123 research outputs found

    Characterization of Single SAW Velocities of Ti–6Al–4V Alloy as a Function of Porosity by SAM Simulation for Applications

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    Rayleigh wave modes depend on porosity of Ti–6Al–4V alloy with porosities between 60–75%. It is very important in many applications and understanding of bonding arrangements at propagating surface acoustic-wave velocities. These velocities are deduced from the analysis of the topped acoustic signatures’ curves obtained by recording the output signal VV. We used simulation of acoustic microscopy to measure Rayleigh velocities. The acoustic parameters were determined as follow: longitudinal (VL), transverse (VT), and Rayleigh (VR) velocities from 1139 ms⁻¹ to 285 ms⁻¹, from 87 ms⁻¹ to 143 ms⁻¹, and from 562 ms⁻¹ to 136 ms⁻¹, respectively, for porosity from 60% to 75%.Режимы волн Рэлея зависят от пористости сплава Ti–6Al–4V, которая составляет 60–75%. Это очень важно для многих приложений и понимания связующих устройств при распространении поверхностных акустических волн. Скорости определялись с помощью анализа усечённых кривых акустических характеристик, полученных путём регистрации выходного сигнала VV. Моделированием поверхностных акустических волн измерялись скорости Рэлея. Определены акустические параметры: продольные (VL), поперечные (VT) скорости и скорость Рэлея (VR) — от 1139 мс⁻¹ до 285 мс⁻¹, от 87 мс⁻¹ до 143 мс⁻¹ и от 562 мс⁻¹ до 136 мс⁻¹ соответственно (при пористости от 60% до 75%).Режими Релейових хвиль залежать від пористости стопу Ti–6Al–4V, яка становить 60–75%. Це дуже важливо для багатьох застосувань і розуміння сполучних пристроїв при поширенні поверхневих акустичних хвиль. Швидкості визначалися за допомогою аналізи усічених кривих акустичних характеристик, одержаних шляхом реєстрації вихідного сиґналу VV. Моделюванням поверхневих акустичних хвиль вимірювалися Релейові швидкості. Визначено акустичні параметри: поздовжні (VL), поперечні (VT) швидкості та швидкість Релея (VR) — від 1139 мс⁻¹ до 285 мс⁻¹, від 87 мс⁻¹ до 143 мс⁻¹ та від 562 мс⁻¹ до 136 мс⁻¹ відповідно (при пористості від 60% до 75%)

    Influence of Boron Adding on the Acoustic Materials Signature Curves for Computing of Surface Acoustic Wave Velocities of Ti64 Alloys

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    The effect of Boron admixture with five different concentrations x = 0.0, 0.04, 0.09, 0.30 and 0.55% wt. B on elastic properties of Ti–6Al–4V alloy is investigated. The values of velocities of propagating surface acoustic wave as well as bulk wave for additional structures are deduced. As found, with the increasing of Boron content in Ti–6Al–4V alloy, its acoustic material signature (Young’s modulus E, shear modulus G, bulk modulus B), longitudinal velocities, and shear velocities increase from 113 to 126 GPa, from 42.5 to 47.4 GPa, from 110.8 to 123.5 GPa, from 6148 to 6492 m/s, from 3097 to 3171 m/s, respectively. Using angular spectrum model, we calculate the reflectance function and the acoustic materials signature of Ti–6Al–4V–xB, which show an oscillatory behaviour. The spectral treatment of these signatures provides the exact definition of Rayleigh wave velocity.Исследовано влияние примеси бора при пяти значениях концентрации x = 0,0, 0,04, 0,09, 0,30 и 0,55% масс. B на упругие свойства сплава Ti–6Al–4V. Определены значения скоростей распространяющейся поверхностной акустической волны, а также объёмной акустической волны для дополнительных структур. Установлено, что при увеличении содержания бора в сплаве Ti–6Al–4V акустические характеристики материала (модуль Юнга E, модуль сдвига G, объёмный модуль B), продольные скорости и скорости сдвига увеличиваются от 113 до 126 ГПа, от 42,5 до 47,4 ГПа, от 110,8 до 123,5 ГПа, от 6148 до 6492 м/с, от 3097 до 3171 м/с соответственно. С использованием модели углового спектра вычислены функция отражения и акустические характеристики материала Ti–6Al–4V–xB, которые проявляют осциллирующее поведение. Спектральная обработка этих характеристик позволяет точно определить скорость волны Рэлея.Досліджено вплив домішки Бору за п’ятьох значень концентрації x = 0,0, 0,04, 0,09, 0,30 та 0,55% мас. B на пружні властивості стопу Ti–6Al–4V. Визначено значення швидкостей поширюваної поверхневої акустичної хвилі, а також об’ємної акустичної хвилі для додаткових структур. Встановлено, що при збільшенні вмісту Бору в стопі Ti–6Al–4V акустичні характеристики матеріялу (модуль Юнґа E, модуль зсуву G, об’ємний модуль B), поздовжні швидкості та швидкості зсуву збільшуються від 113 до 126 ГПа, від 42,5 до 47,4 ГПа, від 110,8 до 123,5 ГПа, від 6148 до 6492 м/с, від 3097 до 3171 м/с відповідно. З використанням моделю кутового спектру розраховано функцію відбивання й акустичні характеристики матеріялу Ti–6Al–4V–xB, які проявляють осцилівну поведінку. Спектральна обробка цих характеристик забезпечує можливість точного визначення швидкости Релейової хвилі

