576 research outputs found

    Jupiter: Its infrared spectrum from 10 to 40 microns

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    Spectral measurements of the thermal radiation from Jupiter in the 16-40 micrometer band were analyzed under the assumption that pressure broadened H2 transitions are responsible for the bulk of the infrared opacity over most of this spectral interval. Both the vertical pressure-temperature profile and the hydrogen mixing ratio were determined. The derived value of the molecular hydrogen mixing ratio, 0.89 + or - 0.11, is consistent with the solar value, 0.86

    Comment on "On the TST_S-Anomaly in Betaine Calcium Chloride Dihydrate"

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    Recently, Hlinka and Ishibashi [J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 67, 495 (1998)] discussed the TST_S-anomaly in betaine calcium chloride dihydrate (BCCD) in a Landau-type approach. We comment on the shortcomings of this approach and discuss the TST_S-anomaly in the framework of a microscopical pseudo spin model based on a realistic description of BCCD in terms of symmetry-adapted local modes.Comment: 2 pages, RevTex, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Ferroelectric/antiferroelectric phase coexistence in the intermediate concentration regions of the BA(x)BP(1-x) phase diagram

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    Temperature and frequency dependent hysteresis loop measurements have been carried out along the phase diagram of ferroelectric (FE) betaine at-senate (BA) and antiferroelectric (AF) betaine phosphate (BP) mixed crystal system (BA(x)BP(1-x)). Coexistence regions characterized by competing ferro- and/or antiferroelectric interactions are detected by multiple hysteresis loops.(undefined

    Chemical data assimilation estimates of continental U.S. ozone and nitrogen budgets during the Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment-North America

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    Global ozone analyses, based on assimilation of stratospheric profile and ozone column measurements, and NOy predictions from the Real-time Air Quality Modeling System (RAQMS) are used to estimate the ozone and NOy budget over the continental United States during the July-August 2004 Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment-North America (INTEX-A). Comparison with aircraft, satellite, surface, and ozonesonde measurements collected during INTEX-A show that RAQMS captures the main features of the global and continental U.S. distribution of tropospheric ozone, carbon monoxide, and NOy with reasonable fidelity. Assimilation of stratospheric profile and column ozone measurements is shown to have a positive impact on the RAQMS upper tropospheric/lower stratosphere ozone analyses, particularly during the period when SAGE III limb scattering measurements were available. Eulerian ozone and NOy budgets during INTEX-A show that the majority of the continental U.S. export occurs in the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere poleward of the tropopause break, a consequence of convergence of tropospheric and stratospheric air in this region. Continental U.S. photochemically produced ozone was found to be a minor component of the total ozone export, which was dominated by stratospheric ozone during INTEX-A. The unusually low photochemical ozone export is attributed to anomalously cold surface temperatures during the latter half of the INTEX-A mission, which resulted in net ozone loss during the first 2 weeks of August. Eulerian NOy budgets are shown to be very consistent with previously published estimates. The NOy export efficiency was estimated to be 24%, with NOx + PAN accounting for 54% of the total NOy export during INTEX-A. Copyright 2007 by the American Geophysical Union

    Far-infrared spectroscopy investigation and lattice dynamics simulations in CsCdBr3 and CsCdBr3: R3+ crystals

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    Polarized infrared reflectivity spectra of CsCdBr3 crystal were measured at temperatures 20 and 300 K in the wave number range of 10-650 cm-1. Frequencies and damping of the optically active lattice modes at the Brillouin zone center were determined. The lattice dynamics of CsCdBr3 crystal is studied in the framework of the rigid ion model, the phonon density of states, and the spectral representations of correlation functions of relative displacements of a Cd2+ ion and the nearest neighbor Br- ions in the perfect lattice are presented. The local dynamics of the lattice containing impurity rare-earth ions that form symmetrical pair centers substituted for three adjacent Cd2+ ions is analyzed with the formalism of lattice Green's functions. It is argued that resonance and localized vibrations whose frequencies lie near the boundary of the continuous phonon spectrum of a perfect lattice are induced in CsCdBr3: R3+ crystals. The corresponding vibronic satellites have been found in the optical spectra of symmetrical dimers in CsCdBr3: Yb3+, CsCdBr3: Tm3+, and CsCdBr3: Pr3+ single crystals

    Not just another genome

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    Sequence analysis of the Daphnia pulex genome holds some surprises that could not have been anticipated from what was learned so far from other arthropod genomes. It establishes Daphnia as an eco-genetical model organism par excellence

    D6.7 Report on the experience of conducting the case studies

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    One of the main aims of the case studies was to publish improved market reports. The data collected as part of the six case studies have been, or will shortly be, published in the five improved national organic market reports and one first regional market report (MOAN case study). This will make a contribution towards filling the many gaps that continue to exist in organic market data collection in Europe

    Arginase impairs hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction in murine endotoxemia

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    Background: Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) optimizes the match between ventilation and perfusion in the lung by reducing blood flow to poorly ventilated regions. Sepsis and endotoxemia impair HPV. We previously showed that nitric oxide synthase 2 (NOS2) is required, but not sufficient, for the effect of endotoxin on HPV. The aim of the current study was to identify additional factors that might contribute to the impairment of HPV during endotoxemia. Methods: Gene expression profiling was determined using pulmonary tissues from NOS2-deficient (NOS2−/−) and wild-type mice subjected to endotoxin or saline challenge (control). HPV was accessed as the percentage increase in left pulmonary vascular resistance (LPVR) in response to left main bronchus occlusion (LMBO) in wild-type mice. Results: Among the 22,690 genes analyzed, endotoxin induced a greater than three-fold increase in 59 and 154 genes in the lungs of wild-type and NOS2−/− mice, respectively. Of all the genes induced by endotoxin in wild-type mice, arginase 1 (Arg1) showed the greatest increase (16.3-fold compared to saline treated wild-type mice). In contrast, endotoxin did not increase expression of Arg1 in NOS2−/− mice. There was no difference in the endotoxin-induced expression of Arg2 between wild-type and NOS2-deficient mice. We investigated the role of arginase in HPV by treating the mice with normal saline or the arginase inhibitor Nω-hydroxy-nor-L-arginine (norNOHA). In control mice (in the absence of endotoxin) treated with normal saline, HPV was intact as determined by profound LMBO-induced increase in LPVR (121 ± 22% from baseline). During endotoxemia and treatment with normal saline, HPV was impaired compared to normal saline treated control mice (33 ± 9% vs. 121 ± 22%, P < 0.05). HPV was restored in endotoxin-exposed mice after treatment with the arginase inhibitor norNOHA as shown by the comparison to endotoxemic mice treated with normal saline (113 ± 29% vs, 33 ± 9%, P < 0.05) and to control mice treated with normal saline (113 ± 29% vs, 121 ± 22%, P = 0.97). Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that endotoxemia induces Arg1 and that arginase contributes to the endotoxin-induced impairment of HPV in mice
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