278 research outputs found

    Photoinduced Charge Separation In Platinum Acetylide Oligomers

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    The series of three donor-spacer-acceptor complexes, DPAF-Ptn-NDI, has been synthesized and characterized using time-resolved absorption spectroscopy In these complexes, the donor is a (diphenylamino)-2,7-fluorenylene (DPAF) unit, the acceptor is a naphthalene diimide (NDI), and the spacers are a series of platinum acetylides of varying lengths, [-Pt(PBu(3))(2)C C-Ph-C C-](n) (where Bu = n-butyl Ph = 1,4-phenylene and n = 1 2, and 3) Electrochemistry indicates that the DPAF-Ptn-NDI system has a charge transfer state at ca 1 5 eV above the ground state that is based on one electron transfer from the DPAF donor to the NDI acceptor Transient absorption spectroscopy on time scales ranging from 0 2 ps to 1 mu s reveals that excitation of all of the complexes leads to production of the charge transfer state with nearly unit quantum efficiency The rates for charge separation and charge recombination are not strongly dependent upon the length of the platinum acetylide spacer, suggesting that the spacer is actively involved in the electron (hole) transport processes Analysis of the experimental results leads to a model in which charge separation and charge recombination occur by hole-hopping via states localized on the [-Pt(PBu(3))(2)C C-Ph-C C-](n) bridge

    Urban-Rural Gradient Analysis of Amount and Distribution of Carbon and Nitrogen in Soils of Kumasi Region, Ghana

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    While urbanisation is a global phenomenon, cities in developing countries exhibit particularly high levels of growth in recent years. In Ghana, this phenomenon of rapid growth from 31% of the people living in urban areas in 1984 to 51% urban population in 2010 has created expansive urban forms, impacting natural resources. The aim of this study is to analyse some of the impacts on soils of this rapid urban development. A stratified random sampling design was used to sample soils from 70 maize fields on Acrisols within the area of Kumasi, which was urban already in 1986, and other areas that became urban later. Rural maize fields and forests were also sampled. Three replicates were taken at each site of maize mono-crop and/or mixed-crop subsistence farms to keep consistency. Topsoil samples (0-10 cm depth) were taken volumetrically in 250 cm3 steel cylinders. The samples are currently analysed for soil pH, and for C and N by use of a Leco TruSpec CHN analyser. An ANOVA will be calculated to analyse the differences in means between urban and non-urban areas. A variogram will then be fitted to characterise spatial correlations in the urban to rural continuum of C and N amounts, and consequently mapped out. We hypothesise that C and N contents of soils under maize in urbanised areas of Kumasi exceed those of comparable soils and land-use in adjacent rural areas as reported by Bellwood-Howard et al. 2015, for other West-African cities. Among other reasons, disposal of household waste including organic materials, which is generally practised in urban Ghana due to inadequate waste management, is expected to increase C and N contents. We suggest that urban farms, if well-coordinated into urban planning and management, can provide a viable source of food security to urban dwellers in developing countries. Although analyses of additional parameters are needed pH as well as C and N amounts already provide relevant information on the critical role urbanisation play in the sustainable development of cities in Ghana

    Impurity effects on the band structure of one-dimensional photonic crystals: Experiment and theory

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    We study the effects of single impurities on the transmission in microwave realizations of the photonic Kronig-Penney model, consisting of arrays of Teflon pieces alternating with air spacings in a microwave guide. As only the first propagating mode is considered, the system is essentially one dimensional obeying the Helmholtz equation. We derive analytical closed form expressions from which the band structure, frequency of defect modes, and band profiles can be determined. These agree very well with experimental data for all types of single defects considered (e.g. interstitial, substitutional) and shows that our experimental set-up serves to explore some of the phenomena occurring in more sophisticated experiments. Conversely, based on the understanding provided by our formulas, information about the unknown impurity can be determined by simply observing certain features in the experimental data for the transmission. Further, our results are directly applicable to the closely related quantum 1D Kronig-Penney model.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Negative Polaron And Triplet Exciton Diffusion In Organometallic molecular Wires

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    The dynamics of negative polaron and triplet exciton transport within a series of monodisperse platinum (Pt) acetylide oligomers is reported. The oligomers consist of Pt-acetylide repeats, [PtL(2)-C C-ph-C C-](n) (where L = PBu(3) and Ph = 1,4-phenylene, n = 2, 3, 6, and 10), capped with naphthalene diimide (NDI) end groups. The Pt acetylide segments are electro- and photoactive, and they serve as conduits for transport of electrons (negative polaron) and triplet excitons. The NDI end groups are relatively strong acceptors, serving as traps for the carriers. Negative polaron transport is studied by using pulse radiolysis/transient absorption at the Brookhaven National Laboratory Laser-Electron Accelerator Facility (LEAF). Electrons are rapidly attached to the oligomers, with some fraction initially residing upon the Pt acetylide chains. The dynamics of transport are resolved by monitoring the spectral changes associated with transfer of electrons from the chain to the NDI end group. Triplet exciton transport is studied by femtosecond-picosecond transient absorption spectroscopy. Near-UV excitation leads to rapid production of triplet excitons localized on the Pt acetylide chains. The excitons transport to the chain ends, where they are annihilated by charge separation with the NDI end group. The dynamics of triplet transport are resolved by transient absorption spectroscopy, taking advantage of the changes in spectra associated with decay of the triplet exciton and rise of the charge-separated state. The results indicate that negative polarons and excitons are transported rapidly, on average moving distances of similar to 3nm in less than 200 ps. Analysis of the dynamics suggests diffusive transport by a site-to-site hopping mechanism with hopping times of similar to 27 ps for triplets and \u3c10 ps for electrons

