654 research outputs found

    Stable two--brane models with bulk tachyon matter

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    We explore the possibility of constructing stable, warped two--brane models which solve the hierarchy problem, with a bulk non--canonical scalar field (tachyon matter) as the source term in the action. Among our examples are two models--one with a warp factor (denoted as e−2f(σ)e^{-2f(\sigma)}) which differs from that of the standard Randall--Sundrum by the addition of a quadratic piece in the f(σ)f(\sigma) and another, where the warping is super-exponential. We investigate the issue of resolution of hierarchy and perform a stability analysis by obtaining the effective inter-brane potentials, in each case. Our analysis reveals that there does exist stable values of the modulus consistent with hierarchy resolution in both the models. Thus, these models, in which the bulk scalar field generates the geometry and also ensures stability, provide viable alternatives to the standard Randall--Sundrum two-brane scenario.Comment: Final version published in Int. Jr. Mod. Phys

    Universal near-horizon conformal structure and black hole entropy

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    It is shown that a massless scalar probe reveals a universal near-horizon conformal structure for a wide class of black holes, including the BTZ. The central charge of the corresponding Virasoro algebra contains information about the black hole. With a suitable quantization condition on the central charge, the CFT associated with the black hole in our approach is consistent with the recent observation of Witten, where the dual theory for the BTZ in the AdS/CFT framework has been identified with the construction of Frenkel, Lepowsky and Meurman. This CFT admits the Fischer-Griess monster group as its symmetry. The logarithm of the dimension of a specific representation of the monster group has been identified by Witten as the entropy of the BTZ black hole. Our algebraic approach shows that a wide class of black holes share the same near-horizon conformal structure as that for the BTZ. With a suitable quantization condition, the CFT's for all these black holes in our formalism can be identified with the FLM model, although not through the AdS/CFT correspondence. The corresponding entropy for the BTZ provides a lower bound for the entropy of this entire class of black holes.Comment: References updated, text rearrange

    The ischaemic constellation: an alternative to the ischaemic cascade—implications for the validation of new ischaemic tests

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    The ischaemic cascade is the concept that progressive myocardial oxygen supply–demand mismatch causes a consistent sequence of events, starting with metabolic alterations and followed sequentially by myocardial perfusion abnormalities, wall motion abnormalities, ECG changes, and angina. This concept would suggest that investigations that detect expressions of ischaemia earlier in the cascade should be more sensitive tests of ischaemia than those that detect expressions appearing later in the cascade. However, careful review of the studies on which the ischaemic cascade is based suggests that the ischaemic cascade concept may be less well supported by the literature than assumed. In this review we explore this, discuss an alternative method for conceptualising ischaemia, and discuss the potential implications of this new approach to clinical studies and clinical practice

    Cosmic optical activity from an inhomogeneous Kalb-Ramond field

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    The effects of introducing a harmonic spatial inhomogeneity into the Kalb-Ramond field, interacting with the Maxwell field according to a `string-inspired' proposal made in earlier work are investigated. We examine in particular the effects on the polarization of synchrotron radiation from cosmologically distant (i.e. of redshift greater than 2) galaxies, as well as the relation between the electric and magnetic components of the radiation field. The rotation of the polarization plane of linearly polarized radiation is seen to acquire an additional contribution proportional to the square of the frequency of the dual Kalb-Ramond axion wave, assuming that it is far smaller compared to the frequency of the radiation field.Comment: 9 pages, Revtex, no figure

    Estimating phase transition of perturbed J1-J2 Heisenberg quantum chain in mixtures of ground and first excited states

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    We show that the nearest neighbour entanglement in a mixture of ground and first excited states - the subjacent state - of the J1-J2 Heisenberg quantum spin chain can be used as an order parameter to detect the phase transition of the chain from a gapless spin fluid to a gapped dimer phase. We study the effectiveness of the order parameter for varying relative mixing probabilities between the ground and first excited states in the subjacent state for different system sizes, and extrapolate the results to the thermodynamic limit. We observe that the nearest neighbour concurrence can play a role of a good order parameter even if the system is in the ground state, but with a small probability of leaking into the first excited state. Moreover, we apply the order parameter of the subjacent state to investigate the response to introduction of anisotropy and of glassy disorder on the phase diagram of the model, and analyse the corresponding finite-size scale exponents and the emergent tricritical point.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Scale Factor Duality and the Energy Condition Inequalities

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    We demonstrate, by a simple analysis, that cosmological line elements related by scale factor duality also exhibit a duality with respect to the conservation/violation of the Weak Energy Condition (WEC) by the matter that acts as the source in the one-loop beta function equations for the metric coupling written explicitly in the form of the Einstein equations. Furthermore, a study of specific pairs of line elements (obtained via O(d,d) transformations) hints at a possible generalisation of the above duality w.r.t. WEC for the case of O(d,d) related spacetimes. Consequences and extensions thereof are also pointed out.Comment: 16 pages, RevTex, no figure

    Kerr-type nonlinear baths enhance cooling in quantum refrigerators

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    We study the self-contained three-qubit quantum refrigerator, with a three-body interaction enabling cooling of the target qubit, in presence of baths composed of anharmonic quantum oscillators with Kerr-type nonlinearity. We show that such baths, locally connected to the three qubits, opens up the opportunity to implement superior steady-state cooling compared to using harmonic oscillator baths, aiding in access to the free energy required for empowering the refrigerator function autonomously. We find that in spite of providing significant primacy in steady-state cooling, such anharmonic baths do not impart much edge over using harmonic oscillator baths if one targets transient cooling. However, we gain access to steady-state cooling in the parameter region where only transient cooling could be achieved by using harmonic baths. Subsequently, we also study the scaling of steady-state cooling advantage and the minimum attainable temperature for varying levels of anharmonicity present in the bath oscillators. Finally, we analyse heat currents and coefficients of performance of quantum refrigerators using bath modes involving Kerr-type nonlinearity, and present a comparison with the case of using bosonic baths made of simple harmonic oscillators. On the way, we derive the decay rates in the Gorini-Kossakowski-Sudarshan-Lindblad quantum master equation for Kerr-type anharmonic oscillator baths.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    A novel braneworld model with a bulk scalar field

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    We consider a new braneworld model with a bulk scalar field coupled to gravity. The bulk scalar action is inspired by the proposed low energy effective action around the tachyon vacuum. A class of warped geometries representing solutions of this Einstein-scalar system for a specific scalar potential is found. The geometry is non singular with a decaying warp factor and a negative Ricci curvature. The solution of the hierarchy problem is obtained using this type of warping. Though qualitatively similar to the usual Randall--Sundrum I model there are interesting quantitative differences. Additionally, in the RS-II set up the graviton zero mode as well as spin half massless fermions are found to be localised on the brane.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, replaced with corrections in the solution of hierarchy proble
