381 research outputs found

    Sterically Congested 2,6-Disubstituted Anilines from Direct C−N Bond Formation at an Iodine(III) Center

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    2,6-Disubstituted anilines are readily prepared from the direct reaction between amides and diaryliodonium salts. As demonstrated for 24 different examples, the reaction is of unusually broad scope with respect to the sterically congested arene and the nitrogen source, occurs without the requirement for any additional promoter, and proceeds through a direct reductive elimination at the iodine(III) center. The efficiency of the coupling procedure is further demonstrated within the short synthesis of a chemerin binding inhibitor

    Mechanistic species distribution modeling reveals a niche shift during invasion

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    Niche shifts of nonnative plants can occur when they colonize novel climatic conditions. However, the mechanistic basis for niche shifts during invasion is poorly understood and has rarely been captured within species distribution models. We quantified the consequence of between-population variation in phenology for invasion of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) across Europe. Ragweed is of serious concern because of its harmful effects as a crop weed and because of its impact on public health as a major aeroallergen. We developed a forward mechanistic species distribution model based on responses of ragweed development rates to temperature and photoperiod. The model was parameterized and validated from the literature and by reanalyzing data from a reciprocal common garden experiment in which native and invasive populations were grown within and beyond the current invaded range. It could therefore accommodate between-population variation in the physiological requirements for flowering, and predict the potentially invaded ranges of individual populations. Northern-origin populations that were established outside the generally accepted climate envelope of the species had lower thermal requirements for bud development, suggesting local adaptation of phenology had occurred during the invasion. The model predicts that this will extend the potentially invaded range northward and increase the average suitability across Europe by 90% in the current climate and 20% in the future climate. Therefore, trait variation observed at the population scale can trigger a climatic niche shift at the biogeographic scale. For ragweed, earlier flowering phenology in established northern populations could allow the species to spread beyond its current invasive range, substantially increasing its risk to agriculture and public health. Mechanistic species distribution models offer the possibility to represent niche shifts by varying the traits and niche responses of individual populations. Ignoring such effects could substantially underestimate the extent and impact of invasions


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    Early suppression of lymphoproliferative response in dogs with natural infection by Leishmania infantum.

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    Dogs are the domestic reservoirs of zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania infantum. Early detection of canine infections evolving to clinically patent disease may be important to leishmaniasis control. In this study we firstly investigated the peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) response to leishmanial antigens and to polyclonal activators concanavalin A, phytohemagglutinin and pokeweed mitogen, of mixed-breed dogs with natural L. infantum infection, either in presymptomatic or in patent disease condition, compared to healthy animals. Leishmania antigens did not induce a clear proliferative response in any of the animals examined. Furthermore, mitogen-induced lymphocyte proliferation was found strongly reduced not only in symptomatic, but also in presymptomatic dogs suggesting that the cell-mediated immunity is suppressed in progressive canine leishmaniasis. To test this finding, naive Beagle dogs were exposed to natural L. infantum infection in a highly endemic area of southern Italy. Two to 10 months after exposure all dogs were found to be infected by Leishmania, and on month 2 of exposure they all showed a significant reduction in PBMC activation by mitogens. Our results indicate that suppression of the lymphoproliferative response is a common occurrence in dogs already at the beginning of an established leishmanial infection. # 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Characterization of Composites Manufactured Through Reshaping of EoL Thermoplastic Polymers Reinforced with Recycled Carbon Fibers

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    This article investigates if and at what extent a recycling process based on grinding, melting and re-shaping of recycled carbon fibers reinforced thermoplastic polymers (rCFRPs) can affect their physical, mechanical and thermal properties. The aim is to establish if they can be taken into consideration in the manufacturing of new composite materials in different sectors: automotive, marine, sporting goods, etc. Composites materials were submitted to the measurement of the fibers length they are composed of, and then analyzed by means of tensile and impact tests and a dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA). All the characterizations were performed to both initial and recycled composites and, in some cases, they were replied also after the intermediate accelerated aging. Characterization performed confirmed that, as expected, the recycling process affects the properties of the composites, but in different manners and to a different extent when different polymers are involved. Tensile and impact tests pointed out that the polypropylene based composites showed a less stiff and a more brittle behaviour after the recycling process and the DMA confirmed this evidence, highlighting in addition a more viscous behavior of the polymer after the recycling. Conversely, the polyamide 6 based composites increased their stiffness and ductility after the recycling. For all the composites the tensile strength dropped, confirming the weakening of the materials

    Transport properties of isospin effective mass splitting

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    We investigate in detail the momentum dependence (MDMD) of the effective in medium Nucleon-Nucleon (NNNN) interaction in the isovector channel. We focus the discussion on transport properties of the expected neutron-proton (n/pn/p) effective mass splitting at high isospin density. We look at observable effects from collective flows in Heavy Ion Collisions (HICHIC) of charge asymmetric nuclei at intermediate energies. Using microscopic kinetic equation simulations nucleon transverse and elliptic collective flows in Au+AuAu+Au collisions are evaluated. In spite of the reduced charge asymmetry of the interacting system interesting isospin−MDisospin-MD effects are revealed. Good observables, particularly sensitive to the n/pn/p-mass splitting, appear to be the differences between neutron and proton flows. The importance of more exclusive measurements, with a selection of different bins of the transverse momenta (ptp_t) of the emitted particles, is stressed. In more inclusive data a compensation can be expected from different ptp_t-contributions, due to the microscopic isospin−MDisospin-MD structure of the nuclear mean field in asymmetric matter.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figure


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