79 research outputs found

    Understanding the policy instruments mix in higher education r&d : a policy scale development

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to understand the policy instruments mix in higher education research and development (HERD) using structural equation modeling. This modeling helps us to understand the total structure of the factors affecting the policy mix as well as its main actors in a political system. Design/Methodology/Approach: Thirty two identified actors (official institutions) through upstream documents were designed by the method of social network analysis in the form of a political network and their role in policy instruments mix was investigated through their amount of centrality in the network. Also, indicators affecting policy instrument mix were identified using the view of 13 Iranian higher education policy experts. These indicators were categorized in the form of causal, contextual, intervening factors, main phenomena, mechanisms and outcomes. Structural equation modeling was used to confirm the model. Findings: According to the results, the lack of policy logic is the main reason for the lack of justice in the policy instruments mix. Choosing a logic or theory of justice that is the basis of all the instruments in research and development decisions can lead to the integration of concepts and instruments mix. Practical Implications: There is no doubt that the dominant range of thought can have a greater impact on politics in any state, but choosing observers from other aspects of thought will always lead to more effective policies. Originality/Value: How to form policy instruments mix in policymakers' mind has not been investigated in any study so far, and this study explores the indicators governing policy instrument mix.peer-reviewe

    Typology of the Qur’anic Latā’if in the Commentaries of Mafātīh al-Ghayb and Kashf al-Asrār

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    Qur’anic latā’if are points and perceptions that are beyond the comprehension of the Qur’anic researchers. They have much benefits and the greatest impact on the hearts. The purpose of this research is to discover the Qur’anic latā’if in the commentaries of Mafātīh al-Ghayb of Fakhr Rāzī and Kashf al-Asrār wa ‘Uddat al-Abrār of Meibudī and how they deal (methodology) with these phrases. The research community is textual, including thirty parts of the Qur’an based on the commentaries of Fakhr Rāzī and Meibudī. This research is fundamental in purpose and descriptive-analytical in method. The findings show that Fakhr Rāzī has mentioned more latā’if in the last ten parts of the Qur’an, while Meibudī has mentioned most of the latā’if in the first parts of the Qur’an. Fakhr Rāzī has mentioned over 250 latā’if for the verses in 23 different types, including: spiritual latāfah, verbal latāfah, etc., of which 9 types are exemplified in this research. However, Meybodi has mentioned about 60 latā’if in 3 different types and believes that the Qur’anic latā’if are the wonders of the Qur’an. He sometimes mentions a latāfah as a “secret”. In conclusion, both Fakhr Rāzī and Meibudī did not have a standard in mentioning the latāfah of the verses and do not have a specific method, but they relied on their own opinion. Fakhr Rāzī has dealt with the latāfah in a more specific way than Meibudī, which can be found both from mentioning more latāfah for the verses and their specific and abundant types

    El rol de la intervenció de la maduració biològica i els factors antropomètrics en l’índex de la reserva cardíaca en nens adolescents iranians

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      El desenvolupament i els canvis de l’organisme, especialment els canvis en el procés de maduració biològica, poden implicar grans diferències en els paràmetres fisiològics de resposta a l’exercici. Per tant, és important el rol d’un altre índex del gradient d’eficiència del consum d’oxigen (oxygen uptake efficiency slope [OUES]), perquè inclou variables d’intervenció de maduració biològica i factors antropomètrics, com el pes corporal, l’àrea de superfície corporal (ASC) i la massa corporal magra (MCM), que poden mesurar la funció cardiorrespiratòria de nens amb nivells de maduració normal o anormal (precoç o tardana) i aportar una informació de gran precisió sobre la seva salut. Setantados homes joves i sans, d’una mitjana d’edat de 13,95 ± 1,8 anys i IMC de 19,91 ± 3,4 kg/m2 van ser classificats en 2 grups: pubertat normal (n = 33) i maduració anormal (n = 39). Després d’obtenir el consentiment, se’ls calculà la capacitat aeròbica màxima amb el test de consum màxim d’oxigen (VO2max), amb un analitzador de gasos (VE, VO2 i VCO2). També es calculà l’índex OUES, segons la relació logarítmica de Baba. S’observà una correlació alta entre el valor VO2max i l’índex fisiològic OUES (R2 = 0,90; SEE = 292). L’índex OUES no presentà diferències significatives entre els grups de maduració normal i anormal, amb i sense inclusió del pes, ASC i MCM (p > 0,05). S’obtingué una correlació significativa entre VO2max i l’índex normalitzat OUES amb les variables antropomètriques (R = 0,83, R = 0,87, R = 0,91, p = 0,00). OUES està influït pel pes i els índexs ASC i MCM, però el rol que representa l’índex ASC, en relació amb l’índex de rendiment cardíac, fou més important que el dels altres 2 paràmetres. Sembla que, degut a la falta d’intervenció de l’efecte de maduració sobre aquest índex, es pot aplicar a l’estudi de la resposta fisiològica del sistema cardiorrespiratori dels nens, independentment de la seva maduresa

