25 research outputs found

    Towards an operator-algebraic construction of integrable global gauge theories

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    The recent construction of integrable quantum field theories on two-dimensional Minkowski space by operator-algebraic methods is extended to models with a richer particle spectrum, including finitely many massive particle species transforming under a global gauge group. Starting from a two-particle S-matrix satisfying the usual requirements (unitarity, Yang-Baxter equation, Poincar\'e and gauge invariance, crossing symmetry, ...), a pair of relatively wedge-local quantum fields is constructed which determines the field net of the model. Although the verification of the modular nuclearity condition as a criterion for the existence of local fields is not carried out in this paper, arguments are presented that suggest it holds in typical examples such as nonlinear O(N) sigma-models. It is also shown that for all models complying with this condition, the presented construction solves the inverse scattering problem by recovering the S-matrix from the model via Haag-Ruelle scattering theory, and a proof of asymptotic completeness is given.Comment: 27 pages. Corrected a few minor typos and added a paragraph in the conclusions to comply with published versio

    Assessment of sustainable use of material resources in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction industry - a conceptual Framework proposal for Austria

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    Circular economy in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction requires consideration in the design, deconstruction-planning, and waste management. This paper aims to develop a Framework to evaluate the material sustainability of buildings by comparing the proportionality of costs to environmental impacts of construction waste flows. Therefore, an extensive literature review was conducted to find parameters needed, such as building certification, life cycle assessment, or material passports. Next, a distillation process was conducted to reduce the large number of parameters found to be manageable. Following the applicable legislation, procedures to be carried out at different stages, from dismantling to recycling or treatment, were defined. Practical applications were derived, such as support for deconstruction management, resource management, and conclusions for planning. The final parameters were assigned to these processes. Due to a lack of data, data collection and public data provision are essential for applicability

    Einsatz von Deslorelin beim männlichen Kaninchen sowie Versuche zur Quetschung des Samenstranges zur Ausschaltung der Hodenfunktion

