2,040 research outputs found

    Solution of a class of one-dimensional reaction-diffusion models in disordered media

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    We study a one-dimensional class of reaction-diffusion models on a 1010-parameters manifold. The equations of motion of the correlation functions close on this manifold. We compute exactly the long-time behaviour of the density and correlation functions for {\it quenched} disordered systems. The {\it quenched} disorder consists of disconnected domains of reaction. We first consider the case where the disorder comprizes a superposition, with different probabilistic weights, of finite segments, with {\it periodic boundary conditions}. We then pass to the case of finite segments with {\it open boundary conditions}: we solve the ordered dynamics on a open lattice with help of the Dynamical Matrix Ansatz (DMA) and investigate further its disordered version.Comment: 11 pages, no figures. To appear in Phys.Rev.

    The asymmetric exclusion model with sequential update

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    We present a solution for the stationary state of an asymmetric exclusion model with sequential update and open boundary conditions. We solve the model exactly for random hopping in both directions by applying a matrix-product formalism which was recently used to solve the model with sublattice-parallel update[1]. It is shown that the matrix-algebra describing the sequential update and sublattice-parallel update are identical and can be mapped onto the random sequential case treated by Derrida et al[2].Comment: 7 pages, Late

    On U_q(SU(2))-symmetric Driven Diffusion

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    We study analytically a model where particles with a hard-core repulsion diffuse on a finite one-dimensional lattice with space-dependent, asymmetric hopping rates. The system dynamics are given by the \mbox{Uq_{q}[SU(2)]}-symmetric Hamiltonian of a generalized anisotropic Heisenberg antiferromagnet. Exploiting this symmetry we derive exact expressions for various correlation functions. We discuss the density profile and the two-point function and compute the correlation length ξs\xi_s as well as the correlation time ξt\xi_t. The dynamics of the density and the correlations are shown to be governed by the energy gaps of a one-particle system. For large systems ξs\xi_s and ξt\xi_t depend only on the asymmetry. For small asymmetry one finds ξtξs2\xi_t \sim \xi_s^2 indicating a dynamical exponent z=2z=2 as for symmetric diffusion.Comment: 10 pages, LATE

    Finite-size effects on the dynamics of the zero-range process

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    We study finite-size effects on the dynamics of a one-dimensional zero-range process which shows a phase transition from a low-density disordered phase to a high-density condensed phase. The current fluctuations in the steady state show striking differences in the two phases. In the disordered phase, the variance of the integrated current shows damped oscillations in time due to the motion of fluctuations around the ring as a dissipating kinematic wave. In the condensed phase, this wave cannot propagate through the condensate, and the dynamics is dominated by the long-time relocation of the condensate from site to site.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, version published in Phys. Rev. E Rapid Communication

    The duality relation between Glauber dynamics and the diffusion-annihilation model as a similarity transformation

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    In this paper we address the relationship between zero temperature Glauber dynamics and the diffusion-annihilation problem in the free fermion case. We show that the well-known duality transformation between the two problems can be formulated as a similarity transformation if one uses appropriate (toroidal) boundary conditions. This allow us to establish and clarify the precise nature of the relationship between the two models. In this way we obtain a one-to-one correspondence between observables and initial states in the two problems. A random initial state in Glauber dynamics is related to a short range correlated state in the annihilation problem. In particular the long-time behaviour of the density in this state is seen to depend on the initial conditions. Hence, we show that the presence of correlations in the initial state determine the dependence of the long time behaviour of the density on the initial conditions, even if such correlations are short-ranged. We also apply a field-theoretical method to the calculation of multi-time correlation functions in this initial state.Comment: 15 pages, Latex file, no figures. To be published in J. Phys. A. Minor changes were made to the previous version to conform with the referee's Repor

    Elephants can always remember: Exact long-range memory effects in a non-Markovian random walk

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    We consider a discrete-time random walk where the random increment at time step tt depends on the full history of the process. We calculate exactly the mean and variance of the position and discuss its dependence on the initial condition and on the memory parameter pp. At a critical value pc(1)=1/2p_c^{(1)}=1/2 where memory effects vanish there is a transition from a weakly localized regime (where the walker returns to its starting point) to an escape regime. Inside the escape regime there is a second critical value where the random walk becomes superdiffusive. The probability distribution is shown to be governed by a non-Markovian Fokker-Planck equation with hopping rates that depend both on time and on the starting position of the walk. On large scales the memory organizes itself into an effective harmonic oscillator potential for the random walker with a time-dependent spring constant k=(2p1)/tk = (2p-1)/t. The solution of this problem is a Gaussian distribution with time-dependent mean and variance which both depend on the initiation of the process.Comment: 10 page

    Landau functions for non-interacting bosons

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    We discuss the statistics of Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) in a canonical ensemble of N non-interacting bosons in terms of a Landau function L_N^{BEC} (q) defined by the logarithm of the probability distribution of the order parameter q for BEC. We also discuss the corresponding Landau function for spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB), which for finite N should be distinguished from L_N^{BEC}. Only for intinite N BEC and SSB can be described by the same Landau function which depends on the dimensionality and on the form of the external potential in a surprisingly complex manner. For bosons confined by a three-dimensional harmonic trap the Landau function exhibits the usual behavior expected for continuous phase transitions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; final version to appear as a rapid communication in Physical Review A. Abstract modified and typos correcte

    Monte Carlo simulations of bosonic reaction-diffusion systems

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    An efficient Monte Carlo simulation method for bosonic reaction-diffusion systems which are mainly used in the renormalization group (RG) study is proposed. Using this method, one dimensional bosonic single species annihilation model is studied and, in turn, the results are compared with RG calculations. The numerical data are consistent with RG predictions. As a second application, a bosonic variant of the pair contact process with diffusion (PCPD) is simulated and shown to share the critical behavior with the PCPD. The invariance under the Galilean transformation of this boson model is also checked and discussion about the invariance in conjunction with other models are in order.Comment: Publishe

    Steady State and Dynamics of Driven Diffusive Systems with Quenched Disorder

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    We study the effect of quenched disorder on nonequilibrium systems of interacting particles, specifically, driven diffusive lattice gases with spatially disordered jump rates. The exact steady-state measure is found for a class of models evolving by drop-push dynamics, allowing several physical quantities to be calculated. Dynamical correlations are studied numerically in one dimension. We conjecture that the relevance of quenched disorder depends crucially upon the speed of the kinematic waves in the system. Time-dependent correlation functions, which monitor the dissipation of kinematic waves, behave as in pure system if the wave speed is non-zero. When the wave speed vanishes, e.g. for the disordered exclusion process close to half filling, disorder is strongly relevant and induces separation of phases with different macroscopic densities. In this case the exponent characterizing the dynamical correlation function changes.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, 4 eps figures included using 'psfig.sty

    Non-universal dynamics of dimer growing interfaces

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    A finite temperature version of body-centered solid-on-solid growth models involving attachment and detachment of dimers is discussed in 1+1 dimensions. The dynamic exponent of the growing interface is studied numerically via the spectrum gap of the underlying evolution operator. The finite size scaling of the latter is found to be affected by a standard surface tension term on which the growth rates depend. This non-universal aspect is also corroborated by the growth behavior observed in large scale simulations. By contrast, the roughening exponent remains robust over wide temperature ranges.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures. v2 with some slight correction