488 research outputs found

    Existence and regularity of solutions for an evolution model of perfectly plastic plates

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    We continue the study of a dynamic evolution model for perfectly plastic plates, recently derived from three-dimensional Prandtl-Reuss plasticity. We extend the previous existence result by introducing non-zero external forces in the model, and we discuss the regularity of the solutions thus obtained. In particular, we show that the first derivatives with respect to space of the stress tensor are locally square integrable

    Il reddito di cittadinanza tra workfare e metamorfosi del lavoro = Citizenship income between workfare and work metamorphosis. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 402/2019

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    The article analyses the main features of the “reddito di cittadinanza”, a minimum income legislation recently introduced in Italy. It highlights the elements of continuity with the discipline previously in force. After investigating the adequacy of the typology of jobs that are offered through the new discipline and of the intricate system of penalty, the article assesses the mechanism of conditionality in the light of constitutional principles and new job-market trends. Finally, the article provides some suggestions about the opportunity to update the “scientific” paradigm on which labour literature have so far relied, thereby opening spaces to a universal and unconditional income scheme that exceeds the currently planned discipline

    Insights into Quantum Contextuality and Bell Nonclassicality: A Study on Random Pure Two-Qubit Systems

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    We explore the relationship between Kochen-Specker quantum contextuality and Bell-nonclassicality for ensembles of two-qubit pure states. We present a comparative analysis showing that the violation of a noncontextuality inequality on a given quantum state reverberates on the Bell-nonclassicality of the considered state. In particular, we use suitable inequalities that are experimentally testable to detect quantum contextuality and nonlocality for systems in a Hilbert space of dimension d=4d=4. While contextuality can be assessed on different degrees of freedom of the same particle, the violation of local realism requires parties spatially separated.Comment: Submitted to Int. J. Theor. Phys. as part of the Collection IQSA22 - Quantum Structures for Interdisciplinary Application

    Continuous and Discontinuous Phase Transitions in the evolution of a polygenic trait under stabilizing selective pressure

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    The presence of phenomena analogous to phase transition in Statistical Mechanics, has been suggested in the evolution of a polygenic trait under stabilizing selection, mutation and genetic drift. By using numerical simulations of a model system, we analyze the evolution of a population of NN diploid hermaphrodites in random mating regime. The population evolves under the effect of drift, selective pressure in form of viability on an additive polygenic trait, and mutation. The analysis allows to determine a phase diagram in the plane of mutation rate and strength of selection. The involved pattern of phase transitions is characterized by a line of critical points for weak selective pressure (smaller than a threshold), whereas discontinuous phase transitions, characterized by metastable hysteresis, are observed for strong selective pressure. A finite size scaling analysis suggests the analogy between our system and the mean field Ising model for selective pressure approaching the threshold from weaker values. In this framework, the mutation rate, which allows the system to explore the accessible microscopic states, is the parameter controlling the transition from large heterozygosity (disordered phase) to small heterozygosity (ordered one).Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Signal-to-noise properties of correlation plenoptic imaging with chaotic light

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    Correlation Plenoptic Imaging (CPI) is a novel imaging technique, that exploits the correlations between the intensity fluctuations of light to perform the typical tasks of plenoptic imaging (namely, refocusing out-of-focus parts of the scene, extending the depth of field, and performing 3D reconstruction), without entailing a loss of spatial resolution. Here, we consider two different CPI schemes based on chaotic light, both employing ghost imaging: the first one to image the object, the second one to image the focusing element. We characterize their noise properties in terms of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and compare their performances. We find that the SNR can be significantly higher and easier to control in the second CPI scheme, involving standard imaging of the object; under adequate conditions, this scheme enables reducing by one order of magnitude the number of frames for achieving the same SNR.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Cystic echinococcosis in Italy from the 1950s to present

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    In Italy the epidemiological pattern of cistic echinococcosis (CE) is incomplete and the information for most regions is out of date, contradictory, and almost exclusively limited to the intermediate hosts. The disease is found most frequently in particular social and economic conditions: widespread use of extensive or semi-extensive sheep farming, illegal slaughtering, and high numbers of sheepdogs and other types of dogs. The highest incidence in sheep is found in Sardinia (70.6-92.8%), Sicily (6.5-36.5%), Basilicata (5-28%), Abruzzo (22%) and Tuscany (47%). It North Italy, it is never higher than 0.5% in slaughtered sheep. No data are available on the biomolecular characterization of the strains of E. granulosus in Italy, apart from Sardinia and recently Lazio. G1 (Sheep strain), G7 (Pig strain) G2 (Tasmanian sheep strain) have been identified in Sardinia and G1 and G3 (Buffalo strain) have been recently isolated in Lazio. In Italy, CE has was also found in buffaloes (2.63-9.8%) and horses (<1%). However, further epidemiological surveys and genotyping study are necessary. The small quantity of up to date information on the diffusion of E. granulosus in dogs (Abruzzo 4%, Sardinia 6-10% and Sicily 19.3%) highlights the need for modern, fast, sensitive and low risk diagnostic methods which would provide a true picture of the pattern of the infection in this host

    Relaxed area of graphs of piecewise Lipschitz maps in the strict BV-convergence

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    We compute the relaxed Cartesian area in the strict BV-convergence on a class of piecewise Lipschitz maps from the plane to the plane, having jump made of several curves allowed to meet at a finite number of junction points. We show that the domain of this relaxed area is strictly contained in the domain of the classical L1-relaxed area

    Upper bounds for the relaxed area of S1\mathbb S^1-valued Sobolev maps and its countably subadditive interior envelope

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    Given a bounded open connected Lipschitz set ΩR2\Omega \subset \mathbb R^2, we show that the relaxed Cartesian area functional A(u,Ω)\overline{\mathcal A}(u,\Omega) of a map uW1,1(Ω;S1)u\in W^{1,1}(\Omega;\mathbb S^1) is finite, and provide a useful upper bound for its value. Using this estimate, we prove a modified version of a De Giorgi conjecture [17] adapted to W1,1(Ω;S1)W^{1,1}(\Omega;\mathbb S^1), on the largest countably subadditive set function A(u,)\overline {\overline{\mathcal A}}(u, \cdot) smaller than or equal to A(u,)\overline{\mathcal A}(u,\cdot)