544 research outputs found

    Materialismo, darwinismo, positivismo : diferencias y semejanzas

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    Fil: Scalabrini, Pedro

    Residents’ perception of tourism: a systematic review from 1978 to 2019

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    Residents are crucial stakeholders in tourism development and their perceptions towards this activity have been studied since the 1970s. Since then, studies in this area have expanded considerably, including review papers. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate this evolution and to explore critically methodologies applied in studies about residents ́ perceptions towards tourism between 1978 and 2019 and published in the ten most impactful tourism journals according to the Scimago Journal Ranking (2018). In a total of 260 papers, the main results showed that Tourism Management was the journal with the largest number of papers published. Most studies were quantitative in nature and atheoretical. The Social Exchange Theory has been the theory most frequently applied to date. The papers focused on residents ́ perceptions, specifically in tourism destinations, natural areas, events and mega-events. New lines of research in future studies about this subject are suggested to provide new perspectives in this study area.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Motivation, satisfaction and loyalty in outdoor tourism

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    Outdoor tourism is a topic that has been increasingly studied since its practice has been growing. So, understanding motivation, satisfaction and loyalty are essential in planning. In this regard, this study aimed to analyse the relationship between motivation, sa tisfaction, and loyalty among practitioners of outdoor activities in the Northern Region of Portugal. To this purpose, a questionnaire was applied to 216 practitioners of outdoor activities in the Northern Region of Portugal. Three hypotheses were defined; two were tested with Stepwise Multiple Regression and one with linear regression. The results highlighted the existence of a relationship between motivation, satisfaction, and loyalty and between satisfaction and loyalty, corroborating the hypotheses. This demonstrates the importance of knowing the reasons why outdoor activities practitioners choose the region, and how they are satisfied and will transform satisfaction into loyalty. Knowing these factors will enable more effective destination planning that fits practitioners' needs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Constructing the meanings of PPI within local organisations: An ethnographic study in England and Wales.

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    This thesis provides a sociological analysis of the process of the construction of meanings of Patient Public Involvement (PPI) policies within two Local Involvement Networks (LINks) and two Community Health Councils (CHCs), which were citizen-engagement organisations that formed part of the health care systems of England and Wales. Drawing on symbolic interactionism, the study uses the selected bodies as sites to explore comparatively how frontline actors (such as volunteers, salaried staff and NHS professionals) understood and enacted PPI in everyday work. An ethnographic approach was employed to investigate the interaction and the meaning-making activities of stakeholders in local PPI arenas. The research is based on a combination of observations, semi-structured interviews and documentary analysis undertaken over a period of sixteen months. The study shows that the meanings of PPI in LINks and CHCs is shaped by social processes, such as the interplay between informants' understandings of role and everyday relationships between volunteers, officers and NHS professionals in the course of the work. The research suggests that, despite different legislation, Welsh and English informants understood their place in CHCs and LINks in similar ways by drawing on established working practices and a notion of the ideal volunteer. Volunteers made sense of their role by drawing on images of 'the public', viewed as an imagined community of people with negative attributes against which volunteers constructed the positive meaning of their own role. Informants in the study understood PPI in multiple ways that evidenced the relevance of the organisational and social context in 'doing involvement'. In discussing how local stakeholders' concerns to comply with the legal requirement 'to do PPI' were translated into practical devices to show evidence that involvement was proceeding, the concept of juridification is used to develop a better understanding of grassroots actors' interpretations of policy

    The background of professors in health fields that use simulation as a teaching strategy

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    Neste trabalho, relata-se os resultados obtidos no primeiro momento de uma pesquisa que objetiva conhecer o perfil e a formação de professores da área da saúde que usam a simulação como estratégia didática no Laboratório de Habilidades (LabHab) da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Com previsão de dois anos, a pesquisa busca contribuir para uma proposta de formação docente que observe as prioridades e a relevância da simulação nas suas atividades didáticas. A ideia é analisar como esse profissional recria seus conhecimentos em grupo para trabalhar a simulação na atuação clínica e observar como ele percebe o alcance dos processos de simulação aprimorados pela tecnologia e pelas propostas de inovação educativa.This article reports the results of the first stage of a study aimed at evaluating the profile and training of professors from the health fields that use simulation as a learning strategy in Laboratory Skills (LabHab) at the University of São Paulo School of Medicine. Scheduled to last two years, the study seeks to contribute to a proposal for teacher training that meets the priorities and relevance of simulation in teaching activities based on an analysis of how medical professors recreate their knowledge to work with simulation in clinical practice and how they perceive the scope of technology-enhanced simulation processes and proposals for educational innovations

    Esperimento pseudo-prospettico di previsione dei terremoti in California basato sull'occorrenza di potenziali forti foreshocks.

