70 research outputs found

    Atrioventricular node ablation is not a prerequisite for cardiac resynchronization therapy in patients with chronic atrial fibrillation

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    Background: In drug-refractory heart failure, cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) is an established method in patients with sinus rhythm, severe reduced ejection fraction and broad QRS. Heart failure is known as a predisposition for atrial fibrillation (AF). However, the putative impact of atrioventricular node (AVN) ablation in chronic AF and CRT remains unclear. The aim of this study was to elucidate the effects of CRT in patients with chronic AF and the requirement for AVN ablation. Methods: A total of 100 patients were included in the retrospective study, 64 with sinus rhythm (SR) and 36 with chronic AF with a mean duration of 2.8 ± 0.5 years. Clinical parameters, QRS duration and echocardiographic parameters were compared at baseline and after a follow-up of 11 ± 0.34 months in patients with SR and in 27 patients with chronic AF who received optimized medication to control ventricular rate and nine patients who underwent an AVN ablation. Results: Baseline characteristics between patients with SR or AF in the presence or absence of AVN ablation were comparable. In each group, a significant improvement of NYHA class, ejection fraction could be observed, with an analogous reduction of QRS duration and a diminished left ventricular end-diastolic dimension after 11 ± 0.34 months of CRT. Conclusions: The present results demonstrate a comparable improvement in left ventricular function and functional capacity in all treated groups. In conclusion, AVN ablation is not a prerequisite for CRT in patients with severe heart failure and chronic AF

    Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Perspektiven zielgerichteter Therapien

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    Current Developments and Perspectives in Targeted Therapies Many different approaches for improving the prognosis of patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) are currently being investigated. This article discusses the significance of maintenance therapy after primary chemotherapy and reviews study data on second-generation epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors (EGFR-TKIs), inhibitors of insulin-like growth factor receptors (IGFR), vascular-disrupting agents (VDAs) and multi-TKIs of vascular endothelial growth factor receptors (VEGFR). The article also looks at the future prospects of using genetic markers in the field of NSCLC

    Continuous blood glucose monitoring reveals enormous circadian variations in pregnant diabetic rats

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    Aim: Diabetes in pregnancy is a major burden with acute and long-term consequences. Its treatment requires adequate diagnosis and monitoring of therapy. Many experimental research on diabetes during pregnancy has been performed in rats. Recently, continuous blood glucose monitoring of non-pregnant diabetic rats revealed an increased circadian variability of blood glucose that made a single blood glucose measurement per day inappropriate to reflect glycemic status. Continuous blood glucose measurement has never been performed in pregnant rats. We wanted to perform continuous blood glucose monitoring in pregnant rats to decipher the influence of pregnancy on blood glucose in diabetic and normoglycemic status. Methods: We used the transgenic Tet29 diabetes rat model with an inducible knock down of the insulin receptor via RNA interference upon application of doxycycline (DOX) leading to insulin resistant type II diabetes. All Tet29 rats received a HD-XG telemetry implant (Data Sciences International, USA) that measured blood glucose and activity continuously. Rats were divided into four groups and blood glucose was monitored until end of pregnancy or the corresponding period: Tet29 + DOX (diabetic) non-pregnant, Tet29 + DOX (diabetic) pregnant, Tet29 (normoglycemic) non-pregnant, Tet29 (normoglycemic) pregnant. Results: Allanalyzed rats displayed a circadian variation in blood glucose concentration. Circadian variability was much more pronounced in pregnant diabetic rats than in normoglycemic pregnant rats. Pregnancy ameliorated variation in blood glucose in diabetic situation. Pregnancy continuously decreased blood glucose during normoglycemic pregnancy. Diabetic rats were less active than normoglycemic rats. We performed a calculation showing that application of continuous blood glucose measurement reduces Interpretation: Continuous blood glucose monitoring via a telemetry device in pregnant rats provides a more informative picture of the glycemic situation in comparison to single measurements. This could improve diagnosis and therapy of diabetes, decrease animal numbers within experimental settings, and add another physiological parameter (activity) to the analysis that could be helpful in testing therapeutic concepts targeting blood glucose levels and peripheral muscle function. We propose continuous glucose monitoring as a new tool for the evaluation of pregnant diabetic rats

    Case report: Canine distemper virus infection as a cause of central nervous system disease in a Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx)

