479 research outputs found

    A Spreadsheet Model that Estimates the Impact of Reduced Distribution Time on Inventory Investment Savings: What is a Day Taken out of the Pipeline Worth in Inventory?

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    In most of the literature dealing with inventory problems, either with a deterministic or probabilistic model, lead time is viewed as a prescribed constant or a stochastic variable that is not subject to control. But in many practical situations, lead time can be reduced by an extra crashing cost; in other words, it is controllable. This study proposes a repeatable spreadsheet optimization model that estimates the impact of reduced replenishment lead time on inventory investment savings at forward and strategic locations to motivate decision makers to support enterprise-wide distribution process improvement. The study provides users with a means of automatically calculating inventory control parameters such as safety stocks and reorder points, and automatically estimating the savings caused by lead time mean or variability reduction. A trade-off analysis can be done to determine whether reducing lead time would override the lead time crashing cost. First, the model finds the optimal safety factor of an item based on a fill rate goal using Excel Solver. Then, Excel\u27s VBA automates the process of finding safety factors for other items before and after lead time reduction. Finally, the model is applied to three different supply support activities to illustrate its superior features, which include allowing the user to change and upgrade it for future research

    Federated Learning on Edge Sensing Devices: A Review

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    The ability to monitor ambient characteristics, interact with them, and derive information about the surroundings has been made possible by the rapid proliferation of edge sensing devices like IoT, mobile, and wearable devices and their measuring capabilities with integrated sensors. Even though these devices are small and have less capacity for data storage and processing, they produce vast amounts of data. Some example application areas where sensor data is collected and processed include healthcare, environmental (including air quality and pollution levels), automotive, industrial, aerospace, and agricultural applications. These enormous volumes of sensing data collected from the edge devices are analyzed using a variety of Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) approaches. However, analyzing them on the cloud or a server presents challenges related to privacy, hardware, and connectivity limitations. Federated Learning (FL) is emerging as a solution to these problems while preserving privacy by jointly training a model without sharing raw data. In this paper, we review the FL strategies from the perspective of edge sensing devices to get over the limitations of conventional machine learning techniques. We focus on the key FL principles, software frameworks, and testbeds. We also explore the current sensor technologies, properties of the sensing devices and sensing applications where FL is utilized. We conclude with a discussion on open issues and future research directions on FL for further studie

    Exploring the parameter space of human activity recognition with mobile devices

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    Motion sensors available on smart phones make it possible to recognize human activities. Accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, and their various combinations are used to classify, particularly, locomotion activities, ranging from walking to biking. In most of the studies, the focus is on the collection of data and on the analysis of the impact of different parameters on the recognition performance. The parameter space includes the types of sensors used, features, classification algorithms, and position/orientation of the mobile device. In most of the studies, the impact of some of these parameters is partially analyzed; however, in this work, we investigate the parameter space in detail with a global focus. Particularly, we investigate the impact of using different feature-sets, the impact of using different sensors individually and in combination, the impact of different classifiers, and the impact of phone position. Using an ANOVA analysis, we investigate the importance of various parameters on the recognition performance. We show that these parameters are ranked according to their impact on the recognition performance in the following order: sensor, position, classifier, feature. We believe that such an analysis is important since we can statistically show how much a parameter is affecting the recognition performance. Our observations can be used in future studies by only focusing on the important parameters. We present our findings as a discussion to guide the further studies in this domain.</p

