4 research outputs found
Untersuchung von Untergrundprozessen im CRESST Experiment
The major objectives of the work described in this dissertation were to gain a better understanding of the backgrounds in the CRESST experiment and to study how to reduce them from their present levels. A major contribution in the energy region of interest was identified as coming from the metal clamps used to hold the scintillators in place. On the basis of this study, different clamp designs were developed and tested in the test facility at Gran Sasso with the goal of minimizing clamp-related background in future runs. Complementary to reducing backgrounds, a more accurate description of the light yield for different background sources is essential. It is shown here for the first time that there exists an energy dependence in the light yield for α-particles in the CRESST detectors. Results are also presented from the application of a semi-empirical model to describe the light yield distribution of electrons/gammas, α-particles and nuclear recoils.Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Dissertation wurden mögliche Ursachen der vorhandenen Untergrundereignisse im CRESST Experiment untersucht und die metallischen Halteklammern der Kristalle als deren Hauptquelle identifiziert. Neue Konzepte für die Halteklammern wurden entwickelt und in einem eigens dafür im Gran Sasso Untergrundlabor aufgebauten Testkryostaten untersucht. Neben einer Verringerung des Untergrunds ist die genaue Kenntnis einer eventuellen Energieabhängigkeit der Szintillationsausbeute zur Reduktion systematischer Unsicherheiten von essentieller Bedeutung für die Identifikation etwaiger Untergrundereignisse. Für die bei CRESST verwendeten Kristalle wurde erstmals eine Energieabhängigkeit der Lichtausbeute von Alphateilchen festgestellt. Des weiteren wurde ein semi-empirisches Modell zur Beschreibung der energieabhängigen Lichtausbeute von Alphateilchen, Elektronen und Gamma-Strahlung sowie von Kernrückstößen angewandt
Zisk titulu "Evropské hlavní město kultury" - komparativní analýza mezi městem Mons a Plzní
Tato bakalářská práce porovnává města Mons a Plzeň jako Evropská hlavní města kultury pro rok 2015. Autor v této práci porovnává města z různých hledisek.Katedra románských jazykůNeobhájenoThe thesis compares two cities: Mons and Plzeň as the European Capitals of Culture for 2015. The author compares these cities in many different ways
EXCESS workshop: Descriptions of rising low-energy spectra
International audienceMany low-threshold experiments observe sharply rising event rates of yet unknown origins below a few hundred eV, and larger than expected from known backgrounds. Due to the significant impact of this excess on the dark matter or neutrino sensitivity of these experiments, a collective effort has been started to share the knowledge about the individual observations. For this, the EXCESS Workshop was initiated. In its first iteration in June 2021, ten rare event search collaborations contributed to this initiative via talks and discussions. The contributing collaborations were CONNIE, CRESST, DAMIC, EDELWEISS, MINER, NEWS-G, NUCLEUS, RICOCHET, SENSEI and SuperCDMS. They presented data about their observed energy spectra and known backgrounds together with details about the respective measurements. In this paper, we summarize the presented information and give a comprehensive overview of the similarities and differences between the distinct measurements. The provided data is furthermore publicly available on the workshop’s data repository together with a plotting tool for visualization