178 research outputs found

    Effects of Supplemental Irrigation on Berseem Seed Crop in a Semi-Arid Mediterranean Environment

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    Berseem seed production in Mediterranean environments is strongly influenced by soil water availability, particularly during spring growth. A long-term study (11 years) in Sicily recorded seed yields of between 0 and 1600 kg/ha, for an annual rainfall range of 289 to 867 mm (Stringi et al., 2001). It was proposed that water irrigation during sensitive growth stages could increase and stabilize seed yield. This research investigated the response of berseem seed crop to low levels of irrigation applied at different growth stages

    A qualitative assessment of using lay trainers with type 2 diabetes in an intervention programme for people at risk of type 2 diabetes

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    Objective: More knowledge is needed on the impact of expert patients within health intervention programmes. The University of East Anglia Impaired Fasting Glucose (UEA-IFG) feasibility programme was a structured dietary and exercise intervention to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in susceptible individuals. Lay volunteers with T2DM (T2 trainers) were recruited to support participants in adopting healthier lifestyles. This study aimed to explore the acceptability, perceived effectiveness and sustainability of lay trainers within the programme. Design: A qualitative focus group study. Setting: A clinical research unit in Norwich, United Kingdom (UK). Method: Focus groups were conducted with: (1) T2 trainers (n = 15); (2) programme participants who had received their support (n = 11); and (3) salaried staff facilitators who had worked alongside the T2 trainers (n = 3). Framework analysis was applied to identify the different experiences of the lay trainer role. Results: All groups perceived advantages for peer support, particularly in sharing the day-to-day experiences of living with T2DM. However, staff facilitators raised the importance of role boundaries, emphasizing that T2 trainers should not provide medical advice. Acceptability of T2 trainers was enhanced by contacting participants at a convenient time and before substantial lifestyle changes had been made. Conclusion: Lay trainers were seen as a complementary method to motivate individuals to reduce their risks of T2DM. A less prescriptive approach needs to be adopted to enable full integration of lay trainers, allowing them a greater level of contribution. To sustain effective use of lay trainers, health professionals need to work alongside volunteers and be trained to encourage peer involvement

    Forage Quality and Yield of Berseem Clover and Annual Ryegrass Grown in Pure and Mixed Stands in Relation to Different N Application Rates

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    Grass-legume mixtures offer several advantages over monocultures in forage-animal production systems (Haynes, 1980). In fact, in grass-legume mixtures forage yield and quality are generally higher compared to grass monocultures also due to more efficient soil N-utilisation (Ta & Faris, 1987); furthermore grasses often utilise some of the N fixed by legumes (Malhi et al., 2002). Legumes do not generally require the addition of N fertiliser due to symbiotically fixed N, but the yield of the grass component in a mixture may be further improved with N application. The objective of this study was to investigate forage yield and quality of berseem and annual ryegrass grown in pure stands, and in mixture, at different N fertiliser rates

    Plant Arrangement Effects on Dry Matter Production and Nitrogen Fixation of Berseem Clover: Annual Ryegrass Mixture

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    Agronomic factors affect the productivity and efficiency of cereal-legume intercropping systems (Ofori & Stern, 1987). This research aimed to determine the effects of different plant arrangement on hay yield, nitrogen (N) content and N fixation of berseem clover-annual ryegrass mixture in a Mediterranean semi-arid environment

    Effect of defoliation management and plant arrangement on yield and N2 fixation of berseem-annual ryegrass mixture

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    The research was carried out in a Mediterranean semi-arid environment on berseem clover, annual ryegrass and their mixture to study the effect of defoliation management [date of \ufb01rst cut (FC) 85, 119, 140, 169 days after sowing] and different plant arrangements (sowing the two components in alternate rows or in the same row) on yields, N content, N2 \ufb01xation and N transfer. The experimental design was a split-plot with four replications. The 15 N isotope dilution technique was used (8 kg N ha \u20131 as ammonium sulphate at 10 atom% 15 N excess) to evaluate the N2 \ufb01xation. Total seasonal DM yield was, on average, signi\ufb01cantly higher for FC119 and FC140 (approx. 12.3 t ha \u20131 ) than for FC85 and FC169 (approx. 10.6 t ha \u20131 ). Plant arrangement did not signi\ufb01cantly in\ufb02uence total yield of the mixture. However, the legume yield was higher (+20%; P<0.0001) in the same row than in alternate rows arrangement. N content of ryegrass was signi\ufb01cantly higher in the mixtures than in pure stand and in the \u2018same row\u2019 plant arrangement than in the \u2018alternate rows\u2019. Intercropped berseem always had a signi\ufb01cant higher % of Ndfa than the monocropped one (on average 74.7% and 57.7% respectively). The apparent transfer of \ufb01xed N from berseem to ryegrass was not detected in either plant arrangement