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    Quello della California è un territorio caratterizzato da una elevata sismicità e dalla presenza di grandi centri urbani. È una delle zone sismiche più studiate al mondo, e ospita la faglia di San Andreas, che segna il confine tra la placca del Pacifico e la nordamericana. In questo lavoro viene esaminata la possibilità di prevedere forti scosse di terremoto (main shocks, magnitudo M >> 5) utilizzando come segnali precursori i cosiddetti foreshocks (4<M<54<M<5), nell'ipotesi che queste scosse di magnitudo inferiore possano potenzialmente verificarsi nella stessa area e con un certo anticipo rispetto al mainshock. Questa ipotesi consente di emettere un allarme con una determinata estensione temporale nell'area del potenziale foreshock ogni volta che questo occorre. Le performance del metodo di previsione sono poi confrontate con un modello di riferimento casuale, nel quale la frazione di main shocks previsti è proporzionale alla frazione di spazio-tempo occupata dagli allarmi. Il catalogo di terremoti avvenuti in California, che si estende dal 1932 al 2022, viene diviso in due parti. La prima parte va dal 1932 al 1992, e viene utilizzata per ottimizzare i parametri dell'algoritmo: si trova che utilizzando foreshocks di magnitudo compresa nell'intervallo [4.2 ; 4.6] le capacità di previsione sono buone ed è minima la frazione di tempo occupata dagli allarmi. La seconda parte (1992 - 2022) è usata per testare le capacità del metodo di previsione su un dataset indipendente. I risultati dell'analisi mostrano che le capacità di previsione dell'algoritmo sono molto superiori a quelle del metodo di riferimento casuale. Considerando ad esempio un allarme di durata pari a 6 mesi, sono previsti correttamente il 46\% dei terremoti di magnitudo M >> 5.5, con una frazione di spazio-tempo occupata dagli allarmi è nell'ordine dell'1\%. Date le buone prestazioni, questo semplice metodo di previsione può essere uno strumento integrativo per i servizi di allerta per forti terremoti

    The "perfect" storm: Current evidence on pediatric inflammatory multisystem disease during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    Current data suggest that during the global pandemic of COVID 19 children are less affected than adults and most of them are asymptomatic or with mild symptoms. However, recently, cases of pediatric patients who have developed severe inflammatory syndrome temporally related to SARS-CoV-2 have been reported both in USA and Europe. These reports, although sharing features with other pediatric syndromes such as Kawasaki disease (KD), Kawasaki disease shock syndrome (KDSS), macrophage activated syndrome (MAS) and shock toxic syndrome (TSS), seem to outline a novel entity syndrome, characterized by cytokine storm with elevated inflammatory markers and typical clinical finding. Clinical characteristics are greater median age than KD, higher frequency of cardiac involvement and gastrointestinal symptoms, lower frequency of coronary anomalies. We report a summary of the current evidence about clinical features, pathogenesis, therapy strategies and outcome of this novel syndrome

    Perceções de residentes a respeito dos impactes da atividade turística : uma análise das publicações brasileiras sobre o tema

