39 research outputs found

    Experimental method for measuring classical concurrence of generic beam shapes

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    Classical entanglement is a powerful tool which provides a neat numerical estimate for the study of classical correlations. Its experimental investigation, however, has been limited to special cases. Here, we demonstrate that the experimental quantification of the level of classical entanglement can be carried out in more general instances. Our approach enables the extension to arbitrarily shaped transverse modes and hence delivering a suitable quantification tool to describe concisely the modal structure

    Information-reality complementarity in photonic weak measurements

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    The emergence of realistic properties is a key problem in understanding the quantum-to-classical transition. In this respect, measurements represent a way to interface quantum systems with the macroscopic world: these can be driven in the weak regime, where a reduced back-action can be imparted by choosing meter states able to extract different amounts of information. Here we explore the implications of such weak measurement for the variation of realistic properties of two-level quantum systems pre- and postmeasurement, and extend our investigations to the case of open systems implementing the measurements

    The entropic cost of quantum generalized measurements

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    Landauer’s principle introduces a symmetry between computational and physical processes: erasure of information, a logically irreversible operation, must be underlain by an irreversible transformation dissipating energy. Monitoring micro- and nano-systems needs to enter into the energetic balance of their control; hence, finding the ultimate limits is instrumental to the development of future thermal machines operating at the quantum level. We report on the experimental investigation of a lower bound to the irreversible entropy associated to generalized quantum measurements on a quantum bit. We adopted a quantum photonics gate to implement a device interpolating from the weakly disturbing to the fully invasive and maximally informative regime. Our experiment prompted us to introduce a bound taking into account both the classical result of the measurement and the outcoming quantum state; unlike previous investigation, our entropic bound is based uniquely on measurable quantities. Our results highlight what insights the information-theoretic approach provides on building blocks of quantum information processors

    Unexpectedly large electron correlation measured in Auger spectra of ferromagnetic iron thin films: orbital-selected Coulomb and exchange contributions

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    A set of electron-correlation energies as large as 10 eV have been measured for a magnetic 2ML Fefilm deposited on Ag(001). By exploiting the spin selectivity in angle-resolved Auger-photoelectroncoincidence spectroscopy and the Cini-Sawatzky theory, the core-valence-valence Auger spectrumof a spin-polarized system have been resolved: correlation energies have been determined for eachindividual combination of the two holes created in the four sub-bands involved in the decay: majorityand minority spin, as well asegandt2g. The energy difference between final states with paralleland antiparallel spin of the two emitted electrons is ascribed to the spin-flip energy for the final ionstate, thus disentangling the contributions of Coulomb and exchange interactions.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    Gap Opening in Double-Sided Highly Hydrogenated Free-Standing Graphene

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    Conversion of free-standing graphene into pure graphane-where each C atom is sp3bound to a hydrogen atom-has not been achieved so far, in spite of numerous experimental attempts. Here, we obtain an unprecedented level of hydrogenation (≈90% of sp3bonds) by exposing fully free-standing nanoporous samples-constituted by a single to a few veils of smoothly rippled graphene-to atomic hydrogen in ultrahigh vacuum. Such a controlled hydrogenation of high-quality and high-specific-area samples converts the original conductive graphene into a wide gap semiconductor, with the valence band maximum (VBM) ∼3.5 eV below the Fermi level, as monitored by photoemission spectromicroscopy and confirmed by theoretical predictions. In fact, the calculated band structure unequivocally identifies the achievement of a stable, double-sided fully hydrogenated configuration, with gap opening and no trace of πstates, in excellent agreement with the experimental results

    Thyroid cancer diagnosis by Raman spectroscopy

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    Over the last 50 years, the incidence of human thyroid cancer disease has seen a significative increment. This comes along with an even higher increment of surgery, since, according to the international guidelines, patients are sometimes addressed to surgery also when the fine needle aspiration gives undetermined cytological diagnosis. As a matter of fact, only 30% of the thyroid glands removed for diagnostic purpose have a post surgical histological report of malignancy: this implies that about 70% of the patients have suffered an unnecessary thyroid removal. Here we show that Raman spectroscopy investigation of thyroid tissues provides reliable cancer diagnosis. Healthy tissues are consistently distinguished from cancerous ones with an accuracy of ∼ 90%, and the three cancer typology with highest incidence are clearly identified. More importantly, Raman investigation has evidenced alterations suggesting an early stage of transition of adenoma tissues into cancerous ones. These results suggest that Raman spectroscopy may overcome the limits of current diagnostic tools