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    Die Unterbindung der Fortpflanzung ist beim männlichen Kaninchen auf die chirurgische Entfernung der Gonaden beschränkt. In Abhängigkeit vom Gesundheitszustand des Tieres ist diese Operation jedoch mit einem hohen Narkoserisiko verbunden. Weiterhin kann es zum Auftreten von postoperativen Komplikationen, wie zum Beispiel Wundheilungsstörungen, kommen. Die Frage nach einer Alternative zur chirurgischen Kastration ist aus diesem Grund aktuell. Beim Wiederkäuer ist die unblutige Kastration von männlichen Jungtieren durch Abquetschen der Samenstränge und der hodenversorgenden Gefäße und Nerven eine etablierte Methode zur Unterdrückung der Fortpflanzungsfunktion. Neuere Untersuchungen am Rüden zeigten, dass diese Technik auch für diese Tierart ohne Probleme eingesetzt werden kann. Eine weitere Alternative zur der chirurgischen Kastration bietet die reversible Downregulation der hypophysären GnRH-Rezeptoren durch Verabreichung eines GnRH-Langzeitpräparates und die dadurch verursachte Hemmung der LH- und FSH-Freisetzung. Die hormonelle Ausschaltung durch Downregulation der Hodenfunktion ist für den Rüden zugelassen und hat sich in der Praxis auch bei anderen Tierarten, wie zum Beispiel Frettchen, Katzen und Schweinen, bewährt. Den eigenen Untersuchungen lag die Fragestellung zugrunde, eine unblutige Kastrationsmethode beim männlichen Kaninchen zu entwickeln, die auf dem Prinzip der Unterbrechung der Blutzufuhr der Testes beruht und die Möglichkeit zu testen, die operative Kastration durch die Gabe eines GnRH-Depotpräparates zu ersetzen. Hierzu wurden 35 männliche Kaninchen unterschiedlicher Rassen mit einem Alter von 4,8 Monaten in fünf Gruppen mit unterschiedlichen Behandlungen gelost. Die Gruppen 1 und 4 bestand aus zehn Tieren, in den Gruppen 2 und 3 befanden sich jeweils vier Tiere. Die Gruppe 5 bestand aus sieben Kaninchen. In den Gruppen 1, 2 und 3 wurden, orientierend an der Kastrationsmethode nach Burdizzo, die Samenstränge und die zu- und abführenden Gefäße mit verschiedenen chirurgischen Instrumenten (Arterienklemme nach Pean- Gruppe 1 und 3, Darmklemme nach Doyen- Gruppe 2), an Tag 1 abgeklemmt. In den Gruppen 1 und 2 wurden die Instrumente jeweils für drei Minuten auf dem Samenstrang belassen, in Gruppe 3 wurden für den Abklemmvorgang zehn Minuten angesetzt. Gruppe 4 bestand aus zehn Tieren, denen am Tag 1 ein slow-release GnRH-Agonist Implantat (Suprelorin&#61666;, 4,7 mg Deslorelinacetat pro Implantat, Firma Virbac, Bad Oldesloe) zwischen den Schulterblättern unter die Haut eingesetzt wurde. Die Tiere der Gruppe 5 dienten als Kontrollgruppe und wurden an Tag 1 bedeckt kastriert. In den folgenden sieben Tagen, an Tag 14 und an Tag 90 nach der Behandlung, wurden die Kaninchen klinisch allgemein und speziell andrologisch untersucht. Ebenfalls wurde bei allen Tieren eine Blutprobe an Tag 1 vor und an Tag 90 nach der Behandlung zur Bestimmung der Testosteronkonzentration entnommen. Nach Ablauf der Untersuchung wurden die Tiere der Gruppen 1, 2, 3 und 4 an Tag 90 chirurgisch kastriert und die Hoden histologisch untersucht. Die statistische Auswertung der gewonnenen Daten erfolgte mit dem Statistikprogramm BMDP/ Dynamic Release 8.1 (Statistical Solutions Ltd., Irland). Folgende relevante Ergebnisse konnten erhoben werden: • In jeder Gruppe wurde eine signifikant positive Gewichtsentwicklung über die Zeit dokumentiert (p< 0,0001). Die Tiere in den Gruppen 1 (nach Quetschung) und 4 (nach Implantation) waren signifikant schwerer als die Tiere in den restlichen Gruppen (p = 0,046). • Die rektale Körperinnentemperatur lag bei allen Gruppen an allen Untersuchungszeitpunkten im physiologischen Bereich, es konnten keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den Gruppen festgestellt werden (p = 0,26). Auffällig war eine signifikante Zunahme der Körperinnentemperatur an Tag 90 (p < 0,0001). • Die Untersuchung des Haarkleides und der Hautoberfläche der Hoden der Gruppen 1, 2 und 3 (nach Quetschung) ergab verschiedene Veränderungen im Bereich der Quetschstelle (Ödeme, Läsionen, Schorf- und Krustenbildung sowie Granulationsgewebsbildung). • Die Hoden der Kaninchen wiesen zu allen Untersuchungszeitpunkten eine physiologische, spindelförmige Form auf. Die Länge des linken und des rechten Hodens nahm über den Untersuchungszeitraum signifikant zu (p jeweils < 0,0001), wohingegen die Breite keine signifikanten Unterschiede im Untersuchungszeitraum zeigte (linker Hoden p = 0,35; rechter Hoden p = 0,14). Zwischen den einzelnen Gruppen konnten bei der Betrachtung der oben genannten Parameter keine signifikanten Unterschiede dokumentiert werden (links: p = 0,12; p = 0,35; rechts: p = 0,13; p = 0,76). Die mittlere Hodenfläche und das mittlere Hodenvolumen des linken und des rechten Hodens nahmen über den Untersuchungszeitraum hoch signifikant zu (links und rechts jeweils p < 0,0001; p < 0,0001). • Die mittlere Testosteronkonzentration unterschied sich hoch signifikant zwischen den Gruppen 1 – 4 und der Gruppe 5 (p = 0,0002). Es konnte kein signifikanter Unterschied der mittleren Testosteronkonzentrationen der Gruppen 1 – 4 bezogen auf die Zeit detektiert werden (p = 0,07). • Es konnte keine signifikante Korrelation zwischen der mittleren Testosteronkonzentration im Blut an den Tagen 1 und 90 und der mittleren Hodengröße gefunden werden (r = -0,224; p = 0,25). • Die histologisch-morphologische Auswertung der Hodenpräparate der Kaninchen in den Gruppen 1 – 4 ergab im direkten Vergleich mit den Präparaten der Gruppe 5 (Kontrollgruppe) eine ungestörte Spermatogenese. In