    The role of biological maturation intervention and anthropometric factors on cardiac reserve index (OUES) in Iranian teenage boys

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      The development and organism change, especially changes in biological maturation process, is impressive on the physiological parameters in response to exercise. Hence, the new index oxygen uptake efficiency slope (OUES) role with biological maturity intervention and anthropometric factors of body weight, BSA and LBM which can measure the cardiorespiratory function in children maturity level normal and abnormal (early or late) with high health and safety is important. 72 healthy young males, with a mean age 13.95 ± 1.8 years and BMI 19.91 ± 3.4 kg/m2 were separated into two groups of normal puberty (n = 33) and abnormal maturation (n = 39). After consent obtaining, their VO2max was determined by maximal aerobic test via gas analyzer (VE, VO2 and VCO2). The new index OUES was also determined according to logarithmic relationship Baba. A high correlation was observed between VO2max and OUES physiological index (R2 = 0.90, SEE = 292). There was no significant difference in the index OUES with and without the intervention of weight, BSA and LBM between normal and abnormal maturation of boys (p > 0.05). Significant correlation between VO2max and normalized OUES with anthropometric variables was obtained (R = 0.83, R = 0.87, R = 0.91, p = 0.00). OUES is influenced by weight, BSA and LBM. But the BSA role in the index of cardiac performance was more sensitive than the other two parameters. It appears that due to the lack of intervention maturation effect on this index, during the study of cardiorespiratory system physiological responses of children to exercise, regardless of the maturity the application of this index is possible

    Rol de la intervención de la maduración biológica y de los factores antropométricos en el índice de reserva cardíaca en niños adolescentes iraníes

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      El desarrollo y los cambios en el organismo, especialmente los cambios en el proceso de maduración biológica, pueden implicar grandes diferencias en los parámetros fisiológicos de respuesta al ejercicio. En consecuencia, es importante el papel del nuevo índice del gradiente de eficiencia del consumo de oxígeno (oxygen uptake efficiency slope [OUES]), porque incluye variables de intervención de maduración biológica y factores antropométricos, como el peso corporal, el área de superficie corporal (ASC) y la masa corporal magra (MCM), que pueden medir la función cardiorrespiratoria de niños con niveles de maduración normal o anormal (precoz o tardía) y aportar una información de gran precisión sobre su salud. Setenta y dos hombres jóvenes sanos, de una mediana de edad de 13,95 ± 1,8 años e IMC de 19,91 ± 3,4 kg/m2, fueron clasificados en 2 grupos: pubertad normal (n = 33) y maduración anormal (n = 39). Tras obtener su consentimiento, se les calculó la capacidad aeróbica máxima con un test de consumo máximo de oxígeno (VO2max), con un analizador de gases (VE, VO2 y VCO2). Además se calculó el índice OUES, según la relación logarítmica de Baba. Se observó una alta correlación entre el valor VO2max y el índice fisiológico OUES (R2 = 0,90; SEE = 292). El índice OUES no presentó diferencias significativas entre los grupos de maduración normal y anormal, con y sin inclusión del peso, ASC y MCM (p > 0,05). Se obtuvo una correlación significativa entre VO2max y el índice normalizado OUES con las variables antropométricas (R = 0,83, R = 0,87, R = 0,91, p = 0,00). El peso y los índices ASC y MCM influyen en el índice OUES, pero el rol que representa el índice ASC, en relación con el índice de rendimiento cardíaco, fue más importante que el de los otros 2 parámetros. Parece que, debido a la falta de intervención del efecto de la maduración sobre este índice, se puede aplicar al estudio de la respuesta fisiológica del sistema cardiorrespiratorio de los niños, independientemente de su madurez

    An integrated method for airline company supplier selection based on the entropy and vikor methods: a real case study

