474 research outputs found

    Biochar Administration to San Marzano Tomato Plants Cultivated Under Low-Input Farming Increases Growth, Fruit Yield, and Affects Gene Expression

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    Biochar is a rich-carbon charcoal obtained by pyrolysis of biomasses, which was used since antiquity as soil amendant. Its storage in soils was demonstrated contributing to abate the effects of climate changes by sequestering carbon, also providing bioenergy, and improving soil characteristics and crop yields. Despite interest in this amendant, there is still poor information on its effects on soil fertility and plant growth. Considerable variation in the plant response has been reported, depending on biomass source, pyrolysis conditions, crop species, and cultivation practices. Due to these conflicting evidences, this work was aimed at studying the effects of biochar from pyrolyzed wood at 550 degrees C, containing 81.1% carbon and 0.91% nitrogen, on growth and yield of tomato plants experiencing low-input farming conditions. San Marzano ecotype from Southern Italy was investigated, due to its renowned quality and adaptability to sustainable farming practices. Biochar administration improved vegetative growth and berry yield, while affecting gene expression and protein repertoire in berries. Different enzymes of carbon metabolism and photosynthesis were over-represented, whereas various stress-responsive and defense proteins were down-represented. Molecular results are here discussed in relation to estimated agronomic parameters to provide a rationale justifying the growth-promoting effect of this soil amendant

    Mono-dimensional blue native-PAGE and bi-dimensional blue native/urea-PAGE or /SDS-PAGE combined with nLC-ESI-LIT-MS/MS unveil membrane protein heteromeric and homomeric complexes in streptococcus thermophilus

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    Protein interactions are essential elements for the biological machineries underlying biochemical and physiological mechanisms indispensable for microorganism life. By using mono-dimensional blue native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (1D-BN-PAGE), two-dimensional blue native/urea-PAGE (2D-BN/urea-PAGE) and two-dimensional blue native/SDS-PAGE (2D-BN/SDS-PAGE), membrane protein complexes of Streptococcus thermophilus were resolved and visualized. Protein complex and oligomer constituents were then identified by nLC-ESI-LIT-MS/MS. In total, 65 heteromeric and 30 homomeric complexes were observed, which were then associated with 110 non-redundant bacterial proteins. Protein machineries involved in polysaccharide biosynthesis, molecular uptake, energy metabolism, cell division, protein secretion, folding and chaperone activities were highly represented in electrophoretic profiles; a number of homomeric moonlighting proteins were also identified. Information on hypothetical proteins was also derived. Parallel genome sequencing unveiled that the genes coding for the enzymes involved in exopolysaccharide biosynthesis derive from two separate clusters, generally showing high variability between bacterial strains, which contribute to a unique, synchronized and active synthetic module. The approach reported here paves the way for a further functional characterization of these protein complexes and will facilitate future studies on their assembly and composition during various growth conditions and in different mutant backgrounds, with important consequences for biotechnological applications of this bacterium in dairy productions. Biological significance Combined proteomic procedures have been applied to the characterization of heteromultimeric and homomeric protein complexes from the membrane fraction of S. thermophilus. Protein machineries involved in polysaccharide biosynthesis, molecular uptake, energy metabolism, cell division, protein secretion, folding and chaperone activities were identified; information on hypothetical and moonlighting proteins were also derived. This study is original in the lactic bacteria context and maybe considered as preliminary to a deeper functional characterization of the corresponding protein complexes. Due to the large use of S. thermophilus as a starter for dairy productions, the data reported here may facilitate future investigations on protein complex assembly and composition under different experimental conditions or for bacterial strains having specific biotechnological applications

    Arabidopsis defense against the pathogenic fungus drechslera gigantea is dependent on the integrity of the unfolded protein response

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    Drechslera gigantea Heald & Wolf is a worldwide-spread necrotrophic fungus closely related to the Bipolaris genus, well-known because many member species provoke severe diseases in cereal crops and studied because they produce sesterpenoid phytoxins named ophiobolins which possess interesting biological properties. The unfolded protein response (UPR) is a conserved mechanism protecting eukaryotic cells from the accumulation of unfolded/misfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). In plants, consolidated evidence supports the role of UPR in the tolerance to abiotic stress, whereas much less information is available concerning the induction of ER stress by pathogen infection and consequent UPR elicitation as part of the defense response. In this study, the infection process of D. gigantea in Arabidopsis thaliana wild type and UPR-defective bzip28 bzip60 double mutant plants was comparatively investigated, with the aim to address the role of UPR in the expression of resistance to the fungal pathogen. The results of confocal microscopy, as well as of qRT-PCR transcript level analysis of UPR genes, proteomics, microRNAs expression profile and HPLC-based hormone analyses demonstrated that ophiobolin produced by the fungus during infection compromised ER integrity and that impairment of the IRE1 /bZIP60 pathway of UPR hampered the full expression of resistance, thereby enhancing plant susceptibility to the pathogen

