14 research outputs found


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    Swissdox@ LiRI–a large database of media articles made accessible to researchers

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    This article presents our efforts to make a large collection of Swiss newspaper articles available for research purposes. We describe the resource, detail the concept of financing and explain the application we built for researchers to obtain datasets from Swissdox@ LiRI. To date, more than 250 users have compiled more than 1300 datasets with an average size of approximately 200 000 articles

    The LiRI Corpus Platform

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    We present the LiRI Corpus Platform (LCP), a software system and infrastructure for querying a vast array of corpora of different kinds. It heavily relies on the PostgreSQL relational database management system, employing state-of-the-art data representation and indexing techniques, which lead to significant performance gains when querying, even for structurally complex queries involving nested logical operations and quantifiers. In this work, we provide details on a number of said techniques and describe our approach to query representation and transformation

    Privatisierung von Polizeiaufgaben im Spannungsfeld zwischen geringer Ressourcen der Polizei und dem Eingriff in das hoheitliche Handeln - Dargestellt am Beispiel der Citystreife

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    In dieser Arbeit werden zunächst die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen zur Privatisierung von Polizeiaufgaben dargestellt. Anschließend wird im speziellen die City-Streife vorgestellt, deren Rechte beleuchtet und Erfahrungen von Kommunen, Polizei und einer Fahrt mit der City-Streife eingebracht. Letztendlich wird ein möglicher Eingriff in hoheitliche Rechte überprüft

    The DiFuPaRo database

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    The DiFuPaRo database is one of the outputs of the research project “Distribution and Function of ‘Partitive articles’ in Romance (DiFuPaRo): a microvariation analysis” funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) (SNSF ID: 100012L_172751, DFG ID: PO1642/8-1) and directed by Elisabeth Stark (University of Zurich) and Cecilia Poletto (University of Frankfurt). [3] The database is available at https://difuparo.linguistik.uzh.ch. It is an open-access source for scientific purposes and can be accessed via a web interface mentioned above, both for data storage and query

    Hard X-ray nano-holotomography with a Fresnel zone plate

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    X-ray phase contrast nanotomography enables imaging of a wide range of samples with high spatial resolution in 3D. Near-field holography, as one of the major phase contrast techniques, is often implemented using X-ray optics such as Kirkpatrick-Baez mirrors, waveguides and compound refractive lenses. However, these optics are often tailor-made for a specific beamline and challenging to implement and align. Here, we present a near-field holography setup based on Fresnel zone plates which is fast and easy to align and provides a smooth illumination and flat field. The imaging quality of different types of Fresnel zone plates is compared in terms of the flat-field quality, the achievable resolution and exposure efficiency i.e. the photons arriving at the detector. Overall, this setup is capable of imaging different types of samples at high spatial resolution of below 100 nm in 3D with access to the quantitative phase information