388 research outputs found

    Universal Short-time Behaviour of the Dynamic Fully Frustrated XY Model

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    With Monte Carlo methods we investigate the dynamic relaxation of the fully frustrated XY model in two dimensions below or at the Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition temperature. Special attention is drawn to the sublattice structure of the dynamic evolution. Short-time scaling behaviour is found and universality is confirmed. The critical exponent θ\theta is measured for different temperature and with different algorithms.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX, 8 ps-figure

    Dynamic SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory at Finite Temperature

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    The dynamic relaxation process for the (2+1)--dimensional SU(2) lattice gauge theory at critical temperature is investigated with Monte Carlo methods. The critical initial increase of the Polyakov loop is observed. The dynamic exponents θ\theta and zz as well as the static critical exponent β/ν\beta/\nu are determined from the power law behaviour of the Polyakov loop, the auto-correlation and the second moment at the early stage of the time evolution. The results are well consistent and universal short-time scaling behaviour of the dynamic system is confirmed. The values of the exponents show that the dynamic SU(2) lattice gauge theory is in the same dynamic universality class as the dynamic Ising model.Comment: 10 pages with 2 figure

    New records of rove-beetles (Insecta, Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) for Azores Islands (Portugal)

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    The data we present consist of an updated checklist of the Azorean Staphylinidae (Insecta, Coleoptera), by compiling new identified records of three recent published studies about Azorean arthropods. In general, the records were obtained from different standardised sampling campaigns and from non-standardised observations. The presented records were collected between July 1999 and September 2020, in five islands of the Azores Archipelago: Flores, Graciosa, Terceira, São Miguel and Santa Maria. The samples include records collected in several habitat types, such as native, mixed and exotic forests, pasturelands and agricultural areas (maize fields, orchards, citrus areas and vineyards). This inventory represents the most updated checklist and knowledge about Staphylinidae in Azores and new information includes one new exotic rove-beetle for the Azores (Thecturota tenuissima Casey, 1893) and seven new islands records.his work was funded by eight projects: (1) Direccao Regional dos Recursos Florestais (Azorean Government/project 17.01-080203), (2) FCT-project PTDC/BIA-BEC/100182/2008 MACRISK - "Predicting extinctions on islands: a multi-scale assessment", (3) DRCT project M112/F/014/2007; (4) FCT-NETBIOME -ISLANDBIODIV; (5) AZORESBIOPORTAL - PORBIOTA (ACORES-01-0145-FEDER-000072) and (6) AGRO-ECOSERVICES (ACORES-01-0145-FEDER-000073), both supported by FEDER and Azorean Public funds through the Operational Program Azores 2020; and (7) PRIBES (LIFE17 IPE/PT/000010) (2019-2020) and (8) LIFE-BETTLES (LIFE18 NAT/PT/000864) (2020-2024), both supported by Direccao Regional do Ambiente. Open access was funded by the project AGRO-ECOSERVICES (ACORES-01-0145-FEDER-000073), supported by FEDER and Azorean Public funds through the Operational Program Azores 2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Eiszeitliche Ablagerungen in Hochlagen des Süntels (Süd-Hannover) und seinen Karstschlotten

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    Aus dem Karstgebiet des Riesenberges im Süntel werden hochgelegene kies- und steinführende Ablagerungen verschiedenen Alters beschrieben. Außer kiesführenden Höhlensedimenten präglazialen Alters treten kiesführende Ablagerungen auf, die eiszeitlich entstanden sind. Während die Kies- und Steinanteile der präglazialen Ablagerungen aus lokalen (Kalkstein des Malm) und z. T. ortsfremden Komponenten (Sandstein des Wealden) bestehen, enthalten die jüngeren Ablagerungen zusätzlich Kiesanteile aus nordisch-skandinavischen Gesteinen sowie resedimentierten Weserkies. Die eiszeitlichen Ablagerungen wurden im Kammbereich sowie in Karsthöhlen abgelagert.Gravel deposits positioned in high altitude areas of Süntel Mountains are described from the carst area of Riesenberg. Not only cave gravel of pre-glacial age, but also those of glacial age occur. While the pre-glacial deposits comprise local, but xenotopic components, the younger ones display also material of northern derivation as well as reworked gravels from the Weser-River. The sediments were deposited both in caves and at summit region of the Süntel Mountains. Conditions of deposition and age relation to the glaciations are discussed

    Short-time dynamics of the positional order of the two-dimensional hard disk system

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    We investigate the positional order of the two-dimensional hard disk model with short-time dynamics and equilibrium simulations. The melting density and the critical exponents z and eta are determined. Our results rule out a phase transition as predicted by the Kosterlitz-Thouless-Halperin-Nelson-Young theory as well as a first-order transition.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, minor change

