402 research outputs found

    Application of a Semantic Search Algorithm to Semi-Automatic GUI Generation

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    The Semantic Search research field aims to query metadata and to identify relevant subgraphs. While in traditional search engines queries are composed by lists of keywords connected through boolean operators, Semantic Search instead, requires the submission of semantic queries that are structured as a graph of concepts, entities and relations. Submission of this graph is however not trivial as while a list of keywords of interest can be provided by any user, the formulation of semantic queries is not easy as well. One of the main challenges of RDF Browsers lies in the implementation of interfaces that allow the common user to submit semantic queries by hiding their complexity. Furthermore a good semantic search algorithm is not enough to fullfil user needs, it is worthwhile to implement visualization methods which can support users in intuitively understanding why and how the results were retrieved. In this paper we present a novel solution to query RDF datasets and to browse the results of the queries in an appealing manner

    Induction of Isochromanones by Co-Cultivation of the Marine Fungus Cosmospora sp. and the Phytopathogen Magnaporthe oryzae

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    Microbial co-cultivation is a promising approach for the activation of biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs) that remain transcriptionally silent under artificial culture conditions. As part of our project aiming at the discovery of marine-derived fungal agrochemicals, we previously used four phytopathogens as model competitors in the co-cultivation of 21 marine fungal strains. Based on comparative untargeted metabolomics analyses and anti-phytopathogenic activities of the co-cultures, we selected the co-culture of marine Cosmospora sp. with the phytopathogen Magnaporthe oryzae for in-depth chemical studies. UPLC-MS/MS-based molecular networking (MN) of the co-culture extract revealed an enhanced diversity of compounds in several molecular families, including isochromanones, specifically induced in the co-culture. Large scale co-cultivation of Cosmospora sp. and M. oryzae resulted in the isolation of five isochromanones from the whole co-culture extract, namely the known soudanones A, E, D (1-3) and their two new derivatives, soudanones H-I (4-5), the known isochromans, pseudoanguillosporins A and B (6, 7), naphtho-γ-pyrones, cephalochromin and ustilaginoidin G (8, 9), and ergosterol (10). Their structures were established by NMR, HR-ESIMS, FT-IR, electronic circular dichroism (ECD) spectroscopy, polarimetry ([α]D), and Mosher’s ester reaction. Bioactivity assays revealed antimicrobial activity of compounds 2 and 3 against the phytopathogens M. oryzae and Phytophthora infestans, while pseudoanguillosporin A (6) showed the broadest and strongest anti-phytopathogenic activity against Pseudomonas syringae, Xanthomonas campestris, M. oryzae and P. infestans. This is the first study assessing the anti-phytopathogenic activities of soudanones

    Más allá de la seguridad alimentaria, inversión financiera y distorsiones: una breve visión comparada de la agregación y articulación de la intervención del estado

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    For many nations, agricultural development not only meets the fundamental duty of the State to ensure the best possible in terms of access to food as one of the most important social rights in all societies. Beyond that, this essay seeks to demonstrate that this is an area that significantly impacts the behavior of subsequent secondary and tertiary sectors of the economy and may also be a mitigating factor in the consumer price index and unemployment, Which is the central subject of this article. However, the willingness of governments to invest substantial resources might not be enough when public policy in this regard, lacking a functional sense in the aggregation and articulation of these policies. The final reflection which arrives, suggests raising the measurement of impacts through the predictive modeling of public policies and interventions associated, which is essential to avoid wasting time, procrastination resources, lack of effectiveness in meeting the object of the respective policy and, perhaps can be more harmful to the political society, the alteration or loss of legal security and social peace.Para muchas naciones, el desarrollo agrario no sólo responde al deber fundamental del Estado de garantizar en lo posible las mejores condiciones de acceso a la alimentación como uno de los derechos sociales más importantes en toda sociedad. Más allá de esto, el presente ensayo busca demostrar que se trata un sector que impacta de manera considerable en el comportamiento de los subsiguientes sectores secundario y terciario de la economía pudiendo, además, constituir un factor atenuante del índice de precios al consumidor y del desempleo, lo cual es objeto central del presente artículo. No obstante, la voluntad de los gobiernos por invertir ingentes recursos pudiese no ser suficiente cuando las políticas públicas a este respecto, carecen de un sentido funcional en la agregación y articulación de dichas políticas. La reflexión final a la que se llega, sugiere realizar la medición de impactos por medio de los modelados predictivos de las políticas públicas y sus intervenciones asociadas, los cual resulta esencial para evitar la pérdida de tiempo, dilación recursos, falta de efectividad en el cumplimiento del objeto de la política respectiva y, lo que tal vez pueda ser más nocivo para la sociedad política, la posible alteración o pérdida de la seguridad jurídica y la paz social

