236 research outputs found

    On the impact of controlled wall roughness shape on the flow of a soft-material

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    We explore the impact of geometrical corrugations on the near-wall flow properties of a soft-material driven in a confined rough microchannel. By means of numerical simulations, we perform a quantitative analysis of the relation between the flow rate Φ\Phi and the wall stress σw\sigma_w for a number of setups, by changing both the roughness values as well as the roughness shape. Roughness suppresses the flow, with the existence of a characteristic value of σw\sigma_w at which flow sets in. Just above the onset of flow, we quantitatively analyze the relation between Φ\Phi and σw\sigma_w. While for smooth walls a linear dependency is observed, steeper behaviours are found to set in by increasing wall roughness. The variation of the steepness, in turn, depends on the shape of the wall roughness, wherein gentle steepness changes are promoted by a variable space localization of the roughness

    Internal dynamics and activated processes in Soft-Glassy materials

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    Plastic rearrangements play a crucial role in the characterization of soft-glassy materials, such as emulsions and foams. Based on numerical simulations of soft-glassy systems, we study the dynamics of plastic rearrangements at the hydrodynamic scales where thermal fluctuations can be neglected. Plastic rearrangements require an energy input, which can be either provided by external sources, or made available through time evolution in the coarsening dynamics, in which the total interfacial area decreases as a consequence of the slow evolution of the dispersed phase from smaller to large droplets/bubbles. We first demonstrate that our hydrodynamic model can quantitatively reproduce such coarsening dynamics. Then, considering periodically oscillating strains, we characterize the number of plastic rearrangements as a function of the external energy-supply, and show that they can be regarded as activated processes induced by a suitable "noise" effect. Here we use the word noise in a broad sense, referring to the internal non-equilibrium dynamics triggered by spatial random heterogeneities and coarsening. Finally, by exploring the interplay between the internal characteristic time-scale of the coarsening dynamics and the external time-scale associated with the imposed oscillating strain, we show that the system exhibits the phenomenon of stochastic resonance, thereby providing further credit to the mechanical activation scenario.Comment: 21 Pages, 9 figure

    Local Granger causality

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    Granger causality (GC) is a statistical notion of causal influence based on prediction via linear vector autoregression. For Gaussian variables it is equivalent to transfer entropy, an information-theoretic measure of time-directed information transfer between jointly dependent processes. We exploit such equivalence and calculate exactly the local Granger causality, i.e., the profile of the information transferred from the driver to the target process at each discrete time point; in this frame, GC is the average of its local version. We show that the variability of the local GC around its mean relates to the interplay between driver and innovation (autoregressive noise) processes, and it may reveal transient instances of information transfer not detectable from its average values. Our approach offers a robust and computationally fast method to follow the information transfer along the time history of linear stochastic processes, as well as of nonlinear complex systems studied in the Gaussian approximation

    Gradients of O-information highlight synergy and redundancy in physiological applications

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    The study of high order dependencies in complex systems has recently led to the introduction of statistical synergy, a novel quantity corresponding to a form of emergence in which patterns at large scales are not traceable from lower scales. As a consequence, several works in the last years dealt with the synergy and its counterpart, the redundancy. In particular, the O-information is a signed metric that measures the balance between redundant and synergistic statistical dependencies. In spite of its growing use, this metric does not provide insight about the role played by low-order scales in the formation of high order effects. To fill this gap, the framework for the computation of the O-information has been recently expanded introducing the so-called gradients of this metric, which measure the irreducible contribution of a variable (or a group of variables) to the high order informational circuits of a system. Here, we review the theory behind the O-information and its gradients and present the potential of these concepts in the field of network physiology, showing two new applications relevant to brain functional connectivity probed via functional resonance imaging and physiological interactions among the variability of heart rate, arterial pressure, respiration and cerebral blood flow

    Synergistic information transfer in the global system of financial markets

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    Uncovering dynamic information flow between stock market indices has been the topic of several studies which exploited the notion of transfer entropy or Granger causality, its linear version. The output of the transfer entropy approach is a directed weighted graph measuring the information about the future state of each target provided by the knowledge of the state of each driving stock market index. In order to go beyond the pairwise description of the information flow, thus looking at higher order informational circuits, here we apply the partial information decomposition to triplets consisting of a pair of driving markets (belonging to America or Europe) and a target market in Asia. Our analysis, on daily data recorded during the years 2000 to 2019, allows the identification of the synergistic information that a pair of drivers carry about the target. By studying the influence of the closing returns of drivers on the subsequent overnight changes of target indexes, we find that (i) Korea, Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Singapore are, in order, the most influenced Asian markets; (ii) US indices SP500 and Russell are the strongest drivers with respect to the bivariate Granger causality; and (iii) concerning higher order effects, pairs of European and American stock market indices play a major role as the most synergetic three-variables circuits. Our results show that the Synergy, a proxy of higher order predictive information flow rooted in information theory, provides details that are complementary to those obtained from bivariate and global Granger causality, and can thus be used to get a better characterization of the global financial system