    Exploring the limits of ultracold atoms in space

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    Existing space-based cold atom experiments have demonstrated the utility of microgravity for improvements in observation times and for minimizing the expansion energy and rate of a freely evolving coherent matter wave. In this paper we explore the potential for space-based experiments to extend the limits of ultracold atoms utilizing not just microgravity, but also other aspects of the space environment such as exceptionally good vacuums and extremely cold temperatures. The tantalizing possibility that such experiments may one day be able to probe physics of quantum objects with masses approaching the Planck mass is discussed

    MoS2 photoelectrodes for hydrogen production: Tuning the S-vacancy content in highly homogeneous ultrathin nanocrystals

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    Tuning the electrocatalytic properties of MoS2 layers can be achieved through different paths, such as reducing their thickness, creating edges in the MoS2 flakes, and introducing S-vacancies. We combine these three approaches by growing MoS2 electrodes by using a special salt-assisted chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method. This procedure allows the growth of ultrathin MoS2 nanocrystals (1-3 layers thick and a few nanometers wide), as evidenced by atomic force microscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy. This morphology of the MoS2 layers at the nanoscale induces some specific features in the Raman and photoluminescence spectra compared to exfoliated or microcrystalline MoS2 layers. Moreover, the S-vacancy content in the layers can be tuned during CVD growth by using Ar/H2 mixtures as a carrier gas. Detailed optical microtransmittance and microreflectance spectroscopies, micro-Raman, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements with sub-millimeter spatial resolution show that the obtained samples present an excellent homogeneity over areas in the cm2 range. The electrochemical and photoelectrochemical properties of these MoS2 layers were investigated using electrodes with relatively large areas (0.8 cm2). The prepared MoS2 cathodes show outstanding Faradaic efficiencies as well as long-term stability in acidic solutions. In addition, we demonstrate that there is an optimal number of S-vacancies to improve the electrochemical and photoelectrochemical performances of MoS2PID2021-126098OB-I00, PID2020-116619GA-C22, TED2021-131788A-I00, SI3/PJI/2021-0050

    Quantum Gas Mixtures and Dual-Species Atom Interferometry in Space

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    The capability to reach ultracold atomic temperatures in compact instruments has recently been extended into space. Ultracold temperatures amplify quantum effects, while free-fall allows further cooling and longer interactions time with gravity - the final force without a quantum description. On Earth, these devices have produced macroscopic quantum phenomena such as Bose-Einstein condensation (BECs), superfluidity, and strongly interacting quantum gases. Quantum sensors interfering the superposition of two ultracold atomic isotopes have tested the Universality of Free Fall (UFF), a core tenet of Einstein's classical gravitational theory, at the 10−1210^{-12} level. In space, cooling the elements needed to explore the rich physics of strong interactions and preparing the multiple species required for quantum tests of the UFF has remained elusive. Here, utilizing upgraded capabilities of the multi-user Cold Atom Lab (CAL) instrument within the International Space Station (ISS), we report the first simultaneous production of a dual species Bose-Einstein condensate in space (formed from 87^{87}Rb and 41^{41}K), observation of interspecies interactions, as well as the production of 39^{39}K ultracold gases. We have further achieved the first space-borne demonstration of simultaneous atom interferometry with two atomic species (87^{87}Rb and 41^{41}K). These results are an important step towards quantum tests of UFF in space, and will allow scientists to investigate aspects of few-body physics, quantum chemistry, and fundamental physics in novel regimes without the perturbing asymmetry of gravity

    The Bose-Einstein Condensate and Cold Atom Laboratory

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    Microgravity eases several constraints limiting experiments with ultracold andcondensed atoms on ground. It enables extended times of flight withoutsuspension and eliminates the gravitational sag for trapped atoms. Theseadvantages motivated numerous initiatives to adapt and operate experimentalsetups on microgravity platforms. We describe the design of the payload,motivations for design choices, and capabilities of the Bose-Einstein Condensateand Cold Atom Laboratory (BECCAL), a NASA-DLR collaboration. BECCALbuilds on the heritage of previous devices operated in microgravity, featuresrubidium and potassium, multiple options for magnetic and optical trapping,different methods for coherent manipulation, and will offer new perspectives forexperiments on quantum optics, atom optics, and atom interferometry in theunique microgravity environment on board the International Space Station