86 research outputs found

    Manned submersible „JAGO“

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    The manned submersible „JAGO“ is a human occupied underwater vehicle (HOV) designed for personal exploration and research in all types of aquatic systems and habitats. The seafloor along the continental shelf and slopes within the ocean twilight zone is JAGO’s main target area. The DNV-GL classed 2-person submersible has a maximum operating depth of 400 m. The two occupants, the pilot and one observer, are seated at 1 Atmosphere in a steel pressure hull with two large acrylic windows. The submersible’s small size and lightweight construction (3 T) allows worldwide operations from on board a wide variety of vessels as well as transport in a single standard 20-foot container together with all support equipment. Typical applications include personal observation of the sea bed and water column, video and photo documentation, selective non-intrusive sampling, placement of sensors and experiments, underwater inspection, as well as location and recovery of object

    Archangelopsis jagoa, a new species of benthic siphonophore (Physonectae, Rhodaliidae) collected by submersible in the Red Sea

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    A new species of rhodaliid siphonophore, Archangelopsis jagoa sp, nov., is described from three specimens collected at depths between 250 and 370 m in the Gulf of Akaba, Red Sea, by the submersible JAGO. Comparisons are made with the established species of that genus and observations, both in situ and on the living animals in captivity, are reported

    Alternative methods for the treatment of post-menopausal troubles

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    [english] Menopause is described as the transition from the reproductive phase of a women to the non reproductive. Changes in hormone levels might lead to complaints and health consequences especially during peri- and postmenopause. Hormone therapy has a potential damaging health risk profile and is recommended for temporal limited therapy for acute vasomotor symptoms only.The present HTA-report aims to assess the effectiveness and the cost-effectiveness of alternative treatment methods for women with postmenopausal symptoms in Germany regarding patient relevant endpoints (reduction of symptoms and frequency of adverse events and improvement of quality of life).A systematic literature search was carried out in 33 relevant databases in September 2010. Citations were selected according to pre-defined criteria and were extracted and evaluated.In the systematic research 22 studies are identified for the effectiveness evaluation, 22 primary studies and one review.High doses of isolated genistein reduce the frequency/intensity of hot flashes while low doses of genistein show no significant effect. Intake of isoflavone extract such as genistein, daidzein, glycitein in various combinations does not have an effect on improvement of cognitive function or vaginal dryness. The effect of black cohosh and hop extract for menopausal complaints cannot be determined since results are heterogenous. The combination of isoflavone, black cohosh, monk’s pepper, valerian and vitamin E has a positive effect on menopause symptoms. Ginkgo biloba shows no significant effect on menopause symptoms and cognitive improvement beside mental flexibility. Acupuncture has a significant influence on hot flashes especially in severe cases.No final statement can be drawn regarding the effectiveness of alter­ne treatment methods due to qualitative shortcomings of included studies and a general limited availability of studies in this field. Furthermore, the generalization of the present HTA is limited due to the inclusion of only postmenopausal women.<br><br>[german] Als Wechseljahre wird der Übergang von der reproduktiven Phase der Frau zur nicht-reproduktiven beschrieben. Insbesondere in der Peri- und Postmenopause können Beschwerden aufgrund des sich veränderten Hormonspiegels auftreten. Aktuell wird die Hormontherapie wegen der mit dieser verbundenen Risiken nur noch zur kurzfristigen Behandlung akuter vasomotorischer Symptome empfohlen. Von den betroffenen Frauen werden alternative und komplementäre Heilmethoden eingesetzt.Im vorliegenden Health Technology Assessment (HTA) sollen die Effektivität und Kosteneffektivität alternativer Behandlungsmethoden von postmenopausalen Wechseljahresbeschwerden in Deutschland hinsichtlich der patientenrelevanten Endpunkte Verringerung der Symptomatik, Häufigkeit unerwünschter Ereignisse sowie Verbesserung der Lebensqualität bewertet werden. In 33 relevanten Datenbanken wird im September 2010 eine systematische Literatursuche durchgeführt. Gefundene und relevante Literaturstellen werden gemäß vorab definierter Kriterien selektiert. Die Daten der Literaturstellen werden gezielt herausgesucht, bewertet und zusammenfassend beurteilt.Aus der systematischen Recherche werden 22 Studien, davon 15 Primärstudien und ein Review zur Bewertung der Effektivität identifiziert.Hochdosiertes isoliertes Genistein reduziert die Anzahl/Schwere von Hitzewallungen, während niedrig dosiertes Genistein keinen signifikanten Effekt zeigt. Die Gabe von Isoflavonextrakten, die Genistein, Daidzein, Glycitein in unterschiedlicher Zusammensetzung enthalten, hat keinen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Verbesserung kognitiver Fähigkeiten oder vaginale Trockenheit. Traubensilberkerzen- und Hopfenextrakt führen zu unterschiedlichen Ergebnissen bezüglich der Wirksamkeit bei postmenopausalen Beschwerden, sodass keine abschließende Aussage zur Effektivität getroffen werden kann. Die Kombination von Isoflavonen, Traubensilberkerze, Mönchspfeffer, Baldrian und Vitamin E hat eine positive Wirkung auf postmenopausale Symptome. Ginkgo biloba zeigt keinen signifikanten Effekt auf postmenopausale Symptome und eine kognitive Verbesserung mit Ausnahme der mentalen Flexibilität. Akupunktur hat einen signifikanten Einfluss auf Hitzewallungen, insbesondere auf deren Schweregrad.Aufgrund der qualitativen Mängel (Concealment, Randomisierung, Fallzahlplanung) der eingeschlossenen Studien und der begrenzten Anzahl an Studien kann keine abschließende zusammenfassende Bewertung zur Wirksamkeit alternativer Heilmethoden gegeben werden. Die Verallgemeinerbarkeit des vorliegenden HTA wird durch die Beschränkung auf postmenopausale Frauen reduziert