    Stable Catechol Keto Tautomers in Cytotoxic Heterodimeric Cyclic Diarylheptanoids from the Seagrass Zostera marina

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    Two diarylheptanoid heterodimers, zosterabisphenones A (1) and B (2), were isolated from the seagrass Zostera marina. They feature unprecedented catechol keto tautomers, stable because of steric constraints. Their structure elucidation was based on extensive low-temperature NMR studies and ECD and MS data, with the essential aid of DFT prediction of NMR and ECD spectra. Zosterabisphenone B (2) was selectively cytotoxic against the adenocarcinoma colon cancer cell line HCT116 with IC50 3.6 ± 1.1 μM at 48 h

    Notes on the reproductive condition of early colonizing S. Luridus in the Sicily Strait (Mediterranean Sea)

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    This paper summarizes some observations on gonad development and fecundity of the Lessepsian migrant Siganus luridus (Osteichthyes: Siganidae), recently settled in the islands of Malta and Linosa (Sicily strait, Mediterranean sea). The analysis of ovarian and testicular development showed that these early colonizers attain final gonad maturation and have the potential for successful reproduction.peer-reviewe

    Sistemi di trasmissione WiFi per il monitoraggio sismico del Vesuvio

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    First-year engineering students at the University of Queensland used an interactive webbook to acquire information skills. These helped them search information resources for their projects, which they are required to undertake as part of the subject Introduction to professional engineering. The information skills exercise was an integral part of the project and worth 10% of the overall assessment. The exercises were only available on the Web, allowing the students to enter their answers from home or wherever they had access to the Internet. All answers were marked automatically using a database of all possible answers. Students were able to go back to check their answers. Students were assessed on both their responses to the exercises and also their final bibliography which largely reflected the impact of the webbook. The entire process was evaluated. This paper presents the process and the outcomes of the first-year engineering project involving use of WWW for information skills instruction. The webbooks can be found at http://www.library.uq.edu.au/9e105/

    A Reliable and Cost-Efficient PCR-RFLP Tool for the Rapid Identification of Cetaceans in the Mediterranean Sea

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    Twenty-five species of cetaceans have been reported throughout the Mediterranean Sea, eight of them are commonly distributed in the whole basin and are regularly found beached or adrift in the sea. Stranded animals are frequently found in poor conservation status, preventing reliable identification; identification is thus often based solely on morphological features. Therewith, molecular tools are especially useful to provide taxonomic identification. In this work, a four-enzymes PCR-RFLP in silico protocol, based on a fragment of the mitochondrial gene cytb, has been designed for cetacean species occurring in the Mediterranean Sea. Moreover, beached or floating specimen samples belonging to the eight common species have been tested in the laboratory, providing evidence that this approach represents a reliable, cost- and time-effective tool for their specific identification

    Monitoring cyanobacterial blooms during the COVID-19 pandemic in Campania, Italy: The case of lake avernus

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    Cyanobacteria are ubiquitous photosynthetic microorganisms considered as important contributors to the formation of Earth’s atmosphere and to the process of nitrogen fixation. However, they are also frequently associated with toxic blooms, named cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms (cyanoHABs). This paper reports on an unusual out-of-season cyanoHAB and its dynamics during the COVID-19 pandemic, in Lake Avernus, South Italy. Fast detection strategy (FDS) was used to assess this phenomenon, through the integration of satellite imagery and biomolecular investigation of the environmental samples. Data obtained unveiled a widespread Microcystis sp. bloom in February 2020 (i.e., winter season in Italy), which completely disappeared at the end of the following COVID-19 lockdown, when almost all urban activities were suspended. Due to potential harmfulness of cyanoHABs, crude extracts from the “winter bloom” were evaluated for their cytotoxicity in two different human cell lines, namely normal dermal fibroblasts (NHDF) and breast adenocarcinoma cells (MCF-7). The chloroform extract was shown to exert the highest cytotoxic activity, which has been correlated to the presence of cyanotoxins, i.e., microcystins, micropeptins, anabaenopeptins, and aeruginopeptins, detected by molecular networking analysis of liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) data