577 research outputs found

    Consumers and Food Miles

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    Previous research has extensively studied environmental implications of conventional and globalized food supply chain. Local food supply chains are supposed to reduce the environmental impacts of "food miles", the distance that foodstuff travels between the production location and the consumption marketplace. However, if researchers, environmental decision-makers and activists are convinced of the importance of 'food miles', there is a lack of understanding about whether and how end consumers perceive food miles. This paper therefore fills this gap by investigating the perceptions of food miles by French consumers. The first section explores the different types of distances between food and consumers. The second section presents the results of a qualitative study conducted in France. Two sessions of focus groups were held to better understand consumers' perceptions of food miles. Results show that most consumers are not aware of food miles. Focus groups were followed by individual interviews with the particular group of local organic food consumers, supposed to be more environmentally concerned than others. Again, results show that most consumers buy and consume local food for other reasons than reducing food miles. The third section deals with the reasons why consumers do not seem concerned by food miles, and discusses the concepts of "bliss ignorance", perceived efficiency, and social dilemmas. ...French Abstract : Les études sur les conséquences de la globalisation des filières agro-alimentaires sur l'environnement se multiplient, et les réseaux alternatifs locaux ayant pour but de réduire les intermédiaires entre les producteurs et les consommateurs sont présentés comme permettant un retour à une agriculture et un système de consommation durables. Plus précisément ces réseaux ont, entre autres, pour but de réduire l'impact environnemental des "food miles", ou distance parcourue par les produits alimentaires entre le lieu de production et les lieux de consommation. Ce concept de "food miles" est utilisé comme un indicateur de développement durable et de plus en plus comme un outil de communication à destination des consommateurs. Cependant, si les chercheurs, décideurs ou activistes dans le domaine de l'environnement semblent convaincus de l'importance des "food miles", aucune étude n'a été menée afin de savoir si et comment les consommateurs perçoivent les "food miles" et sont susceptibles d'en tenir compte dans leur processus de choix des produits. C'est donc l'objet de cet article, qui s'attache à mettre en évidence les perceptions des food miles par les consommateurs en France grâce à une étude qualitative. La première partie présente les différents types de distance perçue entre les consommateurs et les produits alimentaires. Cette distance perçue peut favoriser un certain désintérêt de la part des consommateurs vis à vis des produits alimentaires et de la façon dont ils sont produits ; à l'opposé elle peut être à l'origine de préoccupations croissantes -environnementales, sociales ou plus individuelles telles que les préoccupations santé- et expliquer le besoin de re-créer des liens perdus avec les produits et les producteurs.FOOD MILES; ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN; FOOD CONSUMPTION; QUALITATIVE STUDY


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    A 9-year-old boy undergoing anaesthesia including suxamethonium and halothane suffered cardiac arrest on two occasions. Clinical and laboratory examination subsequently showed that the patient had suffered from acute rhabdomyolysis. The eventual recovery was satisfactor

    Holter monitoring for syncope: diagnostic yield in different patient groups and impact on device implantation

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    Background: Holter monitoring is routinely used in patients referred for the evaluation of syncope, but its diagnostic value in different patient groups is unclear, as is its impact on device implantation (pacemaker or cardioverter-defibrillator). Aim: To determine the diagnostic yield of Holter monitoring in the routine evaluation of syncope, and its impact on subsequent device implantation. Design: Retrospective record review. Methods: We reviewed all Holter studies in patients referred with syncope between 2000 and 2005. Strict criteria were applied to determine whether a study was diagnostic. The diagnostic value of Holter monitoring (overall and in five subgroups: age, gender, structural heart disease, ejection fraction, medication) and its impact on the implantation of devices, were determined. Results: Of 4877 Holter studies, 826 were performed in patients with syncope (age 72 ± 15 years): 71 (8.6%) were considered to explain the syncope. Structural heart disease, ejection fraction and age were significant predictors of a diagnostic study (all p < 0.01), whereas gender and cardiac medication were not. A device was implanted in 33 patients (4.4%) whose initial Holter did not explain their syncope, after mean 7 months, whereas 45 patients (5.4%) received a pacemaker based on the Holter results (p = 0.32). Discussion: The overall diagnostic yield of Holter monitoring in the evaluation of syncope was 8.6%, with dramatic differences between subgroups. Our data suggest that the impact of Holter monitoring on device implantation is generally overestimate

