3,681 research outputs found

    Wireless Medical Sensor Networks: Design Requirements and Enabling Technologies

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    This article analyzes wireless communication protocols that could be used in healthcare environments (e.g., hospitals and small clinics) to transfer real-time medical information obtained from noninvasive sensors. For this purpose the features of the three currently most widely used protocols—namely, Bluetooth® (IEEE 802.15.1), ZigBee (IEEE 802.15.4), and Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11)—are evaluated and compared. The important features under consideration include data bandwidth, frequency band, maximum transmission distance, encryption and authentication methods, power consumption, and current applications. In addition, an overview of network requirements with respect to medical sensor features, patient safety and patient data privacy, quality of service, and interoperability between other sensors is briefly presented. Sensor power consumption is also discussed because it is considered one of the main obstacles for wider adoption of wireless networks in medical applications. The outcome of this assessment will be a useful tool in the hands of biomedical engineering researchers. It will provide parameters to select the most effective combination of protocols to implement a specific wireless network of noninvasive medical sensors to monitor patients remotely in the hospital or at home

    Models for Type I X-Ray Bursts with Improved Nuclear Physics

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    Multi-zone models of Type I X-ray bursts are presented that use an adaptive nuclear reaction network of unprecedented size, up to 1300 isotopes. Sequences of up to 15 bursts are followed for two choices of accretion rate and metallicity. At 0.1 Eddington (and 0.02 Eddington for low metallicity), combined hydrogen-helium flashes occur. The rise times, shapes, and tails of these light curves are sensitive to the efficiency of nuclear burning at various waiting points along the rp-process path and these sensitivities are explored. The bursts show "compositional inertia", in that their properties depend on the fact that accretion occurs onto the ashes of previous bursts which contain left-over hydrogen, helium and CNO nuclei. This acts to reduce the sensitivity of burst properties to metallicity. For the accretion rates studied, only the first anomalous burst in one model produces nuclei as heavy as A=100, other bursts make chiefly nuclei with A~64. The amount of carbon remaining after hydrogen-helium bursts is typically <1% by mass, and decreases further as the ashes are periodically heated by subsequent bursts. At the lower accretion rate of 0.02 Eddington and solar metallicity, the bursts ignite in a hydrogen-free helium layer. At the base of this layer, up to 90% of the helium has already burned to carbon prior to the unstable ignition. These helium-ignited bursts have briefer, brighter light curves with shorter tails, very rapid rise times (<0.1 s), and ashes lighter than the iron group.Comment: Submitted to the Astrophysical Journal (42 pages; 27 figures

    AFM pulling and the folding of donor-acceptor oligorotaxanes: phenomenology and interpretation

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    The thermodynamic driving force in the self-assembly of the secondary structure of a class of donor-acceptor oligorotaxanes is elucidated by means of molecular dynamics simulations of equilibrium isometric single-molecule force spectroscopy AFM experiments. The oligorotaxanes consist of cyclobis(paraquat-\emph{p}-phenylene) rings threaded onto an oligomer of 1,5-dioxynaphthalenes linked by polyethers. The simulations are performed in a high dielectric medium using MM3 as the force field. The resulting force vs. extension isotherms show a mechanically unstable region in which the molecule unfolds and, for selected extensions, blinks in the force measurements between a high-force and a low-force regime. From the force vs. extension data the molecular potential of mean force is reconstructed using the weighted histogram analysis method and decomposed into energetic and entropic contributions. The simulations indicate that the folding of the oligorotaxanes is energetically favored but entropically penalized, with the energetic contributions overcoming the entropy penalty and effectively driving the self-assembly. In addition, an analogy between the single-molecule folding/unfolding events driven by the AFM tip and the thermodynamic theory of first-order phase transitions is discussed and general conditions, on the molecule and the cantilever, for the emergence of mechanical instabilities and blinks in the force measurements in equilibrium isometric pulling experiments are presented. In particular, it is shown that the mechanical stability properties observed during the extension are intimately related to the fluctuations in the force measurements.Comment: 42 pages, 17 figures, accepted to the Journal of Chemical Physic

    Proton Drip-Line Calculations and the Rp-process

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    One-proton and two-proton separation energies are calculated for proton-rich nuclei in the region A=41−75 A=41-75 . The method is based on Skyrme Hartree-Fock calculations of Coulomb displacement energies of mirror nuclei in combination with the experimental masses of the neutron-rich nuclei. The implications for the proton drip line and the astrophysical rp-process are discussed. This is done within the framework of a detailed analysis of the sensitivity of rp process calculations in type I X-ray burst models on nuclear masses. We find that the remaining mass uncertainties, in particular for some nuclei with N=ZN=Z, still lead to large uncertainties in calculations of X-ray burst light curves. Further experimental or theoretical improvements of nuclear mass data are necessary before observed X-ray burst light curves can be used to obtain quantitative constraints on ignition conditions and neutron star properties. We identify a list of nuclei for which improved mass data would be most important.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, 2 table

    Time-of-flight mass measurements of neutron-rich chromium isotopes up to N = 40 and implications for the accreted neutron star crust

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    We present the mass excesses of 59-64Cr, obtained from recent time-of-flight nuclear mass measurements at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory at Michigan State University. The mass of 64Cr is determined for the first time, with an atomic mass excess of -33.48(44) MeV. We find a significantly different two-neutron separation energy S2n trend for neutron-rich isotopes of chromium, removing the previously observed enhancement in binding at N=38. Additionally, we extend the S2n trend for chromium to N=40, revealing behavior consistent with the previously identified island of inversion in this region. We compare our results to state-of-the-art shell-model calculations performed with a modified Lenzi-Nowacki-Poves-Sieja interaction in the fp shell, including the g9/2 and d5/2 orbits for the neutron valence space. We employ our result for the mass of 64Cr in accreted neutron star crust network calculations and find a reduction in the strength and depth of electron-capture heating from the A=64 isobaric chain, resulting in a cooler than expected accreted neutron star crust. This reduced heating is found to be due to the >1-MeV reduction in binding for 64Cr with respect to values from commonly used global mass models.Comment: Accepted to Physical Review
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