    Kadın erkek eşitliği problemi ve bunun fıkhi düşünceye yansıması

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    xii, 116 sayfa29 cm. 1 CDÖZETBiz bu tezimizde kadın erkek eşitliği problemi ve bunun fıkhi düşünceye yansımasını imkânlar ölçüsünde incelemeye çalıştık. Bu çalışmamıza kadın erkek beyninin fizyolojik ve biyolojik farklılığı ve bu probleme etkilerini inceleyerek başladık. Birinci bölümde ilk çağda kadının durumunu incelerken doğu ve güneydoğu Asya'da Çin'de Tibet toplumunda eski Türklerde Mezopotamya da Sümer'de Babil de Asur'da Anadolu da Hititler'de Hurriler'de ege bölgesinde mısır da Suriye ve Filistin'de İran'da roma da İslam'dan önce ortaçağ türk devletlerinde kadının sosyo kültürel yapısına konumuna baktık. Daha sonra Ortaçağda kadını incelerken Yahudilikte kadının konumunu Hristiyanlıkta kadının konumunu cahiliye döneminden İslam'a geçiş sürecinde kadının konumu cahiliye ve İslam da kadının konumuna ilişkin değerlendirmeleri irdeledik. İkinci bölümde ise İslam'da kadın erkek eşitliği probleminin fıkhi düşünceye yansımalarını ortaya koymaya çalıştık. Bu bağlamda klasik dönem müelliflerin görüşlerine ve çağdaş yazarların ortaya koydukları yeni yaklaşımları ele almaya çalıştık. Ne feminist iddiaların ve ne de kadın karşıtı söylemlerin her iki cinse de mutluluk veremeyeceğiyalnızca karşılıklı anlayışın hâkim olduğu bir arada yaşama fikrinin taraflara ve toplumlara mutluluk getireceğini kolaylıkla söyleyebiliriz. Çalışmamız neticesinde kadın ve erkeğin farklı fizyolojik, biyolojik ve psikolojik özelliklere sahip oldukları ve buna göre kadınla erkeğin eşit değil, farklı nitelikleriyle birlikte eşdeğer oldukları kanaatine ulaştık.ABSTRACTIn this thesis, we tried to examine the problem of equality between men and women and the reflection of this on the idea of jurisprudence. We started this study by examining the physiological and biological differences of male and female brain and their effects on this problem. The first part examines the situation of women in the early ages in eastern and southeastern Asia, Tibetan society in China, ancient Turks, Mesopotamia, Sumer, Babylon, Assyria, Anatolia, the Hittites, Hurrians, Egypt, Syria, and Palestine, Iran. We looked at the socio-cultural structure of women in medieval Turkish states before Islam in Rome. Then, while examining women in the Middle Ages, we examined the position of women in Judaism, the position of women in Christianity and the position of women in the transition from jahiliyya period to Islam and the position of women in Islam. In the second part, we tried to reveal the reflection of the problem of equality between women and men in Islamic thought. In this context, we tried to address the views of the authors of the classical period and the new approaches put forward by contemporary writers. Neither the feminist claims nor the anti-women rhetoric can give happiness to both sexeswe can easily say that the idea of coexistence dominated only by mutual understanding will bring happiness to the parties and communities. As a result of our study, we have reached the conclusion that men and women have different physiological, biological and psychological characteristics and accordingly, women and men are not equal but they are equivalent with different qualities

    Thyroid Gland Hematoma After Blunt Neck Trauma

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    Hemorrhage of a previously normal thyroid gland as a result of blunt trauma is a very rare condition. We report a case of blunt trauma that caused acute hemorrhage into the thyroid gland and presented with hoarseness. The diagnosis of thyroid gland hematoma was made with a combination of fiberoptic laryngoscopy, cervical computed tomography, and carotid angiography. The patient was treated conservatively, had a favorable course without further complications, and was discharged four days after admission

    Deposition of cobalt on iron powder.

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    The cementation reaction [chemical formula] although theoretically possible, is not normally considered to be of significance since the negative electrode potential of the reaction is very small and the rate of deposition is usually extremely low. However, a previous investigation of the corresponding reaction between nickel and iron suggests that such reactions may occur at a relatively rapid rate, provided the specific surface area of the iron is very high, as in the case of a fine powder. In the present work the cementation reaction has been followed in a three phase fluidized bed, which maintained the powder in suspension in the solution and ensured that all particles had an equal chance of contact with cobalt ions. An investigation was made of the effect on the reaction of certain process variables including temperature, PH, type of anion in the solution and concentration of iron powder in the cell and cobalt ions in the solution. This has allowed, under optimum conditions, cobalt deposition at a relatively high rate. In view of the relative cost of iron and cobalt this reaction may be a suitable way of extracting cobalt from waste solutions. An examination of the morphology of the deposit suggested that deposition always took place irregularly, so that some parts of the iron powder remained in contact with the solution. Thus the cementation reaction did not come to a rapid conclusion, on account of the formation of a continuous layer of cobalt on the iron surface. This irregular deposit was maintained even when electrodeposition occurred simultaneously with the cementation reaction

    The managament of rare nasal mass-nasal dermoid sinus cysts: open rhinoplasty

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    The differential diagnosis of midline nasal masses includes inflammatory lesions, post-traumatic deformities, benign neoplasms, malignant neoplasms, congenital and vascular masses. Midline congenital lesions of the nose are rare congenital anomalies. Their incidence is estimated at 1 per 20,000 to 40,000 births consisting of gliomas, encephaloceles, and nasal dermoid sinus cysts. Nasal dermoid sinus cysts account for 1–3% of dermoid cysts overall and 11–12% of head and neck dermoids. Most lesions are diagnosed within the first three years of life but in some cases the diagnosis can be prolonged. We present an 18-year old and a two and a half-year old male patients who are concerned about drainage from the tip of the nose with recurrent infection and operated with a diagnosis of nasal dermoid sinus cyst

