14 research outputs found

    Chronic Restraint Stress Inhibits the Response to a Second Hit in Adult Male Rats : A Role for BDNF Signaling

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    Depression is a recurrent disorder, with about 50% of patients experiencing relapse. Exposure to stressful events may have an adverse impact on the long-term course of the disorder and may alter the response to a subsequent stressor. Indeed, not all the systems impaired by stress may normalize during symptoms remission, facilitating the relapse to the pathology. Hence, we investigated the long-lasting effects of chronic restraint stress (CRS) and its influence on the modifications induced by the exposure to a second hit on brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) signaling in the prefrontal cortex (PFC). We exposed adult male Sprague Dawley rats to 4 weeks of CRS, we left them undisturbed for the subsequent 3 weeks, and then we exposed animals to one hour of acute restraint stress (ARS). We found that CRS influenced the release of corticosterone induced by ARS and inhibited the ability of ARS to activate mature BDNF, its receptor Tropomyosin receptor kinase B (TRKB), and their associated intracellular cascades: the TRKB-PI3K-AKT), the MEK-MAPK/ERK, and the Phospholipase C \u3b3 (PLC\u3b3) pathways, positively modulated by ARS in non-stressed animals. These results suggest that CRS induces protracted and detrimental consequences that interfere with the ability of PFC to cope with a challenging situation

    The absence of serotonin in the brain alters acute stress responsiveness by interfering with the genomic function of the glucocorticoid receptors

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    Alterations in serotonergic transmission have been related to a major predisposition to develop psychiatric pathologies, such as depression. We took advantage of tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH) 2 deficient rats, characterized by a complete absence of serotonin in the brain, to evaluate whether a vulnerable genotype may influence the reaction to an acute stressor. In this context, we investigated if the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) genomic pathway activation was altered by the lack of serotonin in the central nervous system. Moreover, we analyzed the transcription pattern of the clock genes that can be affected by acute stressors. Adult wild type (TPH2(+/+)) and TPH2-deficient (TPH2(-/-)) male rats were sacrificed after exposure to one single session of acute restraint stress. Protein and gene expression analyses were conducted in the prefrontal cortex (PFC). The acute stress enhanced the translocation of GRs in the nucleus of TPH2(+/+) animals. This effect was blunted in TPH2(-/-) rats, suggesting an impairment of the GR genomic mechanism. This alteration was mirrored in the expression of GR-responsive genes: acute stress led to the up-regulation of GR-target gene expression in TPH2(+/+), but not in TPH2(-/-) animals. Finally, clock genes were differently modulated in the two genotypes after the acute restraint stress. Overall our findings suggest that the absence of serotonin within the brain interferes with the ability of the HPA axis to correctly modulate the response to acute stress, by altering the nuclear mechanisms of the GR and modulation of clock genes expression

    Centella asiatica l. Phytosome improves cognitive performance by promoting bdnf expression in rat prefrontal cortex

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    A wide range of people in the world use natural remedies as primary approaches against illnesses. Accordingly, understanding the mechanisms of action of phytochemicals has become of great interest. In this context, Centella asiatica L. is extensively used, not only as anti-inflammatory or antioxidant agent but also as brain tonic. On this basis, the purpose of this study was to evaluate whether the chronic administration of C. asiatica L. to adult male rats was able to improve the expression of Bdnf, one of the main mediators of brain plasticity. Moreover, we assessed whether the treatment could affect the cognitive performance in the novel object recognition (NOR) test. We confirmed the presence of the main compounds in the plasma. Furthermore, C. asiatica L. administration induced an increase of Bdnf in the prefrontal cortex, and the administration of the higher dose of the extract was able to improve cognitive performance. Finally, the increase in the preference index in the NOR test was paralleled by a further increase in Bdnf expression. Overall, we highlight the ability of C. asiatica L. to affect brain functions by increasing Bdnf expression and by enhancing the cognitive performance

    Peripheral serotonin deficiency affects anxiety-like behavior and the molecular response to an acute challenge in rats

