at a magnetic-metal /
oxide, or magnetic-metal / non-magnetic-metal interface, can be an useful tool
to optimize device production. Multilayered Ni81Fe19 / Ta samples consisting of
15 bilayers of 2.5 nm each, grown onto glass substrates by magnetron sputtering
from Ni81Fe19 and Ta targets, have been investigated. X-ray absorption near
edge structure, extended X-Ray absorption fine structure, small angle X-ray
diffraction, and simulations, were used to characterize the samples. Oxygen
atoms incorporated onto Ni81Fe19 films during O2 exposition are mainly bonded
to Fe atoms. This partial oxidation of the Ni81Fe19 surface works as a barrier
to arriving Ta atoms, preventing intermixing at the Ni81Fe19 / Ta interface.
The reduction of the Ni81Fe19 surface by the formation of TaO x is observed.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Advances in
Materials Science and Engineerin
Spin Polarization and Magneto-Coulomb Oscillations in Ferromagnetic Single Electron Devices
The magneto-Coulomb oscillation, the single electron repopulation induced by
external magnetic field, observed in a ferromagnetic single electron transistor
is further examined in various ferromagnetic single electron devices. In case
of double- and triple-junction devices made of Ni and Co electrodes, the single
electron repopulation always occurs from Ni to Co electrodes with increasing a
magnetic field, irrespective of the configurations of the electrodes. The
period of the magneto-Coulomb oscillation is proportional to the single
electron charging energy. All these features are consistently explained by the
mechanism that the Zeeman effect induces changes of the Fermi energy of the
ferromagnetic metal having a non-zero spin polarizations. Experimentally
determined spin polarizations are negative for both Ni and Co and the magnitude
is larger for Ni than Co as expected from band calculations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, uses jpsj.sty, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp
Transición eléctrica en multicapas delgadas de VO2/SiO2 y VO2/TiO2, sintetizadas en substratos de Si(100)
Multicapas de VO2/SiO2 y VO2/TiO2 de tres periodos fueron sintetizadas sobre
substratos monocristalinos de Si (100) con buffer de SiO2 y TiO2, respectivamente.
La caracterización estructural por difracción de rayos X (XRD) de ambas multicapas,
a temperatura ambiente, mostraron el pico de difracción correspondiente al plano
cristalográfico (011) bien definido evidenciando la presencia de la fase VO2 (M1).
Para [VO2/TiO2] x 3, el pico de difracción originado por los planos (011), mostró un
ligero corrimiento hacia valores más bajos del ángulo, en relación al pico patrón. Las
medidas del transporte electrónico en función de la temperatura, para las multicapas
[VO2/SiO2] x 3, mostraron transición eléctrica a temperaturas de 55 °C y 58 °C y
ancho de histéresis (H), de 9 °C y 6 °C, respectivamente. En el sistema
[VO2/TiO2] x 3, la transición eléctrica ocurrió a 74 °C, con un ancho de histéresis
sumamente estrecho (2 °C). Nuestros resultados sugieren que el comportamiento de
la histéresis, así como el corrimiento mostrado por el pico experimental del plano
(011), puede ser interpretado como consecuencia de la difusión de iones de Ti+4 hacia
los sitios del V+4 en el VO2, debido a la alta temperatura del sustrato durante la
deposición. Así, las impurezas de Ti+4 difundidas, actúan como núcleos de
transformación de fase en el VO2, disminuyendo la energía de activación de la
transformación de fase, explicando de esta manera la estreches de la histéresis
Spin-accumulation in small ferromagnetic double barrier junctions
The non-equilibrium spin accumulation in ferromagnetic double barrier
junctions is shown to govern the transport in small structures. Transport
properties of such systems are described by a generalization of the theory of
the Coulomb blockade. The spin accumulation enhances the magnetoresistance. The
transient non-linear transport properties are predicted to provide a unique
experimental evidence of the spin-accumulation in the form of a reversed
current on time scales of the order of the spin-flip relaxation time.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in PR
Spin flip scattering in magnetic junctions
Processes which flip the spin of an electron tunneling in a junction made up
of magnetic electrodes are studied. It is found that: i) Magnetic impurities
