121 research outputs found

    Flexibility and precarity in the post-pandemic era: Unveiling new workplace inequalities among young european workers

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    As the ongoing effects of the coronavirus pandemic continue to influence workplace procedures and employment conditions, there has hitherto been limited scholarly attention given to the ramifications of these impacts on younger workers. Addressing this gap, this study investigates the preferences and experiences of younger workers regarding teleworking arrangements and precarious employment conditions in a post-pandemic European context. The study employs a mixed-methods approach, integrating extensive quantitative survey data encompassing 27 European countries with qualitative data derived from 12 in-depth interviews of an exclusively Italian sample. By analysing workers’ values, preferences and socio-structural experiences of teleworking and employment conditions since the coronavirus outbreak, the study uncovers several workplace inequalities encountered by younger workers. Specifically, the findings indicate that younger workers have faced more precarious employment conditions since the pandemic compared to their older counterparts. Moreover, younger workers, who preserve diverse workplace values and preferences compared to older workers, have experienced fewer opportunities to access teleworking arrangements and secure employment. Based on these findings, the study formulates several predictions regarding the future implementation of teleworking and employment conditions in a post-pandemic context, considering the shifting values and inclinations of the individuals who inhabit the contemporary and future workforces. By examining the values and experiences surrounding individual preferences for flexible workplace arrangements and secure employment, this study offers valuable insights for future policy- making that align with the needs and desires of workers of all ages.Apesar dos efeitos da pandemia de coronavírus continuarem a influenciar os procedimentos e as condições de trabalho no local de trabalho, tem havido, até ao momento, uma atenção académica limitada relativamente às ramificações desses impactos nos trabalhadores mais jovens. Abordando essa lacuna, este estudo investiga especificamente as preferências e experiências dos trabalhadores mais jovens em relação às modalidades de teletrabalho e às condições precárias de emprego em um contexto europeu pós-pandêmico. O estudo emprega uma abordagem metodológica mista, integrando a análises estatísticas em relação a 27 países europeus, com dados qualitativos resultantes da aplicação de 12 entrevistas em profundidade de uma amostra de jovens a residir em Itália. Ao analisar os valores, as preferências e as experiências socioestruturais referentes ao teletrabalho e às condições de emprego dos trabalhadores desde o surto de coronavírus, o estudo revela várias desigualdades no local de trabalho encontradas pelos trabalhadores mais jovens. Especificamente, os resultados indicam que os trabalhadores mais jovens enfrentaram condições de emprego mais precárias desde a pandemia em comparação com seus colegas mais velhos. Além disso, os trabalhadores mais jovens, que preservam diversos valores e preferências no local de trabalho em comparação com os trabalhadores mais velhos, tiveram menos oportunidades de acesso a acordos de teletrabalho e emprego seguro. Ao examinar os valores e as experiências que fundamentam as preferências individuais no sentido de arranjos e acordos flexíveis no local de trabalho e de valorização do emprego seguro, este estudo oferece informações valiosas para futuras decisões políticas

    Trauma, dissociation and psychosis : investigating the role of cognitive inhibition during threat processing

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    This Portfolio Thesis comprises three parts. Parts one and two are conceptually linked by their focus on the effect of anxiety on cognitive processes in psychosis.Part one is a systematic literature review. Biological views of psychoses such schizophrenia still dominate, but more recently research into the psychological aspects of psychosis has burgeoned. Literature in the field suggests that anxiety interacts with cognitive processes and increases the likelihood of cognitive biases associated with psychosis. The systematic literature review investigates how anxiety affects the cognitive processes associated with the onset and maintenance of psychosis.Part two is an empirical paper. Understanding the interactions between social, emotional and cognitive processes in psychosis holds promise in terms of improving psychosocial interventions. Current research suggests a link between childhood trauma, dissociation and psychosis. Studies of dissociative populations suggest cognitive inhibition, which is implicated in hallucinations, may be adversely affected by threat in psychotic populations. The empirical paper investigates the effect of anxiety on cognitive inhibition in participants with various levels of hallucination-proneness, and the associations between childhood trauma, dissociation and hallucination-proneness. It was hoped that the findings would contribute to the understanding of psychotic experiences and assist in the formulation and treatment of psychosis.Part three comprises the appendices

    Femoral Neck Shaft Angle in Men with Fragility Fractures

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    Introduction. Femoral neck shaft angle (NSA) has been reported to be an independent predictor of hip fracture risk in men. We aimed to assess the role of NSA in UK men. Methods. The NSA was measured manually from the DXA scan printout in men with hip (62, 31 femoral neck and 31 trochanteric), symptomatic vertebral (91), and distal forearm (67) fractures and 389 age-matched control subjects. Age, height, weight, and BMD (g/cm2: lumbar spine, femoral neck, and total femur) measurements were performed. Results. There was no significant difference in mean NSA between men with femoral neck and trochanteric hip fractures, so all further analyses of hip fractures utilised the combined data. There was no difference in NSA between those with hip fractures and those without (either using the combined data or analysing trochanteric and femoral neck shaft fractures separately), nor between fracture subjects as a whole and controls. Mean NSA was smaller in those with vertebral fractures (129.2° versus 131°: P = 0.001), but larger in those with distal forearm fractures (129.8° versus 128.5°: P = 0.01). Conclusions. The conflicting results suggest that femoral NSA is not an important determinant of hip fracture risk in UK men