    Characterization and financial impact of implantable cardioverter-defibrillator patients without interventions 5 years after implantation

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    Background: Implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICD's) are increasingly used for primary and secondary prevention of sudden cardiac death. However, data on how many ICD patients indeed receive appropriate ICD therapy during long-term follow-up is scarce. Aim: The aim of our study was to determine the number of patients without appropriate ICD therapy 5 years after ICD implantation, to identify predicting factors, to assess the occurrence of late first ICD therapy and to quantify the financial impact of ICD therapy in a real-world setting. Design: Prospective observational study. Methods: We prospectively enrolled 322 consecutive ICD patients. Baseline data were collected at implantation and patients were followed for a median of 7.3 years (IQR 5.8-9.2 years). Time to first appropriate ICD therapy (either antitachycardia pacing or cardioversion) was documented. Results: Five years after implantation, 139 patients (43%) had not received appropriate ICD therapy. In multivariable analysis, a primary prevention indication and negative electrophysiological studies prior to ICD implantation were independent predictors of freedom from ICD therapy. Of the patients without ICD therapy, 5 years after implantation, 25% had experienced inappropriate ICD shocks. Two hundred and seven devices (1.5 devices per patient) were needed for the 139 patients without ICD intervention within 5 years, accounting for €31 784 per patient. During an additional follow-up of 3 years, 12% of the patients with unused ICD received a late first appropriate ICD therapy. Conclusions: About half of the ICD patients receive appropriate ICD therapy within 5 years after implantation. Furthermore, there is a significant proportion of patients receiving late first shocks after five initially uneventful year

    Query Expansion for Survey Question Retrieval in the Social Sciences

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    In recent years, the importance of research data and the need to archive and to share it in the scientific community have increased enormously. This introduces a whole new set of challenges for digital libraries. In the social sciences typical research data sets consist of surveys and questionnaires. In this paper we focus on the use case of social science survey question reuse and on mechanisms to support users in the query formulation for data sets. We describe and evaluate thesaurus- and co-occurrence-based approaches for query expansion to improve retrieval quality in digital libraries and research data archives. The challenge here is to translate the information need and the underlying sociological phenomena into proper queries. As we can show retrieval quality can be improved by adding related terms to the queries. In a direct comparison automatically expanded queries using extracted co-occurring terms can provide better results than queries manually reformulated by a domain expert and better results than a keyword-based BM25 baseline.Comment: to appear in Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries 2015 (TPDL 2015

    Precise absolute astrometry from the VLBA imaging and polarimetry survey at 5 GHz

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    We present in this paper accurate positions of 857 sources derived from the astrometric analysis of 16 eleven-hour experiments from the Very Long Baseline Array imaging and polarimetry survey at 5 GHz (VIPS). Among observed sources, positions of 430 objects were not determined before at a milliarcsecond level of accuracy. For 95% of the sources the uncertainty of their positions range from 0.3 to 0.9 mas, with the median value of 0.5 mas. This estimate of accuracy is substantiated by the comparison of positions of 386 sources that were previously observed in astrometric programs simultaneously at 2.3/8.6 GHz. Surprisingly, the ionosphere contribution to group delay was adequately modeled with the use of the total electron contents maps derived from GPS observations and only marginally affected estimates of source coordinates.Comment: Accepted for publication by the Astronomical Journal. 7 pages, 2 tables, 4 figures. Submission contains an ascii file with the catalogue. You can get the catalogue by downloading the source of this paper and extracting file table2.tx

    Fixação biológica de nitrogênio em guandu (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp cv. BRS Mandarim) inoculada com estirpes de Bradyrhizobium spp. na presença ou ausência de tratamento com fungicida.