give a contribution which increases the resistance and lowers the
magnetoresistance, which saturates at low temperatures. The conductance
increases at high fields. ii) Magnon assisted tunneling reduces the
magnetoresistance as , and leads to a non ohmic contribution to the
resistance which goes as , iii) Surface antiferromagnetic magnons,
which may appear if the interface has different magnetic properties from the
bulk, gives rise to and contributions to the magnetoresistance and
resistance, respectively, and, iv) Coulomb blockade effects may enhance the
magnetoresistance, when transport is dominated by cotunneling processes.Comment: 5 page
Tunneling Via Individual Electronic States in Ferromagnetic Nanoparticles
We measure electron tunneling via discrete energy levels in ferromagnetic
cobalt particles less than 4 nm in diameter, using non-magnetic electrodes. Due
to magnetic anisotropy, the energy of each tunneling resonance shifts as an
applied magnetic field rotates the particle's magnetic moment. We see both
spin-increasing and decreasing tunneling transitions, but we do not observe the
spin degeneracy at small magnetic fields seen previously in non-magnetic
materials. The tunneling spectrum is denser than predicted for independent
electrons, possibly due to spin-wave excitations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Improved by comments from referees, to appear in
Phys. Rev. Let
Crossover from Kondo assisted suppression to co-tunneling enhancement of tunneling magnetoresistance via ferromagnetic nanodots in MgO tunnel barriers
Recently, it has been shown that magnetic tunnel junctions with thin MgO
tunnel barriers exhibit extraordinarily high tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR)
values at room temperature1, 2. However, the physics of spin dependent
tunneling through MgO barriers is only beginning to be unravelled. Using planar
magnetic tunnel junctions in which ultra-thin layers of magnetic metals are
deposited in the middle of a MgO tunnel barrier here we demonstrate that the
TMR is strongly modified when these layers are discontinuous and composed of
small pancake shaped nanodots. At low temperatures, in the Coulomb blockade
regime, for layers less than ~1 nm thick, the conductance of the junction is
increased at low bias consistent with Kondo assisted tunneling. In the same
regime we observe a suppression of the TMR. For slightly thicker layers, and
correspondingly larger nanodots, the TMR is enhanced at low bias, consistent
with co-tunneling.Comment: Nano Letters (in press
Large Magnetoresistance Ratio in Ferromagnetic Single-Electron Transistors in the Strong Tunneling Regime
We study transport through a ferromagnetic single-electron transistor. The
resistance is represented as a path integral, so that systems where the tunnel
resistances are smaller than the quantum resistance can be investigated. Beyond
the low order sequential tunneling and co-tunneling regimes, a large
magnetoresistance ratio at sufficiently low temperatures is found. In the
opposite limit, when the thermal energy is larger than the charging energy, the
magnetoresistance ratio is only slightly enhanced.Comment: updated versio
Nonequilibrium spin distribution in single-electron transistor
Single-electron transistor with ferromagnetic outer electrodes and
nonmagnetic island is studied theoretically. Nonequilibrium electron spin
distribution in the island is caused by tunneling current. The dependencies of
the magnetoresistance ratio on the bias and gate voltages show the
dips which are directly related to the induced separation of Fermi levels for
electrons with different spins. Inside a dip can become negative.Comment: 11 pages, 2 eps figure
Mesoscopic Tunneling Magnetoresistance
We study spin-dependent transport through
ferromagnet/normal-metal/ferromagnet double tunnel junctions in the mesoscopic
Coulomb blockade regime. A general transport equation allows us to calculate
the conductance in the absence or presence of spin-orbit interaction and for
arbitrary orientation of the lead magnetizations. The tunneling
magnetoresistance (TMR), defined at the Coulomb blockade conductance peaks, is
calculated and its probability distribution presented. We show that mesoscopic
fluctuations can lead to the optimal value of the TMR.Comment: 5 pages, 3 eps figures included using epsf.sty. Revised text and
improved notation, fig. 2 removed, explicit equations for the GSE case adde