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    The Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) represents an endangered species with only small populations remaining in Central Europe. Knowledge about the threat posed by potential infectious agents to these animals is crucial for informing ongoing protection measures. Canine distemper virus (CDV) is known to have a wide host range with infection reported in many mammalian species including several lynx species (Lynx pardinus, Lynx canadensis, Lynx rufus), but is an extremely rare finding in the Eurasian lynx. The present report describes a case of a Eurasian lynx showing central nervous signs, including apathy and ataxia. A CT scan revealed multiple hypodense areas in different localizations within the brain as well as enlarged liquid filled areas, leading to the suspicion of a degenerative process. Due to clinical deterioration, the animal was euthanized and submitted for macroscopical and histological investigations. Histological investigations revealed multifocal demyelinations in the cerebellum, brain stem and cervical spinal cord as well as a multifocal, perivascular, lymphohistiocytic meningoencephalitis. A CDV infection was confirmed by immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR analyses. This CDV infection of a Eurasian lynx resembles a classical chronic manifestation of distemper in dogs and highlights the threat posed by canine distemper to this species

    ¿Existieron israelitas en el "exilio judaita"?

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    Abstract: In historical terms, there is evidence of an early political use of the name “Israel” (14th–9th centuries BC) and a much later religious use of it (3rd/2nd centuries BC); in the time in between, its predominant designation was “Samaria(ns).” Biblical and non-biblical evidence supports the notion that Israelites/Samarians settled in Judah as refugees after 721 BC, and therefore the impulse for the emergence of biblical Israel can be located in the 8th century BC. The historiography of the Books of Kings should be studied with caution, since its textual history documents quantitative and qualitative changes that include the restructuring and deletion of texts. The literary history of the Books of Kings reveals our lack of knowledge over the sources it draws from, when it was composed, and how intensively earlier stages of the Masoretic text were revised.Resumen: En términos históricos, existe evidencia que refiere a un uso político mucho más temprano del nombre “Israel” (siglos 14–9 a.C.), mientras que su uso religioso es muy posterior (3/2 siglos a.C.); entre ambos períodos el término que predominaba era el de “Samaritanos”. La evidencia bíblica y no bíblica apoya la noción de que los israelitas/samaritanos se asentaron en Judá como refugiados posteriormente al año 721 a.C. Por lo tanto, el impulso para la emergencia de la Israel biblíca podría ubicarse en el siglo 8 a.C. La historiografía de los Libros de Reyes debe ser estudiada con cautela, puesto que la historia de su redacción documenta cambios cuantitativos y cualitativos que incluyen la reestructuración y eliminación de textos. La historia literaria de los Libros de Reyes revela nuestra falta de conocimiento acerca de las fuentes sobre las cuales se basan, cuándo fueron compuestos, y cuán intensivas fueron las revisiones de las etapas tempranas del texto masorético

    Israels Exil in Juda: Untersuchungen zur Entstehung der Schriftprophetie

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    Schütte untersucht die frühe Schriftprophetie auf Bedingungen ihrer literarischen Entstehung. Er bezieht ihre Rede von „Israel“ exklusiv auf Bewohner des Staates Israel, die nach 722 v. Chr. in Juda Zuflucht suchten, und beschreibt das biblische „Israel“-Konzept der Schrift­prophetie. Deren Anfänge als israelitische Exilliteratur in Juda leitet er von einer ursprünglichen ‚Insider‘-Literatur des 8./.7. Jhs. v. Chr. her, deren direkt angesprochene Adressaten zwar unbenannt bleiben, in größeren Redeeinheiten der biblischen Schriftprophetie aber erkennbar sind

    Por qué los judíos también pueden llamarse israelitas. Una nueva aproximación sobre la cuestión del “Israel bíblico”

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    Summary: Why Jews can also be called Israelites. A New Approach to the Question of “Biblical Israel” The gentilicium Jew as well as the historically differentiating terms Judahite and Judaean refer back histo rically to inhabitants of the Judah region. An analysis of biblical texts reveals three stages in which the name Israel first pene trated Judaean society through Israelites, reshaped the Judahite community and finally shaped the image of Jews who saw themselves exclusively as Israelites.Resumen: Por qué los judíos también pueden llamarse israelitas. Una nueva aproximación sobre la cuestión del “Israel bíblico” El gentilicio judío, así como los términos históricamente diferenciados judaíta y judaico, se refieren históricamente a los habitantes de la región de Judá. Un análisis de los textos bíblicos revela tres etapas en las que el nombre de Israel penetró primero en la sociedad judaica a través de los israelitas, reconfiguró la comunidad judaica y, finalmente, configuró la imagen de los judíos que se veían a sí mismos exclusivamente como israelitas

    Genossenschaft, Republikanismus und konsensgestütztes Ratsregiment

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    Mager W. Genossenschaft, Republikanismus und konsensgestütztes Ratsregiment. In: Schorn-Schütte L, ed. Aspekte der politischen Kommunikation im Europa des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts. Historische Zeitschrift : Beihefte, N.F., 39. München: Oldenbourg; 2004: 13-122