Hoden und Nebenhoden konnten Spermatozoen nachgewiesen werden. Die Ergebnisse dieser experimentellen Untersuchungen konnten zeigen, dass sich weder die mechanische Unterbindung der Blutzufuhr des Hoden durch Quetschung, noch die hormonelle Unterdrückung der Fortpflanzung durch das slow-release GnRH Implantat Suprelorin® als Alternative zur chirurgischen Kastration beim männlichen Kaninchen eignen.Preventing reproduction in the male rabbit is limited to surgical removal of the gonads. Depending on the health status of the animal, this operation is associated with high anesthetic risks. Furthermore, the occurrence of post operative complications, such as wound healing problems, can occur. Concerning young male ruminants the bloodless castration by squeezing the spermatic cord including the testicular vessels and supplying nerves is an established method of suppression of reproduction functions. Recent studies in male dogs showed that this technique can also be used without any problems. Another alternative to surgical castration is given in the reversible down-regulation of pituitary GnRH receptors by the administration of a GnRH slow-release implant, which results in inhibition of LH and FSH release. The hormonal suppression by the down-regulation of testicular function is approved for dogs and has been proved to be save in other animal species, such as ferrets, cats and pigs. The aim of this research was to test a bloodless method of castration in male rabbits, based on the principle of interruption of the blood supply of the testes. Furthermore we wanted to test the possibility of replacing surgical castration by the administration of a GnRH depot preparation. For this purpose, 35 male rabbits of different breeds with an age of 4.8 months were randomly allocated into five groups with different treatments. Group 1 and 4 consisted of ten animals, in group 2 and 3 there were four animals. Group 5 consisted of seven animals. According to Burdizzo, in group 1, 2 and 3 the spermatic cord, including all supplying vessels, was crushed by using different instruments (Hemostat according to Pean- group 1 and 3, Intestinal Clamp according to Doyen- group 2) on the first day. In group 1 and 2, each instrument was left on the spermatic cord for three minutes. In group 3 the crushing was done for ten minutes in sets. Group 4 consisted of ten animals, which received a slow-release GnRH agonist implant (Suprelorin&#61666;, 4.7 mg Deslorelinacetat per Implantat, Virbac®, Bad Oldesloe) between the shoulder blades under the skin. The animals in group 5 served as controls and were castrated on the first day. During the following seven days, on day 14 and day 90 after treatment, the rabbits were clinically generally and andrologically examined. Also, a blood sample was collected from all animals on day 1 and day 90 after treatment to ascertain the concentration of testosterone. At the end of the study the animals of group 1, 2, 3 and 4 were surgically castrated on day 90 and their testes were histologically examined. The statistical analysis of the data was performed by using the statistical program BMDP/ Dynamic Release 8.1 (Statistical Solutions Ltd., Ireland). The following relevant results were found: • In each group a significant positive weight gain over the time was documented (p < 0.0001). The animals in group 1 (after crushing the spermatic cord) and 4 (after implantation) became significantly heavier than the animals of the other groups (p = 0.046). • The rectal body temperature was in physiological range in all groups at all times, no significant differences could be detected between the groups (p = 0.26). Noticeable was a significant increase in body temperature on day 90 (p < 0.0001). • The investigation of the coat and skin surface of the testes of groups 1, 2 and 3 (after crushing the spermatic cord) showed different changes at the area of crushing (edema, lesions, scabs and crusts, granulation tissue). • At all times, the testes of the rabbits were shaped physiologically. The lengths of the left and right testicles increased significantly over the study period (each p < 0.0001), whereas the widths showed no significant differences during the research (left testicle p = 0.35; right testicle p = 0.14). In between the groups, no significant differences were documented in consideration of the two parameters mentioned above (left: p = 0.12; p = 0.35; right: p = 0.13; p = 0.76). The mean testicular area and the mean testicular volume of the left and right testicle increased significantly over the period of study (each p < 0.0001). • The average testosterone concentration differed significantly between group 1 – 4 and group 5 (p = 0.0002). Based on the time, no significant difference in the mean testosterone concentrations of groups 1 – 4 could be detected (p = 0.07). • No significant correlation between the average testosterone concentration on day 1 and day 90 and the mean testicular size could be found (r = -0,224; p = 0.25). • The direct comparison of the histological-morphological analysis of the testes preparations of the rabbits in group 1 – 4 and the specimen in group 5 revealed an undisturbed spermatogenesis. In all of the testes and epididymis spermatozoa could be detected. In conclusion, the results of this experimental study show that neither the mechanical elimination of the blood supply in the testes by crushing the spermatic cord, nor the hormonal suppression of reproductive function by using the slow-release GnRH agonist implant Suprelorin® can be used as an alternative to surgical castration in the male rabbit

