6,095 research outputs found

    Polyelectrolyte Adsorption

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    The problem of charged polymer chains (polyelectrolytes) as they adsorb on a planar surface is addressed theoretically. We review the basic mechanisms and theory underlying polyelectrolyte adsorption on a single surface in two situations: adsorption of a single charged chain, and adsorption from a bulk solution in θ\theta solvent conditions. The behavior of flexible and semi-rigid chains is discussed separately and is expressed as function of the polymer and surface charges, ionic strength of the solution and polymer bulk concentration. We mainly review mean-field results and briefly comment about fluctuation effects. The phenomenon of polyelectrolyte adsorption on a planar surface as presented here is of relevance to the stabilization of colloidal suspensions. In this respect we also mention calculations of the inter-plate force between two planar surfaces in presence of polyelectrolyte. Finally, we comment on the problem of charge overcompensation and its implication to multi-layers formation of alternating positive and negative polyelectrolytes on planar surfaces and colloidal particles.Comment: 11 pages, 4 PS figures (Latex/RevTex), submitted to C.R. Acad. Sci (Paris

    Mediated Communication in the Postsecondary Education of Deaf Students

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    As increasing numbers of students with impaired hearing seek postsecondary education, the naivete of many receiving institutions about these students’ needs assumes greater importance. Students report and staff confirm that representative facilities often fail to distinguish between deaf and hard of hearing students. Such confusion leads to inappropriate accommodations, when any are made. The authors suggest antidotes for the neglect and confusion, and offer ideas for alterations in educational administration, for preparing and deploying interpreters, and for research

    Traversable Wormholes in Geometries of Charged Shells

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    We construct a static axisymmetric wormhole from the gravitational field of two charged shells which are kept in equilibrium by their electromagnetic repulsion. For large separations the exterior tends to the Majumdar-Papapetrou spacetime of two charged particles. The interior of the wormhole is a Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole matching to the two shells. The wormhole is traversable and connects to the same asymptotics without violation of energy conditions. However, every point in the Majumdar-Papapetrou region lies on a closed timelike curve.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX, 1 figur

    Inverse monoids and immersions of 2-complexes

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    It is well known that under mild conditions on a connected topological space X\mathcal X, connected covers of X\mathcal X may be classified via conjugacy classes of subgroups of the fundamental group of X\mathcal X. In this paper, we extend these results to the study of immersions into 2-dimensional CW-complexes. An immersion f:DCf : {\mathcal D} \rightarrow \mathcal C between CW-complexes is a cellular map such that each point yDy \in {\mathcal D} has a neighborhood UU that is mapped homeomorphically onto f(U)f(U) by ff. In order to classify immersions into a 2-dimensional CW-complex C\mathcal C, we need to replace the fundamental group of C\mathcal C by an appropriate inverse monoid. We show how conjugacy classes of the closed inverse submonoids of this inverse monoid may be used to classify connected immersions into the complex

    More than a cognitive experience: unfamiliarity, invalidation, and emotion in organizational learning

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    Literature on organizational learning (OL) lacks an integrative framework that captures the emotions involved as OL proceeds. Drawing on personal construct theory, we suggest that organizations learn where their members reconstrue meaning around questions of strategic significance for the organization. In this 5-year study of an electronics company, we explore the way in which emotions change as members perceive progress or a lack of progress around strategic themes. Our framework also takes into account whether OL involves experiences that are familiar or unfamiliar and the implications for emotions. We detected similar patterns of emotion arising over time for three different themes in our data, thereby adding to OL perspectives that are predominantly cognitive in orientation

    Decoration of the truncated tetrahedron - an Archimedean polyhedron - to produce a new class of convex equilateral polyhedra with tetrahedral symmetry

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    The Goldberg construction of symmetric cages involves pasting a patch cut out of a regular tiling onto the faces of a Platonic host polyhedron, resulting in a cage with the same symmetry as the host. For example, cutting equilateral triangular patches from a 6.6.6 tiling of hexagons and pasting them onto the full triangular faces of an icosahedron produces icosahedral fullerene cages. Here we show that pasting cutouts from a 6.6.6 tiling onto the full hexagonal and triangular faces of an Archimedean host polyhedron, the truncated tetrahedron, produces two series of tetrahedral (T-d) fullerene cages. Cages in the first series have 28n(2) vertices (n >= 1). Cages in the second (leapfrog) series have 3 x 28n(2). We can transform all of the cages of the first series and the smallest cage of the second series into geometrically convex equilateral polyhedra. With tetrahedral (T-d) symmetry, these new polyhedra constitute a new class of "convex equilateral polyhedra with polyhedral symmetry". We also show that none of the other Archimedean polyhedra, six with octahedral symmetry and six with icosahedral, can host full-face cutouts from regular tilings to produce cages with the host's polyhedral symmetry

    The Cosmic Censor Forbids Naked Topology

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    For any asymptotically flat spacetime with a suitable causal structure obeying (a weak form of) Penrose's cosmic censorship conjecture and satisfying conditions guaranteeing focusing of complete null geodesics, we prove that active topological censorship holds. We do not assume global hyperbolicity, and therefore make no use of Cauchy surfaces and their topology. Instead, we replace this with two underlying assumptions concerning the causal structure: that no compact set can signal to arbitrarily small neighbourhoods of spatial infinity (``i0i^0-avoidance''), and that no future incomplete null geodesic is visible from future null infinity. We show that these and the focusing condition together imply that the domain of outer communications is simply connected. Furthermore, we prove lemmas which have as a consequence that if a future incomplete null geodesic were visible from infinity, then given our i0i^0-avoidance assumption, it would also be visible from points of spacetime that can communicate with infinity, and so would signify a true naked singularity.Comment: To appear in CQG, this improved version contains minor revisions to incorporate referee's suggestions. Two revised references. Plain TeX, 12 page