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    Serotonin is synthetized through the action of tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH) enzymes. While the TPH2 isoform is responsible for the production of serotonin in the brain, TPH1 is expressed in peripheral organs. Interestingly, despite its peripheral localization, alterations of the gene coding for TPH1 have been related to stress sensitivity and an increased susceptibility for psychiatric pathologies. On these bases, we took advantage of newly generated TPH1(-/-)rats, and we evaluated the impact of the lack of peripheral serotonin on the behavior and expression of brain plasticity-related genes under basal conditions and in response to stress. At a behavioral level, TPH1(-/-) rats displayed reduced anxiety-like behavior. Moreover, we found that neuronal activation, quantified by the expression of (Bdnf) and the immediate early gene (Arc) and transcription of glucocorticoid responsive genes after 1 h of acute restraint stress, was blunted in TPH1(-/-) rats in comparison to TPH1 animals(+/+). Overall, we provided evidence for the influence of peripheral serotonin levels in modulating brain functions under basal and dynamic situations

    Enrichment environment positively influences depression- and anxiety-like behavior in serotonin transporter knockout rats through the modulation of neuroplasticity, spine and GABAergic markers

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    The serotonin transporter (5-HTT in humans, SERT in rodents) is the main regulator of serotonergic transmission in the brain. The short allelic variant of the 5-HTT gene is in humans associated with psychopathologies and may enhance the vulnerability to develop depression after exposure to stressful events. Interestingly, the short allele also increases the sensitivity to a positive environment, which may buffer the vulnerability to depression. Since this polymorphism does not exist in rodents, male SERT knockout (SERT-/-) rats were tested to explore the molecular mechanisms based on this increased predisposition. This article investigates the influences of a positive manipulation, namely, enriched environment (EE), on the depressive-like behavior observed in SERT-/- rats. We found that one month of EE exposure normalized the anhedonic and anxious-like phenotype characteristics of this animal model. Moreover, we observed that EE exposure also restored the molecular alterations in the prefrontal cortex by positively modulating the expression of the neurotrophin Bdnf, and of spines and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic markers. Overall, our data confirm the depression-like phenotype of SERT-/- rats and highlight the ability of EE to restore behavioral and molecular alterations, thus promoting the opportunity to use EE as a supporting non-pharmacological approach to treat mood disorders

    Chronic Treatment with a Phytosomal Preparation Containing Centella asiatica L. and Curcuma longa L. Affects Local Protein Synthesis by Modulating the BDNF-mTOR-S6 Pathway

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    Brain derived neurotrophic factor (Bdnf) is the most diffuse neurotrophin in the central nervous system and it is crucial for the proper brain development and maintenance. Indeed, through the binding to its high affinity receptor TRKB and the activation of different intracellular cascades, it boosts cell survival, neurite growth and spine maturations mechanisms. Here, we evaluated if the chronic oral treatment for 10 days with a phytosomal preparation containing Centella asiatica L. and Curcuma longa L. could improve Bdnf levels in the prefrontal cortex of adult rats. Interestingly we found an increased expression of Bdnf with main effect of the treatment on the mTOR-S6 downstream signaling pathway. Accordingly, we found an increase in the expression of eukaryotic elongation factor (eEF2) with a shift towards the phosphorylated form thus increasing the transcription of Oligophrenin-1, a protein carrying the upstream Open Reading Frame (uORF) which reduction is paralleled by memory dysfunctions. These results show the ability of the phytosome to enhance mTOR-S6 regulated transcription and suggest the possibility to use this preparation in subjects with impairments in neuroplastic mechanisms, memory and cognitive abilities

    Tryptophan Hydroxylase 2 Knockout Male Rats Exhibit a Strengthened Oxytocin System, Are Aggressive, and Are Less Anxious