    Berseem-annual ryegrass intercropping: effect of plant arrangement and seeding ratio on N2 fixation and yield

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    Various agronomic factors can affect the productivity and the efficiency of legume-grass intercropping systems. This research was carried out in a Mediterranean semi-arid environment (37°30’N; 13°31’E; 178 m a.s.l.) with the aim to study on berseem clover- annual ryegrass mixture (Trifolium alexandrinum L. – Lolium multiflorum Lam subsp. wersterwoldicum) the effects of different plant arrangement (sowing of the two components in alternate rows or in the same row) and seeding ratios (100:0; 75:25; 50:50; 25:75; 0:100) on forage yield, nitrogen content and nitrogen fixation. The experimental design was a split-plot with four replications. The 15N isotope dilution technique was used to estimate nitrogen fixation by berseem clover. All plots were cut four times (first cut 85 DAS; rest period of four weeks). The DM yield of mixtures and pure stand clover were similar; annual ryegrass in pure stand produced the lowest yields. No significant differences for DM yield were observed due to the plant arrangement and seeding ratio in the mixture. Intercropping berseem had always a significant higher percentage of Ndfa than monocropped berseem. The %Ndfa of mixed berseem was not influenced by plant arrangement but gradually decreased when proportion of berseem in the mixture increased

    The Timing of Daily Grazing on Annual Ryegrass or Sulla Forage: The Effects on Milk Yield and Composition of Comisana Ewes

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    The timing and duration of grazing greatly affect the response of animals. Night grazing, in addition to grazing during the day, seems to be one of the most important practices for improving animal performance (Bayer et al., 1987). Many authors have already underlined the major benefits of night grazing, such as improved body condition, reduced heat stress, increased forage intake and milk production. However, labour constraints, insecurity, damage to crops by animals are considered as the main reasons for not practising day and night grazing. The aim of this research was to improve knowledge about the effects of daily grazing time in ryegrass or sulla forage on milk yield and composition of Comisana ewes

    Lump-Sum Bonus Satisfaction: Testing the Construct Validity of a New Pay Satisfaction Dimension

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    There are both practical and theoretical reasons to measure lump-sum bonus satisfaction. The practical need for such a measure stems from its increased use as a component in modern compensation practices. Based on the means of administering and allocating lump-sum bonuses, a theoretical case can be built suggesting that lump-sum bonus satisfaction constitutes a separate component of pay satisfaction fitting into the Pay Satisfaction Questionaire\u27s (PSQ) theoretical framework. We develop 4 questions that complement the PSQ, and use a series of techniques to test the convergent and discriminant validity of the measure. Empirical evidence shows that bonus-related items are more related to the lump-sum bonus satisfaction measure than other PSQ dimensions. We also demonstrate that the dimension of lump-sum bonus satisfaction has a substantive relationship with attitudinal variables beyond that provided by pay level variables and the PSQ. The development of this measure should foster greater accuracy when assessing pay satisfaction levels and the effects of lump-sum bonus pay policies

    What Makes Entrepreneurs Happy? Determinants of Satisfaction Among Founders

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    This study empirically investigates factors influencing satisfaction levels of founders of new ventures, using a representative sample of 1,107 Dutch founders. We relate entrepreneurial satisfaction (with income, psychological burden and leisure time) to firm performance, motivation and human capital. Founders with high levels of specific human capital are more satisfied with income than those with high levels of general human capital. Intrinsic motivation and that of combining responsibilities lowers stress and leads to more satisfaction with leisure time. Women are more satisfied with their income than men, even though they have a lower average monthly turnover

    Metformin and the gastrointestinal tract

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    Metformin is an effective agent with a good safety profile that is widely used as a first-line treatment for type 2 diabetes, yet its mechanisms of action and variability in terms of efficacy and side effects remain poorly understood. Although the liver is recognised as a major site of metformin pharmacodynamics, recent evidence also implicates the gut as an important site of action. Metformin has a number of actions within the gut. It increases intestinal glucose uptake and lactate production, increases GLP-1 concentrations and the bile acid pool within the intestine, and alters the microbiome. A novel delayed-release preparation of metformin has recently been shown to improve glycaemic control to a similar extent to immediate-release metformin, but with less systemic exposure. We believe that metformin response and tolerance is intrinsically linked with the gut. This review examines the passage of metformin through the gut, and how this can affect the efficacy of metformin treatment in the individual, and contribute to the side effects associated with metformin intolerance
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