1,318 research outputs found

    Stratospheric age of air computed with trajectories based on various 3D-Var and 4D-Var data sets

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    International audienceThe age of stratospheric air is computed with a trajectory model, using ECMWF ERA-40 3D-Var and operational 4D-Var winds. Analysis as well as forecast data are used. In the latter case successive forecast segments are put together to get a time series of the wind fields. This is done for different forecast segment lengths. The sensitivity of the computed age to the forecast segment length and assimilation method are studied, and the results are compared with observations and with results from a chemistry transport model that uses the same data sets. A large number of backward trajectories are started in the stratosphere, and from the fraction of these trajectories that has passed the tropopause the age of air is computed. First, for ten different data sets 50-day backward trajectories starting in the tropical lower stratosphere are computed. The results show that in this region the computed cross-tropopause transport decreases with increasing forecast segment length. Next, for three selected data sets (3D-Var 24-h and 4D-Var 72-h forecast segments, and 4D-Var analyses) 5-year backward trajectories are computed that start all over the globe at an altitude of 20km. For all data sets the computed ages of air in the extratropics are smaller than the observation-based age. For 4D-Var forecast series they are closest to the observation-based values, but still 0.5-1.5 year too small. Compared to the difference in age between the results for the different data sets, the difference in age between the trajectory and the chemistry transport model results is small

    Bradyrhizobium japonicum and soybean symbiotic response to glyphosate in glyphosate-tolerant soybeans

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    Soybean (Glycine max) grain contains approximately 40% protein and 6.5% nitrogen (N) on an elemental basis. Therefore, the plant requires an abundant N supply throughout its life cycle, and symbiotic N fixation of soybean with Bradyrhizobium japonicum provides 40 to 85% of the soybean N. Although soybean cultivars have been genetically engineered to withstand the herbicide glyphosate, B. japonicum grown in culture is sensitive to glyphosate. We hypothesized that glyphosate applied to glyphosate-tolerant soybean would inhibit nodulation by B. japonicum unless B. japonicum could also be selected for glyphosate tolerance. Cultures of B. japonicum were challenged with sublethal doses of glyphosate, and individual colonies were selected for growth in the presence of glyphosate. Of the 40 isolates that were originally selected for glyphosate tolerance, all isolates in subsequent experiments had similar sensitivity to glyphosate as wild-type B. japonicum. To determine if glyphosate affected B. japonicum in plants, soybean seeds were imbibed with differing levels of glyphosate and water and then planted and inoculated with B. japonicum. After several weeks of growth the plants were harvested and nodules were scanned and analyzed by digital imagery. Glyphosate application to glyphosate-tolerant soybean did not affect the ability of B. japonicum to form nodules and fix nitrogen. These data do not agree with previous responses of small soybean plants sprayed with glyphosate, which showed delayed nodulation and decreased nodule size. It may be that the dosage applied to plants and the timing of the application affect the response of glyphosate on symbiotic effectiveness

    Grading scale of radiographic findings in the pubic bone and symphysis in athletes.

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    Purpose: Radiographic abnormalities in the pubic bone and symphysis are often seen in athletes with groin pain. The aim was to create a grading scale of such radiologic changes. Material and Methods: Plain radiography of the pelvic ring including the pubic bone and the symphysis was performed in 20 male athletes, age 19-35, with long-standing uni- or bilateral groin pain. We used two control groups: Control group 1: 20 healthy age-matched men who had undergone radiologic examination of the pelvis due to trauma. Control group 2: 120 adults (66 men and 54 women) in 9 age groups between 15 and 90 years of age. These examinations were also evaluated for interobserver variance. Results and Conclusion: The grading scale was based on the type and the amount of the different changes, which were classified as follows: No bone changes (grade 0), slight bone changes (grade 1), intermediate changes (grade 2), and advanced changes (grade 3). The grading scale is easy to interpret and an otherwise troublesome communication between the radiologist and the physician was avoided. There was a high interobserver agreement with a high kappa value (0.8707). Male athletes with long-standing groin pain had abnormal bone changes in the symphysis significantly more frequently and more severely (p>0.001) than their age-matched references. In asymptomatic individuals such abnormalities increased in frequency with age both in men and women

    Amphibians in agricultural landscapes: the habitat value of crop areas, linear plantings and remnant woodland patches

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    Mitigating the negative impacts of agriculture on amphibians requires knowledge of how different land uses affect species distribution and community composition. In the case of frogs, there is currently insufficient information on their use of terrestrial habitats in cropping landscapes to inform conservation planning. We examined how four different farmland types (linear plantings, cereal crops, grazing paddocks and woody mulch) and crop harvesting influenced amphibian abundance, richness, body condition and movement. We found the abundance of frogs was significantly higher in linear plantings compared to grazing paddocks and adjacent patches of remnant woodland vegetation. However, species richness and abundance of three individual species did not vary significantly between farmland types. For the most common frog Uperoleia laevigata, body condition was higher at the edges of the woody debris treatment (coupled with higher abundance) and lower in farmland with debris and linear plantings. The body condition of Limnodynastes tasmaniensis and L. interioris was not influenced by farmland type. Frog abundance and condition was largely unaffected by crop harvesting. However, frogs were less common after harvesting at the edges of farmland and within remnant patches. Movement patterns did not suggest mass movement out of crops after harvest, where almost half of all individuals recaptured remained within the farmland. These results suggest that some generalist frog species may have an affinity for habitats within agricultural paddocks, particularly when key habitat features like plantings are present. However, we found overall frog richness was low and did not differ between remnant patches, edges and farmland which may be an indication of habitat degradation within terrestrial habitats across the landscape. Although protection of remnant native vegetation is important, conservation strategies for the protection of amphibians will be ineffective if they do not consider the variety of land uses and the relationships of different species and their microhabitats within and outside of patches.Funding was provided by the Australian Government Research Training Program, Central Tablelands Local Land Services, NSW Environmental Trust and the Lake Cowal Foundation