    The prevalence of radiographic vertebral fractures in Mexican men

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    The prevalence of radiographically ascertained vertebral fractures in a random sample of 413 in Mexican men is 9.7% (95% CI 6.85–12.55). Increase of vertebral fracture rises with age from 2.0% in the youngest group (50–59 years) to 21.4% in the oldest group (80 years and over). This is the first population-based study of vertebral fractures in Mexican men using a standardized methodology reported in other studies. The presence of radiographic vertebral fractures increases with age. This same pattern was found in Mexican women with steady age increments, but the higher prevalence of fractures in women starts at age 70, whereas in men, the higher prevalence starts a decade later (80 years and over). The standardized prevalence per 1,000 men 50 years and over in the Mexican population for the year 2005 is 65.8 (95% CI 29.9–105.5), and it is 68.6 (95% CI 32.2–108.7) in the US population for the year 2000

    The prevalence of vertebral fracture amongst patients presenting with non-vertebral fractures

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    INTRODUCTION: Despite vertebral fracture being a significant risk factor for further fracture, vertebral fractures are often unrecognised. A study was therefore conducted to determine the proportion of patients presenting with a non-vertebral fracture who also have an unrecognised vertebral fracture. METHODS: Prospective study of patients presenting with a non-vertebral fracture in South Glasgow who underwent DXA evaluation with vertebral morphometry (MXA) from DV5/6 to LV4/5. Vertebral deformities (consistent with fracture) were identified by direct visualisation using the Genant semi-quantitative grading scale. RESULTS: Data were available for 337 patients presenting with low trauma non-vertebral fracture; 261 were female. Of all patients, 10.4% were aged 50–64 years, 53.2% were aged 65–74 years and 36.2% were aged 75 years or over. According to WHO definitions, 35.0% of patients had normal lumbar spine BMD (T-score −1 or above), 37.4% were osteopenic (T-score −1.1 to −2.4) and 27.6% osteoporotic (T-score −2.5 or lower). Humerus (n=103, 31%), radius–ulna (n=90, 27%) and hand/foot (n=53, 16%) were the most common fractures. For 72% of patients (n=241) the presenting fracture was the first low trauma fracture to come to clinical attention. The overall prevalence of vertebral deformity established by MXA was 25% (n=83); 45% (n=37) of patients with vertebral deformity had deformities of more than one vertebra. Of the patients with vertebral deformity and readable scans for grading, 72.5% (58/80) had deformities of grade 2 or 3. Patients presenting with hip fracture, or spine T-score ≤−2.5, or low BMI, or with more than one prior non-vertebral fracture were all significantly more likely to have evidence of a prevalent vertebral deformity (p<0.05). However, 19.8% of patients with an osteopenic T-score had a vertebral deformity (48% of which were multiple), and 16.1% of patients with a normal T-score had a vertebral deformity (26.3% of which were multiple). Following non-vertebral fracture, some guidelines suggest that anti-resorptive therapy should be reserved for patients with DXA-proven osteoporosis. However, patients who have one or more prior vertebral fractures (prevalent at the time of their non-vertebral fracture) would also become candidates for anti-resorptive therapy—which would have not been the case had their vertebral fracture status not been known. Overall in this study, 8.9% of patients are likely to have had a change in management by virtue of their underlying vertebral deformity status. In other words, 11 patients who present with a non-vertebral fracture would need to undergo vertebral morphometry in order to identify one patient who ought to be managed differently. CONCLUSIONS: Our results support the recommendation to perform vertebral morphometry in patients who are referred for DXA after experiencing a non-vertebral fracture. Treatment decisions will then better reflect any given patient’s future absolute fracture risk. The 'Number Needed to Screen' if vertebral morphometry is used in this way would be seven to identify one patient with vertebral deformity, and 14 to identify one patient with two or more vertebral deformities. Although carrying out MXA will increase radiation exposure for the patient, this increased exposure is significantly less than would be obtained if X-rays of the dorso-lumbar spine were obtained