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    À escala internacional, tem sido profícuo o aprofundamento dos estudos na área do turismo, principalmente nos últimos quarenta anos. Várias são as áreas de interesse dos investigadores, desde a motivação dos turistas, o planejamento da atividade turística, os equipamentos turísticos até à perceção de residentes, englobando vários stakeholders. Especificamente sobre os estudos relacionados com a perceção de residentes, verifica-se o aumento do interesse pela abordagem desta temática. Tal fato se deve, principalmente, por que o residente é um elemento essencial na prática do turismo. No Brasil, ainda há poucos estudos que se debrucem sobre a perceção de residentes se comparados com outros temas da área. Observando este défice e buscando compreender de que forma está sendo trabalhado neste país, foi realizado este estudo de caráter bibliográfico, com o objetivo de analisar as publicações, sobre o tema, em periódicos brasileiros nos últimos cinco anos (2008-2013). A partir de um levantamento dos artigos publicados, usando o site “Publicações de Turismo”, foram identificados vinte e dois artigos. A análise permitiu verificar que os estudos estão concentrados na região nordeste do Brasil e são essencialmente empíricos e de caráter qualitativo. No que diz respeito à bibliografia, ainda é reduzido o número de obras internacionais utilizadas. Foi possível concluir que há necessidade de melhor utilização das ferramentas estatísticas, tanto no que se refere à definição das amostras, quanto na análise dos resultados. Também é necessário o estabelecimento de comparações dos resultados dos estudos, principalmente com estudos de outros países. Tais ações poderão dar mais credibilidade às publicações brasileiras.Internationally, it has been deepening the studies in tourism, particularly in the last forty years. Several areas are interest to researchers, since the tourists’ motivation, planning of tourism, tourist facilities to residents’ perceptions, encompassing different stakeholders. Specifically on studies related to residents’ perceptions, there is increasing interest in addressing this issue. This is due, by the resident is an essential element in the practice of tourism. In Brazil, there are few studies to understand the residents’ perceptions compared with other topics in tourism. Observing this deficit and trying to understand how this country is being worked on, the aim of this study is to analyze the publications on this topic in Brazilian journals in the last five years (2008-2013). From a survey of published articles, using the website "Publications Tourism", twenty-two articles were identified. The analysis has shown that the studies are concentrated in the northeast region of Brazil and are essentially empirical and qualitative. With respect to the bibliography, it is still reduced the number of international articles used. It was concluded that there is need for better use of statistical tools, both as regards the definition of the samples, and in the analysis of results. To compare the results of studies, particularly with studies from other countries is also needed. Such actions may give more credibility to Brazilian publications

    Imagen de destinos turísticos: un estudio sobre las publicaciones brasileñas

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    Os estudos referentes ao turismo dedicam-se à compreensão de diferentes temas, sendo que um bastante analisado à escala internacional é a questão da imagem de um destino turístico. O interesse por este tema é percebido em diversas áreas do conhecimento, como a sociologia e o marketing. No Brasil, há diversos pesquisadores dedicando-se à imagem dos destinos turísticos. Assim, buscando compreender de que forma este tema tem sido trabalhado no Brasil, este estudo de caráter bibliográfico teve como objetivo analisar e compreender as publicações sobre imagem de destinos turísticos em periódicos brasileiros, nos últimos seis anos (2008-2014). A partir de um levantamento dos artigos publicados neste período, usando como ferramenta de busca o site “Publicações de Turismo”, foram identificados vinte e oito artigos. A análise permitiu verificar que os estudos estão concentrados na compreensão da imagem de um determinado destino. Os artigos analisados são predominantemente estudos empíricos e há um equilíbrio entre os de caráter quantitativo e qualitativo. No que diz respeito à bibliografia, foi possível identificar que os autores brasileiros que têm trabalhado com o tema de imagem de destinos, já buscam bibliografias internacionais para fundamentar os seus estudos. Também nos trabalhos sobre este tema, identificou-se uma maior maturidade dos autores no que diz respeito à utilização das ferramentas estatísticas. Alguns estudos fazem uma análise aprofundada dos estudos internacionais e aplicam estas teorias no Brasil. Conclui-se que este tema tem sido estudado com maior profundidade no país, se comparado com os temas como o da percepção de residentes.Tourism related studies encompass several research topics including destination tourism image. This issue is perceived in different areas of knowledge such as sociology and marketing. In Brazil, many researchers have tried to understand the destination tourism image of the country. In order to understand how this topic has been worked in Brazil, this bibliographical study aimed to analyze and understand the image content about tourist destinations in Brazilian journals in the last six years (2008-2014). From a survey of articles published in this period, using as search the website "Tourism Publications," twenty-eight articles were identified. The analysis showed that the studies are focused on understanding the image of a destination in particular, especially at the country image level. The articles analyzed are predominantly empirical studies and there is a balance between quantitative and qualitative. With regard to the literature, we found that the Brazilian authors who have worked with the picture theme destinations, already seeking international bibliographies to support their studies. Also in the works on this topic, it was identified better maturity of the authors regarding the use of statistical tools. Some studies make a good analysis of international studies and apply these theories in Brazil. It was concluded that this topic has been studied in greater depth in the country, compared to subjects such as perception of residents.Estudios relacionados con el turismo están dedicados a la comprensión de los diferentes temas, y uno bastante analizado es la imagen de un destino turístico. El interés en este tema se percibe en diferentes áreas del conocimiento, como la sociología y la comercialización. En Brasil, ya hay varios investigadores dedicados a la imagen de los destinos turísticos. Por lo tanto, tratando de entender cómo este tema ha estado trabajando en Brasil, este estudio bibliográfico es destinado a analizar y comprender los estudios brasileños sobre la imagen de los destinos turísticos en revistas brasileñas en los últimos seis años (2008-2014). A partir de una encuesta realizada a los artículos publicados en este período, utilizando como motor de búsqueda del sitio web "Publicaciones Turismo" se identificaron veintiocho artículos. El análisis mostró que los estudios se centran en la comprensión de la imagen de un determinado destino. Los artículos analizados son predominantemente estudios empíricos y hay un equilibrio entre lo cuantitativo y cualitativo. En cuanto a la literatura, puede se decir que los autores brasileños que han trabajado con la temática de imagen de destinos turísticos han utilizado bibliografías internacionales para apoyar sus estudios. También se identificó una mayor madurez de los autores en relación con el uso de herramientas estadísticas. Algunos estudios hacen un análisis exhaustivo de los estudios internacionales y se aplican estas teorías en Brasil. Se concluye que este tema ha sido estudiado en mayor profundidad en el país, en comparación con cuestiones tales como la percepción de los residentes