    Optimization of synthetic route to PNA-T-OH monomers

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    Peptide nucleic acids are synthetic molecules crafted to mimic natural nucleic acids, and thus, they are widely utilized in many chemical, and, biomedical applications. Although there exist many approaches to synthesize monomers to date, there is still room to improve these methodologies. With this motivation, we compared some widely utilized synthetic routes to obtain N-Boc-PNA-T-OH, and N-Fmoc-PNA-T-OH. Our results indicate that N-Bocethylenediamine is the most pivotal intermediate in the chemistry of PNA, and synthetic route commencing with this material affords these two PNA monomers in relatively high yield, and purity, while being very reproducible

    Fused Pyridine Derivatives: Synthesis and Biological Activities

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    Five-membered heteroaromatic ring fused pyridine derivatives are of increasing interest in drug design and medicinal chemistry. The structural similarity of many drugs (especially antiviral and anticancer ones) with DNA bases such as adenine and guanine is a key factor to explain their effectiveness. Apart from these, it is also found in the structures of substances with antituberculosis, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antimalarial activities. Another advantage of this group of compounds is their positive contribution to solubility, polarity, lipophilicity, and hydrogen bonding capacity properties of the compounds they are incorporated into. In this chapter, various bioactivities of fused pyridine derivatives will be categorized and summarized

    Havalandırmalı Duvar Konstrüksiyonlarında Faz Değiştiren Malzeme Kullanımının Konut Binalarının Enerji Yüklerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi

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    Binalarda enerjinin önemli bir kısmı ısıtma ve soğutma için kullanılmaktadır. Avrupa direktifi (EPBD-Recast) bu enerji kullanımından kaynaklı olumsuz çevresel etkileri azaltmak amacıyla, daha yüksek ısı yalıtımı seviyelerini ve hafif binaları teşvik etmektedir. Hafif binaların en büyük dezavantajı ise düşük termal kütleleridir. Son yıllarda hafif binaların termal kütlelerini artırarak enerji tasarrufu sağlayan ve enerjiyi termal kütlede gizli ısı olarak depolayan faz değiştiren malzemeler (FDM), bir alternatif olarak büyük ilgi görmekte ve binaların enerji yüklerini azaltabileceği yönünde önemli görüşlere yer verilmektedir. Bu çalışmada amaç bina kabuğunda dış duvar konstrüksiyonlarında FDM kullanımı ile ne oranda enerji yüklerinde bir iyileştirme sağlanabileceğinin tespit edilmesidir. Bu bağlamda, bu çalışma iki aşamadan oluşturulmuştur. İlk aşamada literatür araştırması ile faz değiştiren malzemelerin binada kullanım yerleri, çeşitleri, birleştirme teknikleri ve kullanılan simülasyon programları başlıklarında veriler elde edilmiştir. İkinci aşamada literatür araştırmasında elde edilen veriler doğrultusunda FDM’nin referans duvar konstrüksiyonlarının iç yüzeyine hava boşluğu bırakılarak uygulanmasına karar verilmiştir. Bu amaçla 21 ve 23 0C’lik erime noktasına sahip BioPCM'ler, 24, 36, 48 ve 60 mm'lik kalınlıklarda kullanılarak 15, 25, 35 ve 45 mm'lik hava boşluklarına sahip duvar konstrüksiyonlarının iç yüzeyine uygulanmıştır. Oluşturulan duvar konstrüksiyonlarına ait senaryolar ılıman-nemli iklime sahip Trabzon ili iklim verileri kullanılarak Design Builder simülasyon programı ile varsayımsal olarak tasarlanmış tek katlı 150 m2 taban alanına sahip bir konutun dış duvar konstrüksiyonlarında kullanılmıştır. Senaryoların yıllık toplam ısıtma-soğutma enerji yükleri hesaplanmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda, FDM kullanımı ile geliştirilen havalandırmalı duvar konstrüksiyonlarının bina enerji yüklerinde %2 ile %6 arasında iyileştirme sağlayabileceği ve en önemlisi FDM’lerin her iklim koşulunda bina kabuğunda kullanıma uygun, düşük maliyetli ve sürdürülebilir bir malzeme olarak geliştirilmesinin büyük önem arz ettiği belirlenmiştir