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    All certified airlines require to implement a safety and quality management system. Therefore, the quality of all services and products with critical operational domains have been challenging issues in the aviation industry. In this regard, supplier selection plays an important role to acquire competitive benefits. Flight operations is critical scope in an airline and their outputs have a direct impact on flight safety consequences. Therefore, the quality of supplier’s product and services play the main role in their flight operations process. In this research, a new decision-making framework is developed to evaluate the performance of the suppliers based on the Entropy and VIKOR approaches. At the outset, the main criteria and sub-criteria are identified based on the literature and expert\u27s viewpoint and then their weights are calculated using the Entropy method. Afterward, the potential suppliers are ranked using the VIKOR method. The airline supplier’s assessment through expert judgment and integrated criteria are the new approaches that are developed in this paper. The obtained results show that economic, quality and safety, and reputation respectively are the main criteria to select suppliers

    Impact of acceptance and commitment-based psychoeducation on the adjustment of expressed emotion in families of patients with bipolar disorder

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    Background: Expressed emotion is one of the key factors resulting in relapse of psychiatric disorders. Expressed emotion is a critical, hostile and emotionally over-involved attitude that relatives have toward a family member with such disorder. Since stress from the expressed emotion leads to relapse in person with a disorder, the present study aimed to investigate the effect of mental training based on the acceptance and commitment on the regulation of expressed emotion in families of patients with bipolar disorder. Materials and Methods: This quasi-experimental study was carried out on families of patients with bipolar disorder referring to Kargarnejad hospital (Kashan, Iran). The purposive sampling method was used to select the participants. As an intervention acceptance and commitment-based psychoeducation of the families was held in 10 sessions. Expressed emotion questionnaire was completed by relatives pre- and post-intervention. Results: The results showed that the level of expressed emotion reduced after the intervention in families of patients with bipolar disorder (P<0.001). A significant reduction was observed in the level of expressed emotion in all four subscales (negative attitudes, tolerance/expectations, harassment and intervention and emotional response) (P<0.001). Conclusion: Family psychoeducation based on the acceptance and commitment can be effective in the regulation of expressed emotion in families of patients suffering from bipolar disorder

    The effects of chaos edge management on intentional organizational forgetting with emphasis on quantum learning (case study: information technology-based organizations)

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    Unlike learning process, the critical phenomenon of organizational forgetting is not entirely understood. There are two categories of forgetting: accidental forgetting (not-preferred) and intentional forgetting (preferred). Therefore, all the variables that influence intentional forgetting can be important for organizational learning. One of them, which have been neglected thus far, is the edge of chaos in quantum learning. It is the point that a balance is achieved between stability and chaos. Organizational innovation, learning, and creativity all reach a proper level at this point. Along with emphasizing on these variables and surveying an IT-based organization, the present study is an attempt to discover the causal relationships between the variables. Based on the data from 289 filled out questionnaires, of which reliability and validity have been confirmed, structural equations model was developed in AMOS. The results showed that the all path coefficients were significant. In addition, comparison of goodness of fit indices and the standard range showed that all indices were acceptable and the main hypothesis regarding effectiveness of quantum learning on organizational forgetting was supported. The effect of quantum learning on organizational forgetting in non-standard and standard conditions was 0.51 and 0.28, respectively. Keywords: quantum learning, edge of chaos management, intentional organizational forgetting. JEL Classification: D83, D2

    English Vocabulary Learning Strategies: the Case of Iranian Monolinguals vs. Bilinguals

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    The main objective of the present study was to investigate the differences between Iranian EFL monolinguals and bilinguals in terms of vocabulary language learning strategies. In fact, it was an attempt to investigate whether bilingual/ monolingual learners differ significantly in using vocabulary learning strategies. To this end, 70 EFL, 45 monolingual (Persian) and 25 bilingual (Arabic-Persian) pre-university students were selected to answer Schmitt’s Vocabulary Learning Strategies Questionnaire (VLSQ). The participants were homogeneous in terms of age, sex, nationality and level of instruction. Following the administration of a general English proficiency test and one VLSQ, interviews were conducted. Then, descriptive statistics and independent t-test were used to analyze the data. The findings obtained through comparison revealed significant dissimilarities between bilinguals and monolinguals’ usage of determination, memory, cognitive and metacognitive strategies. There was no significant variation, however, in their use of social strategies. Further, interviews exhibited some aspects that were not mentioned in the VLSQ