    RV POSEIDON Cruise Report POS420 COWACSS Biological observation and sampling of cold-water corals to investigate impacts on climate change

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    Trondheim – (Kristiansund) – Kiel 08. – (25.) – 30.09.201

    Fishes of the deep demersal habitat at Ngazidja (Grand Comoro) Island, Western Indian Ocean

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    Underwater observations of the coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnae&lt;/I&gt; Smith, 1939, from a research submersible provided opportunities to study the deep demersal fish fauna at the Comoro Islands. The demersal habitat in depths of 150-400 m at the volcanic island of Ngazidja is low in fish diversity and biomass, compared with the shallow-water coral reef habitat of Ngazidja or the deep demersal habitats of other localities in the Indo-Pacific region. The resident deep demersal fish fauna at Ngazidja is dominated by the coelacanth, an ancient predator that is specially adapted for this low-energy environment. Other large fish predators are scarce in this environment, because of the heavy fishing pressure from local fishermen. Eighty-nine fish taxa (including 65 recognizable species) were recorded from videotapes, photographs, visual observations, fishermen's catches and ancillary attempts to sample the fish fauna with baited fish traps, gill nets, and hook and line. Although no coelacanth feeding events were seen, seven fish species are known from coelacanth stomach contents, and 64 other fish species in this habitat are considered potential prey of this dominant predator

    Proposal of \u3cem\u3eVibrionimonas magnilacihabitans\u3c/em\u3e gen. nov., sp. nov., a Curved Gram Negative Bacterium Isolated From Lake Michigan Water

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    A mesophilic bacterium appearing as curved rod-shaped cells was isolated from Lake Michigan water. It exhibited highest similarities with Sediminibacterium ginsengisoli DCY13T (94.4 %); Sediminibacterium salmoneum NJ-44T (93.6 %) and Hydrotalea flava CCUG 51397 T (93.1 %) while similarities with other recognized species were sym-homospermidine was the primary polyamine. The major cellular fatty acids were iso-C15 : 1G, iso-C15 : 0, iso-C16 : 0 3-OH and iso-C17 : 0 3-OH, with moderate amounts of iso-C16 : 0. The presence of glycolipids differentiated the novel strains from related genera. The DNA mol% G+C content of the type strain MU-2T was 45.2. Results for other phenotypic and molecular analyses indicated that strain MU-2T is a representative of a novel genus and species for which the name Vibrionimonas magnilacihabitans is proposed. The type strain is MU-2T ( = NRRL B-59231 = DSM 22423)

    Interactions of fishes with particular reference to coelacanths in the canyons at Sodwana Bay and the St. Lucia Protected Area of South Africa

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    The deep demersal fish fauna at depths of 100–400min canyons off the St Lucia Marine Protected Area along the north coast of KwaZulu-Natal is compared with similar fish communities at the Comoro Islands and in the Indo-Pacific region. Fifty-four fish species were seen or photographed from the submersible Jago or by the discovery team of scuba divers in the coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnae, habitat of the canyons off Sodwana Bay. An additional 94 fish species known from depths of 100–200 m along the coast of northern KwaZulu-Natal are likely to occur in the canyon habitat. The fish fauna of the Sodwana canyons shares at least 18 species with the deep demersal fish community off tropical coral reefs of the Indo-Pacific region. Thirty-seven of the Sodwana canyon fishes are also known from the coelacanth habitat in the Comoros

    The South African coelacanths - an account on what is known after three submersible expeditions

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    Using the manned submersible Jago, the habits, distribution and number of coelacanths within all main submarine canyons of the Greater St Lucia Wetland Park were studied during 47 survey dives, with a total bottom time of 166 hours at depths ranging from 46 to 359 m, between 2002 and 2004. Twenty-four individuals were positively identified from three of the canyons, primarily from inside caves at or close to the canyon edges at depths of 96-133 m with water temperatures between 16 and 22.5oC. The population size of coelacanths within the canyons is assumed to be relatively small; coelacanths are resident but not widespread nor abundant within the park

    Exhaled breath condensate acidification in acute lung injury

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    AbstractLung injury in ventilated lungs may occur due to local or systemic disease and is usually caused by or accompanied by inflammatory processes. Recently, acidification of exhaled breath condensate pH (EBC-pH) has been suggested as marker of inflammation in airway disease. We investigated pH, ammonia, lactate, pCO2, HCO3−, IL-6 and IL-8 in EBC of 35 ventilated patients (AECC-classification: ARDS: 15, ALI: 12, no lung injury: 8).EBC-pH was decreased in ventilated patients compared to volunteers (5.85±0.32 vs. 7.46±0.48; P<0.0001). NH4+, lactate, HCO3−, pCO2, IL-6 and IL-8 were analyzed in EBC and correlated with EBC-pH. We observed correlations of EBC-pH with markers of local (EBC IL-6: r=−0.71, P<0.0001, EBC IL-8: r=−0.68, P<0.0001) but not of systemic inflammation (serum IL-6, serum IL-8) and with indices of severity of lung injury (Murray's Lung Injury Severity Score; r=−0.73, P<0.0001, paO2/FiO2; r=0.54, P<0.001). Among factors potentially contributing to pH of EBC, EBC-lactate and EBC-NH4+ were found to correlate with EBC-pH.Inflammation-induced disturbances of regulatory mechanisms, such as glutaminase systems may result in EBC acidification. EBC-pH is suggested to represent a marker of acute lung injury caused by or accompanied by pulmonary inflammation
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