    An operator expansion for integrable quantum field theories

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    A large class of quantum field theories on 1+1 dimensional Minkowski space, namely, certain integrable models, has recently been constructed rigorously by Lechner. However, the construction is very abstract and the concrete form of local observables in these models remains largely unknown. Aiming for more insight into their structure, we establish a series expansion for observables, similar but not identical to the well-known form factor expansion. This expansion will be the basis for a characterization and explicit construction of local observables, to be discussed elsewhere. Here, we establish the expansion independent of the localization aspect, and analyze its behavior under space-time symmetries. We also clarify relations with deformation methods in quantum field theory, specifically, with the warped convolution in the sense of Buchholz and Summers.Comment: minor corrections and clarifications, as published in J. Phys A; 24 page

    Serine ADP-ribosylation in Drosophila provides insights into the evolution of reversible ADP-ribosylation signalling

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    In the mammalian DNA damage response, ADP-ribosylation signalling is of crucial importance to mark sites of DNA damage as well as recruit and regulate repairs factors. Specifically, the PARP1:HPF1 complex recognises damaged DNA and catalyses the formation of serine-linked ADP-ribosylation marks (mono-Ser-ADPr), which are extended into ADP-ribose polymers (poly-Ser-ADPr) by PARP1 alone. Poly-Ser-ADPr is reversed by PARG, while the terminal mono-Ser-ADPr is removed by ARH3. Despite its significance and apparent evolutionary conservation, little is known about ADP-ribosylation signalling in non-mammalian Animalia. The presence of HPF1, but absence of ARH3, in some insect genomes, including Drosophila species, raises questions regarding the existence and reversal of serine-ADP-ribosylation in these species. Here we show by quantitative proteomics that Ser-ADPr is the major form of ADP-ribosylation in the DNA damage response of Drosophila melanogaster and is dependent on the dParp1:dHpf1 complex. Moreover, our structural and biochemical investigations uncover the mechanism of mono-Ser-ADPr removal by Drosophila Parg. Collectively, our data reveal PARP:HPF1-mediated Ser-ADPr as a defining feature of the DDR in Animalia. The striking conservation within this kingdom suggests that organisms that carry only a core set of ADP-ribosyl metabolising enzymes, such as Drosophila, are valuable model organisms to study the physiological role of Ser-ADPr signalling

    Investigating the regulation of ZUP1, a novel deubiquitinating enzyme involved in DNA repair, by coupled monoubiquitination