    A Biochemical Genomics Screen for Substrates of Ste20p Kinase Enables the In Silico Prediction of Novel Substrates

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    The Ste20/PAK family is involved in many cellular processes, including the regulation of actin-based cytoskeletal dynamics and the activation of MAPK signaling pathways. Despite its numerous roles, few of its substrates have been identified. To better characterize the roles of the yeast Ste20p kinase, we developed an in vitro biochemical genomics screen to identify its substrates. When applied to 539 purified yeast proteins, the screen reported 14 targets of Ste20p phosphorylation. We used the data resulting from our screen to build an in silico predictor to identify Ste20p substrates on a proteome-wide basis. Since kinase-substrate specificity is often mediated by additional binding events at sites distal to the phosphorylation site, the predictor uses the presence/absence of multiple sequence motifs to evaluate potential substrates. Statistical validation estimates a threefold improvement in substrate recovery over random predictions, despite the lack of a single dominant motif that can characterize Ste20p phosphorylation. The set of predicted substrates significantly overrepresents elements of the genetic and physical interaction networks surrounding Ste20p, suggesting that some of the predicted substrates are in vivo targets. We validated this combined experimental and computational approach for identifying kinase substrates by confirming the in vitro phosphorylation of polarisome components Bni1p and Bud6p, thus suggesting a mechanism by which Ste20p effects polarized growth

    Understanding behaviour change in context: examining the role of midstream social marketing programmes

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    This research examines how midstream social marketing programmes that adopt a relational and community-based approach create opportunities for individuals to make incremental changes to health behaviour. Specifically, it applies Bourdieusian theory to explore how interactions between community healthcare workers (CHWs) and members of the public generate impetus for change and foster individual agency for improved health. Qualitative interviews were carried out with members of the public and CHWs engaged in a Smokefree homes and cars initiative. The findings suggest that although CHWs are challenged by resource constraints, their practices in working with individuals and families build trust and enable dialogue that bridges smoking-related health insight with home logics. These interactions can promote individual agency with a transformative effect through small changes to smoking-related dispositions, norms and practices. However, tensions with the habitus of other household members and other capital deficits can inhibit progress towards embedding new practices. The study concludes that interventions built upon community relationships show potential for addressing limitations of information-focused campaigns but there is a need to also respond to key social structures relating to the field of action for new health dispositions to become embedded in practice

    COLT-Cancer: functional genetic screening resource for essential genes in human cancer cell lines

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    Genome-wide pooled shRNA screens enable global identification of the genes essential for cancer cell survival and proliferation and provide a ‘functional genetic’ map of human cancer to complement genomic studies. Using a lentiviral shRNA library targeting approximately 16 000 human genes and a newly developed scoring approach, we identified essential gene profiles in more than 70 breast, pancreatic and ovarian cancer cell lines. We developed a web-accessible database system for capturing information from each step in our standardized screening pipeline and a gene-centric search tool for exploring shRNA activities within a given cell line or across multiple cell lines. The database consists of a laboratory information and management system for tracking each step of a pooled shRNA screen as well as a web interface for querying and visualization of shRNA and gene-level performance across multiple cancer cell lines. COLT-Cancer Version 1.0 is currently accessible at http://colt.ccbr.utoronto.ca/cancer

    Outdoor thermal comfort optimization through vegetation parameterization : species and tree layout

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    The optimization of outdoor thermal comfort has become the keystone to guarantee the healthy and comfortable use of outdoor spaces. This study aims to optimize the outdoor thermal comfort through vegetation parameterization in a boulevard located in Guelma city, Algeria during summertime. However, two main parameters were investigated, species and tree layout, through a numerical simulation. We first collected microclimate data of a sunny summer day. Second, we used real microclimate data in different simulations using the Envi-met atmospheric model. The findings reveal that Ficus Nitida is the most significant species to intercept solar radiation and provide shade over the day in Souidani Boudjemaa Boulevard, with a maximum reduction of Ta = 0.3 °C and UTCI = 2.6 °C at 13:00 p.m. Tree layout is a determining parameter in the creation of shaded paths, based on the quality of the shadows cast by the trees, namely, their size. Thereby, planting the washingtonia palm trees along the center of the boulevard is the best option to maximize the shaded area within the boulevard, with maximum reduction of Ta = 1.8 °C and UTCI = 3.5 °C at 16:00 p.m.https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainabilityMechanical and Aeronautical Engineerin

    Citizen to Stay or Citizen to Go? Naturalization, Security, and Mobility of Migrants in Italy

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    https://doi.org/10.1080/15562948.2016.1208316We analyze the relation between naturalization, mobility, and security through 50 in-depth interviews with migrants of different origins living in two Italian regions. We show how migrants pursue naturalization both to protect themselves against bureaucracy and deportation and to move to a third country. The second migration is motivated by improving one's conditions, forced by the economic crisis, or completes the original migratory project once a strong passport is obtained. We argue that citizenship is not essentially linked to either stability or mobility and that mobility should be understood as neither exceptional nor always chosen

    Global data on earthworm abundance, biomass, diversity and corresponding environmental properties

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    14 p.Earthworms are an important soil taxon as ecosystem engineers, providing a variety of crucial ecosystem functions and services. Little is known about their diversity and distribution at large spatial scales, despite the availability of considerable amounts of local-scale data. Earthworm diversity data, obtained from the primary literature or provided directly by authors, were collated with information on site locations, including coordinates, habitat cover, and soil properties. Datasets were required, at a minimum, to include abundance or biomass of earthworms at a site. Where possible, site-level species lists were included, as well as the abundance and biomass of individual species and ecological groups. This global dataset contains 10,840 sites, with 184 species, from 60 countries and all continents except Antarctica. The data were obtained from 182 published articles, published between 1973 and 2017, and 17 unpublished datasets. Amalgamating data into a single global database will assist researchers in investigating and answering a wide variety of pressing questions, for example, jointly assessing aboveground and belowground biodiversity distributions and drivers of biodiversity change

    Myocardial tagging by Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance: evolution of techniques--pulse sequences, analysis algorithms, and applications

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    Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) tagging has been established as an essential technique for measuring regional myocardial function. It allows quantification of local intramyocardial motion measures, e.g. strain and strain rate. The invention of CMR tagging came in the late eighties, where the technique allowed for the first time for visualizing transmural myocardial movement without having to implant physical markers. This new idea opened the door for a series of developments and improvements that continue up to the present time. Different tagging techniques are currently available that are more extensive, improved, and sophisticated than they were twenty years ago. Each of these techniques has different versions for improved resolution, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), scan time, anatomical coverage, three-dimensional capability, and image quality. The tagging techniques covered in this article can be broadly divided into two main categories: 1) Basic techniques, which include magnetization saturation, spatial modulation of magnetization (SPAMM), delay alternating with nutations for tailored excitation (DANTE), and complementary SPAMM (CSPAMM); and 2) Advanced techniques, which include harmonic phase (HARP), displacement encoding with stimulated echoes (DENSE), and strain encoding (SENC). Although most of these techniques were developed by separate groups and evolved from different backgrounds, they are in fact closely related to each other, and they can be interpreted from more than one perspective. Some of these techniques even followed parallel paths of developments, as illustrated in the article. As each technique has its own advantages, some efforts have been made to combine different techniques together for improved image quality or composite information acquisition. In this review, different developments in pulse sequences and related image processing techniques are described along with the necessities that led to their invention, which makes this article easy to read and the covered techniques easy to follow. Major studies that applied CMR tagging for studying myocardial mechanics are also summarized. Finally, the current article includes a plethora of ideas and techniques with over 300 references that motivate the reader to think about the future of CMR tagging