    Spatiotemporal effects of logging and fire on tall, wet temperate eucalypt forest birds

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    Forests globally are subject to disturbances such as logging and fire that create complex temporal variation in spatial patterns of forest cover and stand age. However, investigations that quantify temporal changes in biodiversity in response to multiple forms of disturbance in space and time are relatively uncommon. Over a 10-yr period, we investigated the response of bird species to spatiotemporal changes in forest cover associated with logging and wildfire in the mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans) forests of southeastern Australia. Specifically, we examined how bird occurrence changed with shifts in the proportion of area burned or logged in a 4.5 km radius surrounding our 88 long-term field survey sites, each measuring 1 ha in size. Overall species richness was greatest in older forest patches, but declined as the amount of fire around each site increased. At the individual species level, 31 of the 37 bird species we modeled exhibited a negative response to the amount of fire in the surrounding landscape, while one species responded positively to fire. Only nine species exhibited signs of recovery in the 6 yr of surveys following the fire. Five species were more likely to be detected as the proportion of logged forest surrounding a site increased, suggesting a possible "concentration effect" with displaced birds moving into unlogged areas following harvesting of adjacent areas. We also identified relationships between the coefficients of life history attributes and spatiotemporal changes in forest cover and stand age. Large-bodied birds and migratory species were associated with landscapes subject to large amounts of fire in 2009. There were associations between old growth stands and small-bodied bird species and species that were not insectivores. Our study shows that birds in mountain ash forests are strongly associated with old growth stands and exhibit complex, time-dependent, and species-specific responses to landscape disturbance. Despite logging and fire both being high-severity perturbations, no bird species exhibited similar responses to fire and logging in the landscape surrounding our sites. Thus, species responses to one kind of landscape-scale disturbance are not readily predictable based on an understanding of the responses to another kind of (albeit superficially similar) disturbance.Threatened Species Recovery Hub of the National Environmental Science Program, Parks Victoria, and Victorian Government Department of Environment, Land, Water and Plannin

    To Kick Against the Pricks: An Examination of the Oresteia and the Acts of the Apostles

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    The major themes found in the Oresteia and the books of Luke and Acts of the Apostles are compared. By focusing on the similarities found in the themes of Justice, Religion, and New versus Old, the reader may determine if the phrase in question is being used as a literary allusion in the book of Acts of the Apostles to the Oresteia trilogy. The author believes this to be the case and believes that to arrive at a full understanding of the literary meaning of the phrase in question, an understanding of the major themes of the Oresteia is necessary

    How To Get Your Clinical Teaching Team Ready For Curriculum Change: A Practical Guide

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    Our health care system is constantly adapting to change at an increasingly rapid pace. Unavoidably, this also applies to the field of medical education. As a result, clinical teaching teams face the challenging task of successfully implementing the proposed changes in daily practice. It goes without saying that implementing change takes time and that you need to be patient. However, a successful change process needs more than that. Change models or strategies could offer a helping hand. The questionnaire Specialty training’s Organizational Readiness for curriculum Change (STORC) is a tool aiming to do just that. With a focus on readiness for change, this questionnaire tries to support implementation efforts in PGME. Additionally, since change is a team effort, it focusses on clinical teaching teams particularly. In this paper, we offer a practical guide for clinical teaching teams on how to deal with any concerns or hurdles detected in any of the core elements of readiness for change, in order to smoothen and support the educational change processes these teams are confronted with

    Van Giffen's Dogs:Cranial Osteometry of Iron Age to Medieval Period Dogs from the Northern Netherlands

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    This paper presents biometric data from a collection of 488 dogs skulls originating from 58 (archaeological) sites in the northern Netherlands dating from the Iron Age to the Medieval Period. The crania were originally collected and documented in the early 20th century by Prof. Albert Egges van Giffen, one of the pioneers of Dutch archaeology and archaeozoology. The ‘De honden van Van Giffen’ project has transcribed, translated and digitized the original handwritten records and tables, supplementing the information with new photographs of a selection of the specimens, and made the dataset openly accessible for researchers worldwide on easy.dans.knaw.nl. This dataset is an unparalleled treasure trove of canid osteometric data with sustainable reuse potential for research into dog domestication, the evolution of dog breeds, and cranial variability in canids.   Funding statement: Making the data digitally available in an open access environment was funded by the Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen (KNAW) via Data Archiving and Network Services (DANS) as a Kleine Data Projecten (KDP) grant. The original data and facilities for carrying out the project were provided by the Groningen Institute of Archaeology of the University of Groningen
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