    Osteoporosis in Men

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    Produženjem očekivanog trajanja života osteoporoza je postala rastući problem u većini razvijenih zemalja svijeta. U radu se raspravlja o učestalosti, patogenezi, dijagnostičkim kriterijima i mogućnostima liječenja osteoporoze u muškaraca. Svaki treći prijelom kuka događa se u muškaraca, a više od 11 % muškaraca starijih od 50 godina doživi ovaj prijelom. Dijagnoza idiopatske osteoporoze primjenjuje se za muškarce mlađe od 60 godina u kojih nema drugih mogućih uzroka bolesti. U njih je niska mineralna gustoća kosti (BMD) najvećim dijelom posljedica niske vršne koštane mase. U oko 30 % muškaraca nalazi se sekundarna osteoporoza, a involucijska osteoporoza nastaje u muškaraca starijih od 60 godina, kao rezultat smanjenja koncentracije testosterona i IGF-1. S obzirom na rezultate istraživanja koja su pokazala da vrijednost BMD-a u oba spola pruža slične informacije o riziku prijeloma, čini se da se postojeći kriteriji za dijagnozu osteoporoze u žena mogu iskoristiti i za muškarce. U liječenju, bisfosfonati i teriparatid dokazano i značajno povećavaju BMD u muškaraca. Primjena androgena pokazala se učinkovitom u muškaraca s hipogonadizmom, no opravdanost njihove primjene u eugonada još uvijek je predmet rasprava. Povećanjem znanja o metabolizmu kosti i koštanoj pregradnji u novije vrijeme otvorila su se vrata čitavom nizu molekula koje bi u budućnosti mogle postati temelj liječenja osteoporoze u muškaraca.With the prolongation of life expectancy, osteoporosis has become an increasing problem in the majority of developed countries worldwide. The paper discusses the frequency, pathogenesis, diagnostic criteria and treatment options for osteoporosis in men. Every third hip fracture occurs in men, and more than 11 % of the male population over the age of 50 years suffer the fracture. Diagnostic tests for idiopathic osteoporosis are performed in men under 60 years of age without other potential risk factors of developing the disease. In the majority of cases, their low bone mineral density (BMD) is caused by a low peak bone mass. Secondary osteoporosis occurs in about 30 % of men, and involutionary osteoporosis developed in men over 60 years of age results from their decreased testosterone and IGF-1 levels. The study results showing that BMD levels in both sexes provide similar fracture risk information suggest that the existing diagnostic criteria for female osteoporosis can also be employed in men. It has been proved that biphosphonate and teriparitide therapy significantly increase BMD levels in men. The administration of androgens has been shown to be effective in men with hypogonadism, although their validity for patients with eugonadism has not yet been discussed. An improved knowledge of the bone metabolism and bone remodelling has recently opened the door to an extensive series of molecules that may play a key role in the treatment of male osteoporosis in the future

    An investigation of the pharmacologically-active principles in amniotic fluid

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    Evaluating the Effectiveness of Signage in Conservation Areas, Natural Areas and Zoos to Enhance the Education of Eco-tourists

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    Conservation areas provide many unique mental and physical health benefits to people. The popularity of using these areas is expected to grow as the population in urban centres grows. This growth increases the likelihood of recreational activities having harmful impacts on these areas. While visitor infrastructure is useful in preventing these harmful impacts, ultimately providing a productive, informal learning environment in these areas through the use of signage will be more helpful. Signage is already known to help influence behaviour in various different settings and can be a powerful tool. It is also one of the easiest ways to convey a message. Zoos use their platform to promote environmental, conservation and wildlife education through various communication forums, but mainly through signage. The diversity in knowledge that visitors possess means that zoos have to use signs that can appeal to all of their visitors. This design should be applied to signs found in conservation areas to help spread awareness and knowledge of basic environmental functions of those areas. By conducting a literature review for studies that have researched signage and how those signs effect behaviour, two matrices were produced to simplify and condense the information found. The results of these matrices revealed that the most important components of signs in zoos, conservation areas and natural settings are the ease of reading and imagery or graphics. These results demonstrate that the recreational location does not matter as much as the components of the sign. There was a varied response in terms of promoting behaviour related to the effectiveness of these signs with an equal number generating positive behaviour and those that had no effect. Using the information generated from the matrices regarding the most important sign components, a prototype sign was created. This project concludes with recommendations for designing signs that support conservation areas based on 1) the setting and what people need to do and want to learn; 2) signs must be aesthetically pleasing; 3) have short text with a behavioural direction; and 4) politeness. This project also recommends to include trail volunteers in conservation areas because they are an effective method for educating eco-tourists on what signs mean, while also being able to have direct contact with visitors. Direct contact has been reported to have a profound effect on visitor time spent in the natural area. Through this project, I come to the conclusion that signage is an important method for educating eco-tourists and, by tailoring the signage to the specific areas and expected visitors, behaviour can be positively influenced for future recreational activitie

    Adherence to Home Based Cardiac Rehabilitation

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    Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) is recommended for those living with heart disease, however adherence is suboptimal. The home program (HP) model of care is as clinically effective as traditional programs (TP), however little information exists about the HP&rsquo;s effect on adherence. The objectives of this thesis were to 1) compare adherence of patients in a HP and TP model of CR. 2) To characterize self-regulatory self-efficacy (SR-SE) in a CR HP and 3) to explore the reasons for non-completion of a HP. Study 1 showed adherence to be similar between the TP and HP. Study 2 showed that SR-SE was high throughout the HP for completers, but dropped in those who did not complete the program. The HP is a good alternative for those unable to attend a TP; however those with low SR-SE may require further interventions to help them complete their program.MAS