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    The central serotoninergic system is critical for stress responsivity and social behavior, and its dysregulations have been centrally implicated in virtually all neuropsychiatric disorders. Genetic serotonin depletion animal models could provide a tool to elucidate the causes and mechanisms of diseases and to develop new treatment approaches. Previously, mice lacking tryptophan hydroxylase 2 (Tph2) have been developed, showing altered behaviors and neurotransmission. However, the effect of congenital serotonin deficiency on emotional and social behavior in rats is still largely unknown, as are the underlying mechanisms. In this study, we used a Tph2 knockout (Tph2(-/-)) male rat model to study how the lack of serotonin in the rat brain affects anxiety-like and social behaviors. Since oxytocin is centrally implicated in these behaviors, we furthermore explored whether the effects of Tph2 knockout on behavior would relate to changes in the oxytocin system. We show that Tph2(-/-) rats display reduced anxiety-like behavior and a high level of aggression in social interactions. In addition, oxytocin receptor expression was increased in the infralimbic and prelimbic cortices, paraventricular nucleus, dorsal raphe nucleus, and some subregions of the hippocampus, which was paralleled by increased levels of oxytocin in the medial frontal cortex and paraventricular nucleus but not the dorsal raphe nucleus, central amygdala, and hippocampus. In conclusion, our study demonstrated reduced anxiety but exaggerated aggression in Tph2(-/-) male rats and reveals for the first time a potential involvement of altered oxytocin system function. Meanwhile, the research of oxytocin could be distinguished in almost any psychiatric disorder including anxiety and mental disorders. This research potentially proposes a new target for the treatment of such disorders, from a genetic serotonin deficiency aspect

    Repeated testing modulates chronic unpredictable mild stress effects in male rats

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    Depression is a highly prevalent, debilitating mental disorder. Chronic unpredictable mild stress (CUMS) is the most widely applied model to study this affliction in rodents. While studies incorporating CUMS prior to an intervention often require long-lasting stress effects that persist after exposure is ceased, the longevity of these effects is rarely studied. Additionally, it is unclear whether behavioural assessments can be performed before and after interventions without repeated testing effects. In rats, we investigated CUMS effects on components of depressive-like behaviour both acutely after stress cessation and after a recovery period, as well as effects of repeated testing. We observed acute disruptions of the circadian locomotor rhythm and a reduced sucrose preference immediately after CUMS exposure. While circadian locomotor rhythm effects persisted up until four weeks after stress cessation, independently of repeated testing, sucrose preference effects did not. Interestingly, CUMS animals tested once after a recovery period of four weeks showed reduced anxiety-like behaviour in the open field and elevated plus maze compared to their control group and repeatedly-tested CUMS animals. These findings suggest that distinct CUMS-induced components of depressive-like behaviour are affected differentially by recovery time and repeated testing; these aspects should be considered carefully in future study designs

    G Protein-Dependent Activation of the PKA-Erk1/2 Pathway by the Striatal Dopamine D1/D3 Receptor Heteromer Involves Beta-Arrestin and the Tyrosine Phosphatase Shp-2

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    The heteromer composed of dopamine D1 and D3 receptors (D1R-D3R) has been defined as a structure able to trigger Erk1/2 and Akt signaling in a G protein-independent, beta-arrestin 1-dependent way that is physiologically expressed in the ventral striatum and is likely involved in the control of locomotor activity. Indeed, abnormal levels of D1R-D3R heteromer in the dorsal striatum have been correlated with the development of L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia (LID) in Parkinson's disease patients, a motor complication associated with striatal D1R signaling, thus requiring Gs protein and PKA activity to activate Erk1/2. Therefore, to clarify the role of the D1R/D3R heteromer in LID, we investigated the signaling pathway induced by the heteromer using transfected cells and primary mouse striatal neurons. Collectively, we found that in both the cell models, D1R/D3R heteromer-induced activation of Erk1/2 exclusively required the D1R molecular effectors, such as Gs protein and PKA, with the contribution of the phosphatase Shp-2 and beta-arrestins, indicating that heterodimerization with the D3R abolishes the specific D3R-mediated signaling but strongly allows D1R signals. Therefore, while in physiological conditions the D1R/D3R heteromer could represent a mechanism that strengthens the D1R activity, its pathological expression may contribute to the abnormal PKA-Shp-2-Erk1/2 pathway connected with LID