88 research outputs found

    « … aux Pays-Bas, chez les grands artistes » : nouveaux regards sur Dürer et son temps

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    L’abondance de publications et d’expositions traitant de l’art dans les pays germaniques au tournant du xvie siècle témoigne des beaux jours que ce courant d’études a toujours devant lui. En 2010, les grands noms de la peinture étaient représentés dans de multiples expositions, d’Holbein l’Ancien à Dürer, en passant par Cranach, Furtmayr et Altdorfer. Une étude transversale du phénomène des peintres de cour dans les années 1500 et de l’influence italienne et néerlandaise sur les maîtres de l’..


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    В статті аналізується висвітлення в сучасній історіографії пострадянських країн низки проблемісторії ІІСвітової війни, насамперед концепції ревізіоністського характеру, та дається оцінка їхньої обґрунтованості.This article analyzes coverage of contemporary historiography of post-Soviet countries, a number of problems in the history ofWorldWar II, especially the concept of a revisionist nature, and assesses their validity

    Experimental study of a drop "evolution" under conditions of its free fall on a heated surface

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    Time dependences of distilled water drop diameter were obtained experimentally after its falling on a heated copper substrate from a height of 0.09 m. The temperature of the solid surface ( Tw ) varied from 333 to 413 K in steps of 20 K. The effect on the drop dynamics after falling and the maximum ratio of the spreading diameter to the drop diameter in flight ( [beta]max ) were determined

    Обзор и назначение экономических информационных систем

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    ObjectivesThis study was designed to develop a technique to selectively increase the sympathetic tone to the heart by cardiac sympathetic nerve stimulation (SNS).BackgroundAccess to the cardiac sympathetic neurons may allow modulating the adrenergic tone of the heart while avoiding systemic side effects.MethodsCardiac sympathetic nerves course within neural sleeves along the subclavian artery. Because of this proximity, transvascular SNS was attempted with electrode catheters inside the subclavian artery in 16 pigs.ResultsRight/left (R-/L-) SNS (20 Hz) during ventricular pacing at 200/min evoked a >100% increase of left ventricular systolic pressure (baseline: 51 ± 1 mm Hg; L-SNS: 118 ± 26 mm Hg; R-SNS: 116 ± 33 mm Hg; p < 0.001) while systemic vascular resistance remained unchanged. There was a sigmoid dose-response curve with rapid on- and offset of the effect during SNS initiation/cessation. Positive inotropic effects persisted for 12 h of continued SNS (n = 4). Besides positive dromotropic effects, L-SNS/R-SNS yielded a 41% and 77% sinus rate increase, respectively.ConclusionsThe neural adrenergic tone to the heart can be selectively increased by catheter stimulation of cardiac efferent sympathetic nerves

    Auxiliary particle theory of threshold singularities in photoemission and X-ray absorption spectra: Test of a conserving T-matrix approximation

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    We calculate the exponents of the threshold singularities in the photoemission spectrum of a deep core hole and its X-ray absorption spectrum in the framework of a systematic many-body theory of slave bosons and pseudofermions (for the empty and occupied core level). In this representation, photoemission and X-ray absorption can be understood on the same footing; no distinction between orthogonality catastrophe and excitonic effects is necessary. We apply the conserving slave particle T-matrix approximation (CTMA), recently developed to describe both Fermi and non-Fermi liquid behavior systems with strong local correlations, to the X-ray problem as a test case. The numerical results for both photoemission and X-ray absorption are found to be in agreement with the exact infrared powerlaw behavior in the weak as well as in the strong coupling regions. We point out a close relation of the CTMA with the parquet equation approach of Nozi{\`e}res et al.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, published versio