496 research outputs found

    Benefits of Older Volunteering on Wellbeing: An International Comparison

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    Healthier aging implies lower health service expenditure and the possibility for individuals to make a longer and more valuable contribution to society. Lifestyles, including volunteering, affect our health. The policy implications of the present study are that it aims to broaden the state of knowledge and be useful to public decision-makers: if voluntary activities enhance the integration of older people into society, their participation will help to generate economic resources and improve their own welfare; if, however, health and participation do not show positive synergies, then policymakers must act independently in each of these fields. In this work, we focus on the societies of Chile, Mexico, and Spain because they have significantly aging populations and share common traits but also exhibit important differences. The empirical study employs micro-data from the World Value Survey (1994–1998, 2005–2009, and 2010–2014) and macro-data from the statistics of the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development). Micro- and macro-data are merged by national and temporal identifiers. Our main results provide empirical evidence that volunteering might improve every indicator of wellbeing except happiness. Different kinds of activities have different impacts on individual wellbeing. For example, volunteering in activities related to social awareness is positive for male life satisfaction, whereas volunteering in activities related to religious issues is positive for male life satisfaction but also female happiness. In general, voluntary activities have a stronger impact on male wellbeing than female wellbeing

    Estudi de les constants òptiques del carbur de silici entre 400 i 1100 nm

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    The silicon carbide has a capital importance as oficial standard for photometric measurements. For this reason, the correct calibration of its optical constants is very important in the quantitative microscopy field. The experimental dispersion curves of the reflectance in air and oil by direct method are obtained. The n and k optical constants from 400 to 1.100 nm are also calculated

    Stakeholder engagement, Csr development and Sdgs compliance: A systematic review from 2015 to 2021

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    The conceptualization of the stakeholders of the companies for the fulfillment of the objectives of sustainable development is controversial, even more so, if it is approached from the perspective of corporate social responsibility and the psychology of the employees and their behavior. The existing literature and knowledge on the relationship among the stakeholder approach, corporate social responsibility and the achievement of the SDGs remain unstructured and fragmented. The objective of the manuscript is to identify and systematize scientific research on the stakeholder approach with respect to corporate social responsibility, in order to achieve business sustainability, in response to sustainable development goals and from the perspective of the well-being of workers. Our main contribution to the literature review is to focus on all these issues together, and not in isolation. A systematic literature search is conducted following Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyzes (PRISMA). The approaches, issues and methodologies that predominate in the academic field in the last 5 years (2015–2021) were analyzed. Based on this review, we define a research agenda that synthesizes key trends and promising lines of research for further advancement of theoretical and empirical knowledge on the relationship among stakeholders, corporate social responsibility, and human resource management

    Strain balanced quantum posts

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    Quantum posts are assembled by epitaxial growth of closely spaced quantum dot layers, modulating the composition of a semiconductor alloy, typically InGaAs. In contrast with most self-assembled nanostructures, the height of quantum posts can be controlled with nanometer precision, up to a maximum value limited by the accumulated stress due to the lattice mismatch. Here we present a strain compensation technique based on the controlled incorporation of phosphorous, which substantially increases the maximum attainable quantum post height. The luminescence from the resulting nanostructures presents giant linear polarization anisotropy.Comment: Submitted to Applied Physics Letters (7th March 2011). 4 pages, 4 figure

    A Bail Out Solution for an Urgent Situation: Endovascular Exclusion and Embolization of an Infected Femoral Pseudoaneurysm

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    Purpose: The aim of this study is to show the utility of the combination of thrombin and endograft to solve an urgent situation related to femoral infections. Case: We present the case of a 91-year-old female patient who underwent a femoral endarterectomy and superficial femoral artery angioplasty and developed a surgical site infection. She was readmitted to the hospital because of bleeding and was operated to suture the femoral patch and to do a plasty of sartorius muscle. Six days after the last intervention a femoral pulsatile mass was noted, and the computed tomography showed a big femoral pseudoaneurysm. Taken again to the theater and via a contralateral puncture a viabahn covered endograft was deployed from the external iliac artery to the yet diseased but patent femoral superficial femoral artery and the pseudoaneurysm was punctured, emptied, and filled with thrombin. The patient was discharged 2 weeks after the last procedure and lived for 10 months (she died because of a nonvascular related cause) with a patent graft and with healed lesions. Conclusions: In this case the endovascular solution was a definitive solution in a very old patient with several comorbidities