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    Ubiquitination, a major post-translational modification, is reversed through the action of a large family of specialised proteases termed deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs). Due to their involvement in key cellular pathways, such as inflammation, the cell cycle and DNA repair, as well as their potential as targets for therapeutic intervention, DUBs are critical to investigate. ZUP1 is a recently discovered DUB with cleavage specificity for lysine-63 conjugated polyubiquitin chains and has been proposed to have a role in DNA repair and genome stability maintenance via deubiquitination of the Replication Protein A complex. The regulation of DUBs is not well understood, but it has been suggested that ZUP1 undergoes a modification termed coupled monoubiquitination. Coupled monoubiquitination is a process whereby ubiquitin-binding proteins are monoubiquitinated themselves, which effectively abolishes their ubiquitin binding in trans, providing an inhibitory control mechanism. Here, by mutating two of the ubiquitin-binding domains of ZUP1, I show that ZUP1 monoubiquitination is dependent on the integrity of its ubiquitin binding domains, indicating that ZUP1 undergoes coupled monoubiquitination. Moreover, loss of monoubiquitination leads to a reduction in binding to another deubiquitinating enzyme involved in DNA repair, USP11 and its binding partner TCEAL1, an as of yet uncharacterised DNA repair protein. Together, I provide evidence that ZUP1 is regulated by coupled monoubiquitination which sets the foundation to further dissect the functional importance of this regulation in cells and to its enzymatic activity

    Stochastic claim reserves

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    Abweichender Titel laut Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des VerfassersAufgrund verschiedener Vorgaben, wie den International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), ist es bei der Schadenreservierung von Versicherungsunternehmen nicht mehr ausreichend, die Schadenreserven der Fachabteilung zu verwenden und daher muss auf versicherungsmathematische Modelle zurückgegriffen werden. Dabei wird unter Zuhilfenahme der vergangenen Schadenzahlungen beziehungsweise Schadenaufwendungen die zukünftig benötigte Reserve von gleichartigen Risiken geschätzt. In dieser Arbeit werden wir verschiedene Modelle zur Schadenreservierung betrachten, die verschiedene Annahmen an die Daten stellen, da nicht jedes Reservierungsverfahren für alle Datensätze geeignet ist. Diese Modelle werden das klassische Chain Ladder Verfahren, ein lineares Modell, ein loglineares Modell und ein Chain Ladder Verfahren mit stochastischen Abwicklungsfaktoren sein. Neben der Berechnung der Reserve werden wir uns in dieser Arbeit auch der Berechnung der Standardabweichung der tatsächlichen Reserve und deren Schätzern widmen. All diese Berechnungen werden anhand zweier realer Versicherungsbestände durchgeführt. Zum Abschluss werden wir die Modelle untereinander und auch mit den tatsächlich benötigten Reserven vergleichen, um eine Aussage treffen zu können, welches Verfahren angemessen war. Von weiterem Interesse wäre es, den Vergleich der Verfahren mit der tatsächlichen Reserve über mehrere Jahre durchzuführen, da eine einmalige Durchführung von Ausreißern verfälscht werden kann.Due to some standards, for example the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS), it is not sufficient anymore for claim reserving to use the local gaap reserves and therefore they need to use models to estimate the so called Best Estimate Reserve. These models require the past Paid Claims or the past Incurred Claims. In this work we are going to work out several models, which make different assumptions to the data. The occurring models are the classical Chain Ladder, one linear and one log linear model and one Chain Ladder model with stochastic development factors. Beside the calculation of the Best Estimate Reserve we are also going to have a look at the standard deviation of the actual required reserve and at the estimator. All of these calculations are based on two insurance portfolios. At last we are going to compare the different models with each other and with the actual required reserves, to find out which model was appropriate. In the future it will be interesting to make these comparisons for more than one year, to avoid outliers which can falsify the results.8

    Impact of energy efficiency measures on the economic value of buildings

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    A main objective of energy policies is to make all levels of the society, from governments to citizen, interested in increasing the energy efficiency of buildings. One of the most important barriers in implementation of energy policies is that the cost of potential energy savings, typically considered being the only financial benefit, does not sufficiently motivate investments. The target is therefore to identify further possible drivers pushing positive reaction according to energy saving action. The paper discusses whether a market-based instrument, capturing the increase of the economic value of energy efficient buildings, can be also used. Methods that quantify the added value due to energy performance, including recommendations on how they can be incorporated in the financial analysis of investments in weatherization, are developed. By applying the proposed methods, the payback period of investments in energy efficiency measures depends on two factors: potential energy savings and the added value to the property. Case studies on some existing condominiums from Romania are analyzed and provide evidence to the research question. The market sensitivity to energy efficiency measures, the possibility of an intangible added value as well as the impact to financial investment decisions is subsequently in the focus