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    A avaliação da eficiência da fixação biológica de nitrogênio é um processo prioritário durante o melhoramento genético para obtenção de novas cultivares de leguminosas. A cultivar de guandu Mandarim foi desenvolvida para uso como recurso forrageiro e também para a rotação de culturas com a cana-de-açúcar. Destaca-se pela alta produtividade de forragem, retenção de folhas no inverno e baixo teor de taninos. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em casa-de-vegetação na Embrapa Pecuária Sudeste com o objetivo de avaliar a fixação biológica de N do guandu cv. Mandarim inoculada com três estirpes de Bradyrhizobium spp. (SEMIA 6156, SEMIA 6157 e um isolado) na presença ou ausência de tratamento de sementes com fungicida. As variáveis analisadas foram: número e massa seca de nódulos, massa seca da raiz, massa seca da parte aérea, teor de N nas folhas e relação colmo:folha de plantas. Concluiu-se que as plantas que tiveram as sementes inoculadas apresentaram boa nodulação e fixação biológica de nitrogênio em relação às não inoculadas, não houve diferença entre as estirpes. O tratamento das sementes com o fungicida captan não afetou a nodulação e teor de N na maioria das combinações

    Rapid Detection of Pathogenic Fungi from Clinical Specimens Using LightCycler Real-Time Fluorescence PCR

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    In the study presented here a LightCycler real-time PCR system was used for the diagnosis of fungal infections from clinical tissue samples. Nine specimens were investigated from six patients with suspected or proven invasive fungal infections. Seven of nine samples were positive in a broad-range fungal PCR assay. In four samples, Aspergillus fumigatus was detected both by a species-specific hybridization assay as well as by sequencing of amplification products. In addition, the broad-range fungal PCR assay and PCR sequencing detected and identified, respectively, the following organisms in the specimens noted: Candida albicans in a culture-negative liver biopsy, Histoplasma capsulatum in a bone marrow sample, and Conidiobolus coronatus in a facial soft tissue specimen. Real-time PCR is a promising tool for the diagnosis of invasive fungal infections in human tissue samples and offers some advantages over culture methods, such as rapid analysis and increased sensitivit

    Visual memory profile in 22q11.2 microdeletion syndrome: are there differences in performance and neurobiological substrates between tasks linked to ventral and dorsal visual brain structures? A cross-sectional and longitudinal study

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    BACKGROUND: Children affected by the 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2DS) have a specific neuropsychological profile with strengths and weaknesses in several cognitive domains. Specifically, previous evidence has shown that patients with 22q11.2DS have more difficulties memorizing faces and visual-object characteristics of stimuli. In contrast, they have better performance in visuo-spatial memory tasks. The first focus of this study was to replicate these results in a larger sample of patients affected with 22q11.2DS and using a range of memory tasks. Moreover, we analyzed if the deficits were related to brain morphology in the structures typically underlying these abilities (ventral and dorsal visual streams). Finally, since the longitudinal development of visual memory is not clearly characterized in 22q11.2DS, we investigated its evolution from childhood to adolescence. METHODS: Seventy-one patients with 22q11.2DS and 49 control individuals aged between 9 and 16 years completed the Benton Visual Retention Test (BVRT) and specific subtests assessing visual memory from the Children’s Memory Scale (CMS). The BVRT was used to compute spatial and object memory errors. For the CMS, specific subtests were classified into ventral, dorsal, and mixed subtests. Longitudinal data were obtained from a subset of 26 patients and 22 control individuals. RESULTS: Cross-sectional results showed that patients with 22q11.2DS were impaired in all visual memory measures, with stronger deficits in visual-object memory and memory of faces, compared to visuo-spatial memory. No correlations between morphological brain impairments and visual memory were found in patients with 22q11.2DS. Longitudinal findings revealed that participants with 22q11.2DS made more object memory errors than spatial memory errors at baseline. This difference was no longer significant at follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Individuals with 22q11.2DS have impairments in visual memory abilities, with more pronounced difficulties in memorizing faces and visual-object characteristics. From childhood to adolescence, the visual cognitive profile of patients with 22q11.2DS seems globally stable even though some processes show an evolution with time. We hope that our results will help clinicians and caregivers to better understand the memory difficulties of young individuals with 22q11.2DS. This has a particular importance at school to facilitate recommendations concerning intervention strategies for these young patients