    Low dose electron tomography of novel nanocomposites for additive manufacturing

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    This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND licenseThe development of new nanocomposites with added functionalities for Additive Manufacturing (AM) requires of a deep understanding of the 3D distribution of the selected nano-additives within the polymeric matrix, in order to optimize their performance. For this, electron tomography (ET) is an outstanding analysis technique that requires the material to withstand the electron exposure needed for the acquisition of several tens of images, becoming challenging for beam-sensitive materials. In this work, we analyse the parameters involved in the successful analysis by low dose ET of nanocomposites based in acrylic resins for stereolithography (SLA). Needleshape electron-transparent specimens have been fabricated by focused ion beam (FIB), minimizing surface damage due to the high energy Ga+ ions. Microscope settings for tuning the electron dose applied during the ET analysis of these nanoneedles are discussed. A phenomenological study of the effect of increasing the electron dose in the scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) analysis of the material has been carried out, showing that ET can be effectively performed at low electron doses. Two case studies are presented, to illustrate the relevance of these analyses in the development of nanocomposites with added functionalities. Our results have revealed the crucial role of the dose rate and of inaccuracies in the calculation of critical electron doses for the design of ET experiments.Junta de Andalucía 00955Universidad de Cádiz PR2022-00

    Use of Machine Learning for gamma/hadron separation with HAWC

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    Background showers triggered by hadrons represent over 99.9% of all particles arriving at ground-based gamma-ray observatories. An important stage in the data analysis of these observatories, therefore, is the removal of hadron-triggered showers. Currently, the High-Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) gamma-ray observatory employs an algorithm based on a single cut in two variables, unlike other ground-based gamma-ray observatories (e.g. H.E.S.S., VERITAS), which employ a large number of variables to separate the primary particles. In this work, we explore machine learning techniques (Boosted Decision Trees and Neural Networks) to identify the primary particles detected by HAWC. Our new gamma/hadron separation techniques were tested on data from the Crab nebula, the standard reference in Very High Energy astronomy, showing an improvement compared to the standard HAWC background rejection method.Comment: Presented at the 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2021), Berlin, Germany - Onlin

    El voluntariado universitario en el marco de la Responsabilidad Social Universitaria. Estudio de un Campus, Universidad de Zaragoza

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    El voluntariado universitario es un tipo de actividad que forma parte de la Responsabilidad Social Universitaria. El trabajo analiza la rela-ción entre la realización de voluntariado estudiantil y las motivacio-nes para ser voluntario y profundiza en los ámbitos de interés de los universitarios para realizar voluntariado. Un total de 680 estudiantes universitarios de un Campus de la Universidad de Zaragoza cumpli-mentaron un cuestionario. El análisis muestra diferencias en la moti-vación para ser voluntario entre los estudiantes que al cumplimentar el cuestionario eran voluntarios y los que no lo eran, y también que la titulación cursada afecta al ámbito de interés. University volunteering is a type of activity that is part of the University Social Responsibility. The paper analyzes the relationship between student volunteering and the motivations for volunteering and delves into the areas of interest of university students to volunteer. A total of 680 university students from a Campus of the University of Zaragoza completed a questionnaire. Analysis shows differences in motivation to volunteer, among students to complete the questionnaire were volunteers and those who were not, and also affects the degree Studied area of interest

    Voluntariado en Latinoamérica: aproximación a las diferencias entre países

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    La participación en actividades de voluntariado es un vehículo de participación en la comunidad de forma que enriquece al conjunto de la sociedad y a las personas que lo realizan. Los datos de las Encuestas de Valores Mundiales (WVS, 2010-2014) evidencian que en Latinoamérica el porcentaje de voluntarios varía de forma relevante de unos países a otros, tal que en Colombia el 65% realizan actividades de voluntariado, frente al 23% de Ecuador. Mientras que el voluntariado ha sido ampliamente estudiado en países anglosajones y europeos, apenas hay estudios para Latinoamérica. La principal contribución de este trabajo radica precisamente en ampliar el conocimiento de los factores que influyen en la decisión de ser voluntario en los diferentes países de Latinoamérica. Los datos de la WVS nos permiten llevar a cabo un análisis que controla dos niveles de agregación: individuo y país. Nuestros resultados destacan la relación positiva entre renta y educación con afiliación y participación en el tercer sector. Ya que se constata que el voluntariado es una herramienta para mejorar el capital humano y capital social de los ciudadanos sería deseable establecer intervenciones públicas que fomenten el voluntariado entre personas con menos recursos o en riesgo de exclusión