9 research outputs found

    BMS-CnC: Bounded Memory Scheduling of Dynamic Task Graphs

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    It is now widely recognized that increased levels of parallelism is a necessary condition for improved application performance on multicore computers. However, as the number of cores increases, the memory-per-core ratio is expected to further decrease, making per-core memory efficiency of parallel programs an even more important concern in future systems. For many parallel applications, the memory requirements can be significantly larger than for their sequential counterparts and, more importantly, their memory utilization depends critically on the schedule used when running them. To address this problem we propose bounded memory scheduling (BMS) for parallel programs expressed as dynamic task graphs, in which an upper bound is imposed on the program’s peak memory. Using the inspector/executor model, BMS tailors the set of allowable schedules to either guarantee that the program can be executed within the given memory bound, or throw an error during the inspector phase without running the computation if no feasible schedule can be found. Since solving BMS is NP-hard, we propose an approach in which we first use our heuristic algorithm, and if it fails we fall back on a more expensive optimal approach which is sped up by the best-effort result of the heuristic. Through evaluation on seven benchmarks, we show that BMS gracefully spans the spectrum between fully parallel and serial execution with decreasing memory bounds. Comparison with OpenMP shows that BMS-CnC can execute in 53% of the memory required by OpenMP while running at 90% (or more) of OpenMP’s performance

    Elastic Tasks: Unifying Task Parallelism and SPMD Parallelism with an Adaptive Runtime

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    In this paper, we introduce elastic tasks, a new high-level parallel programming primitive that can be used to unify task parallelism and SPMD parallelism in a common adaptive scheduling framework. Elastic tasks are internally parallel tasks and can run on a single worker or expand to take over multiple workers. An elastic task can be an ordinary task or an SPMD region that must be executed by one or more workers simultaneously, in a tightly coupled manner. The gains obtained by using elastic tasks, as demonstrated in this paper, are three-fold: (1) they offer theoretical guarantees: given a computation with work W and span S executing on P cores, a work-sharing runtime guarantees a completion time of O(W/P+S+E), and a work-stealing runtime completes the computation in expected time O(W/P + S + E lgP), where E is the number of elastic tasks in the computation, (2) they offer performance benefits in practice by co-scheduling tightly coupled parallel/SPMD subcomputations within a single elastic task, and (3) they can adapt at runtime to the state of the application and work-load of the machine. We also introduce ElastiJ — a runtime system that includes work-sharing and work-stealing scheduling algorithms to support computations with regular and elastic tasks. This scheduler dynamically decides the allocation for each elastic task in a non-centralized manner, and provides close to asymptotically optimal running times for computations that use elastic tasks. We have created an implementation of ElastiJ and present experimental results showing that elastic tasks provide the aforementioned benefits. We also make study on the sensitivity of elastic tasks to the theoretical assumptions and the user parameters

    Automatic Detection of Inter-application Permission Leaks in Android Applications

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    Due to their growing prevalence, smartphones can access an increasing amount of sensitive user information. To better protect this information, modern mobile operating systems provide permission-based security, which restricts applications to only access a clearly defined subset of system APIs and user data. The Android operating system builds upon already successful permission systems, but complements them by allowing application components to be reused within and across applications through a single communication mechanism, called the Intent mechanism. In this paper we identify three types of inter-application Intent-based attacks that rely on information flows in applications to obtain unauthorized access to permission-protected information. Two of these attacks are of previously known types: confused deputy and permission collusion attacks. The third attack, private activity invocation, is new and relies on the existence of difficult-to-detect misconfigurations introduced because Intents can be used for both intra-application and inter-application communication. Such misconfigured applications allow protected information meant for intraapplication communication to leak into unauthorized applications. This breaks a fundamental security guarantee of permissions systems: that applications can only access information if they own the corresponding permission. We formulate the detection of the vulnerabilities on which these attacks rely as a static taint propagation problem based on rules. We show that the rules describing the permission protected information can be automatically generated though static analysis of the Android libraries an improvement over previous work. To test our approach we built Permission Flow, a tool that can reliably and accurately identify the presence of vulnerable information flows in Android applications. Our automated analysis of popular applications found that 56% of the top 313 Android applications actively use inter-component information flows; by ensuring the absence of inter-application permission leaks, the proposed analysis would be highly beneficial to the Android ecosystem. Of the tested applications, Permission Flow found four exploitable vulnerabilities

    Static Analysis of Android Apps: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Context: Static analysis approaches have been proposed to assess the security of Android apps, by searching for known vulnerabilities or actual malicious code. The literature thus has proposed a large body of works, each of which attempts to tackle one or more of the several challenges that program analyzers face when dealing with Android apps. Objective: We aim to provide a clear view of the state-of-the-art works that statically analyze Android apps, from which we highlight the trends of static analysis approaches, pinpoint where the focus has been put and enumerate the key aspects where future researches are still needed. Method: We have performed a systematic literature review which involves studying around 90 research papers published in software engineering, programming languages and security venues. This review is performed mainly in five dimensions: problems targeted by the approach, fundamental techniques used by authors, static analysis sensitivities considered, android characteristics taken into account and the scale of evaluation performed. Results: Our in-depth examination have led to several key findings: 1) Static analysis is largely performed to uncover security and privacy issues; 2) The Soot framework and the Jimple intermediate representation are the most adopted basic support tool and format, respectively; 3) Taint analysis remains the most applied technique in research approaches; 4) Most approaches support several analysis sensitivities, but very few approaches consider path-sensitivity; 5) There is no single work that has been proposed to tackle all challenges of static analysis that are related to Android programming; and 6) Only a small portion of state-of-the-art works have made their artifacts publicly available. Conclusion: The research community is still facing a number of challenges for building approaches that are aware altogether of implicit-Flows, dynamic code loading features, reflective calls, native code and multi-threading, in order to implement sound and highly precise static analyzers