    Biocompatibility of subretinal parylene-based Ti/Pt microelectrode array in rabbit for further artificial vision studies

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    To evaluate the biocompatibility of subretinal implanted parylene-based Ti/Pt microelectrode arrays (MEA). Eyes were enucleated 3 months after MEAs were implanted into the subretinal space of rabbits. Morphological changes of the retinas were investigated by H&E staining. Immunohistochemical staining for glial fibrillary acidic protein and opsin were performed to evaluate changes in Muller cells and photoreceptors in the retinas. Retina tissue around the array remained intact. Photoreceptor degeneration and glial cell activation were observed in the retina overlaying the MEA implant. However, the cells in the inner retinal layers were preserved. Photoreceptor degeneration and glial cell activation at the MEA–retina interface are expected to be a normal reaction to implantation. Material used in this experiment has good biocompatibility within the subretinal environment and is expected to be promising in the further retinal prosthesis studies

    NEMF mutations that impair ribosome-associated quality control are associated with neuromuscular disease

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    A hallmark of neurodegeneration is defective protein quality control. The E3 ligase Listerin (LTN1/Ltn1) acts in a specialized protein quality control pathway—Ribosome-associated Quality Control (RQC)—by mediating proteolytic targeting of incomplete polypeptides produced by ribosome stalling, and Ltn1 mutation leads to neurodegeneration in mice. Whether neurodegeneration results from defective RQC and whether defective RQC contributes to human disease have remained unknown. Here we show that three independently-generated mouse models with mutations in a different component of the RQC complex, NEMF/Rqc2, develop progressive motor neuron degeneration. Equivalent mutations in yeast Rqc2 selectively interfere with its ability to modify aberrant translation products with C-terminal tails which assist with RQC-mediated protein degradation, suggesting a pathomechanism. Finally, we identify NEMF mutations expected to interfere with function in patients from seven families presenting juvenile neuromuscular disease. These uncover NEMF’s role in translational homeostasis in the nervous system and implicate RQC dysfunction in causing neurodegeneration

    Computer literacy and attitudes towards e-learning among first year medical students

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    BACKGROUND: At the Medical University of Vienna, most information for students is available only online. In 2005, an e-learning project was initiated and there are plans to introduce a learning management system. In this study, we estimate the level of students' computer skills, the number of students having difficulty with e-learning, and the number of students opposed to e-learning. METHODS: The study was conducted in an introductory course on computer-based and web-based training (CBT/WBT). Students were asked to fill out a questionnaire online that covered a wide range of relevant attitudes and experiences. RESULTS: While the great majority of students possess sufficient computer skills and acknowledge the advantages of interactive and multimedia-enhanced learning material, a small percentage lacks basic computer skills and/or is very skeptical about e-learning. There is also a consistently significant albeit weak gender difference in available computer infrastructure and Internet access. As for student attitudes toward e-learning, we found that age, computer use, and previous exposure to computers are more important than gender. A sizable number of students, 12% of the total, make little or no use of existing e-learning offerings. CONCLUSION: Many students would benefit from a basic introduction to computers and to the relevant computer-based resources of the university. Given to the wide range of computer skills among students, a single computer course for all students would not be useful nor would it be accepted. Special measures should be taken to prevent students who lack computer skills from being disadvantaged or from developing computer-hostile attitudes

    Expanding the genotypic and phenotypic spectrum of severe serine biosynthesis disorders.

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    Serine biosynthesis disorders comprise a spectrum of very rare autosomal recessive inborn errors of metabolism with wide phenotypic variability. Neu-Laxova syndrome represents the most severe expression and is characterized by multiple congenital anomalies and pre- or perinatal lethality. Here, we present the mutation spectrum and a detailed phenotypic analysis in 15 unrelated families with severe types of serine biosynthesis disorders. We identified likely disease-causing variants in the PHGDH and PSAT1 genes, several of which have not been reported previously. Phenotype analysis and a comprehensive review of the literature corroborates the evidence that serine biosynthesis disorders represent a continuum with varying degrees of phenotypic expression and suggest that even gradual differences at the severe end of the spectrum may be correlated with particular genotypes. We postulate that the individual residual enzyme activity of mutant proteins is the major determinant of the phenotypic variability, but further functional studies are needed to explore effects at the enzyme protein level.We are indebted to all families for participating in this study. We would like to acknowledge Dr. Natasha Laidlew, who initially suggested the diagnosis in one of the cases and provided important phenotypic information, and Dr. María-Luisa Martínez-Fernández for the critical management of biosamples in ECEMC Program of Spain. Financial assistance was received in support of the study by grants from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) (GeNeRARe, FKZ: 01GM1519D) to M. Z. and from the Institute of Health Carlos III: Convenio ISCIII-ASEREMAC, and Fundación 1000 sobre Defectos Congénitos, of Spain to E. B.-S. and I. R. G.S
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