3 research outputs found

    Better growth for the smallest pigs? : a trial with automatic feeders for the weaned pigs

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    Grisar föds med olika förutsĂ€ttningar och en gris som föds med lĂ€gre födelsevikt kan ha svĂ„rt att komma upp i samma tillvĂ€xttakt som sina kullsyskon. Detta leder till att det i varje omgĂ„ng finns ett antal grisar med lĂ€gre avvĂ€njningsvikt Ă€n de andra grisarna. De grisar med lĂ€gre avvĂ€njningsvikt har dock i de flesta fall samma tid pĂ„ sig att nĂ„ samma slaktvikt som de större grisarna vilket krĂ€ver en noggrann och genomtĂ€nkt utfodringsstrategi till dessa minsta grisar. Vid avvĂ€njningen sker mĂ„nga förĂ€ndringar i smĂ„grisens liv, bland annat Ă€ndras enzymprofilen i deras mage och tarm vilket gör att fodret inte kan brytas ner eller absorberas och en stor mĂ€ngd foder kan ansamlas i mage och tarm. HĂ€r kan oönskade bakterier vĂ€xa till, vilka kan orsaka avvĂ€njningsdiarrĂ©. Mindre grisar Ă€r oftast kĂ€nsligare Ă€n tyngre och har svĂ„rare att anpassa sig, dĂ€rför kan det vara bra att plocka ut de minsta och svagaste grisarna för att sĂ€tta i en egen box med extra tillsyn. Flera utfodringstillfĂ€llen med mindre fodergivor samt blötutfodring gynnar foderintaget och tillvĂ€xten. En restriktiv fodergiva uppdelad pĂ„ flera tillfĂ€llen resulterar i fĂ€rre sjukdomsfall. Ett hjĂ€lpmedel för att skapa bĂ€ttre förutsĂ€ttningar för de minsta grisarna Ă€r en speciell utfodringsautomat som sĂ€tts i deras box i samband med att de flyttas till tillvĂ€xtstallet. Vi har genom ett mindre försök undersökt huruvida en sĂ„dan hĂ€r utfodringsautomat haft nĂ„gon inverkan pĂ„ de minsta grisarnas tillvĂ€xt, jĂ€mfört med att bara anvĂ€nda sig av torrfoder. Försöket utfördes pĂ„ tre gĂ„rdar och det gjordes tre upprepningar pĂ„ varje gĂ„rd. De minsta och svagaste grisarna valdes ut och vĂ€gdes enskilt vid avvĂ€njningen och delades dĂ€refter in i en försöks- och en kontrollbox, som viktmĂ€ssigt var sĂ„ lika varandra som möjligt. I försöksboxen anvĂ€ndes en utfodringsautomat och i kontrollboxen togs grisarna om hand pĂ„ det sĂ€tt man gjorde innan utfodringsautomaten införskaffades. Resultatet blev att grisarna i försöksboxarna hade vĂ€xt 540 gram mer i genomsnitt per gris Ă€n grisarna i kontrollboxarna. Dock skiljde sig resultaten Ă„t mellan omgĂ„ngarna. I en del omgĂ„ngar hade kontrollboxarna en större viktökning Ă€n försöksboxarna. GĂ„rdarna hade olika utfodringsrutiner vilket kan förklara de olika resultaten. Vid en sammanslagning av de tvĂ„ gĂ„rdar med mest lika förutsĂ€ttningar sĂ„ fick vi en signifikant ökad tillvĂ€xt i försöksboxen. Det verkar alltsĂ„ sannolikt att de grisar som fĂ„tt fodret uppblött i automaten vĂ€xt mer Ă€n de som fĂ„tt samma foder men som torrt. VĂ„ra slutsatser Ă€r att det Ă€r fördelaktigt att anvĂ€nda sig av en utfodringsautomat till de minsta och svagaste grisarna vid avvĂ€njning men det krĂ€vs fler och bĂ€ttre kontrollerade försök för att sĂ€kerstĂ€lla resultatet.Piglets are born with different conditions depending on the weight at birth. If a piglet is born with a lower weight than the other piglets in the same litter it is difficult to achieve the same growth rate as the others. This leads to that there will be pigs that has a lower weight at the weaning than the other pigs but these pigs usually has the same amount of time to gain the same weight before slaughter as their littermates. If it should be successful it requires a lot of consideration and a well-planned strategy for the feeding to the smallest pigs. At weaning there are a lot of changes in a piglets’ life, they are losing their mother and they will have to find their own food and nutrition. The environment is also changing, they may move to another pen that is not designed as the one they were born in. There will also be some changes in their stomach and intestines, such as the enzyme profile. When the enzyme profile is changing, the piglets cannot absorb or decompose the feed, and a large amount of food will accumulate at the intestines. Here, unwanted bacteria such as E. coli will be able to grow which can cause weaning diarrhoea for example. The smallest piglets are often more sensitive and it is more difficult for them to adjust to these new conditions than it is for the bigger littermates. That is why it is a good idea to put the smallest piglets in a separate pen for extra supervision, to be able to control the amount of feed and to keep track of the diseases outbreak. It is better to have several feeding occasions with smaller rations than less feeding occasions with bigger rations. Also wet feeding instead of dry feeding increases feed intake and growth of the piglets. A restrictive ration divided on several occasions, results in fewer cases of disease. There is a tool to help the smaller piglets to gain weight and to control the feeding intake. It is a special feeding machine that is installed in the pen at the same time as the weaning, and this machine can be set so that it dispenses the feed several times with lower rations. There is also a sensor in the tray of the machine, which detects the amount of feed in the tray, in order to reduce feed waste. We have made a small experiment to find out whether such a machine has any effect on the smallest piglets weight and growth. The experiment was made on three different farms and there were three replicates on each farm. The smallest and weakest piglets were sorted out and weighted individually at weaning. Then they were separated in to two different pens, one pen had the feeding machine installed and the other pen was without the machine. The weight of the piglets was as similar as possible in both of the pens. The pen without the feeding machine was the pen that we compared the results with and the piglets were fed with dry feed and taken care of in the same way as the farm did before they bought the machine. The result showed that the piglets in the pen with the feeding machine had gained more weight than the piglets without the machine; they had gained 540 grams more on average per piglet. But the results was very different between the replicates, in some of the replicates the pen without the feeding machine had gained more weight. The farms had different feeding strategies and that can be one of the explanations for the differences of the replicates. The experiment shows that the pigs that were fed with wet feed in the feeding machine had grown more than those who received the same feed as dry. Our conclusions of this experiment is that it is advantageous to use this kind of feeding machine for the smallest piglets, to give them a better start after weaning and to help them gain more weight than they would have done without this machine

    Contributions in Foreign Languages to Danish Literary History 1976-1981: A Bibliography

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