    Inelastic Scattering from Core-electrons: a Multiple Scattering Approach

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    The real-space multiple-scattering (RSMS) approach is applied to model non-resonant inelastic scattering from deep core electron levels over a broad energy spectrum. This approach is applicable to aperiodic or periodic systems alike and incorporates ab initio, self-consistent electronic structure and final state effects. The approach generalizes to finite momentum transfer a method used extensively to model x-ray absorption spectra (XAS), and includes both near edge spectra and extended fine structure. The calculations can be used to analyze experimental results of inelastic scattering from core-electrons using either x-ray photons (NRIXS) or electrons (EELS). In the low momentum transfer region (the dipole limit), these inelastic loss spectra are proportional to those from XAS. Thus their analysis can provide similar information about the electronic and structural properties of a system. Results for finite momentum transfer yield additional information concerning monopole, quadrupole, and higher couplings. Our results are compared both with experiment and with other theoretical calculations.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    New records, detailed distribution and abundance of rove-beetles (Insecta, Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) collected between 1990 and 2015 in Azores (Portugal) with an updated checklist

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    Background: The dataset we present consists of an inventory compiling all records and knowledge about Staphylinidae (Insecta, Coleoptera) in the Azores and is part of a long-term monitoring performed between 1990 and 2015 in different habitat types of eight islands of the Azores Archipelago. Most samples come from the BALA project (Biodiversity of Arthropods from the Laurisilva of Azores) that sampled native forests in the Azores. Additional sampled habitats include exotic forests, intensive and semi-natural pasturelands, orchards, caves and lava flows. Most of the records (about 96.7%) were collected in standardised sampling campaigns, which included pitfall traps and beating transect protocols. Non-standardised records are based on hand-collecting and sifting, as well as cave, colour and malaise traps. New information: We provide a long-term inventory of Staphylinidae (Insecta, Coleoptera) collected in the course of several standardised sampling campaigns and recorded with non-standardised methods. We collected a total of 10744 specimens belonging to 69 identified species of Staphylinidae, which represents 51% of the species known from the Azores Archipelago. Four endemic species were sampled, representing 40% of the known Azorean endemic species. From this dataset, seven species are new for the Azores: Aleochara funebris Wollaston, 1864; Amischa forcipata Mulsant & Rey, 1873; Bledius unicornis (Germar, 1825); Carpelimus troglodytes (Erichson, 1840); Cypha seminulum (Erichson, 1839); Paraphloeostiba gayndahensis (MacLeay, 1871); Tachyporus caucasicus Kolenati, 1846. We also registered a total of 66 new island records for eight Azorean islands. This contribution continues a series of publications on the distribution and abundance of Azorean arthropods. We also provide an updated list of Azorean rove-beetles (Staphylinidae) that now includes 136 species, ten of them considered Azorean endemics.Species collecting was possible, based on the funding from the following projects: "Reservas Florestais dos Açores: Cartografia e Inventariação dos Artrópodes Endémicos dos Açores" (BALA) (Direccao Regional dos Recursos Florestais, project 17.01-080203) (1999-2003) ; "Agriculture, habitat fragmentation, indicator species and conservation of endemic fauna and flora in the Azores - the 2010 Target" (Direccao Regional da Ciência e Tecnologia, DRCT-Postdoc M112/F/014/2007) (2007-2009) ; "Predicting extinctions on islands: a multi-scale assessment" (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia-FCT-PTDC/BIA-BEC/100182/2008) (2010-2013) ; "Understanding biodiversity dynamics in tropical and subtropical islands as an aid to science based conservation action" (ISLANDBIODIV) (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, FCT/NETBIOME/0003) . The database management was funded by FEDER (85%) and by Azorean Public funds (15%) through Operational Programme Azores 2020, under the project AZORESBIOPORTAL -PORBIOTA (ACORES-01-0145-FEDER-000072).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Dynamic Approach to the Fully Frustrated XY Model

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    Using Monte Carlo simulations, we systematically investigate the non-equilibrium dynamics of the chiral degree of freedom in the two-dimensional fully frustrated XY model. The critical initial increase of the staggered chiral magnetization is observed. By means of the short-time dynamics approach, we estimate the second order phase transition temperature TcT_{c} and all the dynamic and static critical exponents θ\theta, z, β\beta and ν\nu.Comment: 5 pages with 6 figures include

    Dynamic Approach to Weak First Order Phase Transitions

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    A short-time dynamic approach to weak first order phase transitions is proposed. Taking the 2-dimensional Potts models as examples, from short-time behaviour of non-equilibrium relaxational processes starting from high temperature and zero temperature states,x pseudo critical points K^{*} and K^{**} are determined. A clear difference of the values for K^{*} and K^{**} distinguishes a weak first order transition from a second order one. At the pseudo critical points, pseudo critical exponents can be estimated.Comment: 9 pages with 4 postscript figures include