    Analyse des embâcles de glace sur le fleuve Saint-Laurent lors de l'hiver 2018-2019 et développement d'un outil d'évaluation des risques d'embâcles

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    Durant les mois de janvier et février 2019, trois embâcles ont forcé l'arrêt de la navigation commerciale vers le Port de Montréal. Ce mémoire présente les conditions météorologiques associées aux embâcles sur le fleuve Saint-Laurent de l'hiver 2018-2019. Il explique que les embâcles se développent à la suite d'arrêts de glace dans le bief problématique du lac Saint-Pierre entre la courbe Louiseville et le bassin Yamachiche. Pour ce faire, l'étude considère la production de glace en amont jusqu'au lac Saint-Louis. Il explique pourquoi ce bief est si vulnérable à l'initiation d'embâcles en présentant les neuf concepts de vulnérabilité du lac Saint-Pierre. De plus, il propose quatorze recommandations concrètes pour améliorer la fiabilité de navigation hivernale en réduisant les risques d'embâcles. En considérant ces recommandations, différentes opportunités de télédétection et une interface utilisateur sont présentées. L'opportunité de télédétection introduit la possibilité d'usage d'images de RADARSAT Constellation Mission et de photographies par drone afin d'évaluer des éléments clés comme la progression du couvert de glace, la largeur effective du chenal, la concentration de glace en transit et la vitesse de la glace. L'interface est un prototype d'outil d'aide à la décision de source libre qui permet d'obtenir d'autres informations quantitatives sur les risques d'arrêts de glace et du même fait, d'embâcles de glace.In January and February 2019, three ice jams blocked commercial navigation to the Port of Montreal. This thesis presents the environmental conditions associated with the ice jams of winter 2018-2019 on the Saint Lawrence River. It explains how the ice jams develop when an ice stoppage prevents the circulation of ice floes downstream. It focusses on the area that is most at risk of ice jams in the St. Lawrence River reach known as Lake St. Pierre (specifically between curve Louiseville and the Yamachiche basin). The study also accounts for the ice production in the river upstream (all the way to Lake St. Louis). To do so, ice processes, historical information and ice management structures are analysed, and the vulnerability of the area is presented by discussing nine key concepts. Using this information, 14 recommendations are proposed to improve the reliability of commercial winter navigation and to reduce the risks of ice jams. Considering there commendations, different opportunities of remote sensing and of a data assimilation management tool are presented. The opportunity for remote sensing introduces the possibility of using the images of RADARSAT Constellation Mission and drone photography to evaluate critical elements like the ice cover progression, the effective channel width, ice concentration and ice speed. A data assimilation management tool is proposed using an open-source decision support system. The tool provides quantitative information about the risks of ice stoppages and ice jams as a function of degrading weather and hydro-cryological conditions