    Poplar woody root proteome during the transition dormancy-active growth

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    Woody plants living in temperate climates finely regulate their growth and development in relation to seasonal changes; their transition from vegetative to dormancy phase represents an adaptation to their environment. Events occurring in the shoot during onset/release from dormancy have been largely investigated, whereas in woody roots they remain completely unknown. In recent years, we have been interested in understanding the molecular and physiological events occurring in poplar woody root during release from dormancy. Here, we propose the results of a comparative analysis of the proteome of poplar woody root sampled at different time points: T0 (dormancy condition), T1 (release from dormancy), and T2 (full vegetative condition). This study identified proteins that may be involved in the long-term survival of a dormant root or landmarking a specific time point

    Article influence of the casein composite genotype on milk quality and coagulation properties in the endangered agerolese cattle breed

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    The aim of this study was the characterization of CSN1S1, CSN2 and CSN3 genetic variability in Agerolese cattle, and the investigation of the effect of casein composite genotypes (CSN1S1, CSN2 and CSN3) on quality and coagulation traits of the corresponding milk. To these purposes, blood and milk from 84 cows were sampled and analysed. Allele frequencies at CSN2 and CSN3 revealed no Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium in the population with a prevalence of allele A2 for CSN2 and allele B for CSN3. BBA1A2AB and BBA2A2AB composite genotypes were the most common in the population. BBA1A2AB showed a higher total solids and fat content (12.70 ± 0.16 and 3.93 ± 0.10, respectively), while BBA2A2BB showed the best coagulation properties (RCT 12.62 ± 0.81; k20 5.84 ± 0.37; a30 23.72 ± 1.10). Interestingly, the A2 allele of CSN2 was very widespread in the population; thus, it will be intriguing to verify if A2A2 Agerolese cattle milk and the derived cheese may have better nutraceutical characteristics

    Proteomic analysis of apricot fruit during ripening

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    Ripening of climacteric fruits involves a complex network of biochemical and metabolic changes that make them palatable and rich in nutritional and health-beneficial compounds. Since fruit maturation has a profound impact on human nutrition, it has been recently the object of increasing research activity by holistic approaches, especially on model species. Here we report on the original proteomic characterization of ripening in apricot, a widely cultivated species of temperate zones appreciated for its taste and aromas, whose cultivation is yet hampered by specific limitations. Fruits of Prunus armeniaca cv. Vesuviana were harvested at three ripening stages and proteins extracted and resolved by 1D and 2D electrophoresis. Whole lanes from 1D gels were subjected to shot-gun analysis that identified 245 gene products, showing preliminary qualitative differences between maturation stages. In parallel, differential analysis of 2D proteomic maps highlighted 106 spots as differentially represented among variably ripen fruits. Most of these were further identified by means of MALDI-TOF-PMF and nanoLC–ESI–LIT–MS/MS as enzymes involved in main biochemical processes influencing metabolic/structural changes occurring during maturation, i.e. organic acids, carbohydrates and energy metabolism, ethylene biosynthesis, cell wall restructuring and stress response, or as protein species linkable to peculiar fruit organoleptic characteristics. In addition to originally present preliminary information on the main biochemical changes that characterize apricot ripening, this study also provides indications for future marker-assisted selection breeding programs aimed to ameliorate fruit quality

    Phenotypical and biochemical characterization of tomato plants treated with triacontanol

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    Biostimulants are heterogeneous products designed to support plant development and to improve the yield and quality of crops. Here, we focused on the effects of triacontanol, a promising biostimulant found in cuticle waxes, on tomato growth and productivity. We examined various phenological traits related to vegetative growth, flowering and fruit yield, the metabolic profile of fruits, and the response of triacontanol-treated plants to salt stress. Additionally, a proteomic analysis was conducted to clarify the molecular mechanisms underlying triacontanol action. Triacontanol application induced advanced and increased blooming without affecting plant growth. Biochemical analyses of fruits showed minimal changes in nutritional properties. The treatment also increased the germination rate of seeds by altering hormone homeostasis and reduced salt stress-induced damage. Proteomics analysis of leaves revealed that triacontanol increased the abundance of proteins related to development and abiotic stress, while down-regulating proteins involved in biotic stress resistance. The proteome of the fruits was not significantly affected by triacontanol, confirming that biostimulation did not alter the nutritional properties of fruits. Overall, our findings provide evidence of the effects of triacontanol on growth, development, and stress tolerance, shedding light on its mechanism of action and providing new insights into its potential in agricultural practices
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