57 research outputs found

    I servizi per l'apprendimento permanente a supporto dell'integrazione accademica di studenti titolari di protezione internazionale.

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    Il contributo si focalizza sull’esperienza di integrazione accademica di rifugiati (sedici attualmente) presso l’Università degli Studi di Bari, avviata da alcuni anni nell’ambito delle azioni di ricerca e formazione promosse dal Centro per l’Apprendimento Permanente (CAP) per la valorizzazione del capitale culturale e umano di migranti, richiedenti visto e titolari di protezione internazionale. Il servizio recepisce le recenti (2017-2018) disposizioni del Miur in materia di «accesso degli studenti stranieri richiedenti visto ai corsi di formazione superiore»

    Refugee students during pandemic time: keywords for academic integration

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    The present paper reports the experience of the CAP (Centre of lifelong learning of the University of Bari Aldo Moro) and its activities in the field of validation and certification of competences acquired in formal, and informal contexts of learning of young student refugees who have chosen to continue their studies which were interrupted in their own countries. This CAP’s experience highlights how informal education is crucial within the processes of academic integration. Moreover, this experience represents an attempt of internationalization aimed to institutionalize the “finalized recognition” procedure, through the comparability of qualifications and the certification of competences. In particular, the paper focuses on the most relevant words of a Focus Group Discussion held with the refugee students at the University of Bari “A. Moro”. The event was realized during the UNHCR World Refugee Day celebration. How did the students face the restrictions due to anti-Covid-19 security rules? How did they respond to the stop of face-to-face classroom teaching and to the solely digital learning arrangement and on-line administrative services of the host University? The paper presents the key words of the most relevant answers to these questions and starts from the testimony from a Dept. of Economy University freshman and from a Dept. of Education graduate student, different in the concern of integration levels but very similar on the aspect of motivations and resilience capabilities

    Introduction to the Special Section: Youth Work, Non-Formal Education and Youth Participation

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    This special issue of the Italian Journal of Sociology of Education deals with “Youth Work, Non-Formal Education and Youth Participation”. These three dimensions have become, over recent years, among the main drivers in youth policies (Bendit & Hahn-Bleibtreu, 2008; Chisholm, Kovacheva & Merico, 2011; Belton, 2014). This is largely evident at a European level. Specifically, the development of youth work is nowadays a priority for the European Commission and the Council of Europe, within a broader framework directed towards the recognition and validation of non-formal education, the promotion of youth participation, and the wider rethinking of youth policies (Milmeister & Williamson, 2006; Williamson, 2007; 2008; Denstad, 2009; Devlin, 2010

    A national student survey for the Italian higher education system

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    Despite the strong criticisms, mass student surveys play an important role in the quality assurance process of national higher education systems. While some national higher education systems have a long history of using student surveys to inform teaching and course quality improvement (e.g. the UK, Australia), in Italy, where the quality assurance system has been put in place at both state and institutional levels, a national student survey has never been implemented. As a consequence, higher education institutions have used, and still use, only student evaluations of teaching. If, on the one hand, these local surveys tend to overlap with the rationale and structure of a national survey, on the other hand, they prevent universities from comparing quality indicators. Given the strong drive to use student surveys as a quality assurance mechanism, the present article reports a study aimed to design and probe a new questionnaire to be used at the national level. A total of 572 final year students enrolled in a public university participated in the study. Data were examined using a principal component analysis. Study results could set the groundwork for a critical debate on changes and improvements in the quality assurance process

    How communities can react to crisis: social capital as a source of empowerment and well-being

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    Within the post-modern scenario, largely characterized by a sense of diffused social uncertainty and dominated by the ghost of a wide spreading economical and social crisis, social capital, solidarity and social responsibility might represent concrete and efficacious tools to cope with the implications of such cultural drift. The present paper aims at arguing such position by accounting for a repertoire of “good practices” experienced in the south of Italy, which have been read with theoretical and methodological lenses borrowed from social community psychology as well as sociology. The discussion will take into account two case studies (Diffused Guest House and Urban Laboratories) which are both representative in terms of social participation as well as in terms of social capital enhancement. Indeed, all the accounted experiences have shown how the construction of solid and open communities could concretely contribute to enhance social capital as well as to contrast with the diffusion of narrow and conflicting ghetto-communities based on marginality and social uncertainty, which are source for self-segregation, social fragmentation and increasing powerlessness

    Peristomal Skin Complications in Ileostomy and Colostomy Patients: What We Need to Know from a Public Health Perspective

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    Background: Peristomal skin complications (PSCs) are the most common skin problems seen after ostomy surgery. They have a considerable impact on a patient's quality of life and contribute to a higher cost of care. Methods: A systematic review was conducted, querying three databases. The analysis was performed on international studies focused on the clinical-epidemiological burden of PSCs in adult patients with ileostomy/colostomy. Results: Overall, 23 studies were considered. The main diseases associated with ostomy surgery were rectal, colon and gynecological cancers, inflammatory bowel diseases, diverticulitis, bowel obstruction and intestinal perforation. Erythema, papules, skin erosions, ulcers and vesicles were the most common PSCs for patients with an ostomy (or stoma). A PSCs incidence ranging from 36.3% to 73.4% was described. Skin complications increased length of stay (LOS) and rates of readmission within 120 days of surgery. Conclusions: PSCs data are still limited. A knowledge of their burden is essential to support health personnel and decision-makers in identifying the most appropriate responses to patients' needs. Proper management of these complications plays a fundamental role in improving the patient's quality of life. A multidisciplinary approach, as well as increased patient education and their empowerment, are priority measures to be implemented to foster a value-based healthcare

    Recognition of the cultural capital of young Refugees: the CAP (Centre for Life Long Learning) as an Academic Experience of Inclusion in Italy

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    The paper explores the role of youth work with young refugees within the formal education system and how the service offered by the Centre for Lifelong Learning at the University of Bari in Italy has met the challenges that arise in the absence of original documentation of formal qualifications


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    Il volume presentato intende soffermarsi sullo studio del caso dei Laboratori Urbani finanziati dalla Regione Puglia, nell’ambito del programma Bollenti Spiriti, presentando i risultati della ricerca valutativa in riferimento all'attuazione di tale programma
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