    Occurrence of different Canine distemper virus lineages in Italian dogs

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    This study describes the sequence analysis of the H gene of 7 Canine distemper virus (CDV) strains identified in dogs in Italy between years 2002-2012. The phylogenetic analysis showed that the CDV strains belonged to 2 clusters: 6 viruses were identified as Arctic-like lineage and 1 as Europe 1 lineage. These data show a considerable prevalence of Arctic-like-CDVs in the analysed dogs. The dogs and the 3 viruses more recently identified showed 4 distinctive amino acid mutations compared to all other Arctic CDV

    Build up of yield stress fluids via chaotic emulsification

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    Stabilised dense emulsions display a rich phenomenology connecting microstructure and rheology. In this work, we study how an emulsion with a finite yield stress can be built via large-scale stirring. By gradually increasing the volume fraction of the dispersed minority phase, under the constant action of a stirring force, we are able to achieve a volume fraction close to (Formula presented.). Despite the fact that our system is highly concentrated and not yet turbulent we observe a droplet size distribution consistent with the (Formula presented.) scaling, often associated with inertial range droplets breakup. We report that the polydispersity of droplet sizes correlates with the dynamics of the emulsion formation process. Additionally, we quantify the visco-elastic properties of the dense emulsion finally obtained and we demonstrate the presence of a finite yield stress. The approach reported can pave the way to a quantitative understanding of the complex interplay between the dynamics of mesoscale constituents and the large-scale flow properties of yield stress fluids

    Numerical simulations of compressible Rayleigh-Taylor turbulence in stratified fluids

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    We present results from numerical simulations of Rayleigh-Taylor turbulence, performed using a recently proposed lattice Boltzmann method able to describe consistently a thermal compressible flow subject to an external forcing. The method allowed us to study the system both in the nearly-Boussinesq and strongly compressible regimes. Moreover, we show that when the stratification is important, the presence of the adiabatic gradient causes the arrest of the mixing process.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures. Proceedings of II Conference on Turbulent Mixing and Beyond (TMB-2009

    Turbulent pair dispersion of inertial particles

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    The relative dispersion of pairs of inertial particles in incompressible, homogeneous, and isotropic turbulence is studied by means of direct numerical simulations at two values of the Taylor-scale Reynolds number Reλ∼200Re_{\lambda} \sim 200 and 400. The evolution of both heavy and light particle pairs is analysed at varying the particle Stokes number and the fluid-to-particle density ratio. For heavy particles, it is found that turbulent dispersion is schematically governed by two temporal regimes. The first is dominated by the presence, at large Stokes numbers, of small-scale caustics in the particle velocity statistics, and it lasts until heavy particle velocities have relaxed towards the underlying flow velocities. At such large scales, a second regime starts where heavy particles separate as tracers particles would do. As a consequence, at increasing inertia, a larger transient stage is observed, and the Richardson diffusion of simple tracers is recovered only at large times and large scales. These features also arise from a statistical closure of the equation of motion for heavy particle separation that is proposed, and which is supported by the numerical results. In the case of light particles with high density ratios, strong small-scale clustering leads to a considerable fraction of pairs that do not separate at all, although the mean separation increases with time. This effect strongly alters the shape of the probability density function of light particle separations.Comment: 28 pages, 15 figure

    Sequence analysis of the nucleocapsid gene of feline coronaviruses circulating in Italy

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    Molecular analysis of the N genes of feline coronaviruses (FCoV) strains detected in naturally infected cats were carried out to investigate the genetic diversity among these viruses. Phylogeny showed a general clustering trend on the basis of geographic origin rather than on virulence characteristics. The analysis of the pattern of nucleotide substitutions disclosed "hot spots" sites which may represent immunological domains. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that the N gene does not carry mutations associated with the pathotypical switch FECV\u2192FIPV. During persistent infection, the individual qualitative immune response might address the accumulations